FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster Guide

Final Fantasy X 100% Achievement Guide for FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster

Final Fantasy X 100% Achievement Guide


It’s kinda rose-colored, right? First in the sea, then it spreads to the sky, then to the whole city. It gets brighter and brighter, ’till everything glows.

The Salvage Ship – Besaid

The Salvage Ship

Al Bhed Primer Vol. I (It can also be obtained in Bikanel Island if you miss it)

Speaking in Tongues
Find 1 Al Bhed Primer


Moon Crest (Beach)

Al Bhed Primer Vol. II

Besaid’s Cloister of Trials

Rod of Wisdom

Take the the Glyph Sphere from the door and place it to unlock the Destruction Sphere:

Now place the Destruction Sphere in here:

this will unlock the secret room which contains the Rod of Wisdom

After completing this trial you’ll get the following achievement:

The Right Thing (Storyline)
Clear the Besaid Cloister of Trials

Energy Blast Overdrive (Valefor)
Before leaving, head to the item shop and speak with the girl in there, she’ll tell you that her dog has found something

now head to the third of the eastern houses and speak with the dog to receive this Overdrive.

S.S. Liki – Kilika

S.S: Liki

Al Bhed Primer Vol. III (Power Room)


Al Bhed Primer Vol. IV (Tavern)

You’ll learn about Kimahri enemy abilities here as well as getting his second one “Seed Cannon” (first one is “Jump”, is his starting Overdrive)

Kilika’s Cloister of Trials

Red Armlet

Start placing the Glyph Sphere in the eastern wall of the big room (this step is required to continue this trial) and picking up the Destruction Sphere behind it.

now proceed in the puzzle until you clear the bottom eastern wall by removing the Kilika Sphere from it. replace it with the Destruction Sphere.

This will reveal the hidden treasure of this Cloister of Trials.

S.S. Winno (Ferry from Kilika to Luca)

Al Bhed Primer Vol. V (Bridge)

Note: Make sure to save before attempting this (It’s one time chance for now).

Examine the blitzball at the ship deck, there will be a brief scene.

Your objective will be to press the direction where the messages are coming from + accept button to confirm, if you’re fast enough you’ll get the Jecht shot and the following achievement:

Learn the Jecht shot

Luca – Mi’ihen Highroad


Al Bhed Primer Vol. VI (Basement B)

Al Bhed Primer Vol. VII (Theater)
All the way north from here.

Note: Winning or losing the Blitzball tournament doesn’t have any affect in the achievements (you can get them all later).

Mi’ihen Highroad

Note: I recommend bringing Kihmari in your party to get some new abilities.

Self-Destruct ability – Learned from Bomb

Fire Breath ability – Learned from Dual Horn


Al Bhed Primer Vol. VIII (Automatically given by Rin)

Al Bhed Primer Vol. IX (Newroad, North)

Mars Crest (Oldroad, South)

Mushroom Rock – Djose

Mushroom Rock

Al Bhed Primer Vol. X (Precipice, West side)

Djose Highroad

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XI (Halfway, hidden under a rock pillar)

Stone Breath ability – Learned from Basilisk

Djose’s Cloister of Trials

Magic Sphere

After completing the puzzle in the lower floor, you’ll reach a new room with 5 pedestals, push them to complete the trial (don’t go upstairs yet)

Instead of finishing it, take the elevator to the lower floor. You’ll find a new glyph in the west wall, touch it to reveal the Destruction Sphere

Take it back to the upper floor and place it in the pedestal, you can get now the hidden treasure of this Trial.

Moonflow – Guadosalam – Thunder Plains


Summoner’s Soul – Belgemine’s Challenge (South Side)
This is Belgemine’s second encounter. This time, you will have a total of three Aeons: Ixiom, Ifrit, and Valefor. You’ll be allowed to use both Ifrit and Valefor against her Ixiom. Win or lose, you will get the item in the end.

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XII (North Side)

After a short scene where you find Rikku and she decides to join you, the following achievement will unlock

All Together(Storyline)
All party members come together

Tip: I recommend start working on “A Talent for Acquisition: Steal successfully with Rikku 200 times” achievement as soon as possible, so this way you save some grind later.


Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIII (Far left house)

Thunder Plains

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIV (Agency)
Once you get to the Agency and regain control of your character, talk to Rikku. After some dialogue between the party, Rin will show up as well. Talk to Rin and he’ll give you the Primer.

Lightning Dancer
Dodge 200 lightning strikes and obtain the reward (Consecutively)

If you want to do this achievement right now, I recommend using no-encounters booster or wait until you get a piece of equipment that have this ability.

Head to this location:

Each time you approach to this crater a lightning will strike, having said that, you can easily manipulate this by going back and forth. using this method should be easy to get 200 dodges in a row.

Note: Make sure to count how many you have dodged cause there aren’t any way to keep track of this besides going to check the chest ouside the travel agency.


Dodge 5 – X-Potion x2
Dodge 10 – Mega-Potion x2
Dodge 20 – MP Sphere x2
Dodge 50 – Strength Sphere x3
Dodge 100 – HP Sphere x3
Dodge 150 – Megalixir x4
Dodge 200 – Venus Sigil (Achievement)

Macalania – Sanubia Desert


Aqua Breath ability – Learned from Chimera

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XV (Lake Road)

Jecht Sphere #1
Automatically received after defeating Spherimorph (Storyline).

Travel Agency

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVI (Outside)

Macalania’s Cloister of Trials

Luck Sphere

After you’ve finished restoring all three bridges, go all the way to the top and stand on the flashing glyph on the ground to reset the level. This will move the pedestal all the way up and will disable the last leg of the bridge.

Take the Macalania Glyph from the pedestal, then push that pedestal down. It’ll go down the ramp, then redirect once it touches the purple glyph. This purple glyph is activated by having the green glyph in the far left slot on the bottom floor. The pedestal will be stuck on the ice spike and contain a destructive sphere.

Place the Macalania sphere in your hand in the slot on the east wall of the middle floor. This will restore the spike. Take the Macalania Sphere on the center pillar and move it to the north wall to recreate the ramp. Step on the flashing glyph on the ground on the second floor to reset the pedestral on the middle floor. Take the destruction sphere from the pedestral.

Now, run down to the bottom floor and put the destruction sphere in the right slot on the north wall to reveal the chest and the Luck Sphere.

To solve the puzzle from this point, simply go backup. Take the west wall sphere and put it on the pedestral. Push the pedestral east into the ice spike. Then north down the ramp. Then follow it down the ramp and push it east to connect the east bridge. Go back up, take the basement ramp macalania sphere and put it on the center pillar to finish.

Sanubia Desert

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVII (Central) (Left most area, Empty building)

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVIII (Central) (Near exit area)

Mercury Crest (West)

Home – Bevelle


Note: Everything here is missable.

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIX (West from entrance)

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XX (Living Quarters)

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXI (Main Corridor, right side)


Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXII (Missable)

Bevelle’s Cloister of Trials

HP Sphere

This treasure is unmissable (Destruction Sphere)


Heartstrings (Storyline)
View the “Underwater Date” scene

Jecht Sphere #9 – To the right of the Save Sphere, entrance of the Woods.

Calm Lands – Cavern of the Stolen Fayth

Calm Lands

Bad Breath ability – Learned from Marboro

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXIII (Northwest corner of the area)

Aeon’s Soul – Belgemine’s Challenge
This is Belgemine’s third and last challenge. It’s exactly as the previous battles, only difference is that this time you’ll have to fight against Shiva. Winning or losing will get you the item.

Chocobo License
Pass all chocobo training

To start the training, you’ll need to find the Chocobo trainer (North west during your first visit), just complete all 4 training courses (including the race) in order to obtain this achievement.

Chocobo Rider
Win a race with a catcher chocobo with a total time of 0:0:0

This is one of the most challenging achievements as it is lucky-based mostly.

First, you’ll need to complete the Chocobo training to be able to ride them. Now with that you’ll need to challenge the trainer choosing her fourth course (the race) and win with a total time of 0:0:0.

For every balloon you get, 3 seconds will be subtracted of your final time while that for every bird you hit, 3 seconds will be added to your total.
The only tip I can give to you is to don’t try to go for the balloon closer to the trainer at the start or you’ll probably end behind him, losing all the upcoming ones (They’re 5).

Completing this challenge also grants the Sun Sigil.

Remiem Temple

Note: You need a chocobo to reach this location.

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXIV (West side of the temple)

Chocobo Master
Get 5 treasure chests during the Chocobo Race at Remiem Temple and win the race

During this race, you’ll ride a chocobo through a maze with treasure chests and colored poles. Each treasure will make your chocobo take a shortcut while the colored poles will prevent you from getting the original prize, turning them into a potion instead. (this doesn’t affect the achievement).

Your objetive is simple as getting to the finish mark at the bottom before your opponent. For the achievement you’ll have to do this while opening at least 5 of them (there are 6 in total)

Prizes are:

First time price: Cloudy Mirror (Required for Celestial Weapons)
1 Chest: Elixir
2 Chests: Megaelixir
3 Chests: Wings to Discovery x30
4 Chests: Pendulum x30
5 Chests: Three Stars x60

Check this map for an optimal route

Credits for the screenshot goes to Ultimania.

Cavern of the Stolen Fayth

Location: Before leaving Calm Lands, take the small path to the west of the second bridge.

Doom ability – Learned from Ghost

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXV

Yojimbo negotiation

Yojimbo will want to know how you will use his power, reply with the option “To defeat the most powerful enemies.”

After this, you’ll have to negotiate a price. He will start asking for 250.000 Gil, you can cut down this to 125.001. Now he will ask for 225.000, offer 112.502. Finally, he will ask for 202.500 (I recommend going for this, Is not a bad price considering how OP is this summon.)

Mt. Gagazet – Zanarkand

Mt. Gagazet

You can get any of the following abilities for Kihmari

Self-Destruct, Fire Breath, Stone Breath, Aqua Breath, Thrust Kick, Bad Breath, Doom, White Wind or Mighty Guard

But just 1 and randomly, so I’ll continue listing all the other sources (or at least 1 of each) to get all Kihmari abilities.

Jecht Sphere #10 (Braska’s Sphere) (Mountain’s Trail)

Note: Make sure to speak to Wantz in Mountain’s Trail if you want 4-slot weapons later.

Saturn Crest (Prominence)

Gagazet Cave

White Wind ability – Learned from Dark Flan

Mighty Guard ability – Learned from Behemoth

Zanarkand – Dome

Thrust Kick ability – Learned from YKT-11

Overcoming the Past (Storyline)
Defeat Yunalesca

Sun Crest – Run downstairs and upstairs until this chest appears.

After getting the Airship

Zanarkand’s Cloister of Trials

After getting the airship and returning here, you’ll find out that the screen displays only white squares now. Your objetive will be to activate all of them (in both rooms).

Once done, the Destruction Sphere will appear.

Place it to the right of the screen in the elevator room to unlock the last hidden treasure.

Airship Locations

Choose the Input option and insert the following passwords:

GODHAND – Unlocks Mushroom Rock
VICTORIOUS – Unlocks Besaid Ruins I
MURASAME – Unlocks Besaid Ruins II

Now use the Search Option and check the following coordinates:(Pointer is not precise so I’ll list an approximate)

X 12-14 Y 58-61 – Unlocks Baaj Temple

X 40-42 Y 57-59 – Unlocks Battle Site

X 30-32 Y 73-76 – Unlocks Besaid Falls

X 34-36 Y 56-58 – Unlocks Mi’ihen Ruins

X 71-73 Y 35-36 – Unlocks Omega Ruins

X 13-15 Y 42-44 – Unlocks Sanubia Sands

Anima and Magus Sisters

Baaj Temple

Now that you have all the “Destruction Sphere Treasures”, It’s a good time to go and get Anima.
Check the Airship locations section if you don’t where Baaj temple is.

Note: You’ll have to fight a boss before being able to enter the temple.

Once here, just go through the door to watch a scene and Anima will join your party afterwards.

Feel the Pain
Obtain Anima

Magus Sisters

This summon requires

  • Having all other original summons (Yojimbo and Anima not included)
  • Bestiary completed for Calm Lands and Mt.Gagazet (Check Arena section)
  • Beat all Belgemine Summons up to Bahamut in Remiem Temple

If the criteria is met, get closer to the door behind Belgemine and use both items (Blossom Crown and Flower Scepter)

This should unlock the following achievements:

Delta Attack!
Obtain Magus Sisters

Summon Master
Obtain all Aeons

Omega Ruins

Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXVI

Congratulations, you’ve just found every Al Bhed in the game

Master Linguist
Find all 26 Al Bhed Primers

Nova ability – Learned from Omega Weapon

Note: This is also the last enemy ability for Kimahri.

Learn to use all enemy abilities

Jecht Spheres

You should have #1, #9 and #10 by now, so I’ll just list the missing ones.

#2 Besaid Village – To the right of the temple.

Note: Dark Valefor will be blocking Besaid Village entrance, be prepared.
Note #2:This can be avoided if you backtrack here before going to Lake Macalania, though I don’t recommend doing this since you will have to defeat every Dark Aeon anyway.

#3 S.S. Liki (Ship from Besaid to Kilika) – Cabin

#4 Luca – Outside of the locker room on the right

#5 Mi’hen Highroad – Southernmost end of the Old Road.

#6. Mushroom Rock Road – Precipice , South of the big elevator.

Note: You have to enter through Djose side.

#7. Moon Flow – South Wharf , near Save Sphere.

#8. Thunder Plains – South, right side of this area.

The following achievement will unlock after watching them all:

Messenger from the Past
Obtain all Jecht Spheres

Celestial Weapons

Before being able to get any of the Celestial weapons, you’ll have to get the Cloudy Mirror (prize for winning Remiem Temple race) and turn it into a Celestial Mirror in Macalania Woods. Head there.

Once in Macalania woods, you’ll see a woman and his small son at the entrance. Speak to her and she will explain to you that her husband is missing.
From here, go two screens to the east and one north.

Her husband is the one on the right, speak to him and return to the entrance.

You’ll find out that their son is missing in the woods, take the sparkling road until you reach a T intersection and take the left pathway to find him.Speak with the son. You’ll have the option to use the cloudy mirror, select yes and after this small scene you’ll receive the Celestial mirror

Weapon Locations:

Tidus – Caladbolg
Location: Calm Lands, North.

You might find a lady blocking your path, don’t worry, just winning a Chocobo race will make she move.

Yuna – Nirvana
Location: Calm Lands, Arena.

You’ll receive this as a reward for completing the bestiary in Calm Lands.

Wakka – World Champion
Location: Luca – Bar

First you’ll need to win a few Blitzball matches (a tournament should be enough). after completing this step, head to the bar in Luca and speak to the bartender, she will hand you the celestial weapon after using the mirror.

Lulu – Onion Knight
Location: Baaj Temple – Underwater Hall , Southwest. (In the map)

This one is pretty hard to spot but easy to get, just press your action button while you’re in this position.

Kimahri – Spirit Lance
Location: Thunder Plains – South.

This weapon appears after you’ve prayed to all 3 Cactuar Stones. Two of them can be found in the south area,while the third one is in the northern half and its position constantly changes.

Once done, head to the south area, and interact (praying again)with the destroyed Thunder Tower.

After a short scene the Celestial Weapon will be yours.

Auron – Masamune
Location: Mushroom Rock

This is a two part quest. go to the area that leads to the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (Yojimbo’s lair) but don’t enter, instead head to the east and along the path, you’ll see a sword between two boulders, interact with it.

Now go to Mushroom Rock (enter from Djose highroad) and localize this area

Take the elevator up and search the statue of Lord Mihen, place here the Rusty Sword. When It is done a symbol will appear, use the Celestial Mirror on it to obtain this weapon.

Rikku – Godhand

Location: Mushroom Rock (accessed from the airship)

Put the code GODHAND to unlock this location.

The weapon is in a chest in the back area.


There’s not much to say about this dungeon besides that there isn’t a new game+ mode, so make sure to save your game before crossing the point of no return.

^ Point of no return.

The Destination of Hatred (Storyline)
Defeat Seymour Omnis

The Eternal Calm (Storyline)
Defeat Yu Yevon


Besaid – 1 of Each unlocks Stratoavis

Dingo – Waterfall
Condor – Waterfall
Water Flan – Waterfall

Kilika – 1 of Each Unlocks Malboro Menace

Dinonix – Forest
Killer Bee – Forest
Yellow Element – Forest
Ragora – Forest

Mi’ihen Highroad – 1 of Each unlocks Kottos

Mi’ihen Fang – Newroad
Ipiria – Newroad
Floating Eye – Oldroad
White Element – Newroad
Raldo – Newroad
Vouivre – Oldroad
Bomb – Newroad
Dual Horn – Newroad

Mushroom Rock Road – 1 of Each unlocks Couerlregina

Raptor – Valley
Gandarewa – Valley
Thunder Flan – Mi’ihen Oldroad
Red Element – Valley
Lamashtu – Valley
Funguar – Valley
Garuda – Valley

Djose Road – 1 of Each unlocks Jormungand

Garm – Anywhere
Simurgh – near Temple
Bite Bug – near Save Point
Snow Flan – Anywhere
Bunyip – Anywhere
Basilisk – Anywhere
Ochu – Moonflow – South Bank Road

Thunder Plains – 1 of Each unlocks Cactuar King

Melusine – South
Aerouge – South
Buer – North
Gold Element – Anywhere
Kusiraqqu – Anywhere
Larva – Anywhere
Iron Giant – North
Quactuar – Anywhere

Macalania – 1 of Each unlocks Espada

Snow Wolf – Agency
Iguion – Woods
Wasp – Woods
Evil Eye – Agency
Ice Flan – Agency
Blue Element – Woods
Murussu – Woods
Mafdet – Lake, Crevasse
Xiphos – Woods
Chimera – Woods

Bikanel – 1 of Each unlocks Abyss Worm

Sand Wolf – Anywhere
Alcyone – Anywhere
Mushusuu – West
Zu – Central, West, near structures
Sand Worm – Central, near structures
Cactuar – Anywhere (Rare)

You can also capture Cactuars while doing its sidequest, It can be started in the west area.

Location of every Cactuar:

Tomay: First screen, Oasis.
Rovivea: Second screen, East.
Chava: Fourth screen, West (West side, Interact with the signpost)
Alek & Aloja: Third screen, Central (Ruins)
Vachella: Second screen, Interact with the save sphere.
Robeya: Third screen, follow the ledge until you see an unopened chest.
Isrra: Fourth screen, you have to reenter (Running around in one of the Antlion pits)
Elio: First screen, Oasis (You’ll see a scene where Elio teleport up to the airship, board the airship and go up to the roof to catch him)
Flaile:This one starts automatically after placing the last sphere.

Mercury Sigil is your reward for completing this small sidequest.

Calm Lands – 1 of Each unlocks Chimerageist

Skoll – Anywhere
Nebiros – Anywhere
Flame Flan – Anywhere
Shred – Anywhere
Anacondaur – Anywhere
Ogre – Top left area
Coeurl – Anywhere
Chimera Brain – Top left area
Malboro – Top left area

Cavern of the Stolen Fayth – 1 of Each unlocks Don Tonberry

Yowie -Entrance – Cavern
Imp – Cavern
Dark Element – Cavern
Nidhogg – Cavern
Thorn – Cavern
Valaha – Cavern
Epaaj – Cavern
Ghost – Halfway
Tonberry – Near Chamber

Mt. Gagazet – 1 of Each Unlocks Catoblepas + Key Item: Blossom Crown

Bandersnatch – Mountain Trail
Ahriman – Cave
Dark Flan – Cave
Grenade – Mountain Trail
Grat – Mountain Trail
Grendel – Cave
Bashura – Cave
Mandragora – Cave
Behemoth – Cave
Splasher – Submerged Passage
Achelous – Submerged Passage
Maelspike – Submerged Passage

Inside Sin – 1 of Each unlocks Abaddon

Exoray – Anywhere
Wraith – City of Dying Dreams
Gemini A – Anywhere
Gemini B – Anywhere
Demonolith – City of Dying Dreams (Rare)
Great Malboro – City of Dying Dreams
Barbatos – City of Dying Dreams
Adamantoise – Anywhere
Behemoth King – Anywhere

Omega Dungeon – 1 of Each unlocks Vorban

Zaurus – Anywhere
Floating Death – Anywhere
Black Element – Anywhere
Halma – Anywhere
Puroboros – Anywhere
Spirit – Anywhere
Machea – Anywhere
Master Coeur – Anywhere
Master Tonberry – Anywhere
Varuna – Anywhere


Overcoming the Nemesis
Defeat Nemesis

This is the most powerful boss in the monster arena and probably the 2nd hardest Superboss in the game. To unlock this battle, you will have to capture ten (10) of every fiend in Spira as well as defeat all the other creations in the arena (Area Conquest, Species Conquest and Original)

Note: Capturing must be done in the specific area, you can’t recapture arena monsters.

If for some reason it doesn’t unlock for you, try reentering Calm Lands and speaking again to the store owner.

Dark Aeons

Dark Valefor
Location: Besaid Village / HP: 800,000

In front of Besaid Village, you’ll be ambushed as soon as you enter.

Dark Ifrit
Location: Bikanel Desert / HP: 1,400,000

Final area of Sanubia Desert, near one of the quicksand pits is a woman looking for her daughter.

Dark Ixion
Location: Thunder Plains (Two fights) / HP: 1,200,000

Northern half of Thunder Plains, there’s a man standing below one of the lightning rods. The second battle will show up as a ghost Ixion when a lightning strikes.

Dark Shiva
Location: Macalania Temple / HP: 1,100,000

Return to Macalania temple and speak with the Guado Summoner at the door.

Dark Bahamut
Location: Zanarkand / HP: 4,000,000

Same room where you fought Yunalesca.

Dark Anima
Location: Mt. Gagazet / HP: 8,000,000

Go to the cave atop Mt.Gagazet and redo the ball-throwing puzzle.

Dark Anima will be summoned at the entrance:

Dark Yojimbo
Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (5 consecutive fights) / HP: 1,600,000

After getting Yojimbo, return to the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth and enter the Fayth itself. You have to fight him 5 times in a row without leaving the cave or loading your save.

Go to the back of the cave to the teleport glyph. Then walk backwards for your first encounter:

On your way out, you’ll pass a save point. Then a fork. This encounter is at the second fork:

The third encounter is actually missable, do not skip this. Doing the fourth will make you have to restart:

The fourth encounter is right before the second room:

Finally, the fifth encounter is in the first room:

Dark Magus Sisters
Location: Mushroom Rock / Sandy HP:2,500,000 – Mindy HP:2,000,000 – Cindy HP: 2,500,000

Mushroom Road’s entrance, you’ll see a woman speaking with a child, get closer and they will start chasing you. The battle starts as soon as you get caught by any of them.
If you outrun them, you get to fight the sisters one by one (Highly recommended).

Location: Calm Lands (Selectable from Airship) / HP: 12,000,000 – Arm HP: 500,000

Defeat all the Dark Aeons and the option to fight him will be available on the destination selection screen on the airship.

Defeat Penance

Note: Either be end-game level with nearly max stats and high luck, or simply use Zanmato on all of these enemies.


Teamwork in FINAL FANTASY X !
Win a blitzball match in FINAL FANTASY X

I won’t get too much into “fielding the best team”, but I’ll give a few tips regarding a serviceable team.
Minimal Investment – This refers to those who only want the overdrives and possibly Sigil and could care less about Blitzball in itself. So this setup is made for low level, easy character access.

While having the airship is recommended, you can pick up all these players as you progress in the game but need to have reached the Calm Lands

Your Team:
LF: Tidus (Free Salary!)
RF: Wedge (Luca, guarding the arena)
MF: Brother (Airship Pilot)
LD: Naida (Calm Lands Shopkeeper)
RD: Ropp (Mi’ihen Highroad Travel Agency Inn Keeper)

All of these players are free agents and can be signed with no issues to start. Wedge isn’t really needed depending how you play. Brother is the most important piece of this, then I’d pick up at least either Naida or Ropp. Naida is good early game, Ropp is the best late game.

So, all you gotta do is, using Brother, swim around the entire sphere, lure ALL FIVE OPPONENTS WITH YOU around the sphere until you can get away with making a pass or shooting point blank without having defenders (or some if you can take them). That’ll make it insanely easy to score. Note: This will not work against the Guado Glories as Guados field the fastest players; however, their stats are lacking in several

Once you rinse and repeat this, Brother will severely outlevel and everyone and you can decimate people. I recommend leveling up Tidus as well only because he has access to Jecht Shot which is ridiculous in its nature. If you’re Tidus and you’re close range and there are 2 or less defenders, Jecht Shot will ignore both defenders. If you have no defenders, simply use Sphere Shot as it has a higher SHT potential and average.

I rather enjoy Blitzball and this is my usual end-game team:
LF: Tidus (You should probably pick Isken, but I tend to favor the main character)
RF: Larbeight
MF: Brother
LD: Nav Guado
RD: Ropp
G: Nimrook

Show Off!
Win a blitzball tournament

The forced tournament in Luca does not count for this achievement.

Blitzball Master
Unlock all slot reels

If you severely hate blitzball, then using the skill unlock parameters in the escape parameters will unlock all of the Overdrives for Wakka thus omitting you from grinding a lot of blitzball games.

Attack Reels: Reward from a Tournament
Status Reels: Reward from a League after obtaining Attack Reels
Auroch Reels: Reward from a Tournament after obtaining Status Reels and having won 450 battles with Wakka in the party.

See above on how you should play blitzball. I’m just here to show you how to expedite the process of getting the rewards you want.

Tournament rewards can be shuffled simply by revisiting the Blitzball Screen. Every five times you check the tournament, you get a new set of rewards or reactivate the tournament. So if you want a specific item, namely the overdrives, enter the screen four times after you get a new set of tournament rewards, save. Then reload it. If you don’t like it, reload the save and check again. Rinse and repeat until you get what you want.

League rewards are much harder to change. If you already had a league, then you won’t be able to reset it. It’s generated when you get the new league. So your best bet is to save when the league is at 9 games, win/lose the last game then reset it. You can forfeit the match by being down 1-0 so putting in a really bad player in your goal will expedite the process.

The other choice is to simply use the hard ‘reset data’ option. This will reset everyone’s level as well as their location. So that means, you’ll be back with your original Besaid Aurochs team. However, this makes generating new rewards really easy.

Sphere Grid Grinding

Sphere Master
Complete a Sphere Grid for one character

Perfect Sphere Master
Complete the Sphere Grids for all main characters

For starters, completing the sphere grid constitutes as opening every single key lock, filling in every single empty node with anything, then unlock the node. This does NOT require you to run over lines, or majority of lines for that matter. You just need every single node on the grid to be activated.

Now that that is settled, I’ll cover (basic) how to grind specific items and and customizations to make this more swift.

Step 1: Unlocking Don Tonberry
This method uses the Karma damage of Don Tonberry which deals 10 damage per enemies killed by that player, then once that player hits 1,000 kills, the damage escalates to 99,999 damage. The point of this is to generate massive Overdrive Points.

Step 2: Overdrive Modes
Whoever has the most kills should set their Overdrive Mode to ‘Stoic’. Then everyone else should have their Overdrive Mode on ‘Comrade’. That way, everytime the player gets hit by Karma for 99,999 damage, everyone gets a massive amount of Overdrive Points.

Step 3: Weapon
There are 3 abilities you need to customize.
1. Overdrive -> AP – 10x Doors of Tomorrow (Bribe Mech Scouter or Defeat Bomb King, 99 given when completing 6 areas for the arena)
2. Triple AP – 50x Wings of Discovery (Bribe Malboro or Defeat Shinryu, 30 given achieving the Chocobo Temple Chest Race achievement)
3. Triple Overdrive – 30x Winning Formula (Bribe Sand Worm or Defeat Ultima Buster, 99 given when you catch 1 of each Fiend)

Step 4: Armor
There are two important abilities for your armor for this, and you should stray away from having Break HP Limit. The more HP you have, the less points you get.
1. Auto-Haste – 80x Chocobo Wings (Bribe Machea, 99 given from completing Thunder Plains captures)
2. Auto-Phoenix – 20x Mega-Phoenix (Bribe Ghost)

Auto-Phoenix is required on the main attacker, but having it on all three will let you use Auto-Battle without worrying (minus rebuying Phoenix). Auto-Haste is only required on the main attacker.

Step 5: Sphere Levels
When fighting Don Tonberry, equip the weapon/armor with the abilities specified. Now when your main attacker attacks Don Tonberry, he’ll counter with Karma until he’s up close. This means you’ll continuously take 99,999 damage which will boost your Overdrive massively. But since you equipped the Overdrive to AP ability, the points will also give you AP. Then with Triple Overdrive and Triple AP, you can increase the amount of points by 9x.

Farming Generic Spheres
If you need Power, Mana, Speed, or Ability Spheres, then fighting Kottos in the Monster Arena is a quick way. He has 440,000 Health, and if you can deal over 15,000 Damage in a single hit, you can land an overkill to double drop rate. Depending which spheres you need, distill him for that type then kill him. If you don’t overkill, you’ll get 20 per fight. Overkills will result in 40 per fight. If you only get 1 or 2, that means a Dark Matter was suppose to drop instead.

Farming Fortune Spheres
Kill Earth Eater under Monster Arena’s Original Creation (1 per kill, 2 per overkill)

Farming Dark Matter: 99x Dark Matter is customized into the Ribbon ability which makes you immune to ALL status effects. Dark Aeons drops Ribbon armor. 60x Dark Matter is customized into the Break Damage Limit ability for weapons.

Farming Attribute Nodes
Note: They’re all in the Monster Arena.

HP – Ironclad
MP – Vidatu
Strength – Juggernaut
Defense – Tanket
Magic – Jumbo Flan
Magic Defense – One-Eye
Agility – Fenrir
Evasion – Pteryx
Accuracy – Hornet
Luck – Greater Sphere

Achievement Cleanup

Theater Enthusiast
Buy every sphere at the Luca Theater

This is only achievable once you reach the final dungeon of the game and it requires a total of 426,000 Gil.
Head to Luca and enter the theater, North path from the intersection.

Once here you’ll see two NPCs standing around, left one sells music spheres (2000 each) while the right one sells movie spheres (5000 each), there are 50 and 68 respectively. After buying them all, speak again to the left NPC, you’ll notice that he now sells 3 more music spheres for 40.000 Gil, buy them to unlock this achievement.

A Journey’s Catalyst
View “Eternal Calm”

This is achievable from the launcher. Just click on “Final Fantasy X Eternal Calm” (second option) and sit through this 15 minutes long video. The achievement should unlock as soon as it ends.

Power Strike
Do 9999 damage or more in a single attack

Self explanatory, you should have this by now.

Mega Strike
Deal 99999 damage with one attack

Same as above.

Under the Table
Spend 100,000 gil or more in bribes

This achievement can be earned in one or multiple bribes.
You can find this skill around the bottom right corner in the Standard Sphere Grid.

A Talent for Acquisition
Steal successfully with Rikku 200 times

This can also be done using the Mug ability as Rikku.

Obtain all available FINAL FANTASY X achievements