PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist Guide

100% Achievement Guide with Pictures for PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist

100% Achievement Guide with Pictures


There wasn’t a proper 100% guide that covered all achievements in a way I’d imagine a well done guide would, so I decided to try and create one by myself.I’m not a native English speaker therefore I’d appreciate every hint at mistakes I made.


In this guide achievements will be clustered in groups that put them in a logical relation, and presented in the following style:

Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Additional information if necessary.

A few words regarding when achievements are awarded:

In my experience achievements in this game aren’t awarded immediately but there are several triggers in the game that check if new achievements were earned and subsequently trigger the achievement popups.
These triggers are:

  • Completing any stage
  • Collecting a patch in any stage
  • Quitting to desktop

Several Examples:
1. I already collected more than 1000 Coins while being in a stage but I didn’t finish it and went back to the world map. I finally got the JUST BUY SOMETHING!!! achievement the next time I succesfully completed a stage.

2. When I bought Markiplier there wasn’t an achievement popup but I was awarded with the corresponding Markiplier joins the party! achievement when I quit the game.

3. I got the CHARGE!!! achievement not immediately after buying the last attack but when I collected a patch in one of the levels that I was still missing.


For reasons of clarity and comprehensibility I tried to piece together a complete world map of the game and number all the stages. So in the following guide all stage numbers are refering to this map.

For fast access to the map in full resolution you can use this link.


The following achievements are part of the story where it should be noted that defeating a boss on a higher difficulty level will also unlock the corresponding achievements for the lower difficulties.

Marzia joins the party!
Buy Marzia.
Contrary to the achievement description you don’t have to actually buy Marzia but you’ll trigger this achievement when you find her in the first pile of clothes in the first stage (Pewd’s House).

These are awarded for the completion of Stage 3: Jet Fighter.
Amateur Bro
Defeat General Barrel on Easy Mode.

Hasta la Vista, Barrel!
Defeat General Barrel on Hard Mode.

Defeat General Barrel on Bro Mode.

These are awarded for the completion of Stage 10: Generoll Barrel.
Snow Easy!
Defeat Snowbarrel on Easy Mode.

Do a Barrel Roll!
Defeat Snowbarrel on Hard Mode.

Snow Bro
Defeat Snowbarrel on Bro Mode.

These are awarded for the completion of Stage 18: The Headhunter
360 No Scope Slaughterer
Defeat Falcon Lover on Easy Mode.

Notice me Senpai!!
Defeat Falcon Lover on Hard Mode.

No Scope Bro
Defeat Falcon Lover on Bro Mode.

Share complicated love and affection with a male.

You’ll get this one after the completion of Stage 19: UFO Computer after this cutscene.

These are awarded for the completion of Stage 23: Final Showdown
Defeat Barrel King on Easy Mode.

Ground control to Major Tom
Defeat Barrel King on Hard Mode.

Alpha Bro
Defeat Barrel King on Bro Mode.

We love you guys!
Watch the credits after beating the game.
Watch the credits that start immediately after defeating Barrel King until the end. I wasn’t able to skip them anyways.

Beating All Levels

This isn’t technically part of the storyline but I found it most fitting to also put the following 3 achievements in this category. To unlock these you have to beat all 28 stages of the game, 23 that are part of the story plus 5 bonus levels whereof Stage 28: PewDiePie’s Paradise Island only becomes available after defeating Barrel King.

The Duck is Coming
Complete all levels on Easy Mode.

Duck, Stock and lots of Barrels
Complete all levels on Hard Mode.

All you need is Bro
Complete all levels on Bro Mode.

Pug Mode

After you defeated Barrel King in Stage 23: Final Showdown you get the ability to unlock the hardest difficulty: Pug Mode. It is unlocked individually for each level after you beat said level in Bro Mode.

The enemy placement and behavior is the same like in Bro Mode but in this mode you can only choose between Edgar and Maya as characters. They will have no companions and they will also have only 1 heart, so any hit will kill you instantly. Also they can’t use any of the Attacks or Defenses from Pants Menu. The only good thing about them is that they have only the size of a crouching human character, which results in a slightly smaller hitbox.

There isn’t that much to say about how to handle Pug Mode. Always play it safe, for boss fights memorize their patterns and all in all expect to die a lot.

Edgar and Maya are SO CUTE!
Complete 1 level on Pug Mode.

Defeat General Barrel on Pug Mode.
You defeated General Barrel on Pug Mode!

Defeat Snowbarrel on Pug Mode.

Defeat Falcon Lover on Pug Mode.

I’m a level 80 Paladin.
Defeat Barrel King on Pug Mode.

Complete all levels on Pug Mode.


Die for the first time.

This Game is Hard
Die 10 times.

This Game is REALLY Hard
Die 25 times.

Die 100 times.

These 4 are self-explaining and should all come naturally while playing the game. If you somehow manage to finish everything else in the game without reaching 100 deaths, you can still start any level and just die intentionally over and over. Alternatively you can start one of the autoscrollers like Stage 2: Highway Frenzy or Stage 7: Hurry Up! and do something else in the meantime.


Time to Spend some Money!
100 Brocoins in your pocket.

1000 Brocoins in your pocket.

IT’S OVER 9000!!!
9001 Brocoins in your pocket.

You get coins by collecting those lying around in the stages or those that are dropped by defeated enemies and Bonus Coins that are awarded after you completed a stage.

The Bonus System works the following way:
You get Bonus Brocoins depending on what level you just completed.
The Perfomance Bonus depends on the amount of time you got hit, with 25 being awarded for not being hit at all.
Companions Bonus is awarded for how many of your pugs survived the level. 20 for both, 10 for only one and 0 if none of the pugs made it to the end.
The Difficulty Multiplier is 1x for Easy, 2x for Hard, 4x for Bro and 6x for Pug Mode.

To amass the 9001 Brocoins you can either play the game normally and refrain from buying stuff from the pants menu. Or if you want to get the achievement out of the way sooner you can follow this guide and do some grinding.

Buying Characters and Abilities

Everything listed in this section has to be purchased from the Pants Menu that can be accessed from worldmap. Its symbol is located in the lower right of your screen and looks like this if you’re playing with an XBOX-Controller.


Characters will be available for purchase after you met them during the storyline. They all cost 500 coins with the exception of Duck who will cost you 2500 coins.
For Marzia see Section: Storyline.

Markiplier joins the party!
Buy Markiplier.
Markiplier will be available for purchase after completing Stage 03: Jet Fighter.

CinnamonToastKen joins the party!
Buy CinnamonToastKen.
CinnamonToastKen will be available for purchase after completing Stage 10: Generoll Barrel.

Jacksepticeye joins the party!
Buy Jacksepticeye.
Jacksepticeye will be available for purchase after completing Stage 12: Deep in the Mines.

Cryaotic joins the party!
Buy Cryaotic.
Cryaotic will be available for purchase after completing Stage 19: UFO Computer.

Duck joins the Party!
Buy Duck.
Duck will be available for purchase after collecting all 50 Patches in the regular 23 levels. For this see Section: Collecting Patches.


There are 8 Attacks and 6 Defenses purchasable in the Pants Menu. They become available while progressing through the storyline or when you buy characters.

Buy all Attacks.
All attacks cost a combined amount of 6750 coins and to make them all available you must have defeated Barrel King and purchased CinnamonToastKen, Jacksepticeye & Cryaotic. So in total this achievement will cost you 8250 coins.

Buy all Defenses.
All defenses cost a combined amount of 4150 coins and you must have progressed through the story up to Stage 19: UFO Computer. You also must have bought Markiplier to be able to purchase his Defense The Pink Stache. So in total this achievement will cost 4650 coins.

Including the characters that need to be purchased both achievements combined will cost a total amount of 12900 coins.

Collecting Patches

There are a total of 58 Patches in the game but only the 50 from the 23 storyline stages do count for the following achievements. Also these are required to unlock the Duck character, see Section: Buying Characters and Abilities.

Day 1 patch
Collect 10 patches.

Moar patches!
Collect 20 patches.

Patch Kid
Collect 30 patches.

The Collector
Collect 40 patches.

Gotta Patch’em All
Collect all 50 patches.

Patches can be found in piles of different things depending on the level’s theme. Most of them aren’t really well hidden and lie in plain sight. Some of them require bouncing off an enemy to reach higher spots or in some stages that seem to have no ground floor they are lying below the normal way for example in Stage 14: Nostalgia Clouds.
Here are 3 examples of what they can look like.

In the screen where you have to choose the difficulty, your character and abilities when selecting a level, you can also see in the lower left corner how many patches you’ve collected in this level. Refer to this if you’re missing any of the 50 patches.


Super Combo
Jump on 3 Enemy before touching the ground.

Awesome Combo
Jump on 5 Enemy before touching the ground.

Ultra Combo
Jump on 7 Enemy before touching the ground.

Note: the notation “3/5/7 Enemy” is from the official achievement description and not my fault.

These 3 should also be self-explanatory and can be done in any stage. They should be a little bit easier to pull off in hard mode than in easy mode, as there are generally more enemies.

If you want to get these achievements out of the way early and have trouble finding a good spot for the 7 enemies combo, on Stage 4: Nostalgia Skies in hard mode there is this spot with 7 Choppies (small flying barrels) and an endless supply of ducks coming in from the right.

Defeating Enemies

Total Enemies Defeated

Defeat your 1st enemy.

Defeat 10 enemies.

Killing me Softly with his Stomp
Defeat 100 enemies.

Counter Stuck at 301+
Defeat 301+ enemies.

The Expendables Apprentice
Defeat 1000 enemies.

The Widow Maker
Defeat 10,000 enemies.

Extinction is Emminent
Defeat 25,000 enemies.

Most of these should come by just playing the game. I took it relatively slow, going for all patches and replaying stages on harder difficulties and I ended up with 4,500 enemies defeated after completing the last stage for the first time. I received the last one for killing 25,000 enemies before I managed to complete all levels in pug mode, but a higher skilled player than me may require to do some grinding in the end.

Defeating Special Enemies

Kawaii Killer
Defeat a Unicorn.
This one can be achieved on Stage 3: Jet Fighter, the one that’s like a “Shoot ’em Up” and also the first boss fight. All you have to do is shoot it with your plane until it explodes.

This is it how it looks in the game. Notice that on easy mode it’s only this one wave of unicorns, in higher difficulty settings there are two waves of unicorns.

To defeat the following 3 Enemies you have to buy any of the available Attacks from the Pants Menu with Edgar Fart being obviously the cheapest costing only 150 Coins.

Jurassik Hunter
Defeat a T-Rex.
The T-Rex can be found at the very beginning of Stage 5: Abandoned Subway.

Myth Buster
Defeat a Yeti.
Yetis can be found for the first time on Stage 9: Yeti’s Mountain or during the Boss Fight in Stage 10: Generoll Barrel.

Conspiracy Eliminator
Defeat a Illuminati.
Illuminatis appear on Stage 9: Yeti’s Mountain. If you’re playing on Easy Mode you may need a bit of luck to meet one, because you have to deal with fewer waves of enemies in that case which lowers the probability.


Proud to be a Low Life
Finish a stage on your last heart with 0 companion.

I got that one by accident but if you want to actively go for it, I would suggest to play the first Stage: Pewd’s House on easy. There just play through it normally, collecting everything by searching the piles of clothes. The last pile is shown in the left picture and will contain the car keys. From there on you just have to walk to the right until you get close enough to the car (right picture) and the level will end. So just stand there on the ground floor and lure any enemy down there with you. Then just keep getting hit till you lose both pugs and have only one heart left and run to the car.