Hi! welcome to my first steam guide! this guide is all about secrets in BATIM and how to get them! (ive played the game 26 times so i think ik whats up) if you have any questions or comments hit me up!
Secrets to: Chapter One: Moving Pictures
There aren’t too many secrets here. HOWEVER, there are some secrets! after beating the game at its whole start a new game. As you may know, you’ll get something called the ”Seeing Tool” this tool helps you see hidden messages as described. If you use it as you enter chapter one at the beginning, turn to your right and put the tool over the Boris poster, you’ll see a message that says ”I’m sorry Buddy” This will come into play later in the game. If you go to the room where you see a dead Boris, use the seeing tool and look down at the floor, you’ll see a message that says ”She’s quite heartless” which is a reference to chapter 3. And as a little bonus, if you go down to the lounge room (where you can find the book Illusion of Living) you can play the dart throw game!
Secrets to: Chapter 2: The Old Song
This chapter luckily has more secrets in it. So in this chapter, again, you can use the Seeing Tool and find secrets. As you walk into the music department you can use it on the floor to your left and see the words ”OUCH!” written. Another secret i found was once you get down to Jack Fain or AKA The Swollen Searcher you can see two hidden messages saying ”i dont sing with psychos ” and ”whats that smell?” make sure to crush Jack, go back upstairs to the area where you first start. You will then see that an enemy that appears no where else in the game called ”The Miner Searcher” or AKA Jack’s forgotten brother. You can kill this searcher with either the axe or the same way you killed Jack. Once you get up to Sammy’s office, use the Seeing Tool yet again on the floor to your right and you will be greeted with a message that says ”You’re the creator you traitor” As in reference to the famous Bendy song ”Build our Machine” from DAgames. Speaking of which, if you use the radio right above the message, it will play the Build our machine song. One last secret is (you can also get an achievement for this) is that you can get all 9 Bendys’ on stage by just turning on the projector in the projector, and walking back to the music stage 9 times.
Secrets to: Chapter 3: Rise and Fall
WARNING: this chapter has A TON of secrets. So get ready 🙂 So at the beginning where you’re in the safe house with Boris, use your seeing tool on the picture that’s to the left of where the table is where Boris is. There is a message that says ”Feels just like home” which is a reference to the ”Dreams Come to Life” BATIM book written by Addriene Kress. This goes for the ”I’m sorry Buddy” messages too. Speaking of which, use the seeing tool on the floor in front of where Boris is sitting, there is a message that says ”I’m sorry Buddy” which goes back to chapter 1. Once you leave the safe house, quickly go back in (you can get an achievement for this) if you go back to the room where you started and grab the bone, you can give it to Boris. Once you leave the safe house, and enter the heavenly toys workshop with the toy machines, us your Seeing Tool over Jack Fain’s audio log and you can see a message that says ”Top of the morning” in reference to famous Youtuber ”Jacksepticeye” in the same room, you can see a boarded up area next to a ”Work hard work happy” poster. if you peek inside, you can see 3 levers. This will come in play in the future. Once you get to the part where Alice Angel tell you to do her errands so you can ascend and leave, look onto the floor with the Seeing tool and you can see a message saying ”Blah,blah,blah…” Once you are on the hunt for the items you need to collect and you have the ink syringe for the ”extra thick ink” go to level 11 and go through the door. You will then see different instruments lined against the wall. Play the instruments in this order: bass, drum, violin, piano, and drum. You will then get a secret message from Sammy saying ”we’ve all been waiting, but now..he will set…us..free” After you do this, stay in the same room and take the stairs up. Once you get to a certain part, if you look above you and see these boarded up planks, peek inside, and you can see the beta version of the Ink Machine. When you need to get the power cores as one of the errands, once you get to level P go through the door that’s next to the message ”I don’t want to work here anymore” go through the door to the left and turn to your left again and you will see a flooded stair way. Once you get near the end of the game, where you go to the depths, go to your left of the ramp/walk way and break these wooden boards with the gent pipe or secret axe, find a hidden valve around the corner and turn it. go back to level P and the stair way will be drained. Walk down and click on Henry’s secret file. For the lever challenge, go and retrieve Grant’s secret axe, and go back to the lever challenge i talked about earlier. Use the axe against the boards and use the first lever. the three lever have 1. a hoard of Searchers, 2. a hoard of Butcher Gang members, and 3. a giant Searcher boss.
Secrets to: Chapter 4: Colossal Wonders
So the first secret that i’ve came across in this chapter was when you enter the area where the hands come out at you, use your Seeing Tool on the box thats outside of the door. You will see a reference to the ”Heart Cube” from none other than the ”Portal” games -submitted by friend ”SammyTom” on Steam. After you exit this area head on your way to the area where you find the ”Lost Ones” (Ink covered humans) They are not hostile to you so just make your away around them. Once you head through the vents you can hear a banging noise. Once you follow the noise, you can make your way towards a Lost One banging its head on a wall. After this, make your way towards the amusement park AKA Bendy Land or Bendy Hell. After you come into contact with the Butcher Gang, come back to that same area after flipping AT LEAST 2 switches. Go back to the room where they were encountered, and you will see that there are more bacon soup cans. Grab all the cans and beat all the bosses in the chapter with them, and you will unlock a secret ”Horror Vision”. Another secret is when you’re fighting Bertrum Piedmont (Boss) and you click ”E” on one of the seats. you will then be able to sit on the carts! When you encounter the Projectionist and leave the are to go pull the final lever, go back to the area where the Projectionist was killed. Go back up the balcony and you will see a chest next to the lever that you have pulled. Open the chest and inside reveals a tab switcher for one of the ink makers. Grab that and head to the haunted house to continue. Once you have done that and have seen Brute Boris, go to the ink maker thats at the very top of where you entered. You can now switch the tab on the machine to a plunger and beat Brute Boris with it. Back where the Projectionist is, you can go on the balcony again and take a photo of yourself by looking directly at the camera while behind the cutout. (This will give you an achievement)
Secrets to: Chapter 5: The Last Reel
There are not too many ”Super secrets” in this chapter, but there are some interesting ones! The first one is when you use the seeing tool while at the ”Lost Harbor” and use it above the area where Sammy comes out and attacks you. The message says something along the lines of ”Once Human, now have turned into monsters” After you’ve beaten Sammy and the Lost Ones, fall down into the administrations offices, head over to the ”Today’s appointments” sign. There will be a few references here. 1, F. Fontaine’s name is a reference to the game ”Bioshock” and 2. There is a reference to ”That puppet Guy” which is a reference to TheMeatly AKA creator of the game. Another secret is where you can find the old ink machine at the VERY end of the game. You can get a glimpse at it. And the final secret i have found is the whole entire game pretty much drawn out on a drawing desc at the last part of the game. Thank you guys for reading my guide! rate it up! and have a nice day!