The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Guide

How to make a custom Character! for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

How to make a custom Character!


How to make a lua based character easliy

What you need!

First youre gonna need this base [link] Hutts is a good base thanks man!

Notepad ++ [link]

zbstudio [link]

you need to find the zerobrane folder and instsll this pack by placing it in the packs

GIMP or Paint.Net Your choice

Good Job got your stuff lets go!

(Op) Listen to some music

Loading And Edit!

Go open up Afterbirth + aka rebirth make sure hutts there in Who am I?

After that Go to Documents and to my games to where you will see afterbirth + mods open that and it will show CharcterHutts and other addons you use open the folder up to find a main.lua metadata.xml and a content also a resourse for now open resourse to find gfx open that and 2 folders named ui and charcters open characters. You will find a png called hutts hair open it up to edit it like i did then go into costumes and youll see a sprite sheet edit that too with hearts content my looks like this
go out to ui and open it 2 more folders with the names boss and stage will apper boss will hold 2 pngs the charater curled up and the name edit those
once done goto stage same thing only with the charcter edit that and will go to the content folder

Some Lua(ing) and More Edits

Ok So you did your sprites and should be good for now. there will be a folder named gfx and 2 xmls
players and coustume 2 gointo players with notepad++ and there will be a tonn of text not to much but DONT edit unless youre reading the opt. there will be a thing somewhere in the text “cards=”33”) go to this website and find a card or passive item and click it to find its id copy then replace 33 with the number you copied snd cards should be change to “items” then you should save and exit now go to gfx there will be 2 pngs and 3 ann2 if you dont know ann2 ill talk about them next section for now go edit the pngs overwirting the hutt ones and add some words for the item your starting of with Now there is death portait angain overtie hutts with who you want
Good! now going to rebirth should show this!
If not comment! Next is ANN2!!!!!

Ann2. and finshing

Ok So you want to edit the hearts and items ? ok so got to players . xml and if you look there will be a thing called hearts with 4 change it to 6 for 3 hearts or to 8 for 4 ok now go back to gfx check if you like it edit it how much you want but not too much when done you should be done Yay when done it should work just ssave and open it YAY Ps if you need help comment or friend me! subscribe to my chanel !