This will show players how to have a more fair and fun time in Multiplayer Basically, you need the Hans&Gret. It’s the best weapon in the game and many people have it. You will mostly be at a disadvantage without it. This guide is mostly for newer players. I will tell you how to obtain this weapon and ways to do it. Also the game and meta can change, so you can use the guide for any weapon.
Two Ways to get the Hans&Gret
The First, Easiest Way
I don’t like or approve of this way, but it’s to simply pay for it. Either through Dust or mostly Credits, you can just spend money. I don’t know how much it would cost, but I don’t recommend it.
The Second, Grindy Way
This is what I did. I grinded in game for about 30 hours and didn’t spend a penny. You first have to decide if 30 hours is worth it. This will take time, maybe even months. It’s not the worst grind, you just need patience.
You Should Know
You will NEED the Marauder Class to Obtain this Weapon
It costs Credits to get this class, so it will stall you from getting your Hans&Gret. It sucks but you have to do it. So just know that you need this class first
My Routine to Getting the Hans&Gret
How I Grinded and Obtained this Weapon
This is not fast, but a doable Method. You just need to play the game a little bit everyday you can. You will need Credits and Dust to unlock the weapon and a good free way of getting these currencies is doing Daily Quests. This is one of the only ways to make it in this game for free. The Daily Quests will want you to play Campaign and/or Multiplayer. The Campaign Quests are easy and what you want, you should be beating the Campaign anyway. However the Multiplayer Quests are harder, cause you don’t have the best weapon yet! This is the biggest struggle of all this. You either have to find a weapon you like and push through it, or partially ignore the Multiplayer Quests. This can make the process a lot longer. Once you get Credits and Dust, you will need to Assemble the Hans&Gret. With Credits, you can get Marauder Chests, try to wait until their half off. With Dust, you will need a lot. You need 30k Dust for every tier of 27 tiers, and the worst part is you can only get one tier a day 🙁 This is partially why this all takes so long. Even if you have all the resources, it will take a minimum of a month to get the Hans&Gret, unless you pay extra. You will also want to upgrade your Armor Suit to make the Hans&Gret stronger. But that’s pretty much everything you need to know.
This Method can also work for other weapons. The Grinder is a good, best next choice.
To sum this up
You get in the routine of doing daily quests, opening chests, getting rewards from playing Campaign and Multiplayer, and slowly but surely getting the Hans&Gret.
I Hope this Guide Helped!
I just wanted to help newer players get in the loop of this pay2win multiplayer. I’m sure I’m not the only one who didn’t want to spend on money on this game. I had trouble for a while and then just got into this casual, daily routine that I hope helps other players 🙂
New updates or patch notes can change the state of the game and balancing. From what I’ve heard, The Grinder is the best gun. But whatever is the best gun as your playing the game, this guide still mostly applies and I hope it still helps! Check out my review for more info!