How to unlock developer console for UNDEFEATED

How to unlock developer console


This guide will help you to unlock unreal engine developer console It can be used to make various graphical effects like changing FOV, Increasing view distance etc

Step 1: Downloading the console unlocker

1. Download the Developer console here


Step 2: Enabling the Console unlocker

1. Launch the game first

2. Go to the installed directory of the console

3. Open the Uuu Client

4. Click the select button in the process to inject to tab

5. Select the game’s process ( UNDEFEATED-Win64-Shipping )

6. Click inject DLL

7. Done. Press the tilde button (~) to toggle the console while ingame. Press it again to switch HUD. Press it again to turn it off

Step 3. Accessing the debug tools

1. Enter EnableCheats 1 to enable most of the commands

2. Enter toggledebugcamera to change into the flying camera. Type it again to return to normal.

3. In debug camera mode, scroll with the mousewheel up and down to change the flying speed

4. Type showdebug to show some debug text of your character position/camera position in the world. Type again to hide this text.

5. Pause the game without showing the menu by pressing NUMPAD 0

6. Pressing delete will toggle the hud/overlay elements… all of them… so be careful because this will also hide the escape menu.

7. You can change your FOV by pressing < or >. You can also set the numerical value for the FOV by typing fov (desired value). Example: fov 60. Type fov to return to the default FOV

8. A full list of commands can be found here
