Rake Guide

How to Break Rake (Fastest and Safest way to Kill the Rake!) for Rake

How to Break Rake (Fastest and Safest way to Kill the Rake!)


How to use the rake’s AI to your advantage. This simple trick can help you kill the rake in under a minute (once the traps are placed :))


Before you can break the rake you need to gather the necessary equipment to kill the rake. The only necessary gear are the bear traps.
This is the location of the bear traps.

Getting in position

After gathering the bear traps, go back to base camp.

The first thing you have to do is open up the door.

Next, go on top of your van using the ladder.

Then position yourself like this over the door.

Finally, walk on top of the door. The rake will not be able to recognize how to get here and will not be able to damage you unless you fall off of the door.

Killing the rake

Wait until it is night, or just get on top of the door after sleeping and turning it to night. Wait for the rake to notice you. Once it has noticed you it will run back and forth through the door underneath you. Toss the bear traps in his path and he will continously run through them until he dies.

How the rake looks when he is stuck in his endless chasing loop.

Congratulations! You killed the rake!

(This glitch was discovered in multiplayer. It has been tested and works perfectly in multiplayer. You an still try it in single player but it most likely will not work.)
