Guide for youtubers Life. Work in progressI’ve stopped updating the guide for the moment. I will check back during each update to see if they fixed the video making stuff.
This Guide is an actual Game guide. I will be updating as new updates are made.
Rev 0 Initial release Game Build 0.7.4
Rev 1 (5/24/16)Added new sections Game Build 0.7.5
Rev 2 (5/26/16)
Rev 3 (5/27/16) Game build 0.7.6
Rev 4 (5/30/16) Game Build 0.7.7
Rev 5 (6/5/16) Game Build 0.7.9 (beta)
Made update with new screenshots for Video Editing.
I Have stopped making updates to this guide for the moment. as of Build 0.7.12 I’ll continue when i think they got the video making issues ironed out better.
THIS WILL CHANGE GAMEPLAY. Please be patient. [/h1]
Gameplay basics
Tutorial gives basic instructions.
E= Rotate Right
W= moves screen up
S= Moves screen down
A= Moves Screen left
D= Moves screen right
Left mouse button = moves charater to current mouse pointer location
Right mouse button hold= moves screen
Middle mouse button hold= rotates screen
middle mouse button scroll= moves screen in and out
Left clicking on NPC will give you options. In this example below I already have a wife and have more options. As talk with the NPC’s you can increase your relationship status and give you more interaction options. however, if you ignore them you will lose your status with them.
The Door, Computers, Shelves, Refrigerator and bed are some of the objects that you can interact with by left clicking them.
Your Profile
In the game you can view your profile with the menu options in the top left corner.
Top is your profile that shows your stat levels, monthly income and ranking.
Next menu is your talents. You get a talent point every odd level.
You also have all your unlocked cards that are available.
Also you can click on the money and see your monthly expenses. Remember if fail to pay your monthly rent you lose.
Before you Start your Video
You need to ensure you have enough energy to be effective.
You’ll need rest
You’ll Need Food.
You need energy to make the best videos! During the Video making process there are cards that require energy to use. as you level up you will increase your energy cap and make better videos with better cards.
Video types
In this part I will discuss the different videos for gaming.
You will need to unlock this type with a talent point.To make these videos sucessfuly, you’ll need to make them within 3-4 days of release. otherwise you will take hits for it being too old for a 1st impression.
This is your only option to start the game. you can make gameplay videos anytime however, if you make too many (5 or more) people will get mad at you and unsubscribe. I’d say three gameplay videos is enough but you can get up to 4 gameplay videos (just not the same game back to back) Just make sure you watch the Interest level.
Three (3) gameplay videos is enough for you to be able to make a
without making people angry.
You will need to unlock this type with a talent point. Here you can produce review videos. Usually 2 gameplay videos can get you enough for a review video.
You will need to unlock this type with a talent point. Walkthrough videos need to be done after atleast 3 gameplay videos.
You will need to unlock this type with a talent point. Collab are pretty decent money makers and increase the interest in the video significatly. you can invite a friend over and make a collab video by left clicking on them and it will appear as an option if you have this unlocked.
You will need to unlock this type with a talent point.I have not created a successful Speed run. I’m working on firguring it out but what I can tell you can’t make this video too early. The game needs to be out atleast a few months it appears based on the negative comments I got. some of the negative comments didn’t make any sense. because they said I didn’t make a walkthough video even though there were 5 of them and they complained I was making too many…. sigh…… UPDATE: I did make a sucessful Speed run video. game does need to be out for well
Need to make 3 gameplays and 3 walkthroughs, when you finish the video check the interest level. if it’s low consider not publishing it. (just for fun I had one that was 0, only lost a couple hunderd subscribers. unlike the 1.2K i lost when the game was only a couple weeks old, even though I made 2 or 3 walkthroughs still says how can I make one without making a walkthrough…. really)
Gaming videos Setup
To make a video you can click on your computer and select make video and you will be directed to the shelf for your game.
Or you can click on your shelf to select a game to make a video.
First Drop down menu is for system. second is for game type (action, Adventure, etc…) then third is how many stars.
when you open the screen you will see all your games. You can scroll through the games by clicking on them or by clicking the blue arrows on the sides.
You will be given a choice for type of video to make. To Start your only option is gameplay. but you can unlock others as you grow.
Note: for first impression videos you need to make sure that the game is a new release or you won’t get many followers or money for it.
After you click start Video you will be brought to a computer setup.
This is where you Select which workstation that you or your collaborator will use and setup your equipment to record.
Your inital computer will only allow so much power so eventually you’ll need to upgrade. But be careful not spend all your money and miss your rent payments as then you will lose the game. (I haven’t done that yet. Just try your best to balance upgrading with making videos, partying and movie going.
You can adjust your video quailty and sound recording. Your computer power will affect your rendering when you get to that stage of the video making process. So it’s important when you have newer monitors and cameras to ensure your computer can handle it so that you and increase your video effects.
Currently the screenshots are from the 4th stage when I’m in a luxury apartment.
Making Gaming videos (Pre-Beta 0.7.10)
After you get through the computer setup. You will start making the gaming Video.
This seems to be random but mostly you will get a start, middle and ending. as you grow you will get cards. These cards are used for the video making progress.
In the above screenshot You will be given a video shot and three card options.
So which card to Select???? in the below screenshot you can see the video has a film symbol that corresponds to one of the cards below. Note: you will sometimes not have the correct corresponding card for the video. Which will play into the editing phase.
Cards have different aspects to them.
The Light bulb indcates the amount of power that will require. See Before making a video section (in progess)
If there is a Red figure in top left (policeman) then that’s a copyrighted material and will have a consquence with using it. If your in a network then this effect will be lessoned. If not then 100% of these will cause you to either pay a fine, delete the video or ignore and you won’t earn any money till you deal with it. They have added this same symbol to the video clip during editing phase for ease of editing it out so avoid copyright problems. Later in game copyright fines are not a big deal.
The card will have the card type symbol in the center. There are four types, intro, Transition, Body and Outro.
And stat increases.
Videos Stats
Your Goal is to increase your video stats
Editing your Video (pre-Beta 0.7.10)
I’ve been having some issues in this area because I want to use all the video clips.
But the clips don’t all fit together and you will get negative reviews when you don’t edit them
Editing clips together.
Each clip will have arrows that will either fit to the next clip. Your goal is to line them up. But if you have red arrows you will get negative reviews for your lack of editing skills. Also you should try to get a beginning, tranistion, body, transition and ending (outro). Then you should stop getting negative comments for editing. Not always possible if you don’t have the energy or get the correct cards.
This is also where you can leave clips out that are copyrighted if you want or those that doesn’t fit at all.
You can add effects to increase your video’s stats. this is where your computer rendering power comes into play.
Also take note of your rendering and upload times. (as you get better computers and upgrade to better homes your speeds will increase.
Once you process your Video you will get to the upload screen and you can see your stats to the video and decide to upload or not.
Cards (Beta 0.7.10)
in the top left menu, third tab you can click and see all your cards. You can activate them by clicking on them to add them to your deck.
Your deck can have a maximum 24 cards: (4) intros (8) Transition (8) body and (4) outro
If the card is greyed out, it is not active.
There are four Catergories of Cards.
Intro; Transition; Body; Outro.
Within each catergory of cards there are four emoticons.
This is the Card Breakdown.
Making Gaming Videos (Beta 0.7.10)
Beta 0.7.10 Makes some major changes to this and thus will make a new section.
Getting Screenshots together with the changes. please be patient.
After you get through the computer setup. You will start making the gaming Video.
Prior to Beta 0.7.10 you were given three random cards that you had to try to make use of.
Now you still are given three cards to choose from but instead of being of randomly all your cards, you can set up your deck of cards and choose from different emotions to go with the clip.
When making a video you will be given a Intro Clip, Transition clips, body clips and an Outro Clip.
If you have enough energy (light bulb) you should beable to use some of your better cards to reach max potential and still have enough energy to get all pieces of the clips to make a complete video. (at higher levels you can have a total of 12 clips to make) This is where resting and eating to get max energy will come into play in late game. early in game it’s not as big of a deal.
In the Below screenshot you can see the new icons.
In the below screenshot you can see the highlight items.
If it is correct you will see the emoticon flash to the center of the clip and you will be rewarded with bonus stats, if it’s not correct but not completely wrong you won’t get the sound or the emoticon jump to the center of the clip and the stats will match the cards used. If wrong a red X will appear over the emoticon and the stats will be reduced (not sure by how much but I got 0’s on a couple on low cards i played, will investigate further)
See new cards section (update in progress)
Editing your Video (Beta 0.7.10)
I’m tired will try to finish tomorrow.
BETA 0.7.10 Changes this section a little.
In-progress please be patient. collecting screenshots and editing for demostration.
After Upload
As your video uploads You will see the status on the right side of your screen. Based on how much rendering and content you have will affect how long this will take.
Once uploaded you will breifly see comments for the video and you can click and see random comments about your video. The more Thumbs up the more viewers and money you will earn. (also the amount of subscribers will affect your income.)
Some of the comments are hints as to what you’re doing right or wrong.
Your homes
To start the Game you’re Home with your Mom….. How sweet…
She will come to you and yell at you for not studying. While your rent is free, you need to get good grades or you’ll get grounded! how embarrassing!
Cost: Free
Internet Speed: 1Mbps
After your basic tutorial you’ll start earning money and in no time you can upgrade to a dorm. (don’t quote me I started to make this after I made it to the luxuary apartment.) Which will be $80 a month rent and you have a roomate. Who will just let himself in and borrow your games and computer….
Cost: $80/Month
No forced studying
Max Level:15
Number of Consoles: 4max
Number of workstations: 1
Internet speed: 4Mbps
When you hit level 15 you’ll stop earning experience… Why well you need to move to your own apartment. Which comes at a price of $320 a month, but you also get another computer station and the ability to hire a collaborator who you can have make videos to help you meet deadlines. (see orders section)
Also note if you hire a collaborator you will also inccur that cost as well added to your monthly rent.
Cost: $320/Month
Max Level: 25
Number of Workstations: 2
Number of Collaborators: 1
internet speed: 8Mbps
This is where you focus on joining the Number one network.
(straight from the developers) Note it will take a couple days after hiring your collaborator and getting the new workstation before this will become active.
Cost: $950/Month
Max Level: 40
Number of Workstations: 3
Number of Collaborators: 2
Internet speed: 16Mbps
Join the Number 1 network to gain access to this Home. (you don’t have to stay in that network)
Cost: $2500/Month
Number of Workstations: 4
Number of Collaborators: 3
Internet speed: 32Mbps
Reach Number 1 U-tuber to unlock this Home.
Cost: $6000/Month
Number of Workstations: 5
Number of Collaborators: 4
Internet speed: 64Mbps
Orders and offers
As you progress you will get offers to make videos from your friends or even gaming companies. Read them carerfully and make sure you have those gaming systems in order to be able to make the videos. Also pay attention to the type of video they are requesting.
If you have the money you can accept the order and purchase the system but remember rendering and upload times. These are good money makers.
You can see your current orders in the bottom left screen under orders tab.
The deadline is that day. so even though you are uploading the video on the day you will fail the task. This is where having a collaborator comes in handy. They can help you in a bind especially if you have other events to attend or don’t have the energy as time is of the essence.
You will also get offers to attend confrences for experience.
If you accept these will also appear under the orders tab.
Cell Phone
You will have a cell phone to keep up with your events, contacts, upcoming games, social media and your network.
Network: when you join a network you will have access to it. right now i’m not there but will update when I have more information.
Selfie: You can snap a selfie…. Yay! posts on your network
Announcements: Here you can find the newly release games. helpful if your working on First impresstion videos.
Contacts: Helpful to make sure you keep your relationships up. The more people who know you the more popular you become and more potential orders to come your way.
Upcoming events: See a movie you like? maybe an upcoming party? or gaming confrence? Buy your tickets and invite a friend… Maybe that girl or boy you’ve been eyeing….. First buy the ticket then you can invite someone to join you. These are good to make new friends and increase your popularity.
Shopping is important as everything you purchase is done online. So if you don’t have mutiple workstations… you’ll need to plan to order between uploads.
There are six websites you can go to order things.
Amazing on: your Game ordering headquarters.
IDEA: You know. furinture for your home… (early in game waste of money)
PC World: for upgrading your rig.
Super Food: for your food delivery
Clothing Shop: no Idea what this is for…….. oh yeah your wardrobe….
And finally,
ALLCONSOLES & Moblies: this is where you purchase your gaming consols, cell phones and tablets. Speaking of which I need to upgrade my cell phone……
Once you move to stage 3. (single Apartment) you can hire a collaborator.
This can be expensive. ( i think it needs to be balanced a little better). But if you want to make more videos to make more money, meet deadlines and have time to party or go to the movies with friends. Then hiring a collaborator is very helpful. (see relationships builder section ….in progress)
First you need to have the right relationship in order to hire a particular avatar as a collaborator.
Must be a friend. Green icon. ONLY. your GF or Wife can’t be……
When you have the right relationship when you left click on the NPC you will see the option to hire them. Before you Click hire. check their profile to see the cost. The lower their rating the cheaper they are. but when you use them they will gain experience and with that their cost goes up!.
To have them make a video simply left click on them. (under the top left menu you will see a small pic of them, if you click on that it will move the camera to their location.)
you will be given some options.
This will bring you to the same video selection screen and video setup. after that it’s all up to him to film and edit. the video will not automatically upload. you have to select them when they’re done to approve the video. How do you know they’re done??? The symbol in the screenshot below will appear above them.
Take Course: Will allow you to improve their stats. just like when you take courses.
It’s a good idea to Talk to them periodically or they may quit on you.
Once you unlock the Collaboration talent. you can invite your collaborator to make a collab video. Now at first it seemed a little bugged and I had an issue after we made the video my avatar didn’t go to make the video. So, I just click on the computer and I was able to continue the video and edit it. Not sure if this is a bug issue. but that’s how I was able to get the video produced.
Relationship Builder-Interviews-Vlogging
It’s easy to build a relationship with different avatars. but keeping them…. well that’s a different story…. I managed to get a wife pretty quickly in the game without too much trouble.
(I will add the different relationships status screenshots in the future)
You will be given many opportunities to meet many new characters in the game, whether that’s going to a party, Movies, gaming event or conference.
Very simple to increase your relationship level. (talk to them)
Left click on person and select talk. from zero to acquaintence is 3 talks. (2 will fill bar but the third will move to next level).
At Parties there will sometimes be a vendor where you complete a task and unlock an item, but it’s not free… it’s at a reduced price.
At movies, confrences or events you can preform interviews or Vlog.
For interviews click on the person you want to interview. (try to find someone who is ranked) left click and that option will appear. for interviews you will get four card options. (you will edit video when you get home)
to Vlog left click on your avatar and the option will appear. only 3 card options will be given per clip. (you will edit video when you get home)
As far as I can tell you can only do one video. if you try to do another interview or do a Vlog you will lose the previous interview or Vlog on that visit.
Your energy level will affect this video as well. so if you want to go to an event and do an interview. make sure you have enough energy. otherwise your video will suck.
You can work your relationship up to a point that you can date someone, you may get rejected and if you do just keep talking with them, get them gifts and go to parties and dance with them. eventually they will go out with you.
So eventually when you fill your dating bar you can propose. (if may appear sooner but you will probably get rejected). Keep buying gifts, talking and giving hugs and kisses. when they seem to keep crying when you kiss them, it’s probably about time to propose. NOTE: Make sure you have formal wear as you can’t have your wedding unless you do. something to think about before proposing.
:My wedding was pretty quick. if you look at your calendar it should show up on your upcoming events on the cell phone. You should automatically get dress and you will get married in a small ceremony. (which is nothing like in real life as I’m getting married soon myself and they skipped a milllion steps)
So you fired your collaborator and now they hate you and will always post a negative comment on your video…… but they won’t talk to you?? What do you do????
Well it’s actually very very simple.
You keep trying to talk to them. How?
use your cell phone under contacts and just keep trying to talk to them. you’ll get a pop-up a few times saying they don’t want to talk. but eventually. They will and you will chat online. After a little bit…. they will no longer hate you!!!! YAY!!!!
Channel Menu
You can check on the status of your chanel using the channel menu in the top right corner.
When you click on the Menu you’ll get a pop up menu with a bunch of new tabs to click through.
Here you can see a summary of your channel. How many views, subscribers and how much money you have made, copyright warnings, your best video and your network.
You can see a bar graph and pie charts of you views and subscribers. if you care,,,,,
You can see all your videos in this menu.
Here you can see where you rank among the U-tubers.
You can view all the networks and their requirements.
I’m still working on this as I just joined my first network…. but then got kicked at the end of the month….. didn’t have enough views for the month. I’ll get some screenshots to explain this part so that people can understand how to join a network. I think I know what I screwed up now after I was making the screenshots for this. It’s important to join a network at the beginning of the month to give you time to meet the goals. I failed to go to an exclusive event so I got kicked.
First, you must be in the Luxary Apartment before you can join a network. as it is your goal to join the Number 1 network in order to move to the next home.
There are different benefits with joining a network. You’ll get more access to viewers and thus more subscribers=> more money. also it will reduce your copyright infractions.
In order to stay in the network you must meet the monthly goal requirements.
To find a network to join click on your Channel menu (see section above).
The goal is to work up to the number one Network, but you can join the lower ones so that you can work build up your subscribers to reach the 1mil mark.
So I joined the Number one network, and well got kicked cause I couldn’t meet their demands. but the good news is that i was able to get to the Mansion which is all i needed the number one network for.
I’m still trying to figure out how to get more of the buisness cards and the VIP card so that I can stay in. However I’m finding it too hard with the speed level to beable to sucessfully remain in consistantly.
Note: Currently, if you don’t have the required goals for the network, you can leave it then rejoin at the beginning of the new month.
The buisness cards are offers the network will give you. Not sure what triggers them but i will update as a try different things to get them.
Update: I finally got a network Invite to an event and after I went to it I got the VIP card update… Yay! So confirmed, your network is the one to give you both…. just wish it wasn’t to hard to get them…
I’m getting tons of questions on this one, however. I haven’t been asked to do a “tag Video”. So I don’t know yet but as soon as I find out….. I’ll update!
Miscellaneous stuff (in progress)
Will be adding other small items to this section as I see issues from the forums.
When using your computer you will sometimes have to repair it.
After a while repairing the computer will not work and you MUST replace it. there should be an option to replace it when you left click on the computer.
If you take a course that’s called ‘Basic Computer Handling’ or something like that, you can repair your computer for free, without paying 20 bucks for a Mechanic. When the computer breaks down for the first time however, you HAVE to call the mechanic. There are another 2 levels in the course but I haven’t tested them to see what they do.
Click on Door and you can preform extra work. sometimes the job will be greyed-out. this is because you need more rest to complete the job.
When you complete the required goal, you may have to wait a day or two for the next part will be unlocked. (ingame days)
Talents (in-progress)
Majority of these are covered under Types of Videos but I will list them all again here. I had a busy weekend so i didn’t get to it. They are all pretty well described ingame however, Guest Star is misleading i think. I haven’t been able to invite someone to guest star in my video but i have been asked to guest star in one. Which made me lose subscribers… jerk…..