Youtubers Life Guide

How To Get Lots Of Money In Youtubers Life for Youtubers Life

How To Get Lots Of Money In Youtubers Life


This guide will teach you how to get lots of money and how to get all the upgrades and games you want in Youtubers Life

Starting Off

At the beginning of the game, your main priorty should not be to make money. Your main goal is to pass your test and be able to move out. Playing games won’t yield that much money if you don’t have a lot of subs.

The Basics

One of my biggest rules whenever I play is that I make sure that I always have a video uploading or getting views. If you don’t have a video getting views, that’s money you could be earning wasted. another rule is that make sure that you are ready for your test before you start double or triple uploading like Scarce.

After You Move Out

One of my rules for after I moved out is that I must always have enoough money to pay my rent. Your rent for your next Apartment is $80 a month. So, let’s say that you want a new case for your PC that’s $250. Make sure that you have at least $330. This gets especially tricky around the end of the month so what I do is after the 25th of the month, I make sure I have at least $160 to spare.