This is the ultimate Guide for all Ck3 achievements!!!Here you will find the biggest collection of achievements from this great Game. I will also ad the last ones that are missing so lets have fun with it!!
The Easy Ones
= Simply create an own ruler but he has to be unmarried. Click on yourself find a wife and send her a proposal. Thats it!
= King Louis II of Italy in 867 offers the best start both because of the level of devotion and because Catholicism has the slowest Fervor growth. Then get the skill Prohet in the learning tree wich lets you create a faith ceaper. Now wait until you get enough religion points and than create the faith in the religion menu.
= You have to start a murder scheme against your wife. Use the Intrigue lifestyle to get a higher chance and call agents to help you.
= Start as Jarl Björn of Uppland in 867. With him you can can immediately reach the highest possible Stress level by starting 10 Murder Schemes and directly cancel them, because he is honest.
= This one is one of the easiest! Just start the game with any charakter and reset your lifestyle points and thats it.
= Start as Duke Nuno of Portugal in 1066 a Vassal of Galicia. Then you have to skill Meritocracy in the Stewardship lifestyle. Now start a claim throne scheme on your King and Liege. Just wait until you get the claim!
= Start with Urraca in Zamora as a Vasall of King Leon who is located in Spain, because she is already his lover. Select his wife and start a murder scheme with the Intrigue lifestyle.
= In 1066 Duke Leofwine Godwineson of Kent wich is located in England can immediately create a Cadet Branch. Go on your Dynasty Menu and select it.
= You can use the Ruler Designer to create a player with 9 children already. Now wait until your wife gets pregnant. You can also create a charakter with fercility traits without childrens if the way above dont work.
= In 1066 King Harold II Godwineson of England starts with a Strong Hook on a Vassal. Now you only have to use it.
= In 867 Jarl Rurik Rurikid of Novgorod starts with the land and gold required to create the Kingdom of Novgorod. Now you only have to create it.
Medium Rare Difficulty
= In 867 Maharaja Bhoja of Pratihara who is located in India starts in control of 6/7 Holy Citys. You only need to create a claim on the region Kanchipuram in the south of India. Win the war and its done!
This will help you as well:
= In 867 Count Hæsteinn of Montaigu wich is located in France starts with the Exalted among Men level of Fame. Now you have to win wars to get the needed fame for the last level.
= Start as the heir of Caliph Al-Mu´tazz of Abbasid in 867. Now use the Intrigue lifestyle and kill your Liege with a murder scheme to get his title.
= In 867 King Louis II of Italy starts with the Faithful level of fame. Choose the Theology skill and go with your pilgarage to Jerusalem and wait until you get this achievment.
= In 1066, only Catholicism and Ash’arism satisfy the conditions for declaring Great Holy Wars, and the Pope will unlock this ability in 1095, before the Caliph. Thus starting as a Catholic in 1066 and participating in the first Crusade is the quickest way to get this achievement. You can combine this with the FIRST OF THE CRUSADER KINGS Achievement from the Nothern Lords DLC.
= The easiest way to obtain the achievement is by starting as the heir of Seljuk in 1066. Just wait until your Liege dyes or kill him with a murder scheme. With this one you will also get the An Unfortunate Accident achievement.
= The Seljuk dynasty in 1066 offers the best start. Than check that all of your members a married and wait until there are 100 of you.
= Start as the emperor of the holy roman empire and go with a pilgarage to Jerusalem. Try this until you get the ´´Adams Innocence´´ Event and convert to Adamitism. This will take you a few trys. Picture of the event:
= Use the Ruler Designer to create an 18-year-old character with the highest Education Trait and Genius. This greatly speeds up perk acquisition while giving you plenty of time to complete the three trees. If you don’t plan on doing anything else in the playthrough, the Learning education and perk trees are recommended for the health boosts.
= Mass executing prisoners can quickly generate dread. Each execution will also cost 100 piety and decrease clergy opinion unless a prisoner is of a hostile or evil faith, or you have the Divine Retribution perk from the Torturer tree of the Intrigue lifestyle. No more than 10 prisoners should be needed. Also there are some traits that gain you more dread. A good start would be Rurik in 867. You can raid neighbour Rulers to get hostile prisoners and then execute them.
= Start as King Alfonso of Leon in 1066 and start a war against King Garcia of Galicia next to you with the claim casus belli.
Now comes a Achievement pair:
= You can do these two at the same time. Each seduced character will grant a secret. Create a own male ruler with the Seducer trait. You can complete the skill tree with the same name to get a higher chance of getting it done. Now you start a scheme on a woman , but this will take more then 10 trys, because sometimes the scheme is exposed.
= This achievement won’t unlock if you use the Ruler Designer to start with three virtues of your religion, but you can start with three virtues of some other religion and convert to it as soon as possible. An example would be starting as a catholic christ with the 3 traits: Temperate, Generous and Just. When you start you convert to Ash´arism (Islam).
= In 1066, members of the Pugyel Dynasty in Tibet are a good start because they gain a lot of the points you need. Choose a legacy tree and skill the first one of it. Even if an AI character becomes your Dynasty Head it will try to complete your skill tree and you have too wait.
= You have to win a civil war for this one. Get an strong allie and make some vasalls hate you. Easiest way is trying to imprison one of your Vassals and if he gets away he will start a liberty faction war or wait until some of your Vassals start an indipendence faction. When they declare an war to you, you have to WIN this war no white peace.
The Bloody Ones
= Simply declare war on Cornwall using the Conquer Duchy Casus Belli. You should have no problem winning the war unless the Cornish get a strong ally (just restart if that happens). Click on one of the two citys in Cornwall and move your capital to Cornwall (small Symbol next to the Country Title banner), use the decision to convert to the local culture. Now you have to create the duchy of Cornwall, then use the special decision to restore the Cornish Kingdom. These two titles cost 550 Gold combined. You also can combine this one with the FRANKOKRATIA Achievement.
= For this one you will have to defeat several Muslim neighbors in order to form Portugal. Start as Duke Nuno of Portucale in 1066 who is a Vassal of one of the Spanish Kings.
Before you start try allying France on day 1 but you have to divorce your wife before that. Go on a pilgrimage to get enough piety points. Use your French allie for the two back-to-back wars you’ll need to take the south. Also create some Men-at-arms to help yourself. After you got the two Duchys in the south you have to start an indipendence faction against you Liege. Immediately press demands and call your allie again. After your flabbergasting victory you need 300 Gold to take the FORM PORTUGAL decision. This is how it looks in the end:
= Start as High Chieftain Áed mac Gormlaith of Meath in 867, because he offers a good start and has casus belli to conquer all other Counties, but is at risk of being attacked by Vikings. You dont need to get all land in Ireland just enough to create the Kingdom. You have to be really quick and it maybe will take some trys.
= This one may take a lot of time and trys. Create a Charakter with the Intrigue lifestyle who is a christ and skill the Schemer perk tree. Then start to fabricate a hook on the pope. You dont need a week hook only strong hooks count. When your scheme is exposed you have to restart.
= For this one start as Jarl Haesteinn in 867, who is one of the suggestet charakters. He can convert to French culture right from the start. You also dont have to be Catholic, you can be from any faith except Orthodox or Iconoclast. Conquer the County of Napoli wich is located in Italy. You can divorce with your wife so you can get a strong allie and create some men-at-arms. After that use the Conquer Kingdom (Thessalonika) Casus Belli. After your glorious victory you can relax get a nice drink and enjoy your achievement! You automaticly get the GOING PLACES Achievement so you can combine these two with this strategy.
= Start as Jarl Halfdan ‘Whiteshirt’ of Jórvík, who is located in England. After you won your starting war. Allie with your brothers Björn of Uppland and Sigurd ‘Snake-in-the-Eye’ of Sjealland but not with your brother Jarl Ivar ‘the Boneless’ of the Isles, because you need his land for the achievement. You can decide rather expand to the south first or conquering the small counties of Ireland. Use your once per lifetime conquer Kingdom casus belli for the Kingdom of Alba. Your biggest enemy is as always the succesion so try not to get that many children. You need to hold every countie of the empire of Britania, but you dont have to hold the title so you can use your gold for army. To solve some sucession problems you can create the Kingdom of Jórvík with the special decision. Now comes a picture how it will look in the end if you follow this Guide:
= Using the predominant Homosexuality game rule, choose a ruler under a faith which criminalizes it (Björn Ironside in 867 is a safe option). Use the Find Secrets task from your spymaster to get a Strong Hook. The task typically fabricates Hooks on courtiers, not rulers, but you can use it to get Strong Hooks on your own courtiers and then land them. Also you can fabricate hooks on your courtiers with the Truth is Relative perk. You need 3 at the same time.
= You start as Álmos Árpád who is one of the suggested charackters to start in 867. You already start with the Migrate to Pannonia war, wich means that you start with 5000 troops at your capital. Make some men-at-arms and combine your army with the 5000 troops. Now you have to win the war. This may take a few trys, because your enemy sometimes gets some strong allies. After your glorious victory you go to your faith menu. Than click at other faiths and select the Catholicism. You need 250 religion points for that. After you converted it is done.
= There are two ways to get this one. If you start in 867 there will be 5 independent Karlings. You have to defeat all of them to be the one and only Karling. This is really hard and takes a lot of time so here comes the smart way. In 1066 Count Herbert of Vermandois, a vassal of France, is the only landed Karling. Focus on getting the Kidnapper perk, because you want to kidnapp the French king, your liege! If you got it use the Abduct scheme and buy as many agents as possible. (You can go in dept as much as you will that does not matter). This Scheme is still sometimes exposed so you have to restart if this happens. Once he’s in jail, start an independence faction and immediately send an ultimatum. Because he’s your prisoner, you automatically get 100% war score. Now press demands and your are the only Indipendent Karling.
The Bloody Ones 2
= Rurik is one of the suggested charakters to start in 867. The Kingdom of Novgorod can be created right from the start and dont create other Kingdoms before you create the empire. Convert to the local culture and religion, because some of your neighbors will accept vassalage if you are the de jure liege. Use your once-per-lifetime Subjugation casus belli to conquer Minsk, then continue to use the Conquer Duchy casus belli. You greatest enemy is succession so dont try to get a second son that means only marry a women above 45. Get some good allies and conquer everything in the region of Russia. Attack wisely and remember that you need 1500 Gold to create the two titles at the end. This is a picture of my successful run:
= The de jure territory of Kingdom of Bohemia starts controlled entirely but you need more Gold for the last Duchy and the Kingdom (750 Gold combined). Now the big Problem is that you are still a Vassal of the Holy Emperor. At the beginning of the Game select the Stewardship lifestyle but you only need the Meritocracy perk. After you completed this, start a Claim Throne Scheme against the Holy Emperor. If you have success create a Claim Throne Faction. Now you have two options: The first one is when you have a little luck. If there are many not happy Vassals they will join your faction and when you have enough men you can press demands. Do this only if you are above 100%!!! The other way is to change your lifestyle and choose the Intrigue lifestyle. Now go for Skullduggery. The important perk is the Abduction one. If you got that start a Scheme trying to abduct the Holy Emperor. When you had success, press demands with your faction and you immediately get 100%. Now you are a Holy Emperor yourself!
= You can combine this one with the Reconquista achievement wich you will find under this one so you just continue with the same charakter after you got this achievement. The achievement does not require total control of Spain, only enough to create the Empire of Hispania title. Alfonso of León is a high Intrigue character and with him start murder schemes on you two brother who are also the two kings next to you. After you killed both use the Unite the Spanish Thrones decision to unite León, Galicia, Castille wich solves some succession issues. Now conquer enough land to create one missing kingdom and the empire. You want to create them at the same time in the end so you need 1500 Gold to create both. It is not necessary to complete this achievement in one character’s lifetime its also nearly impossible to do this. To make it easier for the Reconquista achievement only make Christianity charakters your vassels. I will continue the Guide for this one next.
= You have to finish the Guide for the Sibling Rivalry achievement first before you continue on this Guide. Make sure that all you Vassels are a christ. This achievement does not require being Catholic, only Christian. The Theologian tree in the Learning lifestyle offers 20% faster conversion and the ability to ignore fervor when converting. You also have to Completely control the Iberia region so you have to conquer the rest of Iberia. Also Don’t forget about the islands (e.g., Ibiza) east of the Iberian Peninsula. It will take some time to convert every single region of Iberia. This picture shows you how it should look like in the end:
= Start as Matilda di Canossa in 1066, who is one of the suggested charakters to start. Fabricate claims to conquer all the independent counties in Italy. If your Realm Priest has poor Learning you can restart at the beginng, because it saves you much time. You dont need to control all of Italy so when you have enough land you can form the Kingdom of Italy. This is step 1/3. For the second one you need 1000 Piety and 500 Gold. You get the Piety by doing 2 pilgrimages and the Gold automaticly. For 3/3 you need 50 dynasty mebers. You have to marry you childs and their childs and if it is a girl always use a matrilineal marrige. If it is possible for you, you can convert to an faith like Adamitsm do get more wifes.
= First of all you have to win the invasion. Get a strong allie but dont make an alliance with the King of France, because he can not join your war. After your victory over England you have to defend against the Norway Invasion of England. After you won both wars there will be the hardest part of the achievement. Moving the Realm Capital within the de jure territory of Kingdom of England enables the Embrace English Culture decision. You can do this when you select a city and click on “move capital here”. Now revoke all the duchies of non-English Vassals and transfer non-English counts to English dukes if you have at least one in the realm. You can use one of your sons but he has to be English (your first born does not work because he is Normen). You can call your allies to help you in your wars. In my run there were two duchys I had to deal with. This achievement checks direct vassals only. So you can grant all the small countie Vasalls to you one English Duchy son. You can see all your direct Vassals in your realm menu.
= For this one there are two possible good options to get it.
1. You can use the character creator to make a Muslim ruler who is, e.g. Visigoth, and start as the Umayyad caliphate in 867. That will allow you to satisfy the achievement and you have to defeat your two neighbours in the north and the kingdom tier war against france. The big problem here ist that you are the only one of your culture group and that means your vassles hate you.
2. Start as Emir Yahya of Dhunnunid in 1066 who is one of the suggested charakters to start. Now conquer your muslim neighbours to get a strong military base and then start to conquer your christian neighbours, but dont forget to convert that land because you will get in big trouble with some independence factions. After you got all the land in Iberia you start either a Holy War for kingdom or a Invade kingdom war against Aquitaine in france and after your victory you can take the avenge battle of tours decision and thats it! Now I show you a picture of how it should look in the end:
Godlike Ones
= For this one there will be no guide, because every playthrough will be different then the one before. I would recomend starting in 867 (for me this is the easier one, but 1066 also works). Now I will show you a list of the required land:
As you can see as the Byzantine Empire you allready start with Thrace, Athens and Thessalonika. Now I show you for wich one you need to fabricate a claim with your Patriarch and wich the land you can get with holy wars:
For the Sawdanid Emirate you need a holy wars as well as a claim on a county.
You can just surrender your starting war, because you will get the land back anyway with the Duchy War later. You also have to be a Living Legend . You can get some prestige by creating titles, but you will need some goof timing as well. Always wait for the Duchy claim event and start with one of the Italian Duchys, because you need to fight them multiple times. For the rest you need a lot of game knowlege so you can handle upcoming problems while you get the land for the Roman Empire . Now I show you a picture of my first run, but you need not all territory that I got:
= This is one of the hardest achievements in the Game but luckily you have this Guide for it. In this Achievementrun you also automatically get the KEEPING IT IN THE FAMILY Achievement
= To get this one you have to get no more than 12 unique characters among the player’s parents through great-great-great-grandparents. This means that you have to marry your sons and daughters with themself. Start in Iceland with the restricted diplomatic range rule, where you’re rather isolated and can be left alone. Use the Ruler Designer to create a character of the Messalianism faith (Christian). Now you have to inbreed siblings for three generations. As your starting Charakter you marry a women and you have to get at least 1 Son and 1 Daughter! You have to marry them before they get 16 years old! Now the same thing starts again. You have to get a son and a daughter and marry them. ATTENTION: This only works when you marry your daughter or son to your player heir. To get this achievement you have to play the last charakter. Because of Inbreed your charkters may get fertility problems but. You can use the diplomatic lifestyle to get some % back. You have to do this every generation until you starting charakter is your great-great-great-grandparent. If you dont get a son and a daughter you have to restart and try it again. If you do it correctly you will get this achievement.
= For this one there is no big stradagy that gets you this easy. If you try to do this by slowly conquering foreign lands for your dynasty, you might struggle with making sure nobody loses their throne, so it’s better to get everyone their own independent kingdom at the same time. A good way to start would be Iberia, because you can conquer 8 Kingdoms on a very small room. If you combine this with the Al-Andalus Achievement you get 9 Kingdoms you control. Then you only have to conquer one small Kingdom like Sardinia or 1 in Africa. To grant someone with a Kingdom tier title independence you have to be an empire and thats why this Achievement is so brutal. You also can do this as a tribal because it grants you extra Casus Belli and the confederate partition is no problem.
Nothern Lords DLC
= In 867 create a own ruler with the DWARF trait and start in Sardinia. Make yourself some children at the start so you can marry them away for good allies. You have to wait until you get 1000 Prestige and you have to get to fame level two for this. You have to choose the weakest enemy in Africa and use the casus belli Varangian Adventure War. After your victory you will get the Achievement. Thanks too eskipotato for the useful tipp.
= I got this one right after my LAND OF THE RUS achievement so you can do this one one first but you dont have to. Start as Duke Rurik Rurikid of Novgorod in 867 and create the Kingdom of Novgorod. Now you need to get enough counties for the empire of Russia wich will give you the achievement wich I mentioned above. For a better explanation look at the guide. After you got the empire title try coverting to a Muslim faith. Always go to a Pilgrimage when you can so you get enough points for it. The Qarmatian faith is a good choice for this achievement, as it combines the Fundamentalist doctrine with the Mendicant Preachers tenet for a whopping +53% county conversion speed but you dont have to use this you better take the cheapest one. You should be able to fire your Clergy and take the best available for it. Also only make Muslim charakters your Vassals and try to convert every one you have even if they ask for a hook. Right after you convertet you will get a lot of problems with populist and Vassles from the old Religion so you have to get some strong allies for them. For me this was one of the hardest achievement if´ve ever did so it might not work the first time. Now I will ad a picture of my run and a video of another way to get the achievement so have fun with it its really good too:
= Create a North Germanic Ásatrúan in the character creator that has the “Witch” trait, high learning, high diplomacy, and at least 3 adult children. Immediately convert your three of your children or 50% if you created more then 3 to witchcraft using the “Convert to Witchcraft” scheme, then take the “Found Witch Coven” decision.
= Starting as Jarl Haesteinn in 867 take a Varangian adventure war against Benevento for the Principality of Benevento. After that you declare war against Napoli and Salerno with the conquer County casus belli. Then you declare war for the Duchy of Calabria. Now you can declare the first war against Italy for one of the two Countys you need. You can hire mercs or try to allie with a strong charakter. Now check if Aghlabid allready lost their war against the Byzantine Emperor and if he does you declare war against him for the Salimid Emirate. Now create the Kingdom of Sicily, because now the time has come for the Invade Kingdom of Sicily casus belli against the Byzantine Emperor. Allie all of your childs to get the maximum amount of allies and conquer the two regions in Sicily first and wait until the emperor comes to take them back. This is the most difficult war but after your victory all truces against the rest of your enemys should be gone so you are now able to attack them. After you won all your wars you get the Achievement! This picture shows you how it looks in the end:
= This one is really hard to explain so just watch the video it shows you the best way:
= Start as an North Germanic of any kind who is a christ in 1066. The Pope should call the first Crusade around 1100 so you have to participate and win. You can combine this with the GREAT HOLY WAR Achievement if needed.
= I would suggest starting as Jarl Sigurd ‘Snake-in-the-Eye’ of Sjealland in Denmark. Start by obtaining one of the counties of Jylland next to you. This will make you able to create the Kingdom of Denmark. Now be quick and get all the small counties in Norway before your brother in Sweden gets to much. After you got them you can create the Kingdom of Norway. Subjugate the rest of Jylland and if you need call an allie because this is an important war! Now get the Scandinavian Elective Rule for the Kingdom of Denmark. Down below you can see all the Regions you need for the “North Sea Headlands” You need to controll all of them but you can also see them when you look at all the conditions you need. Now you should be able to use the conquer Kingdom casus belli for Wessexs. Unfortunately the pope declared a Crusade for the Kingdom of England against me right after my victory. When this happen you have no chance to win it so bad luck for you 😉 . The biggest Problem is that you need to hold the 3 Kingdoms for 30 years. Right from the beginning I skilled the Health tree to make my charakter to live longer. On my first try Sigurd died 3 years before I would have gotten the achievement. If this happens you will lose some land that you have to reconquer with your heir. You can get this with Sigurd (At the end he was 75 in my sucssesful run). Now comes the picture I talked about:
= This one is completly random to get but there is a cheesey way to get this. This YouTuber found it so you have to look this Video on his channel: