This is a 100% guide to Kairo! It includes everything you need to know! PLEASE COMMENT!!! (I get very lonely…)
Version History
Newest version is on the top!!!
—Version 1.1—January 11, 2014 (PM)—Fixed major problems in Part 4; Planned Final Version
—Version 1.0—January 11, 2014 (AM)—Completed Parts 4 & 5; Finished Guide
—Version 0.3—December 27, 2013—Completed Part 3
—Version 0.2—December 26, 2013—Completed Part 2; added Controls section; added Basics section; filled out Achievements section
—Version 0.1—Christmas 2013—Just created; has basic info; has list of achievements; completed Part 1; just published
Welcome to my Kairo guide! This is my second one! This has an 100% walkthrough and an achievement guide! Have fun!
P.S.: If you want to contribute to the guide, please comment.
P.P.S.: Note that this guide is incomplete. I will try to complete this guide as fast as I can. The guide is now complete. Thanks for your patience.
My Other Guides
A Complete Guide to FEZ!!! (click here) (Now Over 20,000 Unique Visitors!!!)
A Complete Guide to Toki Tori 2+!!! (click here)
A Complete Guide to Knytt Underground!!! (planned later)
A Complete Guide to La-Mulana!!! (planned later)
First of all, you need to know how to move!
WSAD or Arrow Keys = Move
Mouse = Camera
Shift (hold) = Sprint
Esc = Menu
That’s it!
My gamepad suddenly decides to not work in this game (even though I used it on this game), so someone needs to notify me about this. Sorry!
You are in a world of emptiness, all alone… Why? You have to find out. Along the way, here are some things you might encounter…
—They usually relate to the current puzzle in some way… Use them to your advantage.
—These are the rewards you get when you solve most puzzles. Unlike other collectibles, these are mandatory. You must collect all in a Part to move on. They take multiple forms. They are marked in the top-right corner of your screen.
—These are optional. They are hidden throughout the game. However, there are 3 related achievements to them. Also, you must find them all to unlock the secret ending. There are 6 in each major area (18 total).
Vision Puzzles
—There are 3 of these very-hard-to-find-and-solve puzzles. Each one has their own achievement! Also, you must solve all 3 puzzles to unlock the secret ending.
—There are 4 of these extremely-hard-to-find monoliths. I think that finding them all nets you an achievement. What I know for cetain is that you need to find them all to unlock the secret ending.
Shining Beacon
—Complete the Lighthouse (Part 1). Nothing else to it.
Turning Gears
—Complete the Tower(Parts 2 & 3). That’s it.
Flowing Elements
—Beat the game for the first time.
Lighthouse Keeper
–Find all of the runes in the Lighthouse.
Tower Climber
—Find all of the runes in the Tower
—Find all of the runes in the Garden (Part 4).
Sound of Progress
—Complete the vision puzzle in the Lighthouse to unlock. Just solve the puzzle in Lighthouse Secret in Part 1.
A Problem Shared
—Complete the vision puzzle in the Tower. It’s in the Star Drawing room in Part 2.
Art Lover
—Complete the vision puzzle in the Garden. It’s in the Garden Secret in Part 4.
Locked Door Puzzle
—Find all 3 monoliths to reveal a new door at the Summit. Enter it and destroy the big monolith to net the achievement.
A Different Purpose
—See the secret ending. You can access it in the Museum room that can only be accessed by completing everything in the game! This should be your last achievement!
Part 1: Lighthouse
Walk forward into nothingness. You should see a building. The right side of the building should have a door. Enter it.
Blue Throne
Stick to the left wall until it dips. A rune should be on the pillar next to it. Runes are optional, but if you want 100%, you need to grab these. After the rune, go upstairs and push the throne into the back wall. Then, go downstairs, go over the new symbol, and continue.
Walk down the path. Torii gates arrive from nowhere. The path is lifted away from you. Now what? Just go up the upper walway and jump back down to the original walkway. Man, this game is confusing!
Brick Garden
Creepy!!! Anways, walk northwest to some stairs. Climb them.
You arrive at the Lighthouse Hub! Look to the left as you enter. A rune should be on one of the pillars to the left. Afterward, enter the door in the back of the hub.
Lighthouse Secret
There is a grid of 16 squares. The solution is not obvious at all. I number the tile like this:
|01| |02| |03| |04|
|05| |06| |07| |08|
|09| |10| |11| |12|
|13| |14| |15| |16|
| |
The solution is to step on tiles 15, 11, 12, then walk on the outside to step on tile 9, and then 13. A door will open. You will get an achievement.
Achievement unlocked: Sound of Progress
Enter to see something creepy. Afterwards, head back to the Hub. From the Hub’s entrance, go through the first door on the right.
Just a corridor. However, there is a rune by the 5th coffin to the right. It’s on the small end of it. Continue to the next room.
First turn left and walk down the ramp (not the stairs). Down there, go all the way to the end and look left. A rune should be there. Go back to the entrance. The platforms ahead of you have buttons. You must press the 4 correct buttons to solve the puzzle. Here is the arrangement:
1 2 3
4 5 6 <–Zigzag
7 8 9
Press buttons 2, 4, 6, and 7. The walls rise. Something on the screen pops up. I call these “partials”. You recieve them when you solve a puzzle. These are mandatory. Collecting all of them in a part unlocks the next part. There are 4 in the Lighthouse. Anyways, move on to the next area.
Just a simple corridor. Nothing else. Move on.
Light Pyramid
There are 4 switches. Three of them work normally. Step on them to move a beam of light. Step off to stop it. Stop it on the pyramid in the middle. The last switch is broken. Step on it to start moving the beam. You can’t stop it! Push the pillar into the gears to stop it. Put all 4 beams on the pyramid to gain a partial. Move on.
Climb to the top. Go to the obilesk. There is a rune on the back of it. Afterwards, Climb the stairs to the next area.
You will be back in the Lighthouse Hub. Go to the other side of the room and enter the red door.
Follow the paths. You can take a split-off path to find some creepy things… Anyways, move on.
Walls block you in this simple maze. It is very simple! I should not have to guide you. Anyways, as you enter, look to the right to find a corner with a shadow in it. Get to that corner to find a rune. If this is your 6th rune here, you get an achievement!
Achievement unlocked: Lighthouse Keeper
Anyways, grab the symbol in the center for a partial. Continue to the next door (which is on the other side of the maze).
Go to the Symbol to start it up. There are 4 switches. They are marked with rings. You need to step on them in order from smallest ring to largest. You also need to be fast, so sprinting is mandatory. You wil get the last partail. Move on.
Big Cubes
Nothing here at all. Looks cool though. Move on.
You will be back at the Lighthouse Hub, which now looks very different.
Obtain all of the partials to cause a symbol to appear. Step on the symbol and enter the beam.
Light Source
The final puzzle in this part! First, push the lever behind you. Second, look at the back wall. The buttons on the back wall control the position of the mirror. Press the middle buttons on the middle and top rows to solve the Lighthouse. You will now recieve an achievement!
Achievement unlocked: Shining Beacon
Enter the portal.
Part 2: Lower Tower
Walk to the new building. The cube pattern on the ground makes you faster. Enter the Tower.
Walk forward to the next area.
Go through the door and press the hexagonal button. Time to do some backtracking!
After you press the hexagonal button, go back to the White. Re-enter the Lighthouse. Go to the Lighthouse Hub. Re-enter the beam. At the bottom, look at the lever. Jump down to your left when facing the lever. You should find a semi-hidden door with a hexagon on it. Enter.
Lighthouse Monolith
Go up to the monolith. Touch it to smash it. Now, go all the way back to the Altar.
Now go past the hexagonal button. To the left and right are what I call “position blocks” (I will call them p-blocks from now on). You must stand on the right spot for them to form a pillar. Doing so will activate it. Activate both of them. Then stand by the throne to rise up to the next floor. Turn around to find an obelisk. A rune is behind it somewhere tucked in a corner. Afterwards, move on.
Star Drawing
This room is actually a vision puzzle! To solve, the game only reveals part of the code! You have to have friends for this. Or you can just look below:
It’s a triangle-shaped room, shaped like /
The pedistals are ordered like this, but for some reason, the word processor on this guide refuses to make it shape like an triangle. 🙁
| A-1
| B-1|B-2
| C-1|C-2|C-3
| D-1|D-2|D-3|D-4
| E-1|E-2|E-3|E-4|E-5
Press the pedistals in this order: E-5, D-4, E-3, C-2, & C-1.
This opens a door in the middle of the room. This also nets you an achievement!
Achievement unlocked: A Problem Shared
Then, enter the door for some enlightenment…
Anyways, move on.
Lower Tower Hub
Jump to the bottom. Enter the door shaped like a parallelogram.
The gas won’t harm you. Move on.
Cube & Sphere
If you go to the right, you will find a door with a square on it. Remember this door for later. Anyways, use the p-blocks to create a ball. Now here’s the puzzle. The ball must roll into the hole across the room. If it hits a block, it turns right. You must use the 4 blocks to direct the ball’s path. Doing it successfully will net you a partial. Return to the Lower Tower Hub. Now go through the other door on this floor.
There is a symbol that acts as a button to start up the elevator. Wait until the door opens. Enter.
First, climb to the top. To the left of the set of p-blocks is a rune. Then, activate the p-blocks to create a sphere. Jump to the bottom and push the sphere into the device.. Now turn the lever clockwise until the sphere lifts into the pyramid and starts conducting electricity. It helps to look up when you turn it. Then, go up a floor and step on the button furthest from you. Then, go back down and turn until it rises higher into the clear sphere and conducts electricity once again. Now, step on the other button. If done correctly, you should get a partial.
Return to the Lower Tower Hub. Go up a floor. Enter the big door. (Note that the other door on this floor is where you started from.)
Use the rising glass sheets to reach the next door.
First, jump down to the ground. Activate the set of p-blocks to cause a HUGE ball of light to appear! Then, look at the back of the pedestal the is holding the ball to find a rune. Then, go up the ramp to find the puzzle. Facing the ball of light, step on the buttons around the big button in this order:
3 4
2 1
Then, step on the big button to blackout the sphere of light! OMG! Yet, we still get a partial! Creepy…
Return to the Lower Tower Hub. Go to the top. Enter the only door there.
Obtaining all 3 partials in this Part unlocks the elevator. Enter it to rise to the next part.
What’s past the following stairs?…
Part 3: Upper Tower
As you enter, there is a rune somewhere to the right. Then, move on.
Upper Tower Hub
This place is HUGE!!! Anyways, enter the first door to the left.
Dead Garden
First of all, go to the stairs (not up). There are pillars next to them. The last pillar has a rune on it. Now to the puzzle. On the hexagons, you need to step on the white one. A new white one pops up, along with a timer. It should be obvious on what to do. Do note, however, that stepping on a black one resets the challenge! Completing the challenge nets you a partial. Go upstairs and move on.
You will be back in the Upper Tower Hub, but now you are on the balcony. You should see a square button. Press it. Time for some backtracking!!! Remember the secret door in Cube & Sphere? The square button just unlocked it! Backtrack to it. Go to Cube & Sphere and look right to find the corner with the door.
Tower Monolith
Touch it to shatter it. Nicely done! Now go all the way back to the square button! You will have to go through the Dead Garden to go back upstairs.
Now go past the square button to find a door and some stairs. Skip the door and go up the stairs to find another door. Enter.
Go up the ramps. Step on the button. Hope for the best. This is like Plinko. It needs to land in the middle. I have no idea if there is some trick to it or if it’s random! Anyway, being successful nets you a partial. Go back to the Upper Tower Hub.
Remember that door you skipped? Now enter it.
Like p-blocks, your movement moves these gears. There’s one for vertical and one for horizontal. The puzzle, however, is confusing. I don’t even want to explain. Here are the answers.
You must match these combos in the middle in this order:
Square, Square
Circle, Square
Triangle, Hexagon
Triangle, Semicircle
This nets you a partial. Jump down and move on.
Cube Wall
Do not jump down! Instead, go all the way to the end and look to the right. There you will see a path connected to a big cube that you can jump to. Follow the path to a rune. This is the last rune in the Tower! You will now get an achievement.
Achievement unlocked: Tower Climber
Anyways, jump down to the bottom and move on.
We are back in the Upper Tower Hub. Go into the door in the back wall.
Go to the back and push the cube into the hole. Now you must run on each of the four treadmills until they are at full power. They lose power over time, so be fast! Once all four of them are in the yellow, a ball of light appears. Grab it go get a partial. Exit out of the room.
Obtaining all four partials generates some new stairs. Go up them to move on.
As soon as you enter, you will net an achievement!
Achievement unlocked: Turning Gears
If you’ve been noticing, you know you’re being watched! Go around the desk to find… A SKELETON?!?!? The messege he wrote is creepy… Anyways, move on.
Activate the set of p-blocks to complete the Tower!
There are now four portals to enter! These serve as some form of fast travel! Here’s where they lead to.
From left to right:
-Starting point of the entire game!
-Throne (in the Lighthouse)
-Altar (in the Lower Tower)
-Garden (our next destination)
Time to move on! Enter the right-most portal to start Part 4.
What secrets lie in the Garden?…
Part 4: Garden
Garden Hub
Unlike the other areas, the outside of the area is our Hub! Anyways, there is a lot to do here. First, go to the right of the big building. You should see a big gate to the left. These act as normal doors. Enter it.
NOTE: From now on, I will refer this area as the “outside”. When I say to go outside, I mean for you to come back to the Hub. Anyways, onwards!
Triangle Drawing
These drawing rooms are common here. First of all, there is a rune here. It’s on the far right pillar on the back side. Now to the puzzle.All of them are in this layout:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
The obilesk next to you shows a triangle. Easy. Touch 9, 2, 7, and 9 again. Then, press on the button. The door will now unlock. Enter it.
Go through. Nothing here. Looks cool though.
Press the button in the middle of the room. Now go through any of the openings on the wall. There is a rune in this room. It’s to your right if you are facing away from the pictures. Anyways, walk down the ramp. DO NOT PRESS THAT BUTTON. Instead, go down even further and press the button down there. Now press the button I told you to not press. If you press these two buttons out of order. you get stuck (which is bad). Anyways, go to the symbols. Upstairs, there are six pedistals related to these symbols. The ones that are slahed out are the ones you need to turn OFF. Doing so gets you a partial! Go all the way back to the Garden Hub.
When you come back outside, look to your left. There are some stairs. Go AROUND them to find a rune. Now go up the stairs. Ther is a big gate in the back. Go through it.
Mystery Drawing
The obilesk is broken! What now!?!?! Thankfully I’m here.Touch the pedistals in this order:
Touch 9, 6, 1, 4, and 9 again. Step on the button and the door unlocks. Enter.
There is a fence around the castle. Go around outside it to the left. A rune should be next to the first bend on the fence. Now enter the castle.
This room is VERY hard to explain in this word processor! Anyways, only certain pieces of the bridge are safe to step on. The pillar to the left shows the order of the shapes from the bottom up. There are nine total. Once you are across, climb the stairs and step on the button to get a partial! Backtrack to the Garden Hub.
Continue around the big building to find another gate. Enter it.
Diamond Drawing
This one is easy. The obilesk is broken, but the shape is still there. Touch the pedistals in this order:
Touch 8, 6, 2, 4, and 8 again. Now step on the button. The door unlocks. Enter.
Walk up the first set of stairs and turn left. Walk all the way to the last house for a rune. Now enter the door at the back.
First, step on the button in the middle. Now for the puzzle. You need to line up the orbit rings so that they are around the sun. Stand near a pedistal to move a ring until it lines up. Step away to stop it. If you do it right, you will hear a high-tone bell. Do it wrong, and you will here a low-tone bell. Now do the same with the other two. If done correctly, you should get a partial. Go back outside.
Across from you are a set of ramps in a hole in a wall. Go down. Turn left. Go all the way down to the door.
Immeadiately turn around. Notice that the door you just came from is attached to a mass of rock. Facing the door, go around to the right to find a rune. This should be the last rune in the game! You should now net an achievement.
Achievement unlocked: Gardener
Now climb the stairs all the way to the top. Enter the door.
Garden Secret
Time for the last vision puzzle! The solution is marked in the Upper Tower Hub, but I’ll just tell you the solution. The colors on the hexagons can be changed by stepping on them. Here’s the solution:
Face the board from the other side of the pattern. The colors will be marked by column from left to right.
1st column: GGG
2nd column: WGWW
3rd column: BGBGB
4th column: WWGW
5th column: GGG
Doing it correctly should net you an achievement!
Achievement unlocked: Art Lover
Enter for another scene.
Go back outside. Go back to that hole. Now go up. Now cross the bridge and go around the building until you find a door. Enter.
Very interesting room. If you have all three partials, there will be a big portal. Enter it.
Press the triangle switch. This unlocks a door back outside, but for now, we will finish the game first. Walk to the circle that is revealed.
Walk all the way down and step on the switch to beat the game and net an achievement!
Achievement unlocked: Flowing Elements
Enjoy the ending.
Now it’s time to finish things up!!!
Part 5: Clean-Up
All we need to do now is find the rest of the monoliths. After the ending, you will appear in the Summit room. Go back to the Garden. Go up to the door that leads to the Globe room. Go around the building until you find a secret door. Enter it.
Garden Monolith
Destroy the monolith. Now return all the way back to the Summit area. A new door is open. Enter it.
Monolith King
Go all the way to the big monolith to shatter it and earn an achievement.
Achievement unlocked: Locked Door Puzzle
With that, the final secret area is now unlocked. Go back to the Garden. Go around to the right. Between the second and third gates, you should see a BIG shape with stars in it. Enter it.
Look at the exhibits if you want. The big prize is the door that is marked SECRET ENDING. Enter it for a hilarious video! You will also net the final achievement!
Achievement unlocked: A Different Purpose
And with that, WE ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for reading!