Hell Let Loose Expanded Artillery ChartHello, “Hell Let Loose” (HLL) community!**Instructions at Bottom of Page**Are you having difficulties with calculating your MILs in-game?Me to! So I made this new and improved Artillery Chart. Be warned it is not perfect.The in-game chart only has 100 Meter intervals with a given MIL for every 100 Meters. For every 100 Meters there is a repeating pattern of 24|24|23 MILs starting with the max range on 1600M down to the minimum range of 100M.In order to fill in the gap of the 100M I decided to divide the 24 and 23 MILs pattern by 8, which leaves me with “8 points” of range on the meter table, as well as the MIL table. The 100M gap in the Range Table is now made up of “8 points” of 12.5M intervals. Matching these “8 points” are 3 MILs per 12.5M for the 24 MILs and 2.875 MILs per 12.5M for 23 MILs. Leaving you to correct (shots not already ranged on the “8 points” table) by 3 MILs up or 3 MILs down instead of the no man’s land of 100 meters. As for the 23 MILs in the MILs pattern…eh it rounds up to 3 so close enough. Besides close enough is good enough for a 105mm Howitzer HE shell anyway.Have fun. ~MustangINSTRUCTIONS1) Copy / Paste / Select this Link. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CzVxeaNHk8o4lin9ccj8APLc04KJWrjriUP1mH4kXOw/edit?usp=sharing2) Select the 2nd tab labeled: “Expanded HLL ARTY Chart [PRINT THIS]”3) Download or Print. (Recommend Printing. I set it up to print on 4 pages one sided or you could print on 2 pages on both sides.)