☢A Guide to a Robot Named Fight! ☢
Section 0: Foreword and Contributors
If it isn’t obvious I just want to say that this Guide is a work in progress and will be updated accordingly as I discover new things. (And between work and family, it’ll take time.)
Contributors: Awesome people that helped me fill out information of the game! (I will have to confirm all information provided by contributors but its awesome to have the help!)
Void: Provided a HEAP of information about items, upgrades and weapons. Contributions from Void will be marked with ‘☠’.
punkmasterpix Helped explain a few things. Contributions from punkmasterpix will be marked with ‘☣’.
Section 1: Introduction
But something forgotten and terrible now stirs amidst the stars.
The Megabeast.
A pulsating, moon-sized orb of flesh and countless eyes, mouths and reproductive organs, penetrates the startosphere and spills forth its children unto your world.
It is up to you, a lone robot, to fight this unstoppable plauge of meat. “
Section 2: About the Game
Created by Matt Bitner Games, A Robot named Fight[www.arobotnamedfight.com] is a metroidvania roguelike focused on exploration and item collection. It’s developed solely by one guy, Matt Bitner. The game is a love letter to retro classics such as Super Metroid, Contra, and Mega Man, but also draws inspiration from modern indie classics such as The Binding of Isaac.
In A Robot Named Fight you will explore a different, procedurally-generated, labyrinth every time you play. You’ll discover randomized power ups that allow you to traverse obstacles and discover new areas beneath the surface of a meat infested robot city. As you delve deeper you’ll discover a rich narrative conveyed through gameplay and environmental hints. Be careful though, death is forever in this roguelike metroidvania.
You will also explode a whole lot of meat beasts with your blaster arm.
- Over 4 billion unique runs
- Rougelike Permadeath
- New item order and intended route every run
- 60+ items
- 50+ unique enemies
- Achievements that unlock new content
- Local Co-Op
- An unreasonable amount of meat!
Section 3: The First Run. You will Die. (Probably)
While this isn’t Dark Souls caliber difficulty, the first run will always be a challenge as you get used to the controls and how things work. Because the Tutorial is very, very short.
So thats it for the tutorial. And along the game you’ll retrieve weapons, power ups and floatign orbs that help your Robot named FIGHT! in varying ways, with little to no explination to their powers or abilities.
But that is why I’m writing this guide! So that you can share in what knowledge I can amass for this very entertaining game! From blaster upgrades, to energy consuming weapons, forge work items and more!
One thing worht noting about the game is that while you will die, you take whatever ‘unlocks’ you obtain throughout the game with you. As you explore new areas, or find new weapons, it will unlock them for future run throughs where you can find them.
Section 4: Power Ups and Upgrades
- Health Up: Adds 2 pips to your total Health
- Energy Up: Adds 2pips to your total Energy
- Speed Up: Movement Speed increases
- Attack Up: Attack Speed Increases (Fire from blaster arm more rapidly)
- Damage Up: Blaster arm damage increases
- Mega-Energy: SImiliar to Energy Up but to greater effect. ☠
- Mega-Damage: Similiar to Damage Up but to greater effect.
- Mega-Health: Similiar to Health up but to greater effect. ☠
- Scrap: Basic Scrap components for forging items.
- Red Archaic Chip: A rare crafting component that is marked on the in-game map like other hidden items.
- Blue Archaic Chip: A rare crafting component that is marked on the in-game map like other hidden items.
- Green Archaic Chip: A rare crafting component that is marked on the in-game map like other hidden items.
- Electrical Charge: Charge up to a large, more damaging blast
- Damaging Aura: Creates a aura around every shot that increases damaging area of each shot.
- Phasing Shot: Each shot will pass through Terrain (But not some destructable blocks)
- Piercing Shot: Will shoot through Meat (Enemies).
- Fire Bolt: Deals Fire Damage, and can cause enemies to take burning damage over time.
- Explosive damage – Adds explosive damgae, can break Explosive locked doors. ☠
- Homing bolt: Your shots are purple, and home on in enemies. It seems pretty bad, in my experience.☠
- Fragmenting: shot reflects back in two fragments upon hitting something.☠
- Big Shot: Your shots are bigger. Seems to do greatly increased damage, but much slower rate of fire.☠
- Spread Gun
- Flame Thrower
- Nail Gun
- Lightning Gun
- Rocket launcher: It’s a rocket launcher. Kinda self explanitory. Does solid damage and can break explosive locked doors. ☠
- The saw-blade: Weapon seems to inherit some properties of the blaster bolts. I’ve seen it work with Homing and Big shot. (Unconfirmed) Blade can bounce off of walls and chew through meat blocks. (Confirmed) ☠
- Shooting Orb: Fires a small, single bullet that travels in a straight line in the direction you are facing. Deals 1/2 the damage of a normal bolt from the arm blaster. And only fires when you press the fire button, will not auto fire as with the arm blaster. The Bullets also do not open doors.
- Health Orb
- Shield Orb
- Light Orb
- Royal Orb: Fires homing shots☠
- Explorb: Unknown use, “An orb that explores.”☠ Unconfirmed Use: Seeks out hidden items and hovers over the block that needs to be shot in order to reveal it. ☣
- Hunter Killer Orb: Very useful and powerful, however tricky to use. It has very limited range of effect, however once it gets close to a enemy to track it, it will latch on and use spikes to deal rapid damage until the Meat creature is dead. (Confirmed to work on bosses at a lesser extent by Void☠)
- Slide: Allows you to slide into tight spaces that you cant normally get through.
- Dash: Allows you to hold the action button to perform a fast dash. It deals some damage, however dashing into larger enemies also causes you to take damage. Also creates a small triangular dash icon on FIGHT!s shoulder.
- Double Jump: The classic platforming staple. Jump, then jump again.
- Jet Pack: After jumping press and hold jump again (Or a third time if you have double jump as well) and you will be given a slightly slow flight upwards. You can let go of jump and fall, and press it again to start the Jet pack again. While it requires no energy, it will run out of charge but be ready for use once you’ve landed and jumped again.
- Arachnamorph: Turn into a little spider with impressive speed and jumping abilities, as well as capable of firing the Arm Blaster from its central eye. Used to fit into tight areas you cannot walk through. (Not yet tested if dash, double jump or other upgrades work with Arachnamorph)
- – Bright shell – Lights up a big area around you, and releases an aura upon being hit.☠
- Speed shell – Description is something like, “fast but fragile.” I’m guessing it increases speed and damage taken? (Unconfirmed)☠
- Infinijump: The same as double-jump, but you can do it infinitely.☠
Section Five: Enviromental Hazards
Extreme Heat Areas: These areas are (typically?) marked at the gates with a small fire icon. They do steady damage so long as you are in the area. (Not yet found upgrade that can negate this effect).
Flesh Locked Doors: Require a fire type weapon to burn through to unlock
Floor Biters: Nasty meat monsters that reside in the floor, don’t stand still or it will bite you.
Floor Spikes: They’re spikey and they hurt when you touch them. Thankfully do not kill you ala Megaman
Ceiling Spikes: Elevated cousins of the floor spikes.