WolfQuest: Classic Guide

How to Get a Mate (Amythest Mountain) for WolfQuest: Classic

How to Get a Mate (Amythest Mountain)


This guide covers how to get a mate in the first quest of the game in Amythest Mountain. Also applies for Lost River.


This guide assumes you know the basic controls and gameplay mechanics of the game, and only need help in finding and wooing a mate.

This is my first guide. Let me know in the comments if there is anything I can improve on. Thanks!

Creating a Wolf

Before you begin on your quest, you need to create a wolf. You can have as many wolves as you want, there is no limit.

After selecting your coat, you are able to adjust the brightness of your coat and the tint using the sliders at the bottom of the screen.

NOTE: Scars are limited to certain coat colours (Life is Rough Pack 1 and 2) and they cannot be combined or layered at this time.

Fun fact: The ‘Lamar Canyon’ and the ‘BlackTail Deer Plateau’ coats are based off of real wolves in Yellowstone National Park!

Once you are satisfied with your coat, click on the ‘Abilities’ tab. On the Abilities tab, you will see 3 atributes: Strength, Stamina, and Speed.

Strength is a measure of how powerful your wolf is. Increased strength results in higher damage done to prey items and rival wolves, but at the cost of stamina and speed. Stamina is how long your wolf can run and perform other actions, but at the cost of Speed. Speed is how fast your wolf runs.

Once you are satisfied with your wolf’s stats (note: they are permanent and do not change throughout the course of the game), select the type of howl you want. There are 8 different howls to choose from.

Next, click on the ‘Body’ tab. Here you can choose to have a damaged ear, a radio collar, or have a limp. All of the body modifications are purely asthetic with the exception of ‘limpy’, which gives a +10 bonus to Strength but a -10% penalty to speed.

NOTE: You cannot combine body modifcations at this time, you can only choose one.

Once you are finished customizing your wolf, don’t forget to enter and name and specify its gender. Then, click on ‘Continue’. This will load you into Amythest Mountain.

Welcome to Amythest Mountain

After reading the blurb on your backstory and mission, click on ‘Begin Quest’ and specify your difficulty level to start your life as a wolf.

The difficulty levels affect ease of hunting (elk stamina), random carcass generation throughout the map, and later on territory degradation rate, puppy hunger rate, and the frequency in which you encounter predators. Easier difficulties have more carcasses and easier hunting, while harder difficulties do the opposite.

Choose your difficulty. You can change it anytime in-game.

NOTE: Mission achievements requiring a certain difficulty setting are based on the lowest or easiest difficulty you have selected (if you change it throughout your game), and this is indicated by a white outline.

Experience Matters

In order to get a mate, you must travel to one of the wolf territories (indicated on the map) to encounter a ‘dispersal’ wolf that is the opposite gender. A dispersal wolf is like you: a lone wolf in search of a mate.

But first, you need to gather enough experience points in order to attract them.The required amount of experience you need is 800 experience points.

Killing a hare (rabbit) nets you a mere 10 experience points.
Killing a coyote gives you 25 experience points.
Chasing away or killing a stranger wolf in a wolf territory gives you 50 experience points.
Killing a fox gives you 100 experience points.
Killing a cow (female) elk gives you 100 experience points.
Killing a cow (female) moose gives you ~200 experience points. [Need to confirm]
Chasing away a bear gives you 200 experience points.
Chasing away a cougar gives you 200 experience points.
Killing a bull (male) elk gives you 500 experience points.
Killing a bull (male) moose gives you ~600 experience points.

Once you have obtained enough points, head on over to a wolf territory to have a chance at finding a mate.

How to Find and Woo a Dispersal

Once you enter a wolf territory (follow your compass or your map), you will hear a chime. Using your scent view, look for yellow scent orbs in the territory. If you are having trouble locating them, patrol the outer edges of the territory, as the scent orb locations depends on the direction of the wind. Once you find one, look around for more: then follow the trail (when you see multiple scent trails begin to converge, you are getting closer) until you reach the spawn location for the wolf pack. Their spawn location is randomized each time you go into the territory.

There they are!

Follow the trail. When you see multiple scent trails begin to converge, you are getting closer

Follow the territory marker trail until you reach their spawn location. Once a wolf spwans, approach it to enter the social arena. You have a 50% chance to encounter a Dispersal wolf. If you do not encounter a ‘dispersal wolf’ (indicated by ‘dispersal’ in its name’), then you can run away if you wish.

In order for another wolf to spawn, leave the territory and run away from the borders for a couple of seconds, then turn around and run back into the territory. If a dispersal wolf doesn’t have a coat colour you like, you can run out of the territory and run back in to spawn another one. Different wolf territories (Slough, Druid, and Specimen) have different dispersal coat colours available and some are exclusive.

Once you meet a dispersal wolf, you are given 4 options on the bottom left corner of your screen. The top option is always a ‘run away’ option, which exits the social arena and depawns the other wolf. The second option is always aggressive (if you select this option while trying to woo a mate, the mate will run away). You want to focus on the third and fourth options.

Dispersal encounter

In order to successfully woo a mate, you’ll want to select the following IN ORDER:

“Hello there”

“I like you”

“Let’s Play!”

“Let’s Start a Pack”

“Let’s Start a Pack” (yes, you have to select it again)

If you select the aggressive option (second to the top), the dispersal wolf will either lose a heart or run away completely. You need to get 5 hearts in order to bond with the other wolf and have them as your mate.

You got a mate!

Once you are finished, give your mate a name and hit continue. You can now explore Amythest Mountain (your mate will assist you in hunting) or you can continue to Slough Creek where you can raise puppies.

Congratulations, you’ve completed the first mission of the game!
