AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed Guide

Talking with Nana for AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

Talking with Nana


How to get various events and items by talking with your sister.

Starting a conversation

Go to her room and choose to talk with her

After having said three things you get an Event depending on where you are on the Grid

The Grid

When talking to Nana the 3-4 bubbles you see are actually just part of a bigger 7×7 grid.

At the start of a new game you always begin in the middle

Legend / Meaning of the pictures

Nana in a Blanket – Nana won’t do anything.

A Dress – You spend ¥5,000 on clothes for her.
Doing this for the first time allows you to change her clothes.
(to change her underwear complete the game once)

A Star – You perform the Striprism finishing poses with her.
A game Console – Play a game against Nana
A Bathtub – Take a bath with your sister, doing so will give you different items.

1st time: 極楽タオル – Gokuraku Towel – Paradise Towel (headgear)
2nd time: 益荒男のタオル – Masurao no Towel – Towel of Manliness (lower body)
3rd time: 乙女のタオル – Otome no Towel – Maiden’s Towel (upper body)

This can be repeated as often as you like.

Nana with Cat Ears – Gives you the option to spoil her by.

Patting her on the head (free)
Giving her pocket money (¥10,000)

Your Face – Nana will caress your head.

The Letter H – Sleep on her lap
H usually stands for Ecchi(xxx), but here it means Hizamakura(Lap Pillow)

Laptop – Your sister surfs on the internet by herself.

Striprism Girls – You and your sister watch Striprism.

Rice Bowl and Soup – Spend ¥2,000 on food for your sister.

sleep ZZZs – Sleep next to your sister.

いやし – Your sister massages your upper back.
(the hiragana romanize to iyashi which means healing)

How to Move on the Grid

When speaking with Nana you are given two choices

Favorite things. – Moves you left/right on the grid.
Recent events. – Moves you up/down on the grid.

As you can see there are two directions for each choice.
Sadly you can’t influence which is choosen, this is random.
So basically, you decide whether you move horizontally or vertically.

You can see in which direction you went by the coloured sparks appearing after talking.

Pink – Left
Orange- Right
Green – Up
Blue – Down
