I am hoping to bring together the information on acquiring the legendary weapons for each class, which in turn will lead to getting the achievement. If you have any clue on how to get these achievements please feel free to provide information.
Some evidence so far
After reading through a couple of guides I have read about other people’s experiences.
It seems as though morality and skill amounts may matter while charm does not. (Which logically makes sense)
A possible strategy
A strategy I have read is to get to chapter 6 at the interlude where the assassination is attempted, and once the Sultan offers you the three weapons if you do not see a legendary (which can be checked via shift+tab then achievements) you exit the game not selecting any weapon then start it up again until you do see one.
My experience with the strategy
I have attempted the strategy twice trying to get the Dagger of Perpetual stone. The first time I got the dagger in 13 restarts, but did not manage to kill Vlad even though I though it was an instant kill.
The second time was 55 restarts. This leads me to believe that you not only need to have full morality, but also good skills.
This is my second attempt’s skill and morality.
This is my third attempt which got me the dagger for assassin in 15-17 restarts. I leveled out my skills more than the second try this time so that intelligence was higher.
Another successful attempt with Explorer as a spy to get the Primal Dirk took 38-42 restarts.
Tests so far
So far for Soldier assassin it took me three different characters.
1st try: 13 restarts – Probably low skills so i couldnt kill Vlad/Max morality
2nd try: 55 restarts – No dagger/Max morality
3rd try: 15-17 restarts – Dagger/Leveled skills dex/agi /Max bad morality
1st try: 38-42 restarts – Primal/Class based skills dex/agi /Max bad morality
1st try: No restarts – Two-handed Axe/Class based skill str/con /Max good morality
Mage/Holy Priest
1st try: 42-45 restarts – White-out/ Class based skills mag/int /Max good morality
1st try: No restarts – Bloodspark/ Class based skills mag/int /Max bad morality
1st try: 1 restart – Pole arm of menace/ Class based skills agi/dex /Max good morality
This one is by far the hardest because you cannot get 15 for both skills easily or even at all, but I think they just give it to you at 12 for both anyways.
My conclusion
After trying to get each legendary weapons and having two tests give me the legendary weapons immediately I am almost completely sure on the way to achieve them.
You have to get the classes main skills to 15. Explorer=15 in Agility and Dexterity, Soldier=15 in Strength and Constitution and Mage=15 in Intelligence and Magic.
I also believe that you have to have morality maxed out either way for the side you chose.
If you do this then you should be able to get the legendary weapon from saving the Sultan.
Here is the best guide to use when trying to max out specific skills.
Credit to Farsight for the encounters guide. /