Meadow Guide

All Unlockable Animal Skins - As of 2020-4-25 for Meadow

All Unlockable Animal Skins – As of 2020-4-25


This guide gives a list of each skin for each animal and what they look like, as well as some bonus content.


I’d recommend you use the Guide Index on the right to avoid a continous flow of images trying to load. It wil hopefully keep everything from taking ages to load.

Hi! I’m sure you’ve clicked on this guide because you’re interested in what each skin looks like. Or maybe you’re wondering what skin another person has! After taking the time to collect all skin pieces, I am proud to show you all skins for all animals (hopefully, as of the latest update)

  • Text without italics is written by isla-banana
  • Text in italics is written by Wolfycatt(Ana)

Guide Update List

As the title says, here is a list of all updates to this guide after the creation.

(Year – Month – Day)


  • Added the new frog skin
  • Added the new rabbit skin
  • Added the new pheasant skin


  • Added the two new hedgehog skins


  • Added the new pheasant skin made by SeleneTheWerewolf


  • Altered the appearance of the screenshots to feature the den


  • Added the new skins from The the Art of Shelter Artbook DLC


  • Added the two new hedgehog skins


  • Added ‘Goat Horns’ section


  • Added ‘Wolf Skins’ section
  • Edited some French translations


  • Updated the guide’s icon/branding image
  • Updated the Introduction’s image


  • Updated the guide’s conclusion image


  • Added different screenshots for the two of the eagle skins
  • Added ‘Developer Skins’ section
  • Edited some French translations


  • Updated to compensate for the new wolf and goat skin
  • Added ‘Wolf Customisation’ section


  • Added 1 new skin for the pheasant
  • Added 1 new skin for the hedgehog


  • (Wolfycatt(Ana)) Made some grammatical fixes, added new information on a lot of skins, fixed some skin mistakes, added a “possible upcoming skins” section, added a glitched skin section.


  • Gave the guide a well-needed spruce up
  • Added 1 new eagle skin
  • Added 1 new wolf skin
  • Added 1 new hedgehog skin


  • Fixed some grammatical errors
  • Improved the layout of some sections

— “How do I unlock skins?”

To unlock skins, you need to collect a certain amount of these blue collectibles. Once you’ve collected about 4 or 5 on an animal, the amount you need to get will increase.

They’re usually scattered all over the map, sometimes near the emote pieces and sometimes not. I find that they’re most common in the mountainous areas where it’s hard to get to.

If you’re in the right area and you’re not sure where to look, the easiest way to identify them is by audio. They have a different sound to the emote and animal pieces. Another way is to just climp a rock and take a look around. It’s really easy to spot them because of their colour.

Badger Cub

If you’re wondering why your innocent newbie badger cub started screaming, this skin unlocks the third badger cub voice, that is a loud scream.

Vanilla lion badger cub!


This skin is a winner of a 2016’s skin contest, and was made by Signora Scan! More information here!

This skin is a winner of a 2017’s skin contest, and was made by Oxiss! More information here!

I believe this skin was at least inspired by one of the submissions to the 2016’s skin contest, as it is very reminiscent of one of the non-winning entries. Check it out here!


This skin is a winner of a 2016’s skin contest, and was made by Wolf! More information here!

This skin is a winner of a 2017’s skin contest, and was made by FriendlyFoxpal! More information here!

I believe this skin was at least inspired by one of the submissions to the 2016’s skin contest, as it is very reminiscent of one of the non-winning entries. Check it out here!


As a sidenote (as this is a common misconception), the Meadow goat is inspired by a specific species of goat named “Chamois”. The goat’s default skin closely resembles a chamois natural color!

On the official Shelter and Meadow fanart, this skin is depicted on musk deers in specific.

If the goat in your group started to randomly scream, you can blame this skin unlock. The default voice for this skin is the screaming goat voice!

This skin is a winner of a 2016’s skin contest, and was made by Kuku! More information here!

This skin is also a winner of a 2017’s skin contest, and was made by Coy_Koi! More information here!

I believe this skin was at least inspired by one of the submissions to the 2016’s skin contest, as it is very reminiscent of one of the non-winning entries. Check it out here!


This skin is a winner of a 2017’s skin contest, and was made by Peridot! More information here!


This skin is the winner of the late 2017’s pheasant skin contest, and was made by SeleneTheWerewolf! More information here! This skin reminds me of a character named Lapis Lazuli from a cartoon (Steven universe). She has a gemstone on the shape of a teardrop on her back just like this skin – and real life lapis lazuli stones have golden details in them.

I believe this skin might be inspired by one of the submissions to the 2018’s skin contest, as it is slighty reminiscent of one of the non-winning entries. You can check out the entry here!


This skin is the winner of the late 2018’s hedgehog skin contest, and was made by Ishushiro! More information here!

Screenshot taken by Junttu


This animal and its skins is only available to owners of Shelter.

As a bit of extra info, all badger skins used to have a different stripe pattern when the game first launched (If you’re curious how so, look closely on the Meadow launch trailer for all the badgers that show up; They have extra stripes around the cheeks!). On one of the early updates though they changed it to this simpler pattern.


This animal and its skins is only available to owners of Shelter 2.

You can also find this skin in Shelter 2.

You can also find this skin in Shelter 2.

You can also find this skin in Shelter 2.

This skin is inspired by some of the hares you can hunt on Shelter 2 that have this same skin. The resemblance is uncanny!

If you fly below the world as an eagle, you can notice that this lynx texture can be found all over the lower part of the world. It is also the skin that unlocks the hissing voice for the lynx!

Lynx Cub

This animal and its skins are only available to owners of Paws: A Shelter 2 Game.

You can also find this skin in Shelter 2.

You can also find this skin in Shelter 2.

You can also find this skin in Shelter 2.

You can also find this skin on Shelter 2.

You can also find this skin in Shelter 2.

I was going to say “cheetah lynx cub!” but it wouldn’t be accurate, as cheetah cubs have a honey badger colouring to mimic the terrifying creature. Oh well I went off-topic. Cute skin tho! You can also find this skin in Shelter 2.

Bear Cub

This animal and its skins are only available to owners of Shelter, Shelter 2 and Paws: A Shelter 2 Game.

The only out of place green skin, as the other green skins are normally 9th!



To have this animal, you need to buy the DLC Symbols: A Meadow comic book.

It’s also the same colour leader wolves have in Shelter 2!

This skin is only available to owner of the comic ‘Trails’


[to unlock eagle you need [long laundry list]; i’ll fetch everything later]


2. The leaderboard skin – A white eagle – Which is unlocked once you achieve #100 or higher on the global leaderboards.

3. The moderator (and developer) eagle skin


— BONUS! Goat Horns

Before the update that granted different goat horns, I had already collected every goat skin. So, unfortunately, I have no idea if the horns are unlocked after each skin or if they’re simply ready to be used when you unlock the goat.

1. Adult deer v1

2. Adult deer v2

3. Adolescent deer v1

4. Adolescent deer v2

5. Adolescent deer v3 / Doe (deer) / Roe deer

6. Adolescent deer v4 / Doe (deer) / Roe deer

7. Goat (Chamois goat)

8. Musk deer

9. Doe

— BONUS! Wolf Customisation

‘The Art of Shelter’ DLC Skins

[reminder for myself: The simese lynx image is wrong and needs fixing]

These skins are only available to owners of The Art of Shelter. Once you’ve bought it, you’re all set and ready to go into the server with a brand new skin for each animal – even the eagle! Below are the skins you’ll expect when buying this DLC.

Badger Cub

Animal that inspired skin: either wild boar piglet, striped mouse or porcupine


Animal that inspired skin: Red-eyed tree frog


Animal that inspired skin: Dog (Beagle)


Animal that inspired skin: Giraffe


Animal that inspired skin: Either wolf or grey coyote


Animal that inspired skin: White collared blackbird


Animal that inspired skin: Armadillo


Animal that inspired skin: Opossun


Animal that inspired skin: Cat (Siamese)

Lynx Cub

Animal that inspired skin: Tiger

Bear Cub

Animal that inspired skin: Red panda


Animal that inspired skin: Goldencrest bird

‘Blossom: A Meadow comic book’ DLC Skins

These skins are only available to owners of Blossom: A Meadow comic book. The two skins from this DLC lets you play as the comic’s main lynxes!


Lynx Cub

Developer’s Only Skins

Disclaimer; I have not taken these screenshots myself.

Badger cub








Lynx Cub

Bear Cub


Possible upcoming Skins

There’s some slots left to be filled for some animals, and all Meadow skins follow a somewhat reliable pattern in how they present themselves, so I’ll try my best to try and predict the upcoming skins based on the little information I have. Let’s go!

Shard skins

Fox (1 skin missing)
The fox is missing skin 10#, a “bright” skin. All animals with this skin have bright colors, exquisite patterns and overall are the only skin that do not follow a semi-natural color pallete for the animal. You can expect a skin such as this one for the fox.

Possible colors for the skin:

Golden – There’s two contest entries from the 2017’s skin contest that were golden and were nominated as honorable mentions. It might not have won against the Racoon fox design, but it is possible the developers might make skin 10# inspired in both by how good they are, as they’ve done this in the past. (Both the goat’s 10th skin and the frog’s 8th skin seens to be at least inspired by honorable mentions of their own skin contest designs).

Image of the honorable mentions:

Bright / neon green – The fox has no true green skins, and that might be so they can do a bright green skin as it’s last.

Pheasant (1 skin missing)
The pheasant is missing skin 10#, a “bright” skin. All animals with this skin have bright colors, exquisite patterns and overall are the only skin that do not follow a semi-natural color pallete for the animal. You can expect a skin such as this one for the pheasant.

Possible colors for the skin:

Golden pheasant – To not be mistaken with skin 8th, golden pheasant is actually a species of pheasant in real life, and it looks stunningly colorful. Have a image:

To top it off, on 2018’s pheasant art contest some people have made a design much inspired in golden pheasants and although they did not win, they were honorable mentions. The developers might make skin 10# inspired in it by how good it was, as they’ve done this in the past. (Both the goat’s 10th skin and the frog’s 8th skin seens to be at least inspired by honorable mentions of their own skin contest designs).

Honorable mentions of the pheasant’s 2018 skin contest:

Hedgehog (1 skin missing)
The hedgehog is missing skin 10#, a “bright” skin. All animals with this skin have bright colors, exquisite patterns and overall this is the only skin that do not follow a semi-natural color pallete for the animal. You can expect a skin such as this one for the hedgehog.

Possible colors for the skin:

Blue: We need Sonic, bois.
Seriously though, There’s a lot of possible colors, and not a lot for me to talk about: Blue, Purple, Black and (dark) green are most likely the possible colors.

Hedgehog skin contest honorable mentions:

Wolf (6 skins missing)
Alright, the wolf is missing (most likely in order):

3 special skins (5th, 6th, 7th)
Special skins are the ones with the cool patterns on other animals. They might be inspired on another animal (honey badger skin for badgers, swan skin for the pheasant, zebra skin for the rabbit) or just a cool combination of different patterns and colors to make something that is semi-realistic (see: dark lynx skin, blood-with-raindrops goat, dark-stripped badger, purple-red fox, camo fox, etc).
I have a tip on how one of those special skins might be, given by the official Meadow comic Symbols:

Three wolves appeared on the Meadow comic Symbols; One wih the regular grey skin (1#), another with the artic skin (4#) and this third wolf, in which there is currently no skin to match.
It’s very likely this skin will be one of the special skins.
As a sidenote, it might be inspired by either a red wolf, or a maned wolf.

Aside from that, I believe it’s possible the wolf might get a fox-inspired skin as one of his specials. Not necessarly inspired by the foxe’s 1# skin, but by any of the foxe’s skins. The wolf and fox have a close relationship on their “basic” skins, where both have their regular color, a sand/vanilla color, a dark color and a artic color (with the last two being switched out). It’s very likely they might share other skins as on other animals where this happenes (badger/badger cub, lynx/lynx cub) they do share skins.

1 contest skin (8th)
We can only know how this one will look like when it comes!

1 green skin (9th)
Pretty self-explanatory: All animals have a green (or pseudo-green skin on the case of the dull blue fox skin), and it’s usually on spot 9th (save for the bear cub who has one of his special skin switched up with his green one).

1 bright skin (10th)
It’s really hard to predict what colors this last skin might be without having all other 9 skins as a reference.

The comic-related slot

Everyone but lynx and lynx cub are missing a skin

I can only especulate, but I believe it’s very likely this slot will be filled with more unique DLC skins, such as the Blosson comic book DLC.

The Art of Shelter slot

Wolf is missing a skin

Sadly the wolf was released after the Art of Shelter DLC, so it doesn’t get a special animal-themed skin. Perhaps this slot might be filled by something else in the future?

Glitched Skins

Sometimes your game won’t load someone else’s skin properly, and on those cases a glitched skin might be born!

They are “remixes” of the skin texture: Sometimes the texture gets smaller (1/4 of it’s original size), other times it might get bigger (ocupying the area that 4 textures would), it might just get dislocated, or even switch places with another texture. the possibilies are literally endless!

If you see someone with a skin you don’t reconize at all, experiment taking a screenshot of it and posting it with the caption “glitched skin”. I’m always at the lookout for new additions to my collection!

I’ll post my full collectiong here sometime soon, as I need to organize it beforehand. For now, a little taste of glitch!

Lynxe’s 7th skin, glitched (dislocated texture)

Badger cub’s 7th skin, glitched (dislocated texture)

Fox with a goat skin, from a glitchfest that happened on the wolf update

Wolve’s 2nd skin, glitched (texture got smaller; wolf on the right)

Wolve’s 1st skin, glitched (textures switched places)

Badger cub’s 10th skin, glitched (texture got bigger)

And many, many more!


So, there are:

  • 152 skins in total

  • 13 badger cub skins
  • 12 frog skins
  • 13 rabbit skins
  • 12 goat skins
  • 13 fox skins
  • 12 pheasant skins
  • 12 hedgehog skins
  • 13 badger skins
  • 14 lynx skins
  • 14 lynx cub skins
  • 12 bear cub skins
  • 6 wolf skins
  • 6 eagle skins

Hopefully this helps with whatever you were looking for. If you have any questions or possible improvements, please don’t be afraid to say!