This guide will help you in obtaining all of the achievements for Endless Legend.
Welcome to my achievement guide for Endless Legend! I hope it helps you in your quest to get all of the achievements for this game! I have divided the achievements by type and by what part of the game they can be obtained in. Please use Ctrl + F to quickly find any specific achievement you are looking for.
The methods I have listed here are the best I have found to work. Obviously, I can’t test every way to get the achievements by myself so if you found another way to get one, have a correction, or question, please feel free to leave a comment below!
Also thanks to Burn for the image collage!
Translations of this guide
Here are translated versions of this guide. If you want to translate this guide into another language feel free to contact me.
Italian / italiano :
Faction Wins
These are awarded for winning a game as the specific faction. It’s not hard to win as any of the factions on the easiest difficulty so I won’t go into detail. Also, each faction has a certain victory condition that it is best at obtaining. You can see which one it is when you are setting up a game on the faction selection page.
The End is Nigh
Win with the Cultists of the Eternal End.
Win with the Drakken.
Win with the Necrophages.
Win with the Broken Lords.
No Pain, no Gain
Win with the Ardent Mages.
Win with the Roving Clans.
So Outta Here
Win with the Vaulters.
Share This!
Win with the Wild Walkers.
I Did It My Way
Win with a Custom Faction.
You can create your own faction by going to the faction selection page when starting a new game.
Faction Specific
These achievements can only be obtained while playing as the specified faction.
Float Like a Butterfly
With the Wild Walkers, win a battle against at least 4 enemies without taking any damage.
This isn’t as difficult as it sounds. The Wild Walkers have the Dekari Ranger which is a very good ranged unit. this will be easier to get late game when you are able to upgrade your units. I also recommend getting the technologies that increase your army size to 8. The era 6 tech that doubles the damage of your units can help you with this if you still haven’t gotten it by then.
Here Comes the Cavalry
With the Vaulters, teleport 10 units in a besieged city in one turn.
Since the AI is shy to attack on Newbie difficulty, i recommend you increase it a bit so that war is more common. You’ll need to be a bit lucky since you need the enemy to siege you to get this. A good tactic is to have 3 armies on your border of at least 5 units each. When you have a sizable army sitting in a city the chance of the city being taken in one turn is very small. This way when one of your three cities is attacked, you can easily teleport your other two armies over to help. Remember that you can only teleport as many armies as there are districts in the city, so you will need at least 3 of those. Also, in order to teleport you need to have a Holy Resource designated.
Internal (and External) Revenue Service
With the Roving Clans, get more than 1 000 Dust from the Market Place taxes.
The Roving clans automatically get a percent tax off of each market transaction made by another player. Therefore, the more players there are in the game, the easier this will be. Be sure not to ban anyone from the market and this should be yours by the end of the game.
Battlefield Buffet
With the Necrophages, use 10 recycled stockpiles in one game.
It takes 8 dead enemies to get 1 recycled stock pile. Therefore you need to kill 80 enemies in one game to get this. You can use the stockpiles in the Empire Screen. I recommend playing on a larger map with 6 or more players so there are enough enemies for you to fight.
With the Ardent Mages, have 5 pillars at the same time.
With the Ardent Mages, have 5 pillars at the same time.
Pillars require a small amount of dust to set up. In my game it only took about 2,000 dust to get 5 going at the same time. The Pillars only last 10 turns so I recommend setting them all up at the same time.
I <3 Minions
With the Cultists, have 20 converted villages at the same time.
This can be a bit difficult if you try to go for it in the middle of a game. I recommend waiting until after you’ve won before going for it. You’ll need a sizable map so there are enough regions for minor factions to spawn. You’ll also need a ton of influence to convert them all so don’t spend much on the Empire Plan. If you go for this during a game, be careful because you can’t conquer any regions, all the villages you convert can be attacked with impunity since they will not be in your territory.
The Not So Broken Lords
With the Broken Lords, have a district producing more than 10 Dust.
To get a district to level 10 you’ll need to have a Hero in the city with the skills that increase dust production. It will also help to have it on a river tile as well. A level 2 district gives a slight boost also.
Fighting for Peace
With the Drakken, win a game without having been in war.
Easiest way is in a 1v1 game against the Roving Clans since they can’t declare wars.
Dungeons & Drakken
As the Drakken, exploit at least 5 ruins at the same time.
You’ll probably need at least 4 regions to get this. You need to have 5 ruins within your city limits so it would be wise to just settle your cities next to them. Settling next to a ruin will help you more as the Drakken than as any other faction since they provide a small boost of influence
Victory Type
You can check your progress towards a victory condition by click the Empire Screen button (the wings icon on the top left corner of the ingame screen), then click the white Status Screen bar on the bottom right of the window that comes up, and finally the status of all victory conditions that are enabled for this game are listed along the bottom of the new screen. If you’re going for a specific victory type you may want to disable all the other victory types. You can do this in the setup options before starting the game.
Bigger Is Better
Win an Expansion Victory.
You must own 80% of the regions on the map. The larger the map, the longer this will take. Any of the war focused factions are good for this other than the Cultists, since they can’t have more than one region. I highly recommend you disable the Elimination and Supremacy victories when you go for this as you may accidentally get them instead.
Mwa ha ha ha haaa!
Win a Supremacy Victory.
You must own or destroy all the original capitals. Any of the war focused factions are good for this. Be warned that if you have one faction left and their only region is their capital, you may be awarded an Elimination victory instead of this one. I highly recommend you disable the Expansion and Elmination victories when you go for this as you may accidentally get them instead.
I Am the Eternal End
Win an Elimination Victory.
You must capture or destroy every region of every faction. Any of the war focused factions are good for this. I highly recommend you disable the Expansion and Supremacy victories when you go for this as you may accidentally get them instead.
Numbers. They Don’t Lie.
Win a Score Victory.
This is one of the easier victories and is given to whoever has the highest score at a certain turn. The length of the game is based upon what speed you chose. On Normal speed this will be at turn 300. Just about any faction is good for this. If you notice one of the AI is getting a high score you can just go to war with them and devestate their regions to lower their score.
Gaze Upon It and Tremble!
Win a Wonder Victory.
I find the wonder victory to be the easiest. To get it you must complete your faction quest and that will unlock the monument you need to build to win. Play as the Wild Walkers as they have the easiest faction quest to complete.
Win a Quest Victory.
To get a quest victory you must finish the faction quest and then you’ll be given a new, shorter quest line for victory. Complete this quest line to win the game. Again, I recommend using the Wild Walkers because of their easy faction quest. Be warned that the victory quest will require you to search around the map for ruins so you will either need to be friendly with the other factions in order to go through their land or you will have to conquer it.
Maybe It Does Buy Happiness
Win an Economic Victory.
Economic victory requires you to have made a large amount of dust. You don’t need to store it, you just need to generate it so feel free to spend it as you get it. Play as either the Broken Lords or the Roving Clans and put a Hero in each city and focus their skills on increasing dust. The Broken Lords skills give more dust, but the Roving Clans have control over the market which will allow you to easily buy any Luxuries you need to further boost your dust output.
Dice with the Universe
Win a Science Victory.
For a science victory you must research 5 of the 6 era 6 technologies. The Vaulters are best for this since they have science boosting abilities and their units are defensive focused. Focus on getting science techs and luxuries and it shouldn’t be too hard.
Win a Diplomatic Victory.
The diplomatic victory is probably the hardest of the victory conditions to get. It was recently nerfed in the update that accompanied the Guardians Expansion as well. Play as the Drakken and focus on boosting your influence. I recommend playing with at least 3 AI and choosing which factions they are so that none of the spawn as the Necrophages (you can’t make peace with the Necrophages therefore you can’t get as many Diplomatic points either). You get diplomatic points over time by having peace, alliances, research agreements, etc, with other factions. You get more points for having an Alliance than having Peace, and more for having Peace than Cold War.
You also get a boost in points by making a declaration. So the turn you make an alliance you will get a nice big boost in points and then after that your points will steadily increase. So the basic goal is to make deals for most of the game to get your diplomatic points moving up and save up influence by creating buildings and not spending much in the Empire Plan.
Then when you get around 60-70% of the points required for victory you should have a large amount of influence (on normal speed I had over 20,000). At this point make peace with one of the AI you have an alliance with and then make an alliance with him again. Don’t force an alliance because that doesn’t give many points anymore. Repeat this over and over. I gave him a bunch of technology each time so that he would agree to the alliance. Each time you do this you will get a big boost in diplomatic points. Once you run out of influence or tech to trade, end your turn to see if you won. You have to end the turn to get the boost in diplomatic points, they won’t show up the turn you make the deals. If you didn’t win you can either do the process with another of the AI if you still have influence to use or reload a save to wait a bit longer.
United Empires
Win a Shared Victory.
You earn this when someone you are in an alliance with earns the victory. If you are in an alliance with someone and YOU earn the victory, you will not get this achievement. I recommend playing a small 1v1 game against a friendly faction such as Drakken. Focus on science and once you research some tier VI technologies, give them to him for an alliance or other returns but make sure the deals are always in his favor. The more in his favor the deals are, the more friendly he will be towards you and the less likely it is that he will break the alliance. If it shows his view of you as “Blood Brothers” then you are in good standing and don’t have much to worry about. If he’s worried or envious, try gifting him some things to improve the relationship. Once you give him 4 of the tier VI technologies, wait until he has researched the fifth one to win the game. You can also try researching the remaining technologies prior to tier VI and giving them to him in an effort to force him to go for the victory condition.
Difficulty Levels
All of these are obtained by winning a game on the respective difficulty level. The easiest way to win on the highest difficulty is by creating custom factions. The process is described in this guide by TheDeadDude:
Cruise Control
Win a game in Newbie or higher difficulty against AI.
Asleep at the Wheel
Win a game in Easy or higher difficulty against AI.
Just Warming Up
Win a game in Normal or higher difficulty against AI.
Strove, Sought, Found, Did Not Yield
Win a game in Hard or higher difficulty against AI.
Barely Broke a Sweat
Win a game in Serious or higher difficulty against AI.
Piece of (True) Cake
Win a game in Impossible or higher difficulty against AI.
The Learner Is Now the Master
Win a game in “Endless” difficulty against AI.
These two achievements can only be obtained in multiplayer.
Press the Flesh
Play a game in multiplayer with one another human at least.
Awarded for starting a multiplayer game. You don’t have to win or finish it.
Cage Match
Win a game in multiplayer with one another human at least.
Awarded for winning a multiplayer game. The easiest way to get these would be to start up a game with a friend and let each other win.
General Gameplay
The achievements here don’t really fit in any of the other sections and can be obtained in just about any type of game.
Boot Camp
Finish the basics of tutorial.
The tutorial should be the first thing you do. It’s short and goes over the basics of the game.
Toe in the Water
Play for 10 turns, across any number of playthroughs.
Heroic Patience
Play for 1 000 turns, across any number of playthroughs.
Endless Gamer
Play for 10 000 turns, across any number of playthroughs.
For Endless Gamer, Quetzalcoatl has come up with a strategy that requires little work:
“Just set up a game on the lowest difficulty against the Roving Clans, only enable the Score victory condition then, in same menu, enable the timer for turns and select the option “15 seconds for city”; start the game, settle your city to avoid any attack from the Minor Factions, and let the game play by itself. Also set the AI to be custom cultists who cannot declare war for an even faster game.”
What’s Mined is Mine
Exploit each kind of strategic resource in one game.
There are 6 types of strategic resources. You must research the correct technologies in eras 1, 3, and 4 to be able exploit them. As long as you have 2 or 3 regions, you should definitely have at least one of each in your territory.
Just in Case
Have 100 of each strategic resource.
Once you get an extractor built for each resource, it’s just a matter of time and not using the resources before you get 100. Remember that you can also buy some resources off of the marketplace to quicken this.
Have 5 active luxury boosters at the same time.
The research required to build extractors are in eras 1, 3, and 4. If you have a decent number of regions by era 4 then there will certainly be enough luxuries in your territory to exploit. Remember that you can also buy some resources off of the marketplace to quicken this.
Guinea Pig
Use a booster of each luxury resource, across any number of playthroughs.
Unless you control the entire map, the chances of you owning every resource is very slim. Also, if you’re playing on a standard size or smaller map, it’s very possible that not all of the luxuries will even spawn in the game. I took me three separate games to find all the resources I needed. You can either trade with the faction that owns a resource you need or you can use the marketplace to try and buy some.
Real Estate Mogul
Build 100 improvements in your entire Empire in one game.
This will come naturally while you play. The more cities you have, the easier this is to obtain.
Urban Sprawl
Have 3 city tiles at level 2 in one of your cities.
To get a district or city tile to level 2 you must surround with with 4 other city or district tiles. Build up your city in a triangle formation for the most cost effective building pattern. This is easiest with the Necrophages since their districts don’t require as much food/population to build.
Explore 1 000 tiles before the 50th turn.
It’s possible you will get this if you play on a large map and like to explore. However, if you don’t, you can start up a game on a large map with just one other AI faction. Research and build the Mill Foundry and then constantly build new units and send them out exploring. It won’t take you very many turns if you send them out in every direction.
Finish the last chapter of a faction quest.
You will get this while going for either the Quest or Wonder victories.
Cities Builder
Have two cities in less than 15 turns.
Put the game speed on fast for this one. This will lower the production cost making it easier. Put down your first city where there’s a good amount of production. Start a new game if you get a bad spawn. Immediately start building the settler and research / buy the Mill Foundry if you need more production.
Maxed Out
Activate all the 4th levels in the Empire Plan.
Depending on how many cities you have and what speed you are playing on, this may take more or less Influence. If you are saving influence over the game and not constantly using as much as you can, you will be able to get this quite easily by late game. However, if you haven’t, you can always research the era 6 technology that doubles your influence output.
Me and Croesus
Gain 1 000 000 of Dust, across any number of playthroughs.
This will come naturally over time while getting the other achievements. The Roving Clans and The Broken Lords are the best at gaining dust.
All Roads Lead to Me
Get 20 trade routes or more starting from, crossing or reaching your empire.
Trade routes can be created with the Era 2 technology “Imperial Highways.” The more cities you have, the more trade routes you will have. It’s also best to be friends with your neighboring factions to allow trade routes to them as well. You can also gain more trade routes by building Caravanserais and Cargo Docks (both Era 3 technologies).
Making Friends
Assimilate 3 minor factions.
You start off with one slot to assimliate a faction. Most factions can gain two more slots by researching the correct technologies in Eras 2 and 4. You must have at least three regions for this.
Squirreling Away
Use a Food, a Science, and an Industry stockpile in one game.
There are technologies in eras 3 and 4 that allow you to make stockpiles in your cities. Research one of these and then make one of each stockpile.
Who, Me?
Attack a friendly army with privateers.
To get Privateers you must first research the correct Era 1 and 4 technologies. You also need to have at least one other faction that you are allied with so you have “friendly” units to attack. Once you have these both unlocked, buy 6-8 mercenaries and put them all in the same army. Then when you select the army, look at the bottom of the screen at the unit panel and one of the options there will be to turn the army into a privateer army. Select this and wait one turn for the army to change. Now you are free to attack any faction and they won’t know it was you.
Scourge of Auriga
Kill 1 000 units, across any number of playthroughs.
This will most likely come naturally while you go for other achievements. You can either fight or auto-resolve.
General Gameplay Part 2
Continuation of the above section.
Labs and Fabs
Have one city which produces more than 1 000 Science.
Cash Cow
Have one city which produces more than 1 000 Dust.
Corridors of Power
Have one city which produces more than 500 Influence.
Have one city which produces more than 1 000 Food.
Massively Mass Production
Have one city which produces more than 1 000 Industry.
None of these are difficult to obtain. Once you get to era 6 you can research technologies which will double your output of all of these resources. If you are still short, move all your workers over to work that type of resource and research/construct any additional buildings that can get you a boost.
A Byte of Barons
Have 8 heroes in one game.
You start the game with one hero and depending upon which faction you are playing, you may be able to get a free one by completing your faction quest. The rest must be purchased through the marketplace so you’ll need to research the correct Era 1 technology for that. Heroes aren’t cheap so you’ll need a good amount of dust to be able to get to 8.
Endless Leveling
Level up a hero to level 15.
You can level up your hero by leaving them in your army and fighting a lot or by putting them in a city and constructing many improvements. Using the Redsang luxury booster will give you +100% xp on your heroes so that will help a lot. If you have the Guardians expansion, there are several new buildings that will help to level up heroes as well.
Fast Start
Be the faction with the highest score at turn 25 playing on hard or higher difficulty.
Quick Out of the Blocks
Be the faction with the highest score at turn 25 playing on Endless difficulty.
These aren’t as hard to get as you might think. TheDeadDude has created a guide that will help you get these:
[link]Way Better Than Napoleon
Conquer 5 cities during a single winter.
I recommend waiting until the end game for this one. On standard speed around turn 300 the winters will last about 20 turns while the summers will only be 1-3 turns. This gives you plenty of time to plan and capture 5 cities. Getting the era 6 technology that doubles your units attack and health will help greatly.
Madder than Max
Kill a roving city.
If you’re trying to get this against the AI, you will find this to be one of the hardest achievements to get. The Roving Clans are the only faction that can move their cities so you must be playing against them. However they rarely move their cities and being able to actually get near them with an army while they are moving is another thing all together. I highly recommend you get this with a friend while going for the two multiplayer achievements.
Know Thy Enemy
Finish the last chapters of every faction quests, across any number of playthroughs.
Basically you need to go for a wonder victory with every faction. Once you get the victory quest you will know you have finished the faction quest. These aren’t particularly hard, just quite time consuming. I recommend making a list and checking off each faction as you complete their quest.
Also note that the Mezari and the DLC factions are not required for this.
Finish a game while never breaking an alliance you made at least 100 turns ago.
Your best bet will be to play as the Drakken and have the AI be the Roving Clans. Since the Roving Clans can’t declare war they won’t drag you into unecessary conflict and they won’t attack you. You will still need to give them gifts and make them happy so that they don’t cancel the alliance on their own accord. To get an alliance you must research the correct Era 4 technology.
Helping Hand
Complete 250 quests, across any number of playthroughs.
Completing 250 quests will take quite some time. If you want to grind this, I recommend playing on a large map with just one AI. You should play as the Wild Walkers since their faction quest is the easiest. Play through the faction and victory quests which will count for about 13 completed quests. You can also go around and parley with each minor faction which will give you an additional 1 quest for each region on the map. There is also a chance that when you search a ruins you will get a quest. So you can go around and search them for even more. There is also a technology in Era 4 that allows you to re-search previously searched ruins for even more quests!
Another, even faster way is to set up your game and play it out so that you can complete 3+ quests on the same turn. The first Wild Walkers quest of searching ruins is an easy one that you can finish at any time. Parley with many of the minro factions around you to get even more quests that you can complete when you want. When you get everything set up, save your game and turn in the quests. Remember to end the turn so that the game recognizes that you finished the quests. I did it this way and I was able to turn in 4-5 quests at a time and grinded out the achievement in about 40 minutes.
I recommend doing this achievement before doing “Resistance Is Useless” because pacifying villages through quests also counts towards that.
Resistance Is Useless
Pacify 500 villages, across any number of playthroughs.
Playing on a large map with just one AI will be your best bet. Pick a military focused faction such as the Necrophages so you can swarm across the map taking out all the villages. I recommend attacking them since it is the quickest and easiest way to pacify the villages.
Alternatively, an even faster way is to get a bunch of minor faction quests by parleying with them. Get these quests to the point where you are just about to complete them and save your game. Then finish or turn in the quests all at once. End the turn to make sure the game recognizes you have pacified them and then reload your save and repeat as needed.
Endless Day
…in the ruins all across Auriga, and even throughout…
This is a date specific achievement. Change the date and time on your computer to January 23, 2015. Now start a new game and complete the quest that you get called “Day of the Awakening.”
Guardians Expansion
Most of these achievement require that you purchase the Guardians Expansion pack if you intend on playing in singleplayer. I made a note next to which ones you can get in singleplayer even if you don’t own the expansion. All these achievements can be earned if you don’t own the expansion, but play in multiplayer with someone who does. Thanks to Loki for bringing this to my attention.
The Bigger They are…
Kill a Guardian.
If you don’t have a guardian of your own, killing an enemy guardian can be quite difficult. From what i’ve seen the AI doesn’t like to upgrade their own guardians as much as they like to upgrade their other units so if you have an upgraded guardian moving around with an army you should be able easily take out any enemy guardian. This can be done in battle or by autoresolving.
There is also a random quest that will spawn a guardian on the map for you to kill which will fulfill this achievement. You must own the expansion for this quest to spawn. Thanks to tireland for confirming this.
Collect’em All
Have the 5 different Guardians at the same time.
There are 5 different guardians that unlock through research in eras 3 through 5. You are limited in the number of guardians you can have at the same time so only make one of each.
Have the 5 Legendary Buildings at the same time.
A new legendary building unlocks during each era with the exception of era 6. You don’t have to build them all yourself so don’t worry if you miss one. The AI doesn’t seem to be quick about building them so it’s not too hard to get them up.
What’s Yours is Mine
Capture a city containing a Legendary Building.
You can easily combine this with the previous achievement. Don’t build one of the early era legendary buildings and wait for the AI to build it instead. Once it’s built you can check who built it by looking at the research screen as seeing what color the bar is next to the deed. This color corresponds to the player color in game. Go to war with the faction that built it and take all his cities until you get the achievement.
Contribute to a completed Co-operative Quest.
Co-operative quests are given out randomly throughout the game. They usually entail you going to a certain region and searching a ruin or defeating a minor factions units. Due to this, the achievement becomes harder the larger the map is. The AI also doesn’t seem to be interested in participating in these quests so it’s usually up to you to finish it. It doesn’t matter if you do the entire quest yourself or get help from the AI.
I Built it my Way
Win a game with generation presets other than default.
This achievement does not require owning the expansion pack. Thanks to Loki for confirming this.
When you’re setting up a game, in the options right before you start there is an option to change the Generation Preset. Simply change it from “Default” to any of the other three options and then win the game.
Heedful, Deedful
Complete all the Legendary Deeds, across any number of playthroughs.
The developers have said that of the 25 deeds listed in game, only 20 are needed for this achievement. The 5 deeds for obtaining the Legendary Buildings are not required. Furthermore, when viewing the deeds in game, you will see 3 listed in each era including the legendary building. In reality there are 5 for each era. The first two deeds listed in each era have an alternate deed as well. There is a 50/50 chance that you will get one of the two deeds. So, if you get a deed you’ve already obtained, you should restart the game to try and get the other. Because of this I highly recommend making a list of all the deeds in the game and crossing them off as you complete them. In the section below I will list the deeds and provide brief descriptions on how to obtain them.
When going for this achievement you will want to plan ahead. When you start a game check all the deeds to see which ones you’re going for and which ones are coming up later in the game that you can prepare for. Planning ahead is crucial to getting many of the deeds. The deed screen also has a ranking of who is closest to being awarded the deed so keep an eye on that as well to track your progress and competition.
Heedful, Deedful Table
Shadows Expansion
These achievements require that you own the Shadows Expansion.
Win a game with the Forgotten.
Military focused victories will be your best bet. Be sure to focus on boosting your dust throughout the game and use your heroes as spies so you can steal as many techs as possible.
Cheaters Come Out Ahead
With the Forgotten, be the first to reach the 2nd Era.
This is quite easy, especially if you play on a low difficulty level. The Forgotten don’t use science and instead use dust to buy their technologies. When you start the game immediately send your units out to search for ruins and hope that you get dust as a reward. You can focus your citizens on dust as well to help speed things up. If you have problems with this you can try setting the AI to be The Forgotten as well so they are in the same boat as you.
IP Piracy
With the Forgotten, steal 10 researches.
This is cumulative and does not need to be completed in the same game. Send a hero to infiltrate another players city and then use your influence to steal a technology. You can save right before you steal a tech and reload that save over and over until you get the achievement if you want.
Pillage 30 buildings, across any number of playthroughs.
Move an army next to a watchtower or extractor that belongs to another player and you can pillage it. There is a brief cooldown after you pillage something before you can pillage it again. The more units you have in an army, the faster you can pillage it. Pretty easy.
Sticky Fingers
Get 500 Dust by pillage.
You will get this while going for the previous achievement. You should get 100+ dust for each building you pillage. As the Forgotten, you have a tech that doubles the dust you get from pillaging so you can get 200+ dust each time with them.
Deep Mole
Perform 5 infiltration actions without leaving the infiltrated city.
Once you infiltrate a city with your spy you can do certain actions depending on how long your hero has been in the settlement. Perform 5 of the actions in the same city without your hero getting caught to get this achievement. It is ok if your hero gets wounded. I recommend making a save before you commit to any of the actions in case things go wrong.
I Came I Slew I Scampered
With a spy, return a governor to his owner’s academy without being detected.
When you have a hero infiltrated in an enemy city, you can see what they are building and if they have a hero in that city. Find a city with a hero and wait until your hero reaches rank 4 infiltration and then perform the action to return the other players governor (hero) to the academy. I recommend making a save before in case things go wrong. Getting caught or wounded will not count. You must be completely unnoticed when performing the action. If you play as the Forgotten, one of the parts of their main quest has you do this.
Homeland Serenity
Capture 10 spies, across any number of playthroughs.
This is the hardest achievement in the Expansion. Sometimes the AI will send their hero to spy on one of your cities, however it is very difficult to tell when they are actually in one of your cities. Everytime the spy does an action in your city there is a chance that you will disable, capture, or wound them. This chance is represented by the security value on the city. For instance, if your city has 30 security, then you have a 30% chance of interrupting the spy.
My recommendation is to research the techs that give you boosts to your security and just wait until you get a popup saying that an enemy spy committed an action on one of your cities. Reload the autosave from the previous turn (autosaves are made at the beginning of each turn). Go to the city that the spy is going to commit their action on and purchase all the buildings that you can that increase your security. Also start a roundup (these take 4 turns to finish, but it will still slightly boost your security for next turn) which you can do by selecting the city and looking for the roundup option near the top-middle of the screen. Your buildings will be constructed before the spies action and the roundup will help a little bit.
I had 100 security after buying two buildings and starting a roundup. This meant that I will disable, capture, or wound the spy no matter what. However, even with 100 security it is still rare to actually capture the agent. If you can’t get your city up to 100 security with this method then I recommend waiting until you get more techs or more dust to increase the security up to 100. End your turn and see the outcome of the spies action. Since the action takes place during the turn and not during the end turn, you can now continually reload your newest autosave and get different outcomes each time. Using this method it still took me about 30 minutes to capture the spy 10 times.
Shifters Expansion
These achievements require that you own the Shifters Expansion.
Win with the Allayi.
Quest is their main victory type. Military victories will be the most difficult, especially on larger maps.
Celebrate Diversity
Fight with an army, reinforcements included, having both Light and Dark forms of each of the Allayi units (Seeker, Skyfin and Monk).
To shift units, first you need to build the Altar of Auriga and unlock the Shapeshifters skill with it using pearls. Then, wait until winter and have two of each type of unit ready to attack the enemy. When winter comes, shift one of each unit type by clicking on them and then clicking the Shift button that appears in the bottom left part of the screen. The shift only lasts for that turn so you will have to plan ahead of time.
Have 100 force-shifted units, across any number of playthroughs.
Follow the description for the Celebrate Diversity achievement to see how to shift units as the Allayi. Just do this to 100 units to get the achievement. You can make a save and reload it over and over to save time and pearls.
Acquisitive Traveler
Extract 100 strategic or luxury resources in another empire, across any number of playthroughs.
As the Allayi, place your Skyfins over a resource deposit in an enemy territory that does not have an extractor built on it to automatically harvest resources from it. Your units will harvest some resources at the end of each turn. The units will be vulnerable so it may be worthwhile to get a decent army nearby to protect them.
Pearl Addiction
Collect 10 000 Pearls, across any number of playthroughs.
I recommend continuing to play after winning a game and letting the pearl clusters increase in value over several winters. Make a save, and then gather these clusters over and over by reloading the save. Easiest with Allayi.
String of Pearls
Collect 1 000 Pearls in one game.
Just keep collecting pearls throughout your game and this should come naturally. Easiest with the Allayi.
Cultured Pearl
Collect 1 Pearl Cluster with a value of at least 20.
Pearls clusters increase in value over time if you do not collect them. Let a cluster sit for several winters without gathering it and it should increase in value to be at least 20.
Lose one army due to the thaw.
This cannot be earned with the Allayi. Play as a different faction and do not research the Shipyard tech (Era II). If you have the Shipyard tech then your units will just turn to boats instead of drowning. To get ice shelfs to appear, you have to pray for them during the summer at the Altar of Auriga using pearls. The chance of ice shelves even being an option is randomized so it may take you several winters to even get the option of voting for them. Put an army of any size on the ice that appears and wait for summer to come for them to die in the ensuing thaw.
Like Peipus
Start and win a battle on frozen waters.
Follow the description in the previous achievement to get ice shelves to appear. Once you get them to appear, attack an army that is on the ice with one of your armies that is on the ice. Easiest to get on a large open map against minor factions.
Jeweller’s Shop
Unlock all Blessings of the Altar of Auriga in one game.
Just buy all the blessings with pearls that are available with the Altar of Auriga in a single game.
Spend 1 000 prayers on Winter votes, across any number of playthroughs.
During the summer you can pray at the Altar of Auriga using pearls to choose which new effect the next winter will have. Pray 1,000 times for this achievement to unlock. Prayers cost more as the summer goes on so I recommend making a save when you have a decent number of pearls saved up (~250) and on the first day of a new summer season buy as many prayers as possible. End your turn and reload the save to grind out the achievement quickly.
Tempest Expansion
These achievements require that you own the Tempest Expansion.
By Any Means
Complete your control of an ocean by trading for a Fortress.
You gain control of an ocean by controlling all the fortresses in it. This can be easily obtained by capturing all of the fortresses in an ocean, trading one away, and then immediately trading back for it. Thanks to blu_flare for this strategy.
Maritime Monopoly
Control every Fortress in the world.
This was a little buggy for me in that it did not unlock once I captured all of the fortresses. However, I was able to get it to pop by trading away a fortress and then trading back for it again.
Facility Completionist
Control each of the unique facilities across any number of playthroughs.
There are 13 different unique facilities. You can tell that they are unique when you click on a fortress and it shows the icons of each facility at the top of the screen and the unique facilites will have an icon similar to the icon of this achievement. I recommend playing on a huge map with just one AI (I played as Morgawr and set the AI to be Cultists) and focus on getting up multiple navies to capture all of the fortresses on the map as quickly as you can. Certain facilities unlock at different eras so you have to play until you reach era V to see what all the facilities are on the map. I took me 5 games to unock this. I recommend you make a checklist so you know what facilities you have found and which you need.
The 13 unique facilities are:
Capture 50 Fomorian-controlled Fortresses across any number of playthroughs.
You’ll most likely get this while going for the Facility Completionist achievement. You must capture the fortresses while they are controlled by the Fomorians. Fortresses captured when under the control of another faction does not count.
Maritime Myths
Complete 5 quests for the Fomorians in a single game.
The Fomorians are the minor faction that control all of the fortresses in the oceans at the beginning of the game. Parley with them and complete their quests to gain control of the fortress. The larger the map, the easier this will probably be.
Ambush an enemy army from a fog-bank.
Every turn will change the weather of ocean tiles. You can see what weather type is affecting a tile by hovering your mouse over it. One weather type is fog. Attack an enemy while your navy is on a tile affected by fog for this. You can also use the catspaw to lure a minor faction to a fog bank, cancel the catspaw, then attack the army. Thanks to blu_flare for the strategy.
The Great Old One
Lose an army to the Sea Monster.
Go back to R’lyeh
Defeat the Sea Monster.
During a game there is a chance you will get a competitive quest that states that a sea monster has appeared somewhere on the map and your job is to kill it. This is an extremely tough enemy with regenerating units in its army. Don’t try fighting it until you have heavily upgraded units and multiple navies. It may even be worthwhile to wait until you have the final era technology that greatly increases your military strength.
It Came from the Depths
Attack an army containing only land units with an army containing only submersible units.
You can use a similar strategy for this as for the Surprise! achievement. The AI is pretty careful with not moving their land units into oceans with your navy around so use the catspaw on a minor faction, lure them to your navy, then cancel the cats paw and attack. There are only two submersible units in the game, one Formorian one that every faction gets, and the Morgawr unique one.
Full Deck
Win a battle using an army containing each type of Fomorian warship.
There are 4 different Fomorian warships that are available to every faction. Have at least one of these units in an army that wins a battle.
Black Spot, Clean Hands
As Morgawr, use a Black Spot to prompt the elimination of an empire by a third party.
You get this just for putting the Black Spot on another faction. You do this in the diplomacy screen.
The Sun Never Sets
As Morgawr, control one region on at least 4 different continents.
There is a 4 continent map that you can use to get this. Just settle or conquer your way across the continents. You may want to play on a lower difficulty since the Morgawr have pretty terrible land units.
Mare Nostrum
As Morgawr, control an ocean which borders 4 or more land regions you control.
You should get this while going for the previous achievement. With 4 continents, there will certainly be an ocean that borders 4 different regions. I had three regions on one continent and one single region on another. Some users have said that this is buggy. I got it by capturing a final land region while others have said they needed to take the ocean region last. If this doesn’t unlock for you consider trading away a fortress to lose control of the ocean and then trading back for it.
The Grim Wave
Win a game with the Morgawr.
As Morgawr, win the game without ever building or purchasing land units (except for Settler units).
I recommend playing on a small 1v1 continents map and just turtling for a science or economic victory. It shouldn’t take too long on fast speed and if you make your opponent one of the factions that does not specialize in dust or science accumulation, then you should be fine. The only land unit you have is the Mastermind and if you have the Guardians expansion, you can’t build those either. Use catspaw on roaming minor faction units to bring them under your control and allow you take take over the continent you are on. This isn’t too hard once you control your own continent as you can use your naval units to prevent any attacks from your opponent.
Inferno Expansion – General
Thanks to lo_fabre for creating the guide for the Inferno expansion!
[link]Before starting this section, have in mind that here I’ll put the achievements related to Kapaku, as they’re part of new expansion. The next section, for faction specific achievements, is focused on achievements involving the vanilla factions.
Golems Rule!
Achieve victory with the Kapaku.
This one is pretty obvious. My recommendation: going for science or wonder victory is easiest.
A World Of Fire And Ash
Volcanoform 400 tiles over any number of playthroughs.
Not a hard one. For me it is easier if you go with a big map in 1vs1 with a lower difficulty. This way you’ll have a lot of space to volcanoform and it will only take 1 game.
Have in mind that volcanoform requires lots of strategic resources, so get everything that improves your strategic output: assimilate silics, BL and Kapaku hero skills, mining rights & volcanic leecher improvements.
Feel free to volcanoform everywhere, and don’t hesitate to do it in regions you don’t even want to colonize.
Geomancer’s Delight
Possess a unit with all Geomancy buffs active simultaneously.
This one may be tricky, but not complex.
Geomancers give bonus to units depending on the terrain they’re on. There are three different types of buffs, coming from forests, volcanic, and the rest of terrain, respectively.
For me the quickest way, is to have an army with 3 geomancers and one or more other units to buff, then look for a region and put a volcanoformer to get the 7 hexes volcanoformed with forests on one side and a non-forest, non-volcanic terrain on the other. Start a battle against anything you can near the volcanoformed tiles. Then you’ll have a terrain to fight (better do it manually) with all the 3 terrain types required. Put a geomancer on volcanic, another on forest and the third on the non-forest, non-volcanic terrain. Put all 3 in “hold position” and use them to buff a unit. End the battle. You don’t even need to win.
Have in mind that ending the turn is required.
Scorched Earth Policy
Volcanoform an enemy city’s entire exploited tiles.
This one is self-explanatory.
My recommendation here: look for a new enemy city that have only the city center. Then place two volcanoformers on opposite sides. Wait until the volcanoforming process ends (you’ll have to protect both volcanoformers just in case). Then you have to end a turn with all the exploitation tiles of the city volcanoformed, which is easy if the city only has the city center tile.
Ambush an enemy army from a Dust Blizzard
This one is easy. For me the quickest way is to look for a region with minor faction armies patrolling around. When a dust eclipse starts hide an army in the dust blizzard and when the minor passes in a tile next to it attack them.
Not sure if you need to win the battle, can’t check, cause I won. You need to end the turn.
A Total Eclipse Of The Art
Possess an army with all Dust Eclipse map-based buffs active simultaneously.
When a dust eclipse happens, you can have different buffs. I won’t put all the names, you just have to remember that when you zoom out. You’ll see them as a triangle, a square and a circle on the map. As the effects last until the eclipse ends, you only need a fast army that can reach one of each type before the eclipse ends. Consider two strategies: first use Kapaku because you can see the eclipse duration, second use an army with fast units and any kind of movement boost.
Night Rider
Search 12 Temples in a single Dust Eclipse.
Self explanatory. Have in mind that only temples count. Ruins won’t count.
I recommend an army with high movement (I’ll list movement buffs in “Speed Walker” achievement) or use various armies placed as far as possible from the others, as you don’t have to do with the same army (tested, I used 3 armies to get the achievement).
Kakapku are useful to plan, as you’ll know the eclipse duration.
Inferno Expansion – Faction specific
Speed Walker
Move an army 20 tiles in a single turn with the Wild Walkers.
Basically this is meant to be done during an eclipse, as WW have a movement bonus on forests. Moving in forests will cost for them 0.5 MP per tile, so you need an army with 10+ movement points. Have in mind (tested) that you only get this bonus if the army is composed exclusively by WW units, so don’t put any minor or non-WW mercenary unit in that army.
The only thing you have to do is move forth and back in between two forest tiles.
To have more movement points you can:
– Have ranged hero with the skill that gives MP. Lucky for you, WW have ranged heroes.
– Assimilate Ericis minor faction.
– Equip your units and heroes with accessories that enhance movement (unlocked by default at eras I to III)
Sacrifice 8000 total HP using Soul Burn over any number of playthroughs.
This is an easy one. What you have to do is click on the option every BL unit or hero have during an eclipse: “soul burn”. After this start a battle and some of your unit HP will be lowered to increase your attack. End the turn.
If HP are not burned, it can be caused by:
– There’s no eclipse (option wont be offered)
– You didn’t fight anything.
– You didn’t end the turn.
There are two ways to “burn” 8000 HP:
1: burn, end turn and reload.
2: you can do in one game (I “burned” >8000HP in two battles) if your units have very high HP (seems you burn a percentage, but couldn’t test). What gives you HP is: hero (infantry & support) skills, military T4 empire plan, assimilate gaurans, dust armor/weapons/accessories, Serum of Iteru and unit level.
Finest Vault Reserves
Teleport 5 or more units to a sieging Vaulter hero.
To get this one:
1: start a game on lower difficulty and ensure you have the option to start close to another empire.
2: unlock era II meritocratic promotion (otherwise you can only have 4 units in the army, so you cannot teleport 5)
3: locate enemy city.
4: build 5 cheap units if you only want the achievement.
5: wait for an eclipse.
6: make sure you have the sacred resource bonus active (you cannot teleport if you don’t have that bonus active)
7: Declare war at eclipse start.
8: Move a hero only army next to enemy city. Scout it with another army if it makes you feel safer.
9: use the teleport ability to teleport 5+ units into the hero-only army.
10: end the turn.
Cold Cuts
Spawn 30 Battle Born using Cadaver stockpiles in a single game.
Another easy one. You have to play with Necrophages. They get recycled stockpiles for killed units after battles, provided they win. Applying this stockpile to a city gives food, but during an eclipse it also will spam battleborn units in that city.
What you have to do is kill everything you can, until you get 15 recycled stockpiles (you can see how many you have in your empire screen). I recommend having 16, just in case. Then wait for an eclipse, and once eclipse is going, apply all those recycled stockpiles to a city.
One way to get more cadavers is to kill units during eclipses, it will makes things quicker, but if you’re patient, you can achive this before turn 200 killing at any time.
The math: 8 cadavers/stockpile, 2 battleborn/stockpile, means for 30BB you need 120 cadavers or 15 stockpiles.
Share the pain
Inflict 800 damage with a single unit in a single attack as the Ardent Mages.
Recommend doing this during an eclipse for the extra boost, but AFAIK can be done out of it.
My units gear: mythrite helmet, mythrite weapons, adamantian boots and titanium amulet for DMG boost.
My hero was equipped with the titanium army DMG boost amulet. Used a ranged for the DMG boost skill.
If with this gear you’re stills getting <800DMG (Should be at least around 700), you can:
– Wait for an eclipse.
– Use the spell that deals damage over your own units, to activate ardent fire ability.
– Recommend attacking a minor faction army with 5+ units with an army of your hero and 2-3 warlocks, to ensure warlocks are damaged and ardent fire is active.
– If in need of higher tier weapons, have in mind that Ardent Mages quest includes some high tier weapons/armors as reward.
Have in mind that after dealing the DMG and ending the battle, you won’t get the achievement until you end the turn.
Here’s a very useful link[www.games2gether.com] that gave me the clues to get the achievement.
Kill an enemy hero with a Setseke.
Following the advice for Madder than Max I posted in this link, start a MP game, to make easier Necrophages (you) against RC (AI) with close starting positions. Wait for first eclipse, move your hero alone (detach from your army) next to RC city as an eclipse starts. Then load the game as RC, pack your city and once it’s a Setseke fight the hero. It’s an easy win.
Not sure why, but in my case AI fought against my Setseke with his Necro hero just after the reloading. In case you are not that lucky and the hero runs away, its an infantry one with 4MP, so it should be easy to pursue.
If you’re new to endless franchise and pursuing achievements, you can get this one and Madder than Max in same game, just changing the faction you play when loading the game.
Peace Talker
Restore the peace with a least 3 empires within a single turn.
Here I recommend using Drakkens (@wcis said in comments section that you won’t get it with any other faction). I got this one with them, and not sure if will work with another faction. Also recommend playing against 3 RC in lower difficulties.
What you have to do:
1: gather lots of influence.
2: force peace with three empires.
3: in a posterior turn go to cold war with those 3 empires.
4: in another turn force peace with same 3 empires.
5: end the turn.
It doesn’t needs to be done during an eclipse, but it will make it easier, as the cost of diplomaci for Drakkens during and eclipse is halved.
Win 8 battles with armies exclusively composed of minor faction units within a single turn.
This one requires winning 8 battles in same turn, but the trick is that you only get it if you do with units from cultists converted villages. Won’t work with privateers on Morgawr controlled minors.
I did during an eclipse to get the bonus for my converted minors. Not sure if works out of eclipse, but I read some reports saying that it works too.
Some extra advice:
– Better play in big map 1v1 against a little aggressive faction like RC or Morgawr (they don’t expand far from the coast)
– Convert as many as possible minor villages in non-colonized regions, but leave 8 villages without converting (ideally 9 to have some reserve): these ones will be your objective.
– Use general bonus like serum of iteru to grant bonus to your minor faction units and ensure winning the battles.
– Once you feel sure, just place your minors armies in tiles just behind the eight non-converted villages and attack them in same turn. Even winning you’ll have to end this turn to get the achievement.
Symbiosis Expansion
Thanks to lo_fabre for creating the guide for the Symbiosis expansion!
[link]Before starting with this part of the guide, I want to explain a game setting that will allow you to get every achievement in this expansion, except the last three that are collection achievements (I’m still “collecting” while writing this guide, so don’t get myself yet), in one game, althought I won’t be the most interesting xp you got with EL, you’ll get 7 achievements in a row.
The game should be set as follow:
- Lowest diffeculty.
- Biggest possible map.Ideally pangea.
- 8 players (max allowed)
- Resources, anomalies, minors, and every map feature you can set up at its max.
- Deactivate elimination, supremacy and expansion victory conditions.
Remember that this settings are not useful for the last two achievement, wich will be easier if you play in games with:
- Small maps. Ideally pangea.
- Against cultists.
In both cases play with Mykara.
Win with the Mykara.
Leave this one for the last achievement in this game, do it once you get the following 6 achievements.
Once you killed everyone else in the game set up as told avobe, go for a science or economic victory which at that point should be very easy.
Blooming Marvelous
Create 50 Fungal Blooms in a single game.
To create a fungal bloom just click over the icon that appears over ruins, temples, paciefied minor factions (or destroyed villages) and resources (both luxury and strategic) you got the thech to exploit. When clicking the bloom will start growing taking part of your food for some turns. Repeat this 50 times. With the settings I told, you should get enough places to grow 50 bloms in a row. Just be careful not get out of food.
Resistance is Futile
Integrate 7 factions in a single game.
To integrate a faction you have to invade one of its cities. Once you do it will start a project that after few turns will give you a trait specific for that faction. Tou have to be careful about two few things here:
- You’ll need 7 factions to integrate (an there’s 8 players max), so play in very low difficulties to ensure that there’s no eliminated faction before you integrate it (once you rise your difficulty you’re at risk of other players killing each other).
- Don’t lose the city until project is completed.
- As told deactivate victory conditions that can make you win before you integrated all factions (supremacy, expansion and elimination).
Welcome to the Fold
Control 20 Overgrown Cities at the same time.
Once you invade an enemy city in the normal way to do it, it will turn into an overgrown city. You have to keep 20 at same time, shich should be easy to do with the settings I explained above.
I advice to give some room to expanding empires and avoid Cultist in your game to make sure that you have cities enough to conquer. If you need more cities, wait to defeat every empire and give them time to expand.
Monster Wrangler
Control all 3 Urkans at the same time.
To tame an Urkan you have two options:
- Fight and defeat the Urkan. This is a hard battle, but for me an army with palladian T2 Ipotanes with slowdon ability, mixed with T2 Shamblers worked. Use the Ipotanes to make urkan unable to move and attack from afar, and the Shamblers to block the incoming lice.
- Move an army next to it. Then an option in your army to pay a luxury fee to control the Urkan will appear. Pay it and Urkan yours. If you don’t have the resources, sith settings explained above, you should have enough in the market.
With this, pick the best strategy for you to control all 3. IMO easy way is to pay resources.
Shadow of the Colossi
Have all 3 Urkans affect a single one of your cities at the same time.
To have an Urkan influencing one of your cities, you’ll need to:
- Tame the Urkan.
- Move it to an uncolonized region next to one of your regions and make it root there.
- Unlock the needed ability into Urkan training. It has a luxury cost.
This is easy to do once you have all 3 Urkans. With setting explained you should have enough uncolonized regions next to your city, but if you need don’t heshitate to raze an overgrown city once you got “Welcome to the fold” and “Resistance is futile”.
Catch and Release
Take control of an Urkan owned by another faction and set it free (in the same turn).
For this one you have to tame an Urkan controlled by another faction. The only way to go here is to defeat the Urkan in combat as explained in “Monster Wrangler”. Once defeated an option to release it will appear, make sure to click it before ending the turn.
I reccommend leaving an Urkan to be tamed by another faction, defeat and release it and fight again next turn before it recovers. This will make easier get this achievement with the previous two in a row.
Create 1000 Fungal Blooms across any number of playthroughs.
Just keep growing fungal blooms as told in “Blooming marvelous”.
With settings I told, I’m able to grow about 300 fungal blooms per game.
The Exterminator
Kill 1000 Lice units across any number of playthroughs.
For this one play in small maps against Cultists to ensure having neutral regions. Ideally leave 3 Urkans free, as they will spawn lice armies every few turns. Keep fighting those armies until you’ve killed enough lice.
As @Sze wrote in comments, a good way is to let lice armies accumulate in one region (seems they tend to move to same region) and once you have various armies in same region save, kill them and reload.
Shake your Foundations
Deal 1 000 000 damage with Tremors over any number of playthroughs
To deal damage with tremors you need to:
- Controll all 3 Urkans.
- Unlock the ability in center of Urkan training that requires control all of them.
- Place an Urkan on an enemy region and activate “tremors” ability (not sure, but think it has to uprrot). It will start damaging enemy fortifications form afar.
To do it “quickly”, play agains various cultists, as the have a trait that give them more fortification points to damage. Ideally if you can place an Urkan on 3 different Cultists regions and start doing damage. Once a region goes to 0, let it recover or reload a game. Rinse and repeat.
Thank you for using my guide! I hope it has helped you in your quest to get all of the achievements in Endless Legend! If you have any questions, comments, or corrections, please feel free to let me know!