A short guide introducing the basic game mechanics and Prologue’s goals in Second Mission. :)*** Please note it’s not a finished game but only a small preview of what you’ll be able to see in our final release planned for 02 Q 2021. Enjoy and stay tuned! Check also our brand-new discord server – direct invite: https://discord.gg/VPvNDhnurf
Long awaited Second Mission is finally here – you can either play it in Sandbox Mode or unlock it after finishing successfully First Mission.
Welcome to your city – Wadi Hammat!
Second Mission’s Goals
Second Mission’s goals are completely different from those required in First Mission and they are focused on the mining industry along with religious aspects so in order to succeed and complete Second Mission you will need to mine 7500 pieces of turquoise and have Seth’s faith level at level 15 at least. You will need also a specific amount of villagers and 9/9 prosperity.
Burn them all
While planning your city layout don’t forget to build Fire Station as your first needed building, then build houses, wait for dwellers to come to your city, and after accommodation start with production buildings and setting up a trade route with Memphis. Fire Station is one of the most important buildings. It doesn’t need any connection with Water Areas but it is highly needed because if you don’t have it fully stocked with workers your housing will catch fire pretty quickly and burn to the ground. All of the buildings placed in this harsh desert have a higher chance to catch fire (around 50% more compared to buildings in First Mission).
Evolving in the harsh desert
Preset of housing available near water spots.
Water and mines areas
Below you can see few available areas for copper mine, turquoise mine and two areas where you can build well and housing. That’s a little tricky part as you need to discover those unique areas on your own (or using pics below).
Available Copper Mines Areas
Available Turquosie Mines Areas
Available Water Areas
It’s all about Hard Labor and Prosperity
Your people won’t evolve in this Mission as the only thing you can offer them is housing with a water source. No food, no luxuries. No fancy entertainment buildings or leveled housing as well. Only hard labor in colorful mines and worshiping Seth. Making bread is not so important as in First Mission but be advised – once you run out of your currency you won’t be able to build any new buildings. The map is limited with mines available to place by only a few restricted, possible areas for it. Other buildings can be built freely so don’t forget to build at the beginning primitive housing for your new people to trigger migration (as in First Mission) and stockpile/stockpiles to store mined copper and turquoise.
Due to the necessity of a specific amount of prosperity to fulfill mission goals you should also build some houses near water spots so your people have something more than poor “green shacks”.
Trade with Memphis
The Second Mission focuses on the hard work of your people and worshiping Seth. Trading with another city – Memphis is available but you can trade only with your mined turquoise and copper. Memphis needs also straw and fish but you won’t be able to produce them during Second Mission as there aren’t any areas allowing you to farm or to fish. You can trade each year limited amount of goods (as in First Mission).
Mechanics for trade with Memphis are the same as with Abydos – go to World Map, choose a city, choose the button for opening a trade route, pay 200 bread and go to Economy TAB and choose copper and turquoise for export. Don’t forget to check out settings in your stockpiles (export should be checked as default when you place stockpile on the map).
Below you can see improved World Map with Memphis:
And all of other cities which are currently not available for you:
*** Please note it’s mission in “Prologue” version so not all of planned features are available at this point.
Seth’s Worship
Seth’s Faith can be leveled up by building Seth’s shrines. Building cost for one Shrine – 150 pieces of bread. To achieve current goals you don’t need more than one shrine in your city. The higher level of faith in your city the more colorful your Gods are (from gray to colored ones).
Bandits (work in progress)
Bandits are still a work in progress. Once they are done you’ll need to build police stations and take care of bandits randomly stealing your goods (turquoise and copper).
How to earn more bread?
There are only two ways to earn bread in Second Mission – strategic trade and fulfilling other cities’ requests. Strategic trade means you should trade with goods which you mine with the lowest effort and villagers wages so the less the better. You can trade using turquoise and copper. Turquoise can be mined faster, copper is much slower. Other cities will ask you to give them both – turquoise and copper but it’s better to trade at the beginning with turquoise and gather copper for requests (because of copper mining speed). For each fulfilled request you’ll gain around 400-600 bread. 🙂
Second Mission has a very fragile balance so any of your management mistakes could lower your small yearly bread income.
So, overall, plan strategically, be patient, limit your population, pay your people only as much as they need to mine your trading resources, look after your buildings with fire station workers and wait for another update to come! Cheers guys and enjoy Second Mission!