Source Filmmaker Guide

Importing Faceposer VCDs to SFM for Source Filmmaker

Importing Faceposer VCDs to SFM


Since some people like myself still believe that old faceposer still has a place in machinima I have provided this tutorial for porting faceposer scenes to SFM.


Since some people like myself still believe that old faceposer still has a place in machinima I have provided this tutorial for porting faceposer scenes to SFM.
Note: You may not be able to import facial animations from vcds into SFM, If you just want to import facial animation from vcds then you are better off re doing them in SFM, if you want ANIMATION from VCDs then please read on

Part 1: Make a map

I would recommend generic_actor or npc_furniture,
Give it a name (sniper1, core1, actorA etc.)

Note: If you plan on using an official map decompile it and recompile (preferably under a different name) with the NPC.

Part 2: Fix Faceposer

Although Faceposer is not in the Source Filmmakers SDK launch menu is IS in the Source Filmmakers SDK

Find it in Steamsteamappscommonsourcefilmmakergamebinhlfaceposer.exe

If you click on it it will launch but you will notice that it will not be able to load models, this is because it is not being launched from the SDK because it is not listed in the SDK window so by default is points to Alien Swarm. We need to tell it where the game is manually.

To do this create a shortcut, Right-Click and click Properties.

In the Target box ADD the game parameters for SFM
these would be:
for 32 bit

-game “C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonsourcefilmmakergameusermod”

for 64 bit

-game “C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommonsourcefilmmakergameusermod”

So your Target box should look like:

“C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonsourcefilmmakergamebinhlfaceposer.exe” -game “C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonsourcefilmmakergameusermod”

Part 3: Set up your vcds

Now launch hlfaceposer.exe FROM THE SHORTCUT.

You should be able to load models and do all your normal faceposer thngs now.

Give the Actor the same name as the entity you made in your map.

Import or create your vcd scenes and put them in your usermod/scenes folder

Now rebuild the scenes.image

Part 4: Implementation

Now that you have all of your scenes and your image file safely stored inside your usermod folder it is time to implement them

Create a new session

Now load the map with the NPC you made earlier

Right-Click on the Viewport and Select Draw Game Entities and then tick NPCs

Extend out your shots so you do not cut off the scene.

Hit record then IMMEDIATELY open console

to play your scene use the scene_playvcd command

Note: DO NOT use the viewport console, Use the ingame console AFTER you have started recording, if you use the viewport console your scene will start without you and any sound inside the vcd will not play.

scene_playvcd can play any scene that is in your scenes.image file given it can find an NPC with the same actor name as the scene selected in your map.


scene_playvcd <string>


scene_playvcd sniper_taunt1 would play scenes/sniper_taunt1.vcd scene_playvcd npcs/core_flirt1 would play scenes/npcs/core_flirt1.vcd

Note: It is recommended that you bring to the player over to somewhere where you can see the NPC just to make sure everything fires right.

After you have fired your scene just sit back and watch your NPC act

When it is finished stop recording.

Now when you inspect your work you will notice that it will look something like this:

don’t be alarmed Right-Click on the Viewport and Select Draw Game Entities and then untick NPCs

You should now only be seeing your recorded footage.

Part 5: Add it to the model

Click the Plus button up at the left corner

Click Create Animations Set(s) For Existing Element(s) and find the model of your npc


You should now see your npc and all of the animation in your vcd as normal SFM animation curves.

Now you can use SFM to convert vcds to dmx animations to compile into models or import to Maya.
