Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force Guide

Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force Metamorphize Guide for Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force

Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force Metamorphize Guide


Walkthrough for all 3 routes, Achievements, ENDING Requirements, Lola sidequests, Monster Drop List, Hidden Treasure, Easy EXP, Costumes & Accessories, Fairies & Gifts, Challenges, CG Gallery


Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force is pretty much the definitive version of game with it not being a “sequel” or a port. Battles now have 6 participants instead of 3 like in the original and 2 new story paths.

The Goddess Route is similar to original PS3/PC with a few minor tweaks while the Vile God and Evil Goddess Routes bring something new to the table. You’ll need to beat the game 3 times with Hard Mode being mandatory for one of the playthroughs to get all the achievements. There’s now 5 difficulties Amateur [DLC], Easy, Normal, Hard and Hell Mode. Before I continue, beating the game on Hell Mode WON’T grant the Hard achievement and changing the difficulty during a Hard playthrough will cancel out the achievement. Also, the FLIGHT STONE is needed to jump higher and the Huge beak is now a parts break drop from Gukyo in Cavare Desert – Sanctuary (Revisited).

I won’t get into the OP paid DLC but if you want a non-paid alternative, you can go to the DLC bonus dungeon Sedipua Den Rear to find the Vile God & Goddess Clothes and War God Breastplate armors (provided you don’t get caught and killed by enemies).

Use Ctrl + F for Monsters, Monster Drops and Items

This is just the recommended order of achievements although some can be gotten in a different order depending on which routes you want to take (except Evil Goddess which REQUIRES New Game+. Why some users in the community can’t understand this is beyond me)

1st Playthrough– The Journey Begins, Where…Are We?, Goddess Story Cleared, Surging Waves of Fury, Bond with Fairy, Air Master, Maximum Firepower, Gimme a Boost, Diligent Worker, Amateur, Veteran, Male Bonding!?, Road of Thorns (Optional)

2nd Playthrough– Unsealed Deities, Tenser Fencer, The World’s Strongest, Fury Meister, Shukesoo’s Eviction, A Lengthy Relationship, Peaceful Resolution, Crusher, A Woman’s Garden, Vile God Story Cleared, Road of Thorns (Optional)

3rd Playthrough– Avalanche Master, We’re In The Money!, Blue Gale, Berserker, Evil Goddess Story Cleared, Road of Thorns (Mandatory), A Lengthy Relationship (IF everything was done in under 40 hours), Ultimate Fencer

PS- Even if you manage to unlock the rest of the achievements fairly quickly, you’ll still need to wait 40 hours to get 100%,

Achievements (1/2)

The Journey Begins

Start a New Game

Where…Are We?

Obtained after completing Cavare Desert – Sanctuary

Goddess Story Cleared (Missable)
To access the Goddess Route you need to pull LESS than 7 furies from the Vile God before completing Cavare Desert – Sanctuary

Vile God Story Cleared (Missable)
To access the Vile God Route you need to pull LESS than 16 furies from the Vile God before completing Cavare Desert – Sanctuary

Evil Goddess Story Cleared (Missable)
To access the Evil Goddess Route you need to pull than 16 or more furies from the Vile God before defeating Bernard at Cavare Desert

Unsealed Deities

Pulled every sword from the Vile God and Goddess. Requires all 40 fairies.


Defeat 10,000 Enemies. Easily grindable on Floor 1 of Shukesoo’s Tower [DLC] since there’s always a group of 6 enemies.

Tenser Fencer

Max your tension 300 times.

Surging Waves of Fury

Perform 250 hits. Just use Harley’s Bullet Storm against a group of 5 or more enemies.

Bond with Fairy

Reach level 10 with one of your fairies

Avalanche Master

Performed 100 Avalanche Attacks

Air Master

Perform 100 300 Air Combos.

DO NOT completely skip attack animations during a character’s turn otherwise enemies will stay on the ground even if launch attacks are part of your combos.

Maximum Firepower

Dealt 100,000 damage in a combo

Gimme a Boost

Boost your weapon (Weapon Boost in the menu- WP needed) for the first time

The World’s Strongest

Reach Lv. 99 with any character. Having furies that boost exp in dungeons, fairies with EXP+ or Growth Talismans will help.

Achievements (2/2)

Fury Meister

Weapon boost to max. Revival Rank S is required which is possible on your 1st playthrough if you completed the broken fury (which also requires 2 of Lola’s sidequests) to get the S Rank fairy Rita. For quick WP to boost your weapon, go to Floor 35 of Shukesoo’s Tower (DLC) and defeat Evil Goddess – Supreme for 500WP per fight.

Shukesoo’s Eviction

All 40 fairies are required to fully complete Shukesoo’s Tower.

  • 18 from the story (Sylph, Sayle, PXS-04G, Fanny J, Reed, Kurama, Blaze, Naivy, Kunes, Lif, Light, Yura, Sigurd, Undine, Harpy, Dia, Vint, Minari)
  • 15 from Lola Sidequests (Nelly, Niles, Shadogan, Laives, Snow, Kuko, Grandnarg, Kyoko, Fuer, Raijin, Dakumudos, Gunlight, Gisele, Rami, Medis)
  • 5 from the Shukeeso’s Tower [New Game+] (Lilina, Roh, Wesley, Fahn, Gozer)
  • 1 for completing {B} Emergency! First! Aid! [New Game+] (Dohn)
  • 1 for completing the Broken Fury (Rita)

(An update with all 3 routes will be coming soon. The above is based only on the Goddess Route)

Diligent Worker

Reach Quest Rank S by doing quests and completing the [Important] to Rank Up.

  • [D] Supplying Medicine [Important]
  • [C] The Collector [Important]
  • {B} Robot Research [Important]
  • [A] The Collector 2 [Important]
  • [S] Mountain Monsters [Important] (Goddess Route)
  • [S] Bird Emperor [Important] (Vile God Route)
  • [S] Dark Demon [Important] (Evil Goddess Route)

Completing The Collector 2 [Important] to reach Rank A will be a pain in the @ss… luckily there’s a workaround.

[Non-paid DLC]

Firestorm Spirit Stone- Hidden Treasure in Wine Factory Ruins Interior

Slush Spirit Stone- Hidden Treasure in East Kidanar

Voltremor Spirit Stone- Treasure Crystal in Wine Factory Ruins or a Hidden Treasure in East Kidanar

[Paid DLC]

Fight 200 battles with the DLC fairies Drulger or Lars to get 2 of each stone.

We’re In The Money!

Defeat Fin Bactritoid (The scripted boss that Eryn pull the Fury from) at Katticus Ice Cave during New Game+ for an easy 5,000,000G. Make sure your party is very high leveled (Maybe even 999) and have furies that boost P-ATK and Damage x2. You only have 2 turns to defeat him before the scripted cutscene occurs


Fought 50 battles


Fought 200 battles


Fought 500 battles

A Lengthy Relationship

Play for 40 hours

Road of Thorns

Completed the game on Hard difficulty. Self-explanatory except you should NEVER change the difficulty on a Hard playthrough EVER. Beating the game on Hell Mode [DLC] also DOES NOT grant this achievement.

Peaceful Resolution

Have Pippin ALONE in the party and have him persuade 6 enemies to leave in a battle. Shukesoo’s Tower Floor 1 (DLC) has 6 enemies by default so make sure Pippin is at least Lv. 20+ (Non-DLC) to survive long enough to make all the enemies leave battle.


Break all the parts of Iris, Devilkin and EX Harariel on Floors 10, 16 and 22 in Shukesoo’s Tower. It should unlock after EX Harariel has been defeated with all parts broken.

If your party is too strong, have Tiara, Galdo or Marianna cast Ultra Cure-All/Full Cure-All on the enemies until all their parts are broken. If small yellow numbers stop showing up for a while, that’s a sign all their parts have been broken.

Male Bonding!? (Missable)
Must defeat Imperial Gold Dragon [Lola sidequest #15] with a party consisting of Males. The earliest you can get it is with Fang, Galdo and Apollonius (missable if he didn’t join your party after defeating him at Zawaza Plains the second time after saving him) on your 1st playthrough during the Goddess Route. Make sure to buff and debuff with Fang and use Apollonius’ Skill Seal during the battle with Galdo serving as the healer.

A Woman’s Garden

All 40 fairies are required in New Game+. Go to Floor 40 of Sheukesoo’s Tower and defeat Artemis with a party consisting of ONLY females.

Blue Gale (Missable)
During the Evil Goddess Route, you’ll need to gather ingredients at a new dungeon Dasuhiro Plains. Harley will create the Float Booster which allows you to continuously dash provided you don’t bump into something. You’ll need to keep dashing for 30 seconds across the field or….

Stand exactly in that spot after using the Lubricating Oil (Gotten from completing [C] [Urgent] Big Oil) and perform a dash

You’ll get stuck in this position which should making it far easier to continuously dash for 30 secs.

Ultimate Fencer

Unlocked all achievements

Lola sidequests

1. Yatagan Lava Flows (Before entering Katticus Ice Cave)
Boss: NEO Giant x2
Fairy: Nelly

2. Katticus Ice Cave (Before entering Kidanar)
NEO Bactritoid x3 (Broken Fury – Hilt [Key Item])
Fairy: Niles

3. Kidanar (Before entering Bui Valley)
Boss: NEO Ghost x2
Fairy: Shadogan

4. Bui Valley
Boss: NEO Azure Dragon
Fairy: Laives

5. Cavare Desert *Exit Cavare Desert – Sanctuary immediately upon entering via cutscene*
Boss: Boss: NEO Gukyo x3 (Broken Fury – Edge [Key Item])
Fairy: Snow

Goddess Route

6. Sol Plains (Revisited)
Boss: NEO Flying Dragon x3
Fairy: Kuko

7. Yatagan Lava Flows (Revisited)
Boss: NEO Insect
Fairy: Grandnarg

8. Katticus Ice Cave (Revisited) *Exit Solaru Village immediately upon entering*
Boss: NEO Caladrius x3
Fairy: Kyoko

9. Solaru Village (Revisited)
Boss: NEO Canhell x3
Fairy: Fuer

10. Bui Village (Revisited)
Boss: NEO Gorlois
Fairy: Raijin

11. Zawaza Plains (Revisited)
Boss: NEO Pixie x5
Fairy: Dakumudos

12. Cavare Desert (Revisited)
Boss: NEO Hannibal x2
Fairy: Gunlight

13. Rudohke Blast Furnace
Fairy: Gisele

14. Lusamundo Ice Cave
Boss: NEO Imperial Blue Dragon
Fairy: Rami

15. Subterranean Tower
Boss: Imperial Gold Dragon
Fairy: Medis

Vile God Route

6. Sol Plains
Boss: NEO Caladrius x3
Fairy: ???

7. Yatagan Lava Flows
Boss: NEO Canhell x3
Fairy: ???

8. Karvisse Cave
Boss: NEO Gorlois
Fairy: ???

9. Dasuhiro Plains
Boss: NEO Hannibal x2
Fairy: ???

10. Lusamundo Ice Cave
Boss: NEO Pixie x5
Fairy: ???

11. Dasuhiro Plains
Boss: NEO BI Dragon x2
Fairy: ???

12. Subterranean Tower
Boss: NEO Imperial Blue Dragon
Fairy: ???

Evil Goddess Route

6. Zawaza Plains
Boss: NEO Caladrius x3
Fairy: ???

7. Bui Valley
Boss: NEO Canhell x3
Fairy: ???

8. Katticus Ice Cave
Boss: NEO Gorlois
Fairy: ???

9. Dasuhiro Plains
Boss: NEO Pixie x5
Fairy: ???

10. Sedipua Den
Boss: NEO Hannibal x2
Fairy: ???

11. Cavare Desert
Boss: NEO BI Dragon x2
Fairy: ???

12. Dasuhiro Plains
Boss: NEO Imperial Blue Dragon
Fairy: ???

Walkthrough- Part 1

Regarding Godly Revival

  • Puling less than 7 furies from the Vile God will put you on the Goddess Route before completing Cavare Desest – Sanctuary
  • Puling less than 16 furies from the Vile God will put you on the Vile God Route before completing Cavare Desest – Sanctuary
  • Puling 16 or more furies from the Vile God will put you on the Evil Goddess Route before defeating Bernard at before completing Cavare Desest (New Game+ Only as it’s impossible to pull 16 furies from the Vile God with limited fairies at the point in the story)

Remote Jail – B2

*Acquire Brown Key*

Guard x2 (Potion x2)

Guard Captain (Red Key)

Treasure Crystals: Herb Sprout, 33 Gold, Potion x2, Pebble x2, Potion, 38 Gold
Breakable Objects: Pebble

Remote Jail – B1

Guard Captain (Yellow Key)

Guard Captain (Blue Key)

Guard Captain (Silver Key)

Treasure Crystals: Energy Shard x2, 49 Gold, Fashionable Ring (Armor), Potion, Pebble x2, Energy Shard, 52 Gold, Potion
Breakable Objects: Potion, Poor Quality Iron Ore

Scripted Boss: ???

Zelwinds City

*Obtain fairies Jaeger, Christinger, Ahab, Leela, Aques, Drulger, Lars, Foxer [DLC] when leaving Zelwinds City*

Sol Plains

Treasure Crystals: Herb Sprout x2, Potion x3, Burned Toast (Accessory), Energy Shard

Sol Plains- North

Treasure Crystals: Potion x2/Energy Shard, Mid Potion

Boss: Hoodlum Fencer (Mid Potion)

*Tiara joins and obtain fury with the Sylph*

Zelwinds City

Event: Sunflower Inn

Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Eryn
Event: Talk- Tiara

Godly Revival

Select Goddess and pick any C rank fury of your choice or using the fairy Sylph

*Revival Rank Up to C*

Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Tiara

Fountain Plaza

Event: Look for Lola

Kravisse Cave

Treasure Crystals: Herb, Energy Shard x3, Dimensional Clock x2

Kravisse Cave – Interior

Treasure Crystals: Dimensional Clock x2, Energy Shard x3, Enchanted Ring (Armor)

Boss: Ethel (Dewdrop Flask)

*Obtain fury with fairy Sayle*

Zelwinds City

Event: Sunflower Inn

Fountain Plaza

Event: Looking for Lola (300 G for info)

Yatagan Lava Flows

Treasure Crystals: Blue Fairy Wings x2/Potionx2, Cherub’s Feathers x2, Potion/Energy Shard/1084 Gold, White Headdress/Antidote, Mid Potion x2

Boss: Gorlois, Lavann x2

*Obtain fury with fairy PXS-04G*

Zelwinds City

Subevent: Guillermo’s Pub

Guild: *Do all the quests for the Supplying Medicine [Important Quest]*

*Buy 3 Mid Tonics at the shop for 2100G (Should already have 5 Energy Shards) to Rank Up*

Event: Sunflower Inn

Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Eryn and Tiara

Fountain Plaza

Event: Look for Lola

Subevent: Look for Lola- 300G for information

Yatagan Lava Flows [Lola Sidequest #1]

NEO Giant x2

*Obtain fury with fairy Nelly*

Katticus Ice Cave

(Beginning of dungeon) Boss: Killer Mantis

Treasure Crystals: Potion x2/Black Crown, Bronze Gauntlets/Return Wing/999 Gold, Pink Tiara, Energy Shard, Steel Gauntlets/Yellow Fairy Wings/Energy Shard

Hidden Treasure: Herb Sprout, Panacea Sprout, Lucky Clover, Ice Stone

Scripted Boss: Fin Bactritoid

*Obtain fury with fairy Fanny J*

Zelwinds City

Event: Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Eryn and Tiara

Event: Dorfa HQ

Subevent: Sunflower Inn

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 450G for information

Katticus Ice Cave [Lola Sidequest #2]

NEO Bactritoid x3 (Broken Fury – Hilt [Key Item])

*Obtain fury with fairy Niles*


Treasure Crystals: Potion/Mid Potion, Antidote x2, Potion/Tonic/1342 Gold, Potion/Tonic
Breakable Objects: Pebble, Potion, Water Stone

Kidanar – North Block

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion, White Tiara/Dimensional Clock, Antidote x2/296 Gold
Breakable Objects: Iron Ore, Pebble, Water Stone

Boss: Ganada Mother (Pretty Shell x2)

*Obtain fury with fairy Reed*

Zelwinds City

Subevent: Tomoe’s Shop *Synthesis available*

Event: Sunflower Inn *Harley joins*

Subevent: Talk- Eryn and Tiara

Subevent: Fountain Plaza

Shukesoo’s Tower

(Beginning of dungeon) 1st Guardian Boss: Desert Riser (Weakened Special Fiber)
2nd Guardian Boss: Ghede x2 (Potion x2) *Tiara & Harley leave party*
3rd Guardian Boss: Nightblade Serpent (Ether)
4th Guardian Boss: Little Grey x3 (Potion x3)
Scripted 5th Guardian Boss: Majin’s Remains (Potion)
5th Guardian Boss: Majin’s Remains (Potion) *Tiara & Harley rejoin party*

*Obtain fury with fairy Kurama*

Zelwinds City

Sunflower Inn

Event: Talk- Tiara, Eryn or Harley

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Tiara, Harley, Bahus

Fountain Plaza

Event: Look for Lola- 1000 G for information

Subevent: Sunflower Inn

Walkthrough- Part 2

Solaru Village

*Tiara & Harley rejoin party*

Boss #1: Hooligan
Boss #2: Undead
Boss #3: Attack Squad
Boss #4: Death Pierrot

*Tiara solo in dungeon*

Treasure Crystals: Light Blue Hairpin/Lozenge, Stimulant, Mid Potion/380 Gold
Hidden Treasure: Herb Sprout, Water Stone
Breakable Objects: Wild Strawberry, Water Stone, Potion,

*Back to Fang*

Boss #5 Galdo (High Potion)

Scripted Boss: Zenke

*Tiara & Harley rejoin party and obtain fury with fairy Blaze*

Boss: Zenke

*Galdo joins*

Zelwinds City

Guillermo’s Pub

*Reports all the quests up to this point for The Collector [Important] to Rank Up to C*

Subevent: Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Harley, Tiara, Bahus, Galdo, Marissa

Subevent: Fountain Plaza

Event: Look for Lola- 1500 G for information

Subevent: Fountain Plaza- 600 G for information

Kidanar [Lola Sidequest #3]

NEO Ghost x2

*Obtain fury with fairy Shadogan*

Bui Valley

Treasure Crystals: Women’s Hand Towel/Herb x2, Potion x2
Hidden Treasure: Herb Sprout, Night Blossom

Bui Valley – West

Treasure Crystals: Stimulant x2, Monocle/Fire Stone, Float/Return Wing, Leather Guard

Boss: Ethel (Dewdrop of Salvation)

*Obtain fury with fairy Naivy*

Zelwinds City

Event: Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Tiara, Harley, Bahus, Marissa

Fountain Plaza

Event: Look for Lola- 2200 G for information

Subevent: Look for Lola- 980 G for information

Bui Valley (Lola Sidequest #4)

NEO Azure Dragon (Pretty Shell)

*Obtain fury with fairy Laives*

Zawaza Plains

(Beginning of dungeon) Boss: Assassin x 3

Treasure Crystals: Energy Shard x2, Stimulant x2

Zawaza Plains – East

Treasure Crystals: Enthusiastic Cap/Lightning Stone
Hidden Treasure: Copper Ore, Lightning Stone, Ice Stone

Zawaza Plains – Far East

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion x2/White Robe, Athena’s Armor/Mid Potion/6503 Gold *Flight Stone needed*
Hidden Treasure: Herb, Night Blossom, Herb Sprout, Beautiful Flower, Lightning Stone

Scripted Boss: Apollonius

*Obtain fury with fairy Kunes*

Boss: Apollonius (Masquerade)

*Sherman joins the party and obtain fury with fairy Lif*

*Acquire Wild, Lovely, Refreshing, Women’s Hand, Men’s Hand Bath Towels after some cutscenes*

*Pippin joins after more cutscenes*

Zelwinds City

Guillermo’s Pub

*Report all the quests up to this point for Robot Research [Important] to Rank up to B*

Event: Sunflower Inn

*Pay Lola 3500 G during cutscenes and Sherman leaves the party*

Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Tiara, Harley, Bahus, Galdo, Marissa, Soji, Pippin x2, Eryn x2

Subevent: Diner

Subterranean Tower

Treasure Crystals: Herb/Bronze Breastplate
Hidden Treasure: Panacea Sprout, Beautiful Flower
Destructible Objects: Iron Ore

Subterranean Tower – B3

Treasure Crystals: Lightning Stone, Cherub’s Feathers, Doctorate Hat/Fire Stone
Hidden Treasure: Copper Ore, Earth Stone
Destructible Objects: Earth Stone

Subterranean Tower – B5

Treasure Crystals: White Monocle/Mithril Stone, Purple Armband/Mithril Stone/1799 Gold, Return Wing x2
Hidden Treasure: Copper Ore, Earth Stone
Destructible Objects:

Scripted Boss: Bernard

*Sherman rejoins party after cutscene*

Zelwinds City

Subevent: Fountain Plaza

Event: Guillermo’s Pub *Acquire Emily’s Amulet*

Event: Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Tiara, Harley, Bahus, Galdo, Marissa, Pippin, Soji, Ryushin, Sherman x2

Subevent: Fountain Plaza

Cavare Desert

Treasure Crystals: Hermit/Mid Potion x2, War God Breastplate/6620 Gold *Flight Stone needed*, Enhanced Mail
Hidden Treasure: Copper Ore, Fire Stone, Amazonite, Herb, Beautiful Flower

Boss: GS Antis (Audio Output Circuit)

*A bit further in*

Boss: GS BI Dragon (Audio Output Circuit)

Cavare Desert – North

Make sure to get the Black Disc needed to synthesize the Music Box as Cavare Desert will be blocked off during the second half of the game

Treasure Crystals: Black Ban-gasa x2/Mid Potion x2, Black Disc [Key Item]/Bronze Mail, Swimming Goggles/Energy Crystal
Hidden Treasure:

Boss: GS Hannibal (High Powered Circuit)

Boss: Bernard *Acquire Faith Drop*

Cavare Desert – Sanctuary

*Exit dungeon*

Zelwinds City

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 1980G for information

Cavare Desert [Lola Sidequest #5]

Boss: NEO Gukyo x3 (Broken Fury – Edge [Key Item])

*Obtain fury with fairy Snow*

Cavare Desert – Sanctuary

Treasure Crystals: Fox Mask/Mid Potion, High Tech Propulsion Engine/Stimulant x2, Panacea x2, Potion x3, Aged Afro/Lozenge, Angel Feathers x2/High Tonic
Hidden Treasure: Copper Ore, Wind Stone

Boss: Zagi, Marianna *Watch out for Gospel Bell when Marianna’s health is low* (Beautiful Blue Jewel)

Walkthrough- Goddess Route (1/2)

Sol Plains (Goddess)

*Fang Solo*

Treasure Crystals: Yanderyn/Dimensional Clock, Ether/1504 Gold, Herb Sprout x2

Sol Plains – North

Treasure Crystals: High Potion, Mid Tonic

Boss: Hoodlu… who cares

*Obtain fury with fairy Light*

Zelwinds City

*Tiara joins during cutscene*

Subevent: Tomoe’s Shop

Subevent: Guillermo’s Pub

Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Tiara

Kravisse Cave (Goddess)

Treasure Crystals: Energy Crystal x2, Lucky Clover x2, Purified Ash x2
Hidden Treasure: Ether, Ultra Potion

Kravisse Cave – Interior

Treasure Crystals: Eyepatch/ Mid Potion x3, Gold-Framed Glasses/Silver Gauntlets, Resort Flower/Stimulant x2/Mid Potion x2

Boss: Ethel (Dewdop of Salvation)

Zelwinds City

Event: Sunflower Inn

Yatagan Lava Flows (Goddess)

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion x2, Cherub’s Feathers, Blonde Parted Hair/Ether, Mid Potion x2, Chocolate Ribbon/Earth Stone
Hidden Treasure: Copper Ore, Poor Quality Iron Ore, Herb, Night Blossom

*Tiara leaves the party before the Boss*

Boss *Fang solo*: Tridon, Lavamurian x3 (Tattered Wing)

*Tiara rejoins party and Obtain fury with fairy Yura*

Zelwinds City

Sunflower Inn

Event: Talk- Tiara or Eryn

Fountain Plaza

Event: Look for Lola
Subevent: Look for Lola- 3980G for information

Subevent: Sunflower Inn

Sol Plains (Goddess) [Lola Sidequest #6]

Boss: NEO Flying Dragon x3

*Obtain fury with fairy Kuko*

Katticus Ice Cave (Goddess)

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion x2, Apricot Hairclip/Copper Ore/1390 Gold, High Ether, Cherub’s Feathers x2
Hidden Treasure: Copper Ore, Poor Quality Copper Ore, Panacea Herb, Lucky Clover

Scripted Boss: Firn Bactritoid x2

*Eryn’s Fury has powered up!, Combo count +1!, Fury Form power increased!*

Boss: Firn Bactritoid x2

*Obtain fury with fairy Sigurd*

Zelwinds City

Sunflower Inn

*Harley joins the party*

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Tiara, Harley, Bahus

Subevent: Guillermo’s Pub [New Game+]

*Obtain fury with fairy Dohn*

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 4980G for information

Yatagan Lava Flows (Goddess) [Lola sidequest #7]

Boss: NEO Insect

*Obtain fury with fairy Grandnarg*

Zawaza Plains (Goddess)

Get 1 Spring’s Feather from Spring Pixie using Change Enemy for the Flight Stone

Treasure Crystals: Stylish Adventurer/Stimulant x31523 Gold, High Potion x2

Zawaza Plains – East

Treasure Crystals: Panacea
Hidden Treasure: Herb, Night Blossom, Lightning Stone, Mid Potion, Panacea Sprout, Beautiful Flower, Iron Ore

Zawaza Plains – Far East

Treasure Crystals: Black Glasses/Earth Stone, *Flight Stone needed* Black Obi/Elixer x2

Boss: Apollonius (Max Tonic)

*Harley leaves the party*


Reach Lv. 35 with Fang BEFORE defeating the boss at Rudohke Blast Furnace as you’ll be forced to fight Apollonious a second time at Zawaza Plains after some cutscenes. He won’t join your party if you’re below that level.


Rudohke Blast Furnace

Treasure Crystals: Red Visor/Wind Stone, Mid Tonic x2, High Potion/Red Hairband/2397 Gold, Mid Potion x3
Hidden Treasure: Iron Ore, Silver Ore, Mithril Ore, Fire Stone, Blaze Stone, Amazonite

Rudohke Blast Furnace – B1

Treasure Crystals: Blaze Stone/Fire Stone, Silly Mask/Iron Ore, High Potion/Swim Cap/3616 Gold

Boss: Devolcano (Dragon Claw)

*Harley rejoins after cutscene at Zawaza Plains*

Boss: Apollonius *Watch out as he does a powerful AoE attack when he’s close to death* (Energy Crystal)

*Apollonius joins the party……… if Fang was Lv. 35*

Zelwinds City

Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Tiara, Eryn x2, Harley, Bahus, Apollonius

Fountain Plaza

Event: Look for Lola- 4980G for information

Subevent: Riverbank

Solaru Village (Goddess)

*Exit dungeon immediately*

Zelwinds City

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 5980G for information

Katticus Ice Cave (Goddess) [Lola Sidequest #8]

Boss: NEO Caladrius x3

*Obtain fury with fairy Kyoko*

Solaru Village (Goddess)

Treasure Crystals: Stimulant, Mid Potion x2/1782 Gold, Vampire Cap/Earth Stone
Hidden Treasure: Copper Ore, Poor Quality Iron Ore, Amazonite
Destructible Objects: Water Stone, Potion

Forced Battle: Hooligan

*Tiara, Harley & Apollonius [If unlocked] leave party and obtain fury with fairy Undine*

Boss: Zenke

*Galdo joins party*

Zelwinds City

Subevent: Diner

Event: Sunflower Inn

Subevent Talk- Eryn x2, Apollonius, Tiara, Harley, Bahus, Galdo, Marissa

Fountain Plaza

Event: Look for Lola- 7980G for information

Subevent: Look for Lola- 8890G for information

Solaru Village (Goddess) [Lola Sidequest #9]

Boss: NEO Canhell x3

*Obtain fury with fairy Fuer*

Bui Valley (Goddess)

Get 5 Pieces of Flying Stones from Thunderbird to Synthesize the Flight Stone

Treasure Crystals: Potent Herb x2, Mid Potion x2
Hidden Treasure: Iron Ore, Wind Stone, Panacea Herb, Lucky Clover

Bui Valley – West

If you want to unlock the Picture Gallery get the Art Book. You’ll also need other items to synthesize the Visual Box which I will cover

Treasure Crystals: High Potion x2, Fox Pup Mask/Copper Ore, Art Book [Key Item]/1251 Gold, Return Wing, Stimulant

Boss: Ethel (Max Tonic)

*Ethel joins party and obtain fury with fairy Harpy*

Zelwinds City

Event upon entering

Subevent: Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Galdo, Marissa, Apollonius, Ethel, Karin

Subevent: Fountain Plaza

Event: Look for Lola- 10800G

Subevent: Look for Lola- 9990G

Subevent: Diner

Bui Valley (Goddess) [Lola Sidequest #10]

Boss: NEO Gorlois

*Obtain fury with fairy Raijin*

Subterranean Tower (Goddess)

Treasure Crystals: Moe Bunny Ears/Lightning Stone x2, Mid Potion x2/2777 Gold, Suped Up Armor/Mandragora/2271 Gold, Orange Coat/Mid Potion x2
Hidden Treasure: Iron Ore, Amazonite, Potent Herb, Mandragora, Mithril Stone, Silver Ore
Destructible Objects: Pyrite, Pebble, Silver Ore, Gold Ore, Orichalcum, Earth Stone

Subterranean Tower – B3

Treasure Crystals: Lightning Stone/Dark Robe/3255 Gold, Cherub’s Feathers, Medical Eyepatch/Wind Stone
Hidden Treasure: Potent Herb, Night Blossom

Subterranean Tower – B5

Treasure Crystals: Stylish Hairpin/Iron Ore/1833 Gold, Sky Frills/Mid Potion x2/2038 Gold, Return Wing

Boss: Pippin

*Pippin joins and obtain furies with the fairies Dia, Vint and Minari*

Zelwinds City

Event: Sunflower Inn

Forced Battle: Attack Squad x3

Subevent: Talk- Pippin, Soji, Eryn, Tiara, Harley, Bahus

Subevent: Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 10000G for information

Zawaza Plains (Goddess) [Lola Sidequest #11]

Boss: NEO Pixie x5

*Obtain fury with the fairy Dakumudos*

Cavare Desert (Goddess)

(Beginning of dungeon) Boss: GS Antis, GS BI Dragon, GS Hannibal

Treasure Crystals: Sage’s Robe/Elixer/3655 Gold, Mid Potion x3, Enhanced Mail/Ultra Ether x2
Hidden Treasure: Silver Ore, Gale Stone, Panacea Herb, Moon Blossom, Lightning Stone, Herb, Beautiful Flower

Cavare Desert – North

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion x3, High Potion x2/3574 Gold, Red Glasses/Earth Stone
Hidden Treasure: Herb, Mandragora

Zelwinds City

Fountain Plaza

Event: Looking for Lola

Subevent: Looking for Lola- 12080G for information

Subevent: Diner

Cavare Desert (Goddess) [Lola sidequest #12]

Boss: NEO Hannibal x2

*Obtain fury with fairy Gunlight*

Walkthrough- Goddess Route (2/2)

Lusamundo Ice Cave

Get 7 Ultra Powered Circuits from Red SPA to complete Robot Research [Important] and for the Visual Box

Treasure Crystals: Ether/2741 Gold, Lil’ Lady Swimsuit/Mid Potion x2, Devil Set -Fresh Blood-/Iron Ore
Hidden Treasure: Panacea Herb, Lucky Clover, Iron Ore, Ice Stone, Herb, Potent Herb, Mithril Stone, Glacial Stone, Silver Ore, Amazonite, Gold Ore, Orichalcum

Lusamundo Ice Cave – B1

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion x2/4807 Gold, Angel’s Feathers, Dewdrop Flask/3719 Gold, Panacea/4993 Gold

Scripted Boss: Marianna, Zagi

Boss: Marianna, Zagi (Chunk of Magic)

Zelwinds City

Guillermo’s Pub

*Report Robot Research [Important] to reach Rank B*
*Also report all the quests up to the point and accept The Collector 2 [Important]*

Go to Wine Factory Ruins and East Kidanar to get the 3 rare stones need to complete the quest WITHOUT having to grind/steal for hours. Firestorm Spirit Stones and hidden in Wine Factory Ruins Interior, Slush Spirits Stones are hidden in East Kidanar and Voltremor Spirit Stones can be found in a Treasure Crystal in Wine Factory Ruins or as a hidden treasure in East Kidanar
Wine Factory Ruins

Treasure Crystals: Dewdrop Flask x2, Max Tonic, Panacea, *Voltremor Spirit Stone
Hidden Treasure: Archangel’s Feathers, Moon Blossom, Earth Stone, Elixer, Panacea Herb
Destructible Objects: Herb, Special Glass Plate, Justice Society Membership Card, Wild Strawberry

Wine Factory Ruins Interior

Treasure Crystals: 58658 Gold, Ultra Ether, Dewdrop of Salvation x2
Hidden Treasure: *Firestorm Spirit Stone, Ultra Ether, Elixer, Wake-Up Drink

East Kidanar

Treasure Crystals: Archangel’s Feathers x2, Panacea, Dewdrop Bottle, Ultra Potion
Hidden Treasure: *Voltremor Spirit Stone, *Slush Spirit Stone
Destructible Objects: Potion, Pebble, Iron Ore

East Kidanar Interior

Treasure Crystals: Panacea, Men’s Hand Towel, Dimensional Clock x2

Zelwinds City

Guillermo’s Pub

*Report The Collector 2 [Important] to reach Rank A*

Event: Riverbank

Subevent: Sunflower Inn

Fountain Plaza

Event: Look for Lola

Subevent: Look for Lola- 15080G for information

Rudohke Blast Furnace [Lola Sidequest #13]

*Obtain fury with the fairy Gisele*

Inverted Tower

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion x3, Mid Potion x3
Destructible Objects: Fire Stone, Sparse Moss, Energy Shard, Insect Stinger, Lightning Stone

Inverted Tower – 3F

Get 2 Video Output Circuits from Signa Riser to synthesize the Visual Box

Treasure Crystals: Black Armband/High Potion, Summer Hat/Silver Ore/3054 Gold
Hidden Treasure: Silver Ore, Gold Ore, Earth Stone

Inverted Tower – 5F

Treasure Crystals: Ether, Swimmer’s Goggles/Ether

Boss: Eryn Copy- Nihil, Illusion and Dream (Chunk of Magic) *Acquire Faith Drop*

Zelwinds City

Guillermo’s Pub

*Keep reporting quests until Mountain Monsters [Important] appears and accept*

Subevent: Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Tiara or Eryn

Subevent: Riverbank

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 22000G for information

Lusamundo Ice Cave [Lola Sidequest #14]

Boss: NEO Imperial Blue Dragon

*Obtain fury with the fairy Rami*

Zeppelia Valley

Use a fury with Change Enemies and kill 3 Imperial Black Dragons

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion x3/Cash Glasses/3188 Gold, Potent Herb, Blue Glasses/Wind Stone
Hidden Treasure: Herb, Moon Blossom, Wind Stone, Gale Stone

Boss: Paiga *Does scripted AOE attack when weakened so watch out*

Zelwinds City

Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Tiara, Harley, Bahus, Galdo, Marissa, Ethel, Karin, Pippin, Soji, Apollonius

Guillermo’s Pub

*Report Mountain Monsters [Important] to reach Quest Rank S*

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 45000G for information


Make sure you have a party consisting of Fang, Galdo and Apollonius before taking on the Imperial Gold Dragon for the Male Bonding!? Achievement


Subterranean Tower [Lola Sidequest #15]

Boss: Imperial Gold Dragon *Watch out for his Parismatic Blast*

*Obtain fury with the fairy Medis*

Cavare Desert – Sanctuary (Goddess)

Treasure Crystals: Angel’s Feathers, Ban-gasa x2/Lozenge x2, Mid Potion x3, Light Blue Bunny/Wind Stone, Panacea x2/3472 Gold, Scarlet Armband/Mid Potion x2, Mithril Armor/Elixer x2
Hidden Treasure: Herb, Night Blossom

Boss: Erifidium

Scripted Boss: Sherman and Marianna

*Lola joins the party after all 15 (Yes, 15 not 16 in this version) of her sidequests are completed*

Zelwinds City

Subevent: Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Diner

Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Tiara, Harley, Bahus, Galdo, Marissa, Ethel, Karin, Pippin, Soji, Apollonius, Lola

Stairway to Heaven

Treasure Crystals: Rose Hairclip/Iron Ore, Chosen One’s Ring/High Ether x3, Mid Tonic x2/6110 Gold
Hidden Treasure: Silver Ore, Gold Ore, Earth Stone, Amazonite, Mithril Stone
Destructible Objects: Weakened Special Fiber

Scripted Boss: Marianna, Attack Squad B and C

*Tiara, Ethel and Galdo, leave party during cutscene*

Boss: Marianna, Attack Squad B and C

*Galdo and Ether rejoin party after cutscene*

Stairway to Heaven – 3F

Treasure Crystals: Gold Ore x2/Orichalcum, Brave Armor/High Ether x3, Polka Dot Ribbon Tail/Dragon Ring

Boss: Bernard *Watch out his scripted AOE attack Ashen Killing Cut when near death* (Broken Fury Blade)

*Exit dungeon*

Now that you have all 3 Broken Fury parts, it is now time to synthesize them into the Cracked Fury

Zelwinds City

Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Godly Revival

Tomoe’s Shop

*Synthesize Broken Fury – Blade, Edge and Hilt to create the Cracked Fury*
*Synthesize 3 Iron Ores and 1 Silver Ore to create Forged Steel*
*Synthesize Cracked Fury with Forged Steel to create Repaired Fury*
*Synthesize 3 Mithril Stones and 1 Silver Ore to create Forged Mithril*
*Synthesize Repaired Fury with Forged Mithril to create Polished Fury*

Subevent: Sunflower Inn

Cavare Desert – Sanctuary [Subevent]

Reach destination on the map

*Obtain fury with the fairy Rita*

Only do this task if you’re on New Game+ as you’ll need 39 fairies to make it to the top of the tower. Make sure to break all the parts of Iris, Devilkin and EX Harariel on Floors 10, 16 and 22 for the Crusher Achievement. It should unlock after EX Harariel has been defeated with all parts broken

Shukesoo’s Tower [New Game+]

10F: Break all of the parts of Iris and defeat it for the Bronze Emblem to get the fairy Lilina
Parts Break: Both Arms

16F: Break all of the parts of Devilkin x3
Parts Break: Head

20F: Defeat EX Gavain for the Iron Emblem

22F: Break all of the parts of EX Harariel
Parts Break: Head, Arms, Tail, Legs

30F: Defeat EX Gavain for the Silver Emblem

35F: Defeat Valafar for the Gold Emblem

Zelwinds City

Subevent: Guillermo’s Pub

Bronze Emblem= *Obtain fury with the fairy Lilia*
Iron Emblem= *Obtain fury with the fairy Roh*
Silver Emblem= *Obtain fury with the fairy Wesley*
Gold Emblem= *Obtain fury with the fairy Fahn*

Godly Revival

Pull out remaining furies

Shukesoo’s Tower

39F: Defeat EX Gavain for the Platinum Emblem

Zelwinds City

Subevent: Guillermo’s Pub

Platinum Emblem= *Obtain fury with the fairy Gozer*

*Return to Stairway to Heaven 5F*

Stairway to Heaven – 5F

Treasure Crystals: Snorkel/Mid Tonic x2, Valkyrie’s Armor/Elixer x2/10851 Gold

Boss: Sherman (Energy Crystal)

*Tiara rejoins party after cutscene*

Scripted Boss: Vile God Sherman

Scripted Boss 2: Vile God Sherman

Boss: Vile God Sherman *Watch out for his scripted AOE attack Dark Encounter when he reach

Walkthrough- Vile God Route (1/2)

Cavare Desert – Sanctuary

Scripted Boss: Vile God

*Fang, Tiara, Galdo, Harley, Pippin leave the party*

Sol Plains

Treasure Crystals: Ether/1915 Gold, Yanderyn/Dimensional Clock, Herb Sprout x2

Sol Plains – North

Treasure Crystals: Mid Tonic, High Potion

Boss: Tiara

Zelwinds City

Event: Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Godly Revival

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Sherman, Ryushin

Subevent: Fountain Plaza

Yatagan Lava Flows (Vile God)

Treasure Crystals: Cherub’s Feathers x2, Energy Shard x2, Potion/Energy Shard/1151 Gold, White Headdress/Fire Stone

Boss: Galdo (Max Tonic, Archangel’s Feathers)

*Ethel joins party during cutscene*

Zelwinds City

Event/Subevent: Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Ethel x2, Eryn, Karin, Sherman, Ryushin

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 5980G for information

Sol Plains [Lola Sidequest]

Boss: NEO Caladrius x3

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Bui Valley (Vile God)

Treasure Crystals: Potent Herb x2, Mid Potion x2

Bui Valley – West

Treasure Crystals: High Potion x2, Stimulant/Red Glasses, Green Visor/Wind Stone, Return Wing/High Potion x2, Art Book [Key Item]/2301 Gold

Boss: Gorlois

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Zelwinds City

Fountain Plaza

Event: Look for Lola

Subevent: Look for Lola- 8890G for information

Yatagan Lava Flows [Lola Sidequest]

Boss: NEO Canhell x3

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Karvisse Cave (Vile God)

Treasure Crystals: Silver Ore, Potion x4, Moe Bunny Ears/Mid Potion/1013 Gold

Karvisse Cave – Interior

Treasure Crystals: Soothing Balm x2/High Ether, High Potion/Red Visor, Silver Ring/Dimensional Monocle

Boss: Apollonius (Dewdrop of Salvation)

*Apollonius joins the party*

Zelwinds City

Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Apollonius

Fountain Plaza

Event: Look for Lola

Kidanar (Vile God)

Treasure Crystals: Sleepy Eryn/High Ether x2, Red Hairband/Glacial Stone x2, Summer Spectacles/Copper Ore x2, Hi-Tech Propulsion Engine, Panacea Herb x2
Destructible Objects: Broken Beak, Smelly Fur, Water Stone

Kidanar- North Block

Treasure Crystals: Patterened Ribbon Tail/Regal Gauntlets, Swimmer’s Goggles/Lightning Stone x2/1250 Gold, Brave Gauntlets/High Potion x2

Boss: Dia Cockatrice

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Dorfa Human Ranch

Treasure Crystals: Dewdrop Bottle/Tonic x2, Dimensional Clock, Swimsuit/Ultra Ether/Mid Tonic x2
Destructible Objects: Shabby Circuit, Panacea Herb x2, Silver Ore x3, 3014 Gold, Sparse Moss x3, Earth Stone, Enchanted Skirt

Ranch Jailer- White Key

Dorfa Human Ranch – 2F

Treasure Crystals: Prototype Clothing (F)/Gold Ore, Masquerade/Gold Ore, High Potion x2

Ranch Director- Pink Key [Key Item]

*Go to the upper right corner of the map*

Dorfa Human Ranch

Ranch Deputy Warden- Azure Key [Key Item]

Dorfa Human Ranch – 2F

*Go to the lower path at the center of the map*

Dorfa Human Ranch

*Go straight then turn right to use the Azure Key*

Ranch Warden- Orange Key [Key Item]

*Go back the way you came to Floor 2*

Dorfa Human Ranch – 2F

*Go to the bottom left corner and use the Orange Key*

Dorfa Human Ranch

Ranch Corrections Deputy- Gold Key [Key Item]

Dorfa Human Ranch – 2F

*Go to the upper path at the center of the map*

Dorfa Human Ranch – 3F

Ranch Corrections Captain- Black Key [Key Item]

Boss: Zenke

Zelwinds City

Fountain Plaza

Event: Look for Lola-

Event: Dorfa HQ

*Tiara joins party during cutscene*

Boss: Pippin

Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Tiara, Ethel, Karin, Apollonius, Sherman, Ryushin

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 9990G for information

Karvisse Cave [Lola sidequest]

Boss: NEO Gorlois

Katticus Ice Cave (Vile God)

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion x2, Apricot Hairclip/Lightning Stone/1033 Gold, Lost Witch Ring/Mid Potion x2, Cherub’s Feathers x2

Boss: Galdo, Harley (Dewdrop of Salvation, Energy Crystal, Archangel’s Feathers)

*After cutscene*

Forced Battle: Fang’s Mercenary x3

*After cutscene*

Forced Battle: Fang’s Mercenary x3 (That’s not a typo BTW)

*After cutscene*

Forced Battle: Fang’s Mercenary x3 (Did Compile Heart run out of ideas?)

*After cutscene*

Boss: Paiga

*Fang joins the party and Tiara leaves during cutscene*

Zelwinds City

Subevent: Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Ethel, Karin, Sherman
Subevent: Apollonius

Stairway to Heaven (Vile God)

*Pippin joins the party at the beginning of the dungeon*

Treasure Crystals: Rose Hairclip/Water Stone, High Potion/Yanderyn, Mid Tonic x2/8059 Gold
Destructible Objects: Sparse Moss

Stairway to Heaven – 3F

Treasure Crystals: Gold Ore/Orichalcum, Polka Dot Ribbon Tail/Water Stone, Resort Flower/High Potion x2

Stairway to Heaven – 5F

Treasure Crystals: Mid Tonic x2, High Potion/10273 Gold

Boss: Harley (Max Tonic)

*Harley joins the party during cutscene*

Scripted Boss: Bernard

*Eryn’s Fury has powered up! Combo count +1! Fury Form power increased!*

Boss: Bernard

Zelwinds City

Event/Subevent: Sunflower Inn

*Harley joins the party during cutscene*

Subevent: Bahus, Ethel, Karin, Pippin, Soji, Ryushin, Apollonius x2, Sherman x2, Harley x2, Eryn x3, Lola x2

Walkthrough- Vile God Route (2/2)

Lusamundo Ice Cave (Vile God)

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion x2, Green Goggles, Ether/4760 Gold

Lusamundo Ice Cave – B1

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion x2/4552 Gold, Dewdrop Flask, Swim Cap/3183 Gold, Angel’s Feathers, Panacea/Iron Armor/3273 Gold

Boss: Firn Bactritoid

*Acquire Minimacron*

Zelwinds City

Subevent: Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Ethel x2

Event: Guillermo’s Pub

Subevent: Sunflower Inn

Fountain Plaza

Sunevent: Look for Lola- 12080G for information

Dasuhiro Plains (Vile God) [Plus Lola Sidequest]

Treasure Crystals: Panacea Herb/Mandragora/Sun Blossom, Mid Tonic x3/Dewdrop of Salvation, Panacea Herb x2/Sun Blossom x2/Divine Gauntlets, Sorcerer’s Ring/Decorate Hat, Silver Ore/Maelstrom Stone, Bronze Ring, High Potion x3/Mid Potion/Platinum Gauntlets, Blue Glasses/Mid Tonic

Sidequest Boss: NEO Hannibal x2

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Boss: Paiga

*Acquire Spiritual Stone, Dynamite Bath Towel, Slender Bath Towel, Special Apparatus Type β, Fit Bath Towel, Flat Bath Towel, Women’s Hand Towel x3, Men’s Hand Towel x2*

Zelwinds City

Subevent: Sunflower Inn

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 10000G for information

Lusamundo Ice Cave [Lola Sidequest]

Boss: NEO Pixie x5

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Cavare Desert (Vile God)

Treasure Crystals: Mithril Armor, Blonde Parted Hair/Pippin Toast, Tin Gauntlets

Cavare Desert – North

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion x2, Black Disc [Key Item], Energy Crystal

Boss: Marianna *Watch out for her scripted attack Gospel Bell when half her health is gone*

*Acquire Faith Drop*

Zelwinds City

Event: Sunflower Inn

*Harley leaves the party and hand over Minimacron, Spiritual Stone, Faith Drop*

Subevent: Harley

Guillermo’s Pub

*Accept [E] [Urgent] Mass Outbreak!? and kill 12 Funyons at Dasuhiro Plains*

Event/Subevent: Sunflower Inn

*Harley rejoins party and acquire Faith Drop Neo*

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Bahus, Pippin, Soji, Apollonius, Lola, Sherman, Ryushin, Harley x2, Ethel x2, Karin x2

Subevent: Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 15080G

Dasuhiro Plains [Lola Sidequest Plus]

Boss: NEO BI Dragon x2

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

*Exit then re-enter*

Dasuhiro Plains – Valley of Swords

*Reach Quest Rank S (or just stay if you’re already S Rank)*

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Subterranean Tower (Vile God)

Treasure Crystals: Cat Ears/Orichalcum x16, Mid Potion x2, Divine Ring/1602 Gold, Mid Potion x2
Destructible Objects: Earth Stone, Iron Ore, Pebble, Pyrite

Subterranean Tower – 3F

Treasure Crystals: Lightning Stone/2703 Gold, Cherub’s Feathers, Medical Eyepatch/High Ether

Subterranean Tower – 5F

Treasure Crystals: Iron Ore/2054 Gold, Snorkle/Mid Potion x2/2973 Gold, Return Wing

Vile God’s Innards

Boss: Vile God’s Cell x3

Vile God’s Innards – Depths

Boss: Vile God’s Cell

Zelwinds City

*Tiara joins party during cutscene*

Subevent: Riverbank

Sunflower Inn

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Bahus, Karin, Pippin, Apollonius, Lola, Sherman, Ryushin, Harley x2, Ethel, Tiara, Soji x2

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 22000G for information

Subterranean Tower [Lola Sidequest]

Boss: NEO Imperial Blue Dragon

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Dansklight Ruins

Treasure Crystals: Cleaning Committee Armband/Mid Potion x2, Wizard Robe/Orichalcum x2, Cash Glasses/Mid Tonic x2/High Potion x2
Destructible Objects: Water Stone, Video Output Circuit, Tonic, Poison Stinger, Lightning Stone, Sharp Beak, Earth Stone

*Turn left and activate all the switches along the way then proceed to the next area through the upper left path.

Dansklight Ruins – Layer A

Treasure Crystals: High Potion, Green Tea Ribbon/High Ether, Elixer/Ether x2, Red Orb [Key Item],

*Activate the switches then proceed to the next area up the path located to the left*

Dansklight Ruins – Room

*Activate the switch then backtrack*

Dansklight Ruins – Layer A

*Go to the next area up the located to the right*

Dansklight Ruins

*Go to the next area up the located all the way to the right*

Dansklight Ruins – 2F

Treasure Crystals: Brocade Flag -Big Catch-/Burned Toast/High Potion x2, Chosen One’s Ring/High Ether x3

Dansklight Ruins – Room

Dansklight Ruins – Layer B

Treasure Crystals: Dewdrop Bottle x2/13621 Gold, Blood Suit/Mid Potion x2, Brave Armor/High Ether x3, Valkyrie’s Armor/Painkiller x2

*Activate the switches then proceed to the right*

Dansklight Ruins – Room

Treasure Crystals: Mithril Breastplate/Elixer x2

Boss: Zenke *Watch out for his attack Tragic Lamentation when he’s low on health* (Blue Orb [Key Item])


Dansklight Ruins – Layer B

*Proceed all the way to the left this time*

Dansklight Ruins

*Use the Red & Blue Orbs on the door in the center*

Dansklight Ruins – Depths

Boss: Vile God Marianna

Walkthrough- Evil Goddess Route (1/2)

Cavare Desert – Sanctuary

Boss: Vile God (Elixer)

*Tiara, Harley, Galdo, Pippin, Sherman leave the party*

Sol Plains (Evil Goddess)

Treasure Crystals: Herb Sprout x2, Ether/1892 Gold, Yanderyn/Dimensional Clock, High Potion, Mid Tonic

Boss: Hoodlum Fencer

Zelwinds City

Guillermo’s Pub

*Accept Dark Demon [Important] if your Quest Rank is A during this route*

Event: Sunflower Inn

Event: Fountain Plaza

*After cutscene*

Forced Battle: Justice Society Soldier x2

*Galdo joins the party*

Zawaza Plains (Evil Goddess)

Treasure Crystals: Dewdrop Bottle x3/Max Tonic x2/Angel Set, Elixer x2/High Tonic x5/82 Gold

Zawaza Plains – East

Treasure Crystals: Archangel’s Feathers x2/High Ether x3

Zawaza Plains – Far East

Treasure Crystals: War God Breastplate/Elixer x3/Archangel’s Feathers x3, Polka Dot Ribbon Tail/Max Tonic x2/Return Wing x2

Scripted Boss: Sherman

*Galdo leaves the party….. or did he?*

Zelwinds City

*Lola joins during event*

Tomoe’s Hotel

Subevent: Godly Revival

Guillermo’s Pub

*Accept [Urgent] Big Oil and kill 2 Ryoko Dragons at Zawaza Plains for the Lubricating Oil [Key Item] needed for Dasuhiro Plains*

Justice Society Camp

Forced Battle: Justice Society Soldier x2

Justice Society Jailer Captain- White Key

Treasure Crystals:
Destructible Objects: Spare Moss, Bone Fragments

Boss: Paiga

Justice Society Camp – 2F

Justice Society Director- Pink Key

Treasure Crystals: 1489 Gold, Red Hairband/Wake-Up Drink x2, Pebble x3, 1748 Gold, Mithril Ring, Mid Potion x2, Ether
Destructible Objects: Shabby Circuit, Leather Barrel, Iron Ore

Justice Society Camp

*Use Pink Key on cell with shady looking wall and destroy it to find Azure Key*

Treasure Crystals: Buletproof Vest, Orange Coat/Painkiller x2, Azure Key [Key Item]/Pink Headdress/3483 Gold, Mithril Gauntlets/1628 Gold, Mid Potion/Burned Toast, Poor Quality Iron Ore x2, Panacea x2/Light Blue Bunny, Dewdrop Flask x2, Ether/Blue Glasses, Black Key [Key Item]/Energy Crystal x2

*Head to the lower Area of this map to use the Azure Key*

Justice Society Warden- Orange Key

Justice Society Camp – 2F

*Head towards the exclamation point on the map*

Justice Society Corrections Deputy- Gold Key [Key Item]

*Go to the lower door in the middle of the map*

Justice Society Camp

*Go straight then turn right to the prison cells to find a treasure crystal that has the Black Key. Return where you came from then go through the upper door this time*

Justice Society Camp – 3F

*Marianna joins during cutscene*

Forced Battle: Justice Society Soldier x2

Zelwinds City

Tomoe’s Hotel

Subevent: Talk- Marissa, Lola, Marianna, Khalara, Eryn

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 5980G for information

Zawaza Plains [Lola sidequest]

NEO Caladrius x3

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Bui Valley (Evil Goddess)

Treasure Crystals: Potent Herb x2, Mid Potion x2

Bui Valley – West

Treasure Crystals: High Potion x2, Secret Dance/Stimulant x2, Green Visor/High Potion x2, Art Book [Key Item]/2188 Gold, Return Wing

Boss: Dark Raven

Zelwinds City

Event: Tomoe’s Hotel

Subevent: Talk- Eryn x2, Marianna x2

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 8890G for information

Bui Valley [Lola sidequest]

NEO Canhell x3

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Katticus Ice Cave (Evil Goddess)

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion x2, Apricot Hairclip/Lost Witch Ring/1486 Gold, High Ether, Cherub’s Feathers x2

Boss: Zagi

Zelwinds City

Event: Tomoe’s Hotel

*long cutsene*

Scripted Boss: Pappin

*Pippin joins party during cutscene*

Boss: Pappin

*Tiara joins party during cutscene*

Subevent: Tomoe’s Hotel

Subevent: Talk-Marissa, Soji x2, Lola, Khalara, Tiara x2, Marianna x2, Harley, Eryn x2, Pippin

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 9990G for information

Katticus Ice Cave [Lola sidequest]

Boss: NEO Gorlois

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Dasuhiro Plains

*Acquire Float Booster*

Treasure Crystals: Platinum Ring/2924 Gold, Mid Tonic x2/Dewdrop of Salvation, Nimble Spray x2/Painkiller x2, Dragon Claw x3/High Tonic x2, Divine Gauntlets, Copper Ore x3/Silver Ore x2/Gold Ore, High Ether x2/Hope Fragment x2, White Capelin/Silver Ore, Lost Witch Ring/4496 Gold

Boss: Killer Bear x3 *Acquire Miracle Water*

Boss: Seaweed Copter x6 *Acquire Tonelico Bark*

Boss: Melgria (Adamantite) *Acquire Melgria Horn*

Zelwinds City

Event: Tomoe’s Hotel

*Harley joins the party*

Subevent: Tiara, Harley, Bahus, Marissa, Soji, Lola, Marianna, Khalara, Pippin x2, Eryn x2

Subevent: Fountain Plaza

Dasuhiro Plains [Subevent]

*Go to Dasuhiro Plains – Valley of Swords*

Dasuhiro Plains – Valley of Swords

*Find some Adamantite which you can get from the Melgria boss fight earlier*

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Dorall Wine Factory

Treasure Crystals: Dewdrop Flask x2, Enhanced Robe, Cash Glasses/Sleepy Eryn/Panacea/525 Gold, Archmage’s Ring
Destructible Objects: Special Glass Plate, Justice Society Membership Card, Herb, Wild Strawberry

Dorall Wine Factory – Bldg.B

Treasure Crystals: Card Key [Key Item]/Smelling Salt x2, War God Armor/Mid Potion x2, Dewdrop Flask x2

Forced Battle: Justice Society Soldier x2

*Ethel joins during cutscene*

Walkthrough- Evil Goddess Route (2/2)

Zelwinds City

Event/Subevent: Tomoe’s Hotel

Subevent: Talk- Bahus, Karin, Tiara, Eryn, Ethel x3, Khalara

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 10000G for information

Dasuhiro Plains [Lola sidequest]

NEO Pixie x5

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

*Exit then re-enter*

Dasuhiro Plains [Subquest]

*Go to Dasuhiro Plains – Valley of Swords*

Dasuhiro Plains – Valley of Swords


*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Sedipua Den

Treasure Crystals: Velvet Ribbon/Copper Ore x2, Resort Flower/High Potion x2, High Potion x2, Art Book [Key Item]/6553 Gold

Sedipua Den – Interior

Treasure Crystals: War God Breastplate/11247 Gold, Platinum Breastplate/10641 Gold, Cherry Blossom Hairclip/Iron Ore x2

Boss: Bernard *Watch out for scripted Ashen Killing Cut*

Zelwinds City

Subevent: Tomoe’s Hotel

Subevent: Talk- Eryn, Tiara, Harley, Bahus, Ethel, Karin, Pippin, Soji, Lola, Marissa x2

Subevent: Fountain Plaza

Dorall Central Factory

Treasure Crystals: Swimsuit/High Potion x2/1128 Gold
Destructible Objects: Herb, Special Glass Plate, Justice Society Membership Card, Wild Strawberry

Dorall Central Factory – Main Bldg.

Treasure Crystals: Grand Robe/1306 Gold, Card Key [Key Item]/Dewdrop Bottle x2

Boss: Sherman (Elixer, Ultra Ether)

Scripted Boss: Noie, Junown

*Eryn’s Fury has powered up! Combo count +1! Fury Form power increased!

Boss: Junown, Noie (Energy Crystal, Max Tonic)

Zelwinds City

Event/Subevent: Tomoe’s Hotel

Subevent: Talk- Harley, Marissa, Soji, Lola x2, Marianna x2, Eryn, Bahus, Ethel

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 12080G for information

Sedipua Den [Lola sidequest]

NEO Hannibal x2

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Cavare Desert (Evil Goddess)

Treasure Crystals: Darkness Guard

Cavare Desert – North

Treasure Crystals: Mid Potion x2/Medical Eyepatch, Black Disc [Key Item], Energy Crystal

*Acquire Faith Drop during cutscene*

Boss: Noie (Max Tonic, Archangel’s Feathers)

*Noie joins the party*

Zelwinds City

Subevent: Tomoe’s Hotel

Subevent: Lola, Karin, Marianna, Noie x2, Khalara x2

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 15080G for information

Cavare Desert [Lola Sidequest]

Boss: NEO BI Dragon x2

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Kidanar (Evil Goddess)

Treasure Crystals: Slender Bath Towel/Gale Stone/2065 Gold, Yanderyn/Glacial Stone/3214 Gold, Brave Gauntlets/1228 Gold, Tidy Hat/Blaze Stone/2344 Gold
Destructible Objects: Tonic, Silver Ore, Smelly Fur

[Near the beginning] Boss: Apollonius (Brocade Flag, Ultra Ether)

Kidanar – North Block

Treasure Crystals: Athena’s Armor/Mid Tonic x2, Swimmer Goggles/Rumble Stone/3368 Gold, Eyepatch/Lost Witch Ring

Boss: Pappin

Zelwinds City

Subevent: Tomoe’s Hotel

Subevent: Talk- Pippin, Harley, Bahus, Ethel, Karin, Soji, Khalara, Noie
Subevent: Lola, Tiara, Eryn, or Marianna

Fountain Plaza

Subevent: Look for Lola- 22000G for information

Dasuhiro Plains [Lola sidequest]

Boss: NEO Imperial Blue Dragon

*Obtain fury with fairy ????*

Rey=A=Rimus Ruins

Treasure Crystals: Iron Breastplate, Festival Mask/Regal Gauntlets, Vile God & Goddess Clothes/Mid Tonic x2/High Potion x2
Destructible Objects: Video Output Circuit, Water Stone, Poison Stinger, Sharp Beak, Evil Ashes, Mysterious Mask

Rey=A=Rimus Ruins – West 2F

Treasure Crystals: Sporty Hat/Elixer x2, Guardian Mail

Rey=A=Rimus Ruins – Room

Treasure Crystals: Crab Miso Visage/Cloudburst Stone

*Go to Rey=A=Rimus Ruins – East*

Rey=A=Rimus Ruins – East

Treasure Crystals: Blue Orb [Key Item], Vile God & Goddess Clothes/Red Visor, High Potion x3, Dirty Clothes x2/Justice Society Membership Card x2

*Take the path to the left to Rey=A=Rimus Ruins*

Rey=A=Rimus Ruins

*Go to the upper left path to Rey=A=Rimus Ruins – West*

Rey=A=Rimus Ruins – West

Treasure Crystals: Dewdrop Bottle x2, Ancient Blueprint x2, Ghostly Kerchief/Maelstrom Stone

Rey=A=Rimus Ruins – Room

*Activate switch and go back*

Rey=A=Rimus Ruins – West

Boss: Zagi, Zenke (Red Orb [Key Item])

Rey=A=Rimus Ruins

*Use Red & Blue Orb on the center door*

Rey=A=Rimus Ruins – Central

Scripted Boss: Evil Goddess Junown

Boss: Evil Goddess Junown

Easy EXP

This is just an optional task to do IF you want your Hard Playthrough to be a bit easier, want to tackle the DLC Floors of Shukesoo’s Tower or if you want that easy 5,000,000G from Fin Bactritoid in Katticus Ice Cave during New Game+. Make sure to set the difficulty to Amateur that way you can kill enemies more easily and level much faster. You’ll need the following:

S Obtained EXP+ 100%
A Obtained EXP+ 60% x2
B Obtained EXP+ 30% x2
C Obtained EXP+ 30%

Obtained EXP+ =310%

Fairies with EXP++
Growth Talismans
Make sure all characters have the Learning ability from Weapon Boost
Dimensional Clocks (for Strange Cell and 4th Dimension Replica)

Force Dragon: Sedipua Den Rear [DLC] (Change Enemies)

Kaiser Skeleton- Wine Factory Ruins Interior [DLC]

Emperor Ganada: Wine Factory Ruins Interior [DLC] (Change Enemies)

Strange Cell: Jet-Black Cave – Depths [DLC]

4th Dimension Replica: Jet-Black Cave – Depths [DLC] (Change Enemies)

Costumes & Accessories



Stiff Suit- Default
Surfer Pants- Fairy: Fahn (50 Battles)
Wild Bath Towel- Fairy: Harpy (200 Battles)
Orange Coat (Alt Costume)- Treasure: Subterranean Tower (Goddess), Justice Society Camp (Evil Goddess)
Famitsu Bath Towel [DLC]


Temporary Tattoo- Default
Toast- Tomoe’s Shop
Pippin Toast- Treasure: Cavare Desert (Vile God)
Jammed Toast- Tomoe’s Shop: Synthesize, Fairy: PXS-04G (50 Battles)
Burned Toast- Treasure: Sol Plains, Dansklight Ruins – 2F (Vile God), Justice Society Camp (Evil Goddess)
Huggy Eryn- Tomoe’s Shop
Sleepy Eryn- Treasure: Kidanar (Vile God), Dorall Wine Factory (Evil Goddess), Guild: [S] Sufficient Skill
Happy Eryn- Tomoe’s Shop: Synthesize, Fairy: Kurama (50 Battles)
Yanderyn- Treasure: Sol Plains (Goddess/Vile God/Evil Goddess), Stairway to Heaven (Vile God), Kidanar (Evil Goddess), Shukesoo’s Tower 16F- Alt Route [DLC]
Blue Fairy Wings- Tomoe’s Shop, Treasure: Yatagan Lava Flows
Purple Fairy Wings- Fairy: Kyoko (50 Battles)
Yellow Fairy Wings- Treasure: Katticus Ice Cave
Pink Fairy Wings- Fairy: Dakmudos (50 Battles)
Crown- Tomoe’s Shop, Monster Drop/Steal: Kaiser Mecha Penpa
Black Crown- Treasure: Katticus Ice Cave
Luminous Crown- Fairy: Gozer
White Crown- Fairy: Blaze (50 Battles)
Sun Visor- Guild: [D] Request: Dorfa Academy



Frilly Dress- Default
Chic Bikini- Tomoe’s Shop
Lovely Bath Towel- Fairy: Sigurd (200 Battles)
Sky Frills (Alt Costume)- Treasure: Subterranean Tower (Goddess)
Famitsu Bath Towel [DLC]


Headdress- Default
Blue Headdress- Tomoe’s Shop: Synthesize
Pink Headdress- Treasure: Justice Society Camp (Evil Goddess)
White Headdress- Treasure: Yatagan Lava Flows
Berry Ribbon- Tomoe’s Shop
Chocolate Ribbon- Treasure: Yatagan Lava Flows (Goddess)
Soda Ribbon- Fairy: Kuko (50 Battles)
Green Tea Ribbon- Tomoe’s Shop: Synthesize, Treasure: Dansklight Ruins (Vile God)
Elegant Hat- Tomoe’s Shop
Pretty Hat- Tomoe’s Shop: Synthesize
Tidy Hat- Treasure: Kidanar (Evil Goddess)
Summer Hat- Treasure: Inverted Tower – 3F (Goddess)
Gold Tiara- Tomoe’s Shop
Pink Tiara- Treasure: Katticus Ice Cave
White Tiara- Treasure: Kidanar – North Block
Chic Tiara- Fairy: Laives (50 Battles)
Sky Headdress- Default (Vile God/Evil Goddess), ??? *Vanishes on a new playthrough*
Resort Flower- Treasure: Kravisse Cave – Interior (Goddess), Stairway to Heaven – 3F (Vile God), Sedipua Den (Evil Goddess)



Stylish Leather- Default
Flashy Bikini- Tomoe’s Shop
Dynamite Bath Towel- Dasuhiro Plains (Vile God) [During cutscene]
Stylish Adventurer (Alt Costume)- Treasure: Zawaza Plains (Goddess)
Famitsu Bath Towel H [DLC]


Hairpin- Default
Light Blue Hairpin- Treasure: Solaru Village, Fairy: Roh (50 Battles)
Golden Hairpin- Guild: [A] A Friend of a Friend, [S] The Echos Are So Loud!
Silver Hairpin- Tomoe’s Shop: Synthesize
Black Monocle- Tomoe’s Shop
Monocle- Treasure: Bui Valley, Fairy: Rami (50 Battles)
Dimensional Monocle- Treasure: Karvisse Cave (Vile God)
White Monocle- Fairy: Nelly (50 Battles)
Camellia Hairclip- Tomoe’s Shop
Rose Hairclip- Treasure: Stairway to Heaven (Goddess), Stairway to Heaven (Vile God)
Cherry Blossom Haircilp- Treasure: Sedipua Den (Evil Goddess)
Apricot Hairclip- Treasure: Katticus Ice Cave (Goddess), Katticus Ice Cave (Vile God), Katticus Ice Cave (Evil Goddess)
Graduate Hat- Tomoe’s Shop
Black Graduate Hat- Fairy: Kunes (50 Battles)
Doctorate Hat- Treasure: Subterranean Tower – B3
Stylish Hairpin- Default (Vile God/Evil Goddess), Treasure: Subterranean Tower – B5 (Goddess) *Vanishes on a new playthrough*
Float- Treasure: Bui Valley – West

Fairies & Gifts (1/2)

*Items received from gifts are random (minus DLC fairies) while costumes/accessories are fixed*

Jaeger [DLC]

Default- Ice Stone x5
50 Battles- Glacial Stone x5
200 Battles- Absolute Zero Stone x2

Christinger [DLC]

Default- Winter’s Feather x3
50 Battles- Ultra Ether x4
200 Battles- Elixer x3

Ahab [DLC]

Default- Lightning Stone x10
50 Battles- Cloudburst Stone x5
200 Battles- Quake Stone x3

Leela [DLC]

Default- Wind Stone x10
50 Battles- Gale Stone x5
200 Battles- Hurricane Stone x3

Aques [DLC]

Default- Water Stone x10
50 Battles- Maelstrom Stone x5
200 Battles- Glacial Stone x3

Drugler [DLC]

Default- Wildfire Spirit Stone x3, Blizzard Spirit Stone x3, Mudslide Spirit Stone x3
50 Battles- Star Opal x3
200 Battles- Firestorm Spirit Stone x2, Slush Spirit Stone x2, Voltremor Spirit Stone x2

Lars [DLC]

Default- Wildfire Spirit Stone x3, Blizzard Spirit Stone x3, Mudslide Spirit Stone x3
50 Battles- Star Opal x3
200 Battles- Firestorm Spirit Stone x2, Slush Spirit Stone x2, Voltremor Spirit Stone x2

Foxer [DLC]

Default- Earth Stone x10
50 Battles- Mudslide Spirit Stone x5
200 Battles- Voltremor Spirit Stone x3


Default- Herb Sprout, Lucky Clover x2, Potion
50 Battles- White Crown (Fang)
200 Battles- Mid Potion


Default- Mid Potion x2, Dewdrop Flask
50 Battles- Purple Fairy Wings (Fang)
200 Battles- High Potion, Blaze Stone


Default- Mid Potion x2
50 Battles- Dewdrop Vial x2, Dewdrop Flask
200 Battles- Red Bunny (Ethel)


Default- Herb Sprout, Lucky Clover x2, Potion
50 Battles- Jammed Toast (Fang)
200 Battles- Mid Potion, Fire Stone


Default- High Potion x2, Dewdrop Bottle
50 Battles- Pink Fairy Wings (Fang)
200 Battles- High Potion, Inferno Stone


Default- Traveler’s Amulet
50 Battles- Potion, Energy Shard
200 Battles- Mid Potion, Water Stone


Default- High Potion x2, Dewdrop Bottle
50 Battles- Yellow Visor (Ethel)
200 Battles- High Ether


Default- Mid Potion x2/Dewdrop Flask
50 Battles- Dewdrop Vial, Dewdrop Flask
200 Battles- Loincloth (Galdo), Men’s Hand Towel


Default- Mid Potion x2/Dewdrop Flask
50 Battles- Iron Ring
200 Battles- High Potion, Maelstrom Stone


Default- Herb Sprout, Lucky Clover, Potion
50 Battles- Chic Tiara (Tiara)
200 Battles- Mid Potion


Default- High Potion x2
50 Battles- Men’s Hand Towel
200 Battles- High Potion


Default- Herb Sprout, Lucky Clover x2
50 Battles- Potion, Energy Shard
200 Battles- Devil Set -Fresh Blood-

Fairies & Gifts (2/2)


Default- Mid Potion x2, Dewdrop Bottle
50 Battles- Dewdrop Vial
200 Battles- Wild Bath Towel (Fang)


Default- Herb Sprout, Potion
50 Battles- Mask
200 Battles- Mid Potion


Default- Mid Potion x2, Dewdrop Flask
50 Battles- Wizard Ring
200 Battles- High Potion


Default- Mid Potion x2, Dewdrop Flask
50 Battles- Light Blue Hairpin (Harley)
200 Battles- High Potion


Default- Herb Sprout x2, Lucky Clover, Potion
50 Battles- Purple Glasses
200 Battles- Mid Potion, Earth Stone


Default- High Potion x3, Dewdrop Bottle
50 Battles- Monocle (Harley)
200 Battles- High Ether, Quake Stone


Default- Mid Potion x2, Dewdrop Flask
50 Battles- Fancy Hat (Pippin)
200 Battles- High Potion


Default- Herb Sprout x2, Lucky Clover x2, Potion
50 Battles- White Monocle (Harley)
200 Battles- Mid Potion


Default- Mid Potion
50 Battles- Parted Hair (Pippin)
200 Battles- High Potion


Default- Mid Potion
50 Battles- Dewdrop Vial, Dewdrop Flask
200 Battles- White Bunny (Ethel)


Default- Herb Sprout, Lucky Clover, Potion
50 Battles- Happy Eryn (Fang)
200 Battles- Mid Potion, Lightning Stone


Default- Herb Sprout, Potion
50 Battles- Potion, Energy Shard
200 Battles- Eastern Afro (Pippin)


Default- Herb Sprout x2, Lucky Clover, Potion
50 Battles- Foreign Beard (Pippin)
200 Battles- Mid Potion, Lightning Stone


Default- Herb Sprout x2, Potion
50 Battles- Platinum Ring
200 Battles- Mid Potion, Ice Stone


Default- Herb Sprout
50 Battles- Potion
200 Battles- Red-Framed Glasses


Default- Mid Potion, Dewdrop Flask
50 Battles- Soda Ribbon (Tiara)
200 Battles- High Potion

Fanny J

Default- Herb Sprout, Potion
50 Battles- Angel Set -Glimmer-
200 Battles- Mid Potion, Ice Stone


Default- Mid Potion x2
50 Battles- Dewdrop Vial x2, Dewdrop Flask x2
200 Battles- Lovely Bath Towel (Tiara)


Default- Mid Potion
50 Battles- Student Hat (Pippin)
200 Battles- High Potion, Amazonite, Orichalcum


Default- Regal Gauntlets
50 Battles- Archangel’s Feathers x2
200 Battles- Energy Crystal x2, Ultra Potion x2


Default- Herb Sprout, Potion
50 Battles- Deep Sea Diving Skin (Pippin)
200 Battles- Mid Potion, Mithril Stone


Default- High Potion x3
50 Battles- Brave Gauntlets
200 Battles- High Potion, Amazonite


Default- Surfer Pants (Fang)
50 Battles- Archangel’s Feathers, High Ether
200 Battles- High Potion, Amazonite, Orichalcum


Default- Luminous Crown (Fang)
50 Battles- Archangel’s Feathers
200 Battles- Energy Crystal x2, Ultra Potion, Ultra Ether


Default- Mid Potion x2
50 Battles- Black Graduate Hat (Harley)
200 Battles- High Potion, Amazonite


Default- High Potion x3
50 Battles- White Armband (Galdo)
200 Battles- High Potion, Amazonite x2, Orichalcum x2


Default- Herb Sprout, Lucky Clover, Potion
50 Battles- Polka Dot Mask
200 Battles- Mid Potion, Mithril Stone


Default- High Potion x2, Dewdrop Bottle
50 Battles- Lost Witch Ring
200 Battles- High Potion, Amazonite, Orichalcum

Hidden Treasure

Kravisse Cave

Ice Stone, Dewdrop Bottle

Yatagan Lava Flows

Herb Sprout, Fire Stone, Copper Ore

Katticus Ice Cave

Copper Ore, Glacial Stone


Herb, Herb Sprout, Panacea Sprout, Panacea Herb, Lucky Clover

Solaru Village

Herb Sprout, Water Stone

Bui Village

Herb Sprout, Night Blossom, Herb, Beautiful Flower, Iron Ore, Gale Stone, Panacea Sprout, Wind Stone

Zawaza Plains


Copper Ore, Lightning Stone, Ice Stone

-Far East-

Herb, Night Blossom, Herb Sprout, Beautiful Flower, Lightning Stone, Copper Ore

Subterranean Tower

Panacea Sprout, Beautiful Flower, Copper Ore, Earth Stone, Amazonite,

Cavare Desert

Copper Ore, Fire Stone, Amazonite, Herb, Beautiful Flower

Cavare Desert – Sanctuary

Copper Ore, Wind Stone, Herb Sprout, Mandragora

Rudohke Blast Furnace

Iron Ore, Silver Ore, Mithril Ore, Fire Stone, Blaze Stone, Amazonite

Lusamundo Ice Cave

Panacea Herb, Lucky Clover, Iron Ore, Ice Stone, Herb, Potent Herb, Mithril Stone, Glacial Stone, Silver Ore, Amazonite, Gold Ore, Orichalcum

Inverted Tower

Mid Potion, Silver Ore, Amazonite, Potent Herb, Mandragora, Gold Ore, Orichalcum

-Inverted Tower – 3F-

Gold Ore, Orichalcum, Amazonite, Mithril Stone

-Inverted Tower – 5F-

Potent Herb, Night Blossom

Zeppelia Valley

Herb. Moon Blossom

Stairway to Heaven

Silver Ore, Gold Ore, Earth Stone, Amazonite, Mithril Stone

-Stairway to Heaven – 3F-

Silver Ore, Gold Ore, Earth Stone

Wine Factory Ruins [DLC]

Archangel’s Feathers, Moon Blossom, Earth Stone, Elixer, Panacea Herb


Firestorm Spirit Stone, Ultra Ether, Elixer, Wake-Up Drink

East Kidanar [DLC]

Voltremor Spirit Stone, Slush Spirit Stone

Sedipua Den Rear [DLC]

Lightning Stone, Women’s Hand Towel, Orichalcum, Men’s Hand Towel

Jet-lack Cave [DLC]


Orichalcum, Mudslide Spirit Stone, Voltremor Spirit Stone

Dorfa Human Ranch

Panacea Herb, Night Blossom

Zawaza Plains (Evil Goddess)


Ice Stone, Amazonite, Orichalcum

-Far East-

Firestorm Spirit Stone, Slush Spirit Stone

Justice Society Camp

Water Stone, Lightning Stone

Justice Society Camp – 2F

Withered Flower

Justice Society Camp – 3F

Lightning Stone, Night Blossom

Dasuhiro Plains

Wind Stone, Gale Stone, Earth Stone, Fire Stone

Dorall Wine Factory

Ice Stone, Water Stone

Sedipua Den

Copper Ore, Iron Ore


Silver Ore, Gold Ore, Earth Stone

Dorall Central Factory

Dorall Central Factory – Main Bldg.


Rey=A=Rimus Ruins

Ice Stone, Gold Ore, Mandragora, Moon Blossom, Earth Stone, Lightning Stone, Copper Ore

Dansklight Ruins

Water Stone, Rumble Stone, Orichalcum, Wind Stone, Pebble, Cloudburst Stone

Monster Drops

Sol Plains

Bee- Drop: Insect Stinger
Steal: Herb Sprout, Potion

Raven- Drop: Dirty Feather, Item Manual (Hard Mode)
Steal: Wild Strawberry, Potion

Orthoceras- Drop: Growth Talisman

(Change Enemies)

Maritima- Drop: Smelly Fur, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Smelly Fur, Potion

Eligos- Drop: Sharp Claw, Greed Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Sharp Claw, Potion

Kravisse Cave

Murian- Nothing

Aquarius- Drop: Scuffed Scale, Healing Ring
Steal: Scuffed Scale, Potion

Bandit- Drop: Small Chunk of Magic
Steal: Small Chunk of Magic, Potion

Zombie- Drop: Money Talisman

Venti- Drop: Scuffed Scale
Steal: Scuffed Scale, Cherub’s Feathers

(Change Enemies)

Dark Shark- Drop: Greed Talisman

Anklet Warg- Drop: Pendant of the Gun

Mute Riser- Drop: Lovely Soul, Pendant of the Scythe
Steal: Lovely Soul

Yatagan Lava Flows

Lavaan- Drop: Greed Talisman

Rakta-paksha- Drop: Broken Beak, Dirty Feather (Hard Mode)
Steal: Broken Beak, Dirty Feather

Giant- Drop: Potion, Mid Potion (Hard Mode)
Steal: Potion

(Change Enemies)

Staff Lavaan- Drop: Fire Stone

Killer Insect- Drop: Pretty Shell
Steal: Pretty Shell, Potion

Katticus Ice Cave

Venti- Drop: Scuffed Scale, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scuffed Scale, Cherub’s Feathers

Hippogrif- Drop: Dirty Feather, Decent Fur (Hard Mode)
Steal: Dirty Feather, Potion

Giant- Drop: Potion, Mid Potion (Hard Mode)
Steal: Potion

(Change Enemies)

Ice Shark- Drop: Ice Stone, Item Manual (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scuffed Scale, Dewdrop Vial

Black Shark- Drop: Scuffed Scale, Growth Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scuffed Scale, Potion

Blue Shark- Drop: Scuffed Scale
Steal: Scuffed Scale, Potion


Ganada- Drop: Scuffed Shell, Item Manual (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scuffed Shell, Dewdrop Vial

Zombie- Drop: Purified Ash, Antidote (Hard Mode)
Steal: Purified Ash, Potion

Bit α- Drop: Healing Ring

(Change Enemies)

Staff Ganada- Drop: Herb Sprout, Money Talisman

Solaru Village

Bit α- Drop: Healing Ring

Thornet- Drop: Poison Stinger
Steal: Insect Stinger, Poison Stinger

Bandit- Drop: Small Chunk of Magic, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Small Chunk of Magic, Energy Shard

(Change Enemies)

Ghost- Drop: Purified Ash
Steal: Purified Ash, Dewdrop Vial

Zombie- Drop: Purified Ash, Item Manual (Hard Mode)
Steal: Purified Ash, Potion

Ghost Leader- Drop: Small Chunk of Magic, Purified Ash (Hard Mode)
Steal: Small Chunk of Magic, Potion

Bui Valley

Thunder Bird- Drop: Dirty Feather, Pure White Feather (Hard Mode)
Steal: Dirty Feather, Pure White Feather

Aquarius- Drop: Scuffed Scale, Item Manual (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scuffed Scale, Dewdrop Flask

Callisto- Drop: Smelly Fur, Decent Fur (Hard Mode)
Steal: Decent Fur, Mid Potion

(Change Enemies)

Land Shark- Drop: Piece of Flying Stone, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Piece of Flying Stone, Mid Potion

Sparna- Noting

Caladrius- Drop: Piece of Flying Stone, Growth Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Piece of Flying Stone, Mid Potion

Zawaza Plains

Stingle- Drop: Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger (Hard Mode)
Steal: Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger

Aquairius- Drop: Scuffed Scale, Item Manual
Steal: Scuffed Scale, Dewdrop Flask

Ammon- Nothing

SPA- Drop: Rusted Gear, Weakened Special Fiber (Hard Mode)
Steal: Weakened Special Fiber, Dewdrop Flask

Sparna- Nothing

Thunder Bird- Drop: Dirty Feather, Pure White Feather (Hard Mode)
Steal: Dirty Feather, Pure White Feather

(Change Enemies)

Pixie- Drop: Item Manual

Summer Pixie- Drop: Money Talisman
Steal: Summer’s Feather, Mid Potion

Spring Pixie- Steal: Spring’s Feather, Mid Potion

Majin Gunner- Drop: Shabby Circuit
Steal: Shabby Circuit, Mid Potion

Killer Mantis- Drop: Pretty Shell
Steal: Cherub’s Feathers

Subterranean Tower

Murian- Drop: Tattered Wing, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Tattered Wing, Mid Potion

Bit β- Drop: Weakened Special Fiber
Steal: Weakened Special Fiber, Cherub’s Feathers

Tiger Shark- Drop: Scuffed Scale, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scuffed Scale, Mid Potion

Cyclops- Drop: Decent Fur, Refresh Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Decent Fur, Cherub’s Feathers

Death Eagle- Drop: Broken Beak, Refresh Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Broken Beak, Mid Potion

Majin Gunner- Drop: Shabby Circuit
Steal: Shabby Circuit, Mid Potion

SPA- Drop: Rusted Gear, Weakened Special Fiber (Hard Mode)
Steal: Weakened Special Fiber, Dewdrop Flask

(Change Enemies)

Penpa Knight- Nothing

Penpa Magician- Nothing

Penpa Prince- Drop: Crown, Greed Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Crown, Dewdrop Flask

Cavare Desert

Somnia- Drop: Item Manual

Ghoul- Nothing

Griffon- Drop: Pure White Feather, Refresh Wing (Hard Mode)
Steal: Pure White Feather, Mid Potion

Guardian Riser- Drop: Low Power Engine
Steal: Low Power Engine, Cherub’s Feathers

Bit β- Drop: Weakened Special Fiber
Steal: Weakened Special Fiber, Cherub’s Feathers

(Change Enemies)

Sand Dragon- Drop: Dragon Scale, Dragon Fang (Hard Mode)
Steal: Dragon Scale, Mid Potion

Decanyon- Drop: Refresh Ring

Cavare Desert – Sanctuary

Gukyo- Drop: Sharp Beak
Steal: Sharp Beak, Dewdrop Flask

Somnia- Drop: Item Manual

Silver PSA- Drop: Scratched Armor, Growth Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scratched Armor, Mid Potion

Nyx- Drop: Healing Ring

Guardian Riser- Drop: Low Power Engine
Steal: Cherub’s Feathers

Desert Mantis- Drop: Healing Ring

Sand Dragon- Drop: Dragon Scale, Dragon Fang (Hard Mode)
Steal: Dragon Scale, Mid Potion

(Change Enemies)

Phoenix- Drop: Healing Ring

Venti- Drop: Thief Amulet
Steal: Water Stone, Energy Shard

Guardian Riser Mk. 2- Nothing

Killer Mantis- Drop: Greed Talisman

Monster Drops (Goddess) (1/2)

Sol Plains (Goddess)

Flying Dragon- Drop: Dragon Fang, Thief Amulet (Hard Mode)
Steal: Dragon Fang, Dewdrop Flask

Bee- Drop: Poison Stinger, Insect Stinger (Hard Mode
Steal: Poison Stinger, Cherub’s Feathers

Raven- Drop: Thief Amulet

Orthoceras- Drop: Money Talisman

(Change Enemies)

Flying Dragon- Drop: Dragon Fang, Thief Amulet (Hard Mode)
Steal: Dragon Fang, Dewdrop Flask

Maritima- Drop: Decent Fur, Thief Amulet (Hard Mode)
Steal: Decent Fur, Dewdrop Flask

Eligos- None

Kravisse Cave (Goddess)

Cyclops- Drop: Item Manual

Aquarius- Drop: Scuffed Scale, Item Manual (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scuffed Scale, Mid Potion

Murian- Drop: Growth Talisman

Killer Insect- Drop: Pretty Shell
Steal: Pretty Shell, Cherub’s Feathers

Ghede- Drop: Potion, Item Manual (Hard Mode)
Steal: Potion, Cherub’s Feathers

Zombie- Drop: Thief Amulet

(Change Enemies)

Desert Mantis- Drop: Beetle Crescent, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beetle Crescent, Mid Potion

Aquarius- Drop: Scuffed Scale
Steal: Scuffed Scale, Dewdrop Flask

Killer Insect- Drop: Pretty Shell, Refresh Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Pretty Shell, Mid Potion

Murian- Drop: Beetle Eyes, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beetle Eyes, Dewdrop Flask

Ghede LV 26- Drop: Potion
Steal: Potion, Energy Shard

Zombie- Drop: Item Manual

Yatagan Lava Flows (Goddess)

Lavamurian- Drop: Tattered Wing, Thief Amulet (Hard Mode)
Steal: Tattered Wing, Mid Potion

Rakta-paksta- Nothing

Goniatite- Drop: Item Manual

Giant- Drop: New Armor, Money Talisman (Hard Mode)

SPA- Drop: High Quality Gear, Beautiful Armor
Steal: Scratched Armor, Energy Shard

(Change Enemies)

Shell Goniatite- Nothing

Killer Insect- Drop: Pretty Shell, Growth Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Pretty Shell, Mid Potion

Lava Beetle- Drop: Pretty Shell, Glittery Wing (Hard Mode)
Steal: Pretty Shell, Mid Potion

Goniatite- Drop: Item Manual

Katticus Ice Cave (Goddess)

Venti- Drop: Thief Amulet
Steal: Water Stone, Energy Shard

Ekimu- Nothing

Ice Shark- Drop: Healing Ring

Hippogriff- Drop: New Robe, Greed Talisman (Hard Mode)

Giant- Drop: New Armor, Money Talisman (Hard Mode)

(Change Enemies)

Black Shark- Drop: Money Talisman

Blue Shark- Nothing

Zawaza Plains (Goddess)

Stingle- Drop: Money Talisman

Aquarius LV 33- Drop: Lonely Battle

Ryoku Dragon- Drop: Dragon Fang, Thief Amulet (Hard Mode)
Steal: Dragon Fang, Dewdrop Bottle

Ammon- Drop: Scratched Armor, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)

SPA- Drop: High Quality Gear, Beautiful Armor (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scratched Armor, Energy Shard

(Change Enemies)

Pixie- Drop: Growth Talisman

Spring Pixie- Drop: Spring’s Feather, Item Manual (Hard Mode)
Steal: Spring’s Feather, High Potion

Summer Pixie- Drop: Summer’s Feather, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Summer’s Feather, Dewdrop Bottle

Autumn Pixie- Drop: Autumn’s Feather, Thief Amulet (Hard Mode)
Steal: Autumn’s Feather, High Potion

Winter Pixie- Drop: Winter’s Feathers, Refresh Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Winter’s Feathers, High Potion

Rudohke Blast Furnace

Freebee- Drop: Tattered Wing, Money Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Tattered Wing, High Potion

Blaze Bear- Drop: Decent Fur, Lonely Battle (Hard Mode)
Steal: Decent Fur, Angel’s Feathers

Phoenix- Drop: Sharp Beak, Pretty Feather (Hard Mode)
Steal: Pretty Feather, Fire Stone

Crab Insect- Drop: Pretty Shell, Swift Bracelet (Hard Mode)
Steal: Pretty Shell, Dewdrop Bottle

Spike Head- Drop: Item Manual

Nightmare- Drop: Pretty Feather, Swift Bracelet (Hard Mode)

(Change Enemies)

Gorlois- Drop: Hawkeye

Imperial Red Dragon- Drop: Red Dragon Stone, Big Red Dragon Stone (Hard Mode)
Steal: Big Red Dragon Stone, High Potion

Solaru Village (Goddess)

Ghost- Drop: Ectoplasm, Lonely Battle (Hard Mode)
Steal: Ectoplasm, Angel’s Feathers

Bit α- Drop: Special Fiber, Lonely Battle (Hard Mode)
Steal: Special Fiber, Energy Shard

Thornet- Drop: Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger (Hard Mode)
Steal: Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger

Bandit- Drop: Greed Talisman

(Change Enemies)

Underling- Drop: Proof of Membership
Steal: Proof of Membership, High Potion

Center Fielder- Drop: Proof of Membership
Steal: Proof of Membership, Dewdrop Bottle

Bandit- Drop: Greed Talisman

Bui Valley (Goddess)

Thunder Bird- Drop: Piece of Flying Stone
Steal: Chunk of Magic, Lightning Stone

Aquarius LV 33- Drop: Lonely Battle

Cockatrice- Drop: Sharp Beak, Pretty Feather (Hard Mode)
Steal: Pretty Feather, High Potion

Callisto- Drop: Decent Fur, Demon’s Beast Claw (Hard Mode)
Steal: Decent Fur, High Potion

Red Oni- Drop: Piece of Flying Stone, Swift Bracelet (Hard Mode)
Steal: Piece of Flying Stone, Angel’s Feathers

Sparna- Drop: Sharp Beak, Pretty Feather (Hard Mode)
Steal: Sharp Beak, High Potion

Land Shark- Drop: Lonely Battle

(Change Enemies)

Caladrius- Drop: Lonely Battle

Subterranean Tower (Goddess)

Murian- Drop: Greed Talisman

Bit β- Drop: Beautiful Armor, Money Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beautiful Armor, High Potion

Tiger Shark- Drop: Swift Bracelet

Cyclops- Drop: Beautiful Fur, Demon Beast’s Claw (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beautiful Fur, Dewdrop Bottle

Machinga- Drop: High Powered Circuit, Hawkeye (Hard Mode)
Steal: High Powered Circuit, Energy Shard

Death Eagle- Drop: Decent Fur

(Change Enemies)

Bit η- Drop: Beautiful Armor, High Power Engine (Hard Mode)
Steal: High Power Engine, High Potion

King Mecha Penpa- Drop: Special Fiber, Thief Belt (Hard Mode)
Steal: Special Fiber, High Potion

Kaiser Mecha Penpa- Drop: Crown, Special Fiber (Hard Mode)
Steal: Crown, Angel’s Feathers

Cavare Desert (Goddess)

Somnia- Drop: Greed Talisman

Earth Golem- Drop: Amazonite, Earth Stone (Hard Mode)
Steal: Earth Stone, High Potion

Ghoul- Drop: Ectoplasm, Lovely Soul (Hard Mode)
Steal: Lovely Soul, High Potion

Griffon- Drop: Hawkeye

Guardian Riser- Drop: Audio Output Circuit, Refresh Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Audio Output Circuit, Dewdrop Bottle

Bit β- Drop: Beautiful Armor, Money Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beautiful Armor, High Potion

(Change Enemies)

Stingle- Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger (Hard Mode)
Steal: Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger

Bee- Swift Bracelet

Thornet- Drop: Lonely Battle

Freebee- Nothing

Queen Bee- Drop: Insect Stinger, Thief Belt (Hard Mode)
Steal: Insect Stinger, High Potion

Cavare Desert – Sanctuary (Goddess)

Gukyo- Drop: Glittery Feather, Pendant of the Greatsword (Hard Mode)
Steal: Glittery Feather, High Potion
Parts Destruction: Huge Beak

Desert Mantis- Drop: Rainbow Shell, Growth Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Rainbow Shell, Energy Shard

Buzzerk- Drop: Glittery Wing
Steal: Glittery Wing, Dewdrop Bottle

Nyx- Drop: Ectoplasm, Amulet of Ice (Hard Mode)
Steal: Lovely Soul, High Potion

Mithril Golem- Drop: Mithril Stone, Pendant of the Greatsword (Hard Mode)
Steal: Mithril Stone, Orichalcum

Silver SPA- Drop: High Power Engine, Pendant of the Gun (Hard Mode)
Steal: High Power Engine, High Potion

(Change Enemies)

Elite Squad Member- Drop: Photo of Marianna [Key Item]

Imperial Blue Dragon- Drop: Red Dragon Stone, Thief Gloves (Hard Mode)
Steal: Red Dragon Stone, High Potion

Yellow SPA- Drop: High Power Engine, Pendant of the Glaive
Steal: High Power Engine, High Potion

Monster Drops (Goddess & DLC) (2/2)

Lusamundo Ice Cave (Goddess)

Ice Hawk- Drop: Growth Talisman
Steal: Ice Stone, High Potion

Red SPA- Drop: Ultra Powered Circuit, Scratched Armor (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scratched Armor, Energy Shard

Ice Man- Drop: Greed Talisman

Ice Bear:- Drop: Clear Ring

(Change Enemies)

Ice Dragon- Drop: Dragon Claw, Red Dragon Stone (Hard Mode)
Steal: Red Dragon Stone, High Potion

Imperial Blue Dragon- Drop: Red Dragon Stone, Amulet of Water (Hard Mode)
Steal: Red Dragon Stone, High Potion

Inverted Tower

Ignis- Drop: Hawkeye

Bit Θ- Drop: Beautiful Armor, High Power Engine (Hard Mode)
Steal: High Powered Circuit, Energy Shard

Hresvelgr- Nothing

Surendra Jit- Drop: Glittery Feather, Thief Belt (Hard Mode)
Steal: Glittery Feather, High Potion

Signa Riser- Drop: Video Output Circuit, High Powered Circuit (Hard Mode)
Steal: Video Output Circuit, Angel’s Feathers

(Change Enemies)

Reptilian- Drop: OOPArts Crystal Skull, Thief Gloves (Hard Mode)
Steal: OOPArts Crystal Skull, High Potion

Anunnaki- Drop: OOPArts – Spaceship, Money Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: OOPArts – Spaceship, High Potion

Chitari- Drop: OOPArts – Lithograph, Amulet of Wind (Hard Mode)
Steal: OOPArts – Lithograph, High Potion

Zeppelia Valley

Shellworm- Drop: Elemental Mail, Pendant of the Scythe (Hard Mode)

Slash Shark- Drop: Beautiful Scale, Amulet of Light (Hard Mode)
Steal: Wind Stone, High Potion

Basilisk- Drop: Elemental Robe, Amulet of Dark (Hard Mode)

Buzzerk- Drop: Glittery Wing, Amulet of Wind (Hard Mode)
Steal: Glittery Wing, Dewdrop Bottle

(Change Enemies)

Dark Dragon- Drop: Pendant of the Scythe

Imperial Black Dragon- Drop: Glittery Wing, Amulet of Lightning (Hard Mode)
Steal: Glittery Wing, High Potion

Stairway to Heaven

Halphas- Drop: Amulet of Ice

Lava Mantis- Drop: Pendant of the Knuckle

Anklet Warg- Drop: Pendant of the Gun

Dark Shark- Drop: Amulet of Ice

Machine Launcher- Drop: Pendant of the Knuckle

Yellow SPA- Drop: High Power Engine, Pendant of the Glaive (Hard Mode)
Steal: High Power Engine, High Potion

Herba- Drop: Greed Talisman

(Change Enemies)

Bit α- Drop: Money Talisman

Ryuoku Dragon- Drop: Dragon Fang, Pendant of the Scythe (Hard Mode)
Steal: Dragon Fang, Dewdrop Bottle

Sepidua Den Rear [DLC]

Edge- Drop: Pendant of the Sword

Phantom- Drop: Ectoplasm, Pendant of the Knuckle (Hard Mode)
Steal: Lovely Soul, Ultra Potion

Hyperion- Drop: Pretty Shell, Amulet of Water (Hard Mode)
Steal: Pretty Shell, Ultra Potion

Dogma-Dokma- Drop: Item Manual

Cave Shark- Drop: Pendant of the Gun

Death Caesar- Drop: Video Output Circuit, High Powered Circuit (Hard Mode)
Steal: Video Output Circuit, Audio Output Circuit

Tiny Dragon- Drop: Dragon Claw

(Change Enemies)

Giant Slayer Insect- Drop: Greed Talisman

Cave Bee- Drop: Self-Propelled Stinger, Amulet of Earth (Hard Mode)
Steal: Self-Propelled Stinger, Ultra Potion

Rare Serpent- Drop: Pendant of the Glaive

Red Gunner- Drop: Pendant of the Glaive

Next Bit- Drop: Money Talisman

Flare Golem- Drop: Evil Earth Core, Amulet of the Wind (Hard Mode)
Steal: Earth Stone, Dewdrop Bottle

Force Dragon- Drop: Dragon Claw
Steal: Red Dragon Stone

East Kidanar [DLC]

Z Bit- Drop: Beautiful Armor, Pendant of the Glaive (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beautiful Armor, High Potion

Novice Bandit- Nothing

Bandit- Nothing

Pirate- Nothing

New SPA Neo- Drop: High Power Engine, Pendant of the Spear (Hard Mode)
Steal: High Power Engine, Dewdrop Bottle

Mountain Bandit- Nothing

Shinobi Has-Been- Nothing

Kildank- Drop: High Powered Circuit, Growth Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: High Powered Circuit, Dewdop Bottle

Tough Hoodlum Fencer- Drop: Mid Potion
Steal: Mid Potion

(Change Enemies)

Sentry- Nothing

Blood Fairy- Drop: Star Opal, Pendant of the Greatsword (Hard Mode)
Steal: Winter’s Feather, Ultra Potion

Sentry Captain- Nothing

Mad Pierrot- Drop: Dirty Clothes, Growth Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Dirty Clothes, Angel’s Feathers

Captain- Nothing

Dark Ghost- Drop: Ectoplasm, Pendant of the Knuckle (Hard Mode)
Steal: Lovely Soul, Ultra Potion

Commanding Officer- Nothing

Undead Veteran- Drop: Potion

Little Green Man- Drop: Potion

Zagi Clone- Steal: Photo of Marianna [Key Item]

Wine Factory Ruins [DLC]

Zombie X- Drop: High Potion

Bit OJ-913- Drop: Beautiful Armor, Pendant of the Glaive (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beautiful Armor, High Potion

New SPA Neo 2- Drop: High Power Engine, Pendant of the Spear (Hard Mode)

Noble Dark Bird- Drop: Special Fiber, Thief Belt (Hard Mode)
Steal: Special Fiber, High Potion

Dank Hyper Z 3- Drop: High Powered Circuit, Growth Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: High Powered Circuit, Dewdrop Bottle

Alien Zombie- Drop: Potion

Immortal Guma- Drop: Beautiful Fur, Pendant of the Sword (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beautiful Fur, Dewdrop Bottle

Bipedal Robot- Drop: Audio Output Circuit, Greed Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Audio Output Circuit, Ultra Potion

Giant Zombie- Dirty Clothes, Growth Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Dirty Clothes, Angel’s Feathers

Hell Ghost- Drop: Ectoplasm, Pendant of the Knuckle (Hard Mode)
Steal: Lovely Soul, Ultra Potion

Kaiser Skeleton- Drop: Pendant of the Scythe

(Change Enemies)

Death Needle- Drop: Self-Propelled Stinger, Amulet of Earth (Hard Mode)
Steal: Self-Propelled Stinger, Ultra Potion

Death Claw- Drop: Wind Stone
Steal: Mid Potion

Night Death Insect- Drop: Growth Talisman

Hyena Water Snake- Drop: Pendant of the Glaive

Stray Bit- Drop: Beautiful Armor, Pendant of the Glaive (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beautiful Armor, High Potion

Twilight Death Insect- Drop: Tattered Wing, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Tattered Wing, High Potion

Slasher- Drop: Healing Ring

Snail of Misfortune- Drop: Thief Gloves

Death Moa Butterfly- Drop: Glittery Feather, Thief Belt
Steal: Glittery Feather, High Potion

Dark Fairy- Nothing

Emperor Ganada- Drop: Pretty Shell
Steal: Pretty Shell

Jet-Black Cave [DLC]

Funyon Laster- Nothing

Mystical Cell- Drop: Red Cell

Ultra Copter- Nothing

Mirage Fairy- Drop: Star Opal, Pendant of the Greatsword (Hard Mode)
Steal: Winter’s Feather, Ultra Potion

Final Shark- Drop: Blue Jewel
Steal: Cherub’s Feathers

Eraser Bit- Drop: Beautiful Armor, Pendant of the Glaive (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beautiful Armor, High Potion

Mysterious Cell- Drop: Green Jewel

Bandit Host- Nothing

Guard Host- Nothing

Furious Bear- Drop: Beautiful Fur, Pendant of the Sword (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beautiful Fur, Dewdrop Bottle

Strange Cell- Drop: White Jewel

(Change Enemies)

Great Dragon- Drop: Pendant of the Scythe

Fairizer- Nothing

Diamond Golem- Drop: Mithril Stone, Pendant of the Greatsword (Hard Mode)
Steal: Mithril Stone, Orichalcum

Giga Dulger- Drop: Item Manual

Zombie Dragon- Drop: Pendant of the Scythe

Arc Wing- Drop: Pretty Shell, Amulet of Water (Hard Mode)
Steal: Pretty Shell, Ultra Potion

Eraser- Drop: Low Power Engine
Steal: Low Power Engine, Cherub’s Feathers

Emperor Dragon- Drop: Red Dragon Stone
Steal: Big Red Dragon Stone

Hell Phantom- Drop: Ectoplasm, Pendant of the Knuckle
Steal: Lovely Soul, Ultra Potion

Chaos Dragon- Drop: Dragon Claw

4th Dimension Replica- Nothing (40,000,000 EXP)

Monster Drops (Vile God)

Yatagan Lava Flows (Vile God)

Lavamurian- Drop: Tattered Wing, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Tattered Wing, Mid Potion

Rakta-paksha- Drop: Item Manual

Goniatite- Drop: Refresh Ring

Giant- Drop: New Armor, Thief Amulet (Hard Mode)

SPA- Drop: Scratched Armor, Thief Amulet (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scratched Armor, Mid Potion

(Change Enemies)

Dark Shark- Drop: Thief Amulet

Mute Riser- Drop: Lovely Soul, Ectoplasm (Hard Mode)
Steal: Lovely Soul, Mid Potion

Phoenix- Drop: Healing Ring

Bui Valley (Vile God)

Thunder Bird- Drop: Piece of Flying Stone, Thief Amulet (Hard Mode)
Steal: Chunk of Magic, Lightning Stone

Cockatrice- Drop: Sharp Beak, Pretty Feather (Hard Mode)
Steal: Pretty Feather, Mid Potion

Aquairius- Drop: New Robe

Callisto- Drop: Decent Fur, Demon Beast’s Claw (Hard Mode)
Steal: Decent Fur, Mid Potion

(Change Enemies)

Land Shark- Drop: Item Manual

Lavaan- Drop: Item Manual

Rakta-paksha LV 25- Drop: Healing Ring

Kravisse Cave (Vile God)

Desert Mantis- Drop: Beetle Crescent, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beetle Crescent, Mid Potion

Aquairius- Drop: Scuffed Scale
Steal: Scuffed Scale, Dewdrop Flask

Murian- Drop: Beetle Eyes, Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beetle Eyes, Dewdrop Flask

Ghede LV 26- Drop: Potion
Steal: Potion, Energy Shard

Zombie- Drop: Item Manual

Killer Insect- Drop: Pretty Shell, Refresh Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Pretty Shell, Mid Potion

(Change Enemies)

Cyclops- Drop: Item Manual

Ghede- Drop: Potion, Item Manual (Hard Mode)
Steal: Potion, Cherub’s Feathers

Kidanar (Vile God)

Killer Mantis- Drop: Greed Talisman

Majin Gunner LV 25- Drop: Healing Ring

Hippogriff- Drop: Refresh Ring

(Change Enemies)

Staff Ganada LV 26- Drop: Scuffed Shell
Steal: Scuffed Shell, Energy Shard

Zombie- Drop: Purified Ash
Steal: Purified Ash, Angel’s Feathers

Dorfa Human Ranch

Ranch Jailer- White Key [Key Item], Photo of Marianna [Key Item] (Hard Mode)

Giant- Drop: Giant’s Shoes, Item Manual (Hard Mode)
Steal: Giant’s Shoes, High Potion

Bit α- Drop: Greed Talisman

Ranch Guard- Drop: Cracked Helmet, Photo of Marianna [Key Item]
Steal: Cracked Helmet, Potion

Security Mecha S- Drop: Item Manual

Ranch Corrections Deputy- Drop: Gold Key [Key Item]

Ranch Warden- Drop: Orange Key [Key Item]

Ranch Deputy Warden- Drop: Azure Key [Key Item]

Ranch Director- Drop: Pink Key [Key Item]

Ranch Corrections Captain- Drop: Black Key [Key Item]

(Change Enemies)

Death Pierrot- Drop: Swift Bracelet

Attack Squad- Drop: Photo of Marianna [Key Item]

Katticus Ice Cave (Vile God)

Venti- Drop: Ice Snake Skin, Thief Belt (Hard Mode)
Steal: Water Stone, High Potion

Ekimu- Drop: Mysterious Mask, Thief Belt (Hard Mode)
Steal: Mysterious Mask, High Potion

Ice Shark- Drop: Healing Ring

Hippogriff LV 32- Drop: Refresh Ring

Giant- Drop: New Armor, Thief Amulet (Hard Mode)

(Change Enemies)

Bactritoid- Drop: Item Manual

Phoenix- Drop: Healing Ring

Stairway to Heaven (Vile God)

Sparna- Drop: Sharp Beak, Pretty Feather (Hard Mode)
Steal: Sharp Beak, Dewdrop Bottle

Aquairius- Drop: Lonely Battle

Anklet Warg- Drop: Carapace Shards, Hawkeye (Hard Mode)
Steal: Carapace Shards, Dewdrop Bottle

Ghede- Drop: Refresh Ring

Machine Launcher- Drop: Swift Bracelet

Yellow SPA- Drop: High Power Engine
Steal: High Power Engine, High Potion

Herba- Drop: Thief Belt

(Change Enemies)

Nyx- Drop: Ectoplasm, Lovely Soul (Hard Mode)
Steal: Lovely Soul, High Potion

Mithril Golem- Drop: Mithril Stone, Orichalcum (Hard Mode)
Steal: Mithril Stone, Orichalcum

Freebee- Drop: Thief Belt

Lusamundo Ice Cave (Vile God)

Ice Hawk- Drop: Ice Beak, Thief Belt (Hard Mode)
Steal: Ice Stone, High Potion

Red SPA- Drop: Ultra Powered Circuit, Scratched Armor (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scratched Armor, High Potion

Ice Man- Drop: Evil Ice Core
Steal: Evil Ice Core, Energy Shard

Ice Bear- Drop: High Healing Ring

(Change Enemies)

Ice Dragon- Drop: Dragon Claw, Red Dragon Stone (Hard Mode)
Steal: Red Dragon Stone, Energy Shard

Imperial Blue Dragon LV 44- Red Dragon Stone, Hawkeye (Hard Mode)
Steal: Red Dragon Stone, High Potion

Dasuhiro Plains (Vile God)

Valafar- Drop: Pendant of the Sword

Maritima- Drop: Decent Fur, High Healing Ring (Hard Mode)
Steal: Decent Fur, High Potion

Griffon- Nothing

Funyon- Drop: Healing Ring

Shellworm- Drop: Item Manual

Penpa Wizard- Drop: Money Talisman

(Change Enemies)

Hresvelgr- Drop: Item Manual

Shadow- Drop: Swift Bracelet

Ekimu- Nothing

Bandit- Drop: Proof of Membership, Thief Belt (Hard Mode)
Steal: Proof of Membership, High Potion

Cavare Desert (Vile God)

Somnia- Drop: Amulet of Earth

Earth Golem- Drop: Amazonite, Pendant of the Launcher (Hard Mode)
Steal: Earth Stone, High Potion

Ghoul- Drop: Ectoplasm, Lovely Soul (Hard Mode)
Steal: Lovely Soul, High Potion

Griffon- Drop: Eagle Beak, Growth Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Eagle Beak, High Potion

Guardian Riser- Drop: Audio Output Circuit, Hawkeye (Hard Mode)
Steal: Audio Output Circuit, Dewdrop Bottle

Bit B- Drop: Growth Talisman

(Change Enemies)

Stingle- Drop: Paralysis Stinger, Pendant of the Knuckle (Hard Mode)
Steal: Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger

Ice Hawk- Drop: Money Talisman

Killer Mantis- Drop: Elemental Mail, Amulet of Earth (Hard Mode)

Iris- Drop: Elemental Robe, Pendant of the Sword (Hard Mode)

Queen Bee- Drop: Insect Stinger, Pendant of the Scythe (Hard Mode)
Steal: Insect Stinger, Dewdrop Bottle

Subterranean Tower (Vile God)

Murian- Drop: Greed Talisman

Bit β- Drop: Beautiful Armor, Pendant of the Glaive (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beautiful Armor, High Potion

Tiger Shark- Drop: Amulet of Ice

Cyclops- Drop: Beautiful Fur, Pendant of the Sword (Hard Mode)
Steal: Beautiful Fur, Dewdrop Bottle

Machinga- Drop: High Powered Circuit, Growth Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: High Powered Circuit, Dewdrop Bottle

Death Eagle- Drop: Raven Feather, Amulet of Fire (Hard Mode)
Steal: Raven Feather, High Potion

(Change Enemies)

Majin’s Remains- Drop: Amulet of Earth

Kaiser Mecha Penpa- Drop: Crown, Amulet of Ice (Hard Mode)
Steal: Crown, Angel’s Feathers

Vile God’s Innards

Vile God’s Cell- Drop: Refresh Ring

Dansklight Ruins

Ghoul- Drop: Pendant of the Gun

Aquairius- Drop: Money Talisman

Elite Squad Member- Drop: Photo of Marianna

Silver SPA- Drop: High Power Engine, Pendant of the Spear (Hard Mode)
Steal: High Power Engine, Dewdrop Bottle

Bee- Drop: Pendant of the Greatsword

Ice Hawk LV 55- Drop: Pendant of the Axe

Imperial Blue Dragon- Drop: Red Dragon Stone, Thief Gloves (Hard Mode)
Steal: Red Dragon Stone, High Potion

Majin Gunner- Drop: Burned Muzzle, Amulet of Lightning (Hard Mode)
Steal: Burned Muzzle, High Potion

(Change Enemies)

Zombie- Drop: Pendant of the Glaive

Desert Mantis- Drop: Pendant of the Bow
Steal: High Power Engine, Dewdrop Bottle

Monster Drops (Evil Goddess)

Zawaza Plains (Evil Goddess)

Stingle LV 60- Drop: Amulet of Ice

Aquairius- Drop: Greed Talisman

Ryoku Dragon- Drop: Dragon Fang, Pendant of the Scythe (Hard Mode)
Steal: Dragon Fang, Dewdrop Bottle

Ammon- Drop: Thief Gloves

SPA- Drop: High Quality Gear, Amulet of Earth (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scratched Armor, Ultra Potion

Majin Gunner LV 64- Drop: Ultra Powered Circuit, Thief Gloves
Steal: Ultra Powered Circuit, Ultra Potion

Killer Mantis- Drop: Chunk of Magic, Growth Talsiman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Chunk of Magic, Ultra Potion

(Change Enemies)

Pixie- Drop: Pendant of the Gun

Spring Pixie- Drop: Aqua Sapphire, Pendant of the Spear (Hard Mode)
Steal: Spring’s Feather, Dewdrop Bottle

Summer Pixie- Drop: Flare Ruby, Pendant of the Launcher (Hard Mode)
Steal: Summer’s Feather, Ultra Potion

Autumn Pixie- Drop: Thunder Citrine, Pendant of the Axe (Hard Mode)
Steal: Autumn’s Feather, Ultra Potion

Winter Pixie- Drop: Star Opal, Pendant of the Greatsword (Hard Mode)
Steal: Winter’s Feathers, Ultra Potion

Justice Society Camp

Justice Society Jailer Captain- Drop: White Key [Key Item]

Giant- Nothing

Bit α- Drop: Money Talisman

Justice Society Jailer- Nothing

Security Mecha S- Drop: Pendant of the Glaive

Justice Society Corrections Deputy- Drop: Gold Key [Key Item]

Justice Society Warden- Drop: Orange Key [Key Item]

Justice Society Director- Drop: Pink Key [Key Item]

(Change Enemies)

Majin Gunner- Drop: Burned Muzzle, Amulet of Fire (Hard Mode)
Steal: Burned Muzzle, Ultra Potion

Bui Valley (Evil Goddess)

Thunder Bird- Drop: Piece of Flying Stone, Amulet of Earth (Hard Mode)
Steal: Chunk of Magic, Lightning Stone

Aquarius- Drop: Thief Gloves

Cockatrice- Drop: Evil Bird Feather, Pendant of the Glaive (Hard Mode)
Steal: Pretty Feather, Ultra Potion

Callisto- Drop: Decent Fur, Pendant of the Glaive (Hard Mode)
Steal: Decent Fur, Ultra Potion

Red Oni- Drop: Piece of Flying Stone, Pendant of the Spear (Hard Mode)
Steal: Piece of Flying Stone, Dewdrop Bottle

Sparna- Drop: Sharp Beak, Pretty Feather (Hard Mode)
Steal: Sharp Beak, Ether

Land Shark- Drop: Greed Talisman

(Change Enemies)

Caladrius- Drop: Pendant of the Axe

Katticus Ice Cave (Evil Goddess)

Venti- Drop: Pendant of the Gun

Ekimu- Drop: Amulet of Wind
Steal: Water Stone, Angel’s Feathers

Hippogriff- Drop: Light Feather, Money Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Light Feather, Ultra Potion

Ice Shark- Drop: Pendant of the Gun

Giant LV 75- Drop: Amulet of Wind

(Change Enemies)

Black Shark- Drop: Amulet of Earth

Blue Shark- Drop: Demon Hide, Thief Gloves (Hard Mode)
Steal: Demon Hide, Ether

Dasuhiro Plains

Valafar- Drop: Pendant of the Gun

Maritima- Drop: Decent Fur, Amulet of Ice (Hard Mode)
Steal: Decent Fur, Angel’s Feathers

Griffon- Drop: Amulet of Fire

Funyon- Drop: Pendant of the Launcher

Shellworm- Drop: Pendant of the Axe

Penpa Sorcerer- Drop: Pendant of the Glaive

(Change Enemies)

Hresvelgr- Drop: Amulet of Earth

Shadow- Drop: Amulet of Lightning

Ekimu- Drop: Greed Talisman

Center Fielder- Drop: Proof of Membership
Steal: Proof of Membership, Dewdrop Bottle

Dorall Wine Factory

Justice Society Soldier- Drop: Justice Society Membership Card
Steal: Justice Society Membership Card, Ultra Potion

Security Mecha S- Drop: Pendant of the Scythe

Mazin-Ger S- Drop: Pendant of the Scythe

(Change Enemies)

Silver SPA- Drop: Audio Output Circuit, Amulet of Wind (Hard Mode)
Steal: Audio Output Circuit, Ultra Potion

CHI Dragon- Drop: Video Output Circuit, Amulet of Ice (Hard Mode)
Steal: Video Output Circuit, Angel’s Feathers

Sedipua Den

Cyclops- Drop: Hard Eyeball, Amulet of Earth (Hard Mode)
Steal: Hard Eyeball, Angel’s Feathers

Aquarius- Drop: Scuffed Scale. Thief Gloves (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scuffed Scale, Ultra Potion

Killer Insect- Drop: Death Sickle, Pendant of the Gun (Hard Mode)
Steal: Death Sickle, Dewdrop Bottle

Murian- Drop: Death Talisman

Valafar LV 82- Drop: Pendant of the Axe

Zombie- Drop: Pendant of the Greatsword

(Change Enemies)

Behemoth- Drop: Pendant of the Launcher

Penpa Prince- Drop: Pendant of the Scythe

Pena Knight- Drop: Pendant of the Gun

Desert Mantis- Drop: Pendant of the Greatsword

Valafar- Drop: Amulet of Earth

Nyx- Drop: Ectoplasm, Pendant of the Knuckle (Hard Mode)
Steal: Lovely Soul, Ultra Potion

Dorall Central Factory

Mazin-Ger S- Drop: Rare Orichalcum, Pendant of the Scythe (Hard Mode)
Steal: Rare Orichalcum, Ultra Potion

Security Mecha S- Drop: Money Talisman

Justice Society Soldier- Drop: Special Glass Plate
Steal: Special Glass Plate, Dewdrop Bottle

(Change Enemies)

SEI Dragon- Drop: Pretty Shell, Amulet of Water (Hard Mode)
Steal: Pretty Shell, Ultra Potion

Machine Launcher- Drop: Rigid Joint, Amulet of Wind (Hard Mode)
Steal: Rigid Joint, Angel’s Feathers

Bit Θ- Drop: Beautiful Armor, Pendant of the Sword (Hard Mode)
Steal: High Powered Circuit, Ether

Cavare Desert (Evil Goddess)

Somnia- Drop: Amulet of Water

Earth Golem- Drop: Evil Earth Core, Amulet of Wind (Hard Mode)
Steal: Earth Stone, Dewdrop Bottle

Ghoul- Drop: Ectoplasm, Amulet of Fire (Hard Mode)
Steal: Lovely Soul, Angel’s Feathers

Griffon- Drop: Pendant of the Knuckle

Guardian Riser: Audio Output Circuit, Greed Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Audio Output Circuit, Ultra Potion

Bit B- Drop: Amulet of Dark

(Change Enemies)

Stingle- Drop: Paralysis Stinger, Pendant of the Gun
Steal: Paralysis Stinger, Insect Stinger

K Insect- Drop: Pretty Shell, Thief Gloves
Steal: Pretty Shell, Dewdrop Bottle

Caladrius- Drop: Decent Fur, Amulet of Dark (Hard Mode)
Steal:Decent Fur, Ultra Potion

Freebee- Drop: Amulet of Ice

Queen Bee- Drop: Deadly Poison Needle, Greed Talisman
Steal: Deadly Poison Needle, Ultra Potion

Kidanar (Evil Goddess)

Ganada- Drop: Scuffed Shell, Growth Talisman (Hard Mode)
Steal: Scuffed Shell, Ultra Potion

Zombie- Drop: Mysterious Sponge, Amulet of Lightning (Hard Mode)
Steal: Mysterious Sponge, Angel’s Feathers

Bit α- Drop: Leather Barrel, Amulet of Water (Hard Mode)
Steal: Leather Barrel, Ultra Potion

(Change Enemies)

Staff Ganada- Drop: Pendant of the Scythe

Majin’s Remains- Drop: Pendant of the Scythe

Rey=A=Rimus Ruins

Ghoul- Drop: Amulet of Dark

Aquarius- Drop: Pendant of the Glaive

Justice Society Soldier LV 90- Nothing

Silver SPA- Drop: High-End CPU, Amulet of Fire (Hard Mode)
Steal: High-End CPU, Ultra Potion

Bee- Drop: Self-Propelled Stinger, Amulet of Earth (Hard Mode)
Steal: Self-Propelled Stinger, Ultra Potion

Ice Hawk- Drop: Pendant of the Knuckle

Majin Gunner- Drop: Pendant of the Sword

Imperial Blue Dragon- Drop: Imperial Dragon Scales, Amulet of Wind (Hard Mode)
Steal: Imperial Dragon Scales, Ultra Potion

(Change Enemies)

Diablo’s Remains LV 100- Drop: Amulet of Ice

Griffon- Drop: Greed Talisman

Justice Society Soldier- Nothing

Godly Revival


Angel’s Luck

Pulling: Rakta-paksha LV10 x3

Gun Prowess

Pulling: Blaze Bear, Bee LV 5 x3


Pulling: Zombie LV5 x2

Fire Protection + 1

Pulling: Hippogriff LV 5, Funyon x2

Gun Prowess

Pulling: Bandit LV 15 x2 & LV 10 x2

Axe Prowess

Pulling: Desert Mantis LV 15, Lavamurian LV 15 x4

Water Protection +1

Pulling: Penpa Prince LV 5 x2

Wind Protection +1

Pulling: Orthoceras LV 5, Funyon

Paralysis Null

Pulling: Ghede LV 20, Ghoul LV 15 x5

Fire Support +1

Pulling: Guardian Riser LV25, Bit α LV10 x3, Red SPA LV20 x2 (Audio Output Circuit)

SP Cost Down

Pulling: Sand Dragon LV25, Flying Dragon LV25 x2

Lightning Support +2

Pulling: Death Pierrot LV20, Red Oni LV15 x5

Adrenaline Rush

Pulling: Ice Shark LV25, Cyclops LV15 x2, Pepecopter x2

Post-Battle SP +

Pulling: Cyclops LV 25, Callisto LV 15 x3

Wind Protection +1

Pulling: Red Oni LV 10 x3

Beserk Null

Pulling: Signa Riser LV 45, Aether, Phoenix LV 35 x2, Ice Hawk LV 55

Stun Null

Pulling: Killer Mantis LV 35, Machinga LV 55, Freebee LV 35 x2, Ice Hawk L 45

Seal Null

Pulling: Behemoth x2, Aquarius LV 35 x3

Round Guard

Pulling: Signa Riser LV 35, Macinga LV 45, Bit β LV 35 x2, Aquarius LV 55

Goddess’s Blessing

Pulling: Diablo’s Remains

Vile God

Gold +

Pulling: Guardian Riser L15, Bandit L15 x3

EXP Up +

Pulling: Ghoul LV 15 x3

Lightning Protection +1

Pulling: Ominous Bird, Raven LV 5 x2

Adealine Rush

Pulling: Majin Gunner, Bit alpha LV 5 x2

Spear Prowess

Pulling: Giant LV 5, Chaos x2

Earth Protection + 1

Pulling: Imperial Red Dragon LV 15 x2

Ice Protection +1

Pulling: Chaos x3, Ganada LV 10 x3

Post Battle HP +

Pulling: Callisto LV 10 x2, Bee LV 5 x3

Silence Null

Pulling: Desert Mantis LV 45, CHI Dragon x2, Ice Hawk LV 35 x2

Earth Support +1

Pulling: Bandit LV 15 x4, Bandit LV 20 x2

Item Sonar

Pulling: Gavain LV 25 x3

Wind Support +1

Pulling: Gukyo LV 15 x2, Raven LV 15 x3

Knuckle Prowess

Pulling: Antis LV 20 x3

Water Support +1

Pulling: Ghede LV 20 x5

Escape Artist

Pulling: Desert Mantis LV 45, Freebee LV 35 x2, Phoenix LV 35 x2, Ice Hawk LV 55

Bow Prowess

Pulling: Goniatite LV 25, Pepecopter x4

Confusion Null

Pulling: Earth Golem LV 25 x3

Angel’s Luck +2

Pulling: CHI Dragon, Phoenix LV 35 x2, Freebee LV 55 x3

Devil’s Smirk

Pulling: Vile God

Challenges (1/2)


INT +3
INT +4
INT +6
INT +6
INT +6
INT +10
INT +10
INT +100

Dungeon Crawler

AGI +3
AGI +4
AGI +4
AGI +6
AGI +6
AGI +10
AGI +10
MOV +1


10 times
TEC +3
100 times
TEC +4
350 times
TEC +6
700 times
TEC +6
1400 times
TEC +6
2800 times
TEC +10
5000 times
TEC +10
10000 times
TEC +100

Treasure Hunter

3 times
SP +10
100 times
SP +16
300 times
SP +20
600 times
SP +20
1200 times
SP +20
2400 times
SP +20
4000 times
SP +20

Flawless Fencer

10 Times
STR +3
100 Times
STR +4
250 Times
STR +6
500 Times
STR +6
1000 Times
STR +6
2000 Times
STR +10
3000 Times
STR +10
6000 Times
STR +100

Hawk Eye

5 times
LUK +3
10 times
LUK +4
20 times
LUK +6
50 times
LUK +6
80 times
LUK +6
100 times
LUK +10
120 times
LUK +10
150 times
LUK +100

Lone Fencer

5 Times
INT +3
20 Times
INT +4
40 Times
INT +3
60 Times
INT +6
100 Times
INT +6
200 Times
INT +10
300 Times
INT +10
500 Times
INT +100


10 Times
HP +30
50 Times
HP +30
200 Times
HP +36
500 Tmes
HP + 36
1000 Times
HP +36
1500 Times
HP +40
2000 Times
HP +60
3000 Times
HP +300


10 Points
AGI +3
500 Points
AGI +4
3000 Points
AGI +6
10000 Points
AGI +6
50000 Points
AGI +6
9000 Points
AGI +10
150000 Points
AGI +10
300000 Points
MOV +1

Tactical Retreat

8 times
INT +3
15 times
INT +4
30 times
INT +3
50 times
INT +6
100 times
INT +6
200 times
INT +10
350 times
INT +10
500 times
INT +100

Item Master

10 Times
MEN +3
20 Times
MEN +4
50 Times
MEN +6
80 Times
MEN +6
100 Times
MEN +6
200 Times
MEN +10
300 Times
MEN +10
500 Times
MEN +100


10 times
SP +10
20 times
SP +16
50 times
SP +20
80 times
SP +20
100 times
SP +20
200 times
SP +20
300 times
SP +20
500 times
SP +300


10 times
SP +10
20 times
SP +16
50 times
SP +20
80 times
SP +20
100 times
SP +20
200 times
SP +20
300 times
SP +20
500 times
SP +300


5 times
SP +10
10 times
SP +16
30 times
SP +20
50 times
SP +20
80 times
SP +20
120 times
SP +20
160 times
SP +20
200 times
SP +300

Power to the People

3 times
LUK +3
8 times
LUK +4
15 times
LUK +6
30 times
LUK +6
50 times
LUK +6
100 times
LUK +10
200 times
LUK +10
500 times
LUK +100


20 times
LUK +3
100 times
LUK +4
200 times
LUK +6
500 times
LUK +6
1000 times
LUK +6
1500 times
LUK +10
2500 times
LUK +10
5000 times
LUK +100

Challenges (2/2)

Air Master

20 times
LUK +3
100 times
LUK +4
200 times
LUK +6
500 times
LUK +6
1000 times
LUK +6
2000 times
LUK +10
5000 times
LUK +10
10000 times
LUK +100


20 enemies
STR +3
500 enemies
STR +4
1000 enemies
STR +6
2500 enemies
STR +6
6000 enemies
STR +6
10000 enemies
STR +10
20000 enemies
STR +10


5000 points
HP +30
20000 points
HP +30
50000 points
HP +36
100000 points
HP +36
150000 points
HP +36
300000 points
HP +40
600000 points
HP +60
1200000 points
HP +300


3000 points
VIT +3
6000 points
VIT +4
12000 points
VIT +6
24000 points
VIT +6
48000 points
VIT +6
96000 points
VIT +10
200000 points
VIT +10
500000 points
VIT +100

Strength of Spirit

10 times
HP +30
20 times
HP +30
30 times
HP +36
40 rimes
HP +36
50 times
HP +36
60 times
HP +40
70 times
HP +60
100 times
HP +300


5000 points
HP +30
20000 points
HP +30
50000 points
HP +36
100000 points
HP +36
150000 points
HP +36
300000 points
HP +40
600000 points
HP +60
1200000 points
HP +300

Infinite Hands

200 times
STR +3
500 times
STR +4
1000 times
STR +6
2500 times
STR +6
6000 times
STR +6
10000 times
STR +10
20000 times
STR +10
50000 times
STR +100


10 times
SP +3
20 times
SP +4
40 times
SP +6
80 times
SP +20
100 times
SP +20
250 times
SP +20
500 times
SP +20
1000 times
SP +300


10 times
AGI +3
20 times
AGI +4
40 times
AGI +6
80 times
AGI +6
100 times
AGI +6
250 times
AGI +10
500 times
AGI +10
1000 times
AGI +100

Unbroken Heart

10 times
VIT +3
20 times
40 times
VIT +6
80 times
VIT +6
100 times
VIT +6
250 times
VIT +10
500 times
VIT +10
1000 times
VIT +100

CG Gallery

One Day…
