Super House of Dead Ninjas Guide

Felix's Complete Guide for Super House of Dead Ninjas for Super House of Dead Ninjas

Felix’s Complete Guide for Super House of Dead Ninjas


A complete guide to how to unlock each item and what they do. And some other stuff and things too!


Greetings and Salutations fellow Ninjas!
And welcome to my 100% complete guide to how to unlock all the items in:

Hopefully you have been enjoying SHoDN as much as I have and feel the itch to get everything.
Well as I was playing there were certain things I had thought were not quite as clear as they could be and so I decided to write my own (and first) guide to help everyone complete the game!

The main focus of this guide is DETAIL, as much as I can manage, about everything.

IF YOU ARE STUCK ON SOMETHING OR WOULD LIKE SOMETHING CLARAFIED, please request a section and I will do my best to add it early!

But hopefully what I have already added helps you in your endevors!

Some enemy and minion tactics will be included in some sections (as well as at the end of the guide) depending on the requirements for unlocking different items.

So let’s dive right in!

Ultraviolence and Loot; What more could you want?

The Ninjas

Adding a quick little section here to show the differences between The Red Ninja and The One-Armed Ninja.

The Ninjas are revealed to be Father and Daughter

The Red Ninja

  • Able to use all weapons, projectiles, explosives, and magic
  • Can change outfits and wear custom-colored outfits
  • Game over screen is being stabbed with a ceremonial knife

The One-Armed Ninja

  • Can not use magic, but deals double melee damage with all weapons
  • Graphics are similar to the original House of Dead Ninjas game
    – Weapons will change to fit the style
    – The tower and enemies will not
  • Game over screen is being dropped into a swirling green vortex


Obviously this would be the section of highest intrest so let’s cover it first!

If your sword does not look like this at any given time, then you have failed as a ninja.

The Half-Zatoichi from TF2

The Katana

The starting melee weapon of our intrepid protagonist. Average in every aspect.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Nothing much to be said about this, my dear.

Unlocked by default.


  • 1 Damage
  • 2 block reach


  • Instant swing
  • Very fast animation, making it highly spamable
  • Can hit slightly above you
  • Has crouch variation


  • No real cons since this is the default weapon which everything else is compared to

Of Note

  • The Katana has its own downwards-strike and airspin attack animation

The Katana of Miffed Barbarians

The KoMB is still the familiar sword you know and love (or hate) with a little twist.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Defeat any Minion with only your Katana. Good luck, dear…

Rather self-explanatory.
The easiest minion to defeat with only the katana is Spite due to his very predictable movements.


  • 1 Damage
  • ~2 block reach


  • Instant swing
  • Very fast animation, making it highly spamable
  • Can hit slightly above you
  • Has crouch variation
  • Beheads most enemies!
    – Enemies able to be beheaded are killed in 1 swing regardless of their health


  • Some enemies can not be behaded, so be careful!

Of Note

  • The heads of beheaded enemies can be struck once or a few more times for some extra points!
  • Smashing 50 heads is required for the Other unlock Spikeaway

The Nunchucks

One of the first melee weapons you will unlock.
The Nunchucks offer a slightly different playstyle from The Katana.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Bump off Spite to get this. Show some initiative, dear.

Simple enough, just kill Spite in the first boss room and live to tell about it.
Rage may spawn instead, just restart and try again.


  • 1 Damage
  • 1 block reach


  • Instant swing
  • Very fast animation, making it highly spamable
  • Can hit above and below you, making it easy to break breakable floors
  • Can be used while crouching


  • Shortest reach of all the weapons
    – This makes it very dificult to use against most minions unless practiced

The Ruby Nunchucks of Mild Discomfort

Ever wish you could knock stuff out of the air like other ninjas? Then this weapon is for you!
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Kill one of those Minions in under 30 seconds? Tough luck, missy!

Depending on how good your timing is this can be very hard or very easy.

  • Spite – Jump just as he is landing and toss a shuriken at the same time.
    • If you land every hit then you should easily hit under the 30 second mark.
    • Falling bombs will deflect shuriken, they can still be picked up if you are fast enough.
  • Rage – Stand in a corner and throw 1-2 shuriken as he runs about the floor.
    • If he runs towards you, jump over him as he hits the corner.
    • If he leaps across the room, then he will reverse direction and run back.
    • If he leaps to the center of the room, the he will continue in the same direction.
    • If he just falls off the wall, he will run across the floor to the other wall.


  • 1 Damage
  • 1 block reach


  • Instant swing
  • Very fast animation, making it highly spamable
  • Can hit above and below you, making it easy to break breakable floors
  • Can be used while crouching
  • Deflects projectiles!
    – Knives, fireballs, energy waves (I think), rolling bombs, even One-Armed Ninja bombs!


  • Shortest reach of all the weapons
    – This makes it very dificult to use against most minions unless practiced

The Kusarigama

Feel the first four weapons are too close-range for your tastes?
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Kill Rage to get this little weapon. Don’t be a crybaby now…

Just kill the lion-esque minion you can find in the first boss room.
Spite may spawn instead, just restart and try again.

  • Rage
    • Stand in a corner and throw 1-2 shuriken as he runs about the floor. Be sure to dodge!
    • See details in The Ruby Nunchucks or at the end of the guide


  • 1 Damage
  • 4 block reach


  • Long reach for and early melee weapon
  • Can be swung diagonally while hanging on / sliding down a wall
  • Can be used while crouching


  • Requires a short wind-up before hitting
    – This make rushing into situations less of an option
  • Attack animation is slightly longer than The Katana or Nunchucks, making it less spamable

The Ultra Super Mega Kusarigama

A weapon for those having trouble with spikes!
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Kill ten enemies with The Kusarigama while hanging off the wall like a monkey. I do so love monkeys.

Holding the jump button while pressing agaisnt a wall will cause you to hang in place.
The ten enemies may have to be killed without a continue, but this should be very easy.

  • 1 Damage
  • 4 block reach


  • Long reach for and early melee weapon
  • Can be swung diagonally while hanging on / sliding down a wall
  • Can be used while crouching
  • Destroys traps!
    – Red spikes are indestructable


  • Requires a short wind-up before hitting
    – This make rushing into situations less of an option
  • Attack animation is slightly longer than The Katana or Nunchucks, making it less spamable

Taming Whip of The Many Nuns

Now you too can hunt for vampires or things to put in museums!
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Cut off the heads of ten enemies, and you can have this. Chop chop, dearie!

Using the improved Katana and / or Shuriken will make this a piece of cake.
Similarly, staying in rage mode long enough to kill about 10 enemies works just as well since most enemies are beheaded while in rage mode.
The ten enemies may have to be killed without a continue, but this should be very easy.

  • 1 Damage
  • 3 block reach


  • Good reach for an early melee weapon
  • Instant swing speed
  • Fast animation
  • Can be used while crouching and hanging
  • Hits just above you as well
  • Can pull items towards you!


  • Slightly slower than The Katana
  • Attack animation is slightly longer than The Katana or Nunchucks, making it less spamable
  • Wont pull items through walls…

The Light Saber Blazer

Felix’s Pick

This is not the weapon you are looking for… It’s far better!
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Defeat Two Minions and Abharghus in one go. I’ll get a coffin ready, my sweet.

This is one hell of an acomplishment, as it has to be done without continues.
That’s right, the whole tower, all four bosses, no continues.
Might as well start from the roof on Hard.

  • One-Armed Ninja
    • Stay just ahead of him, this will cause him to jump MUCH less.
    • Avoid attacking him when he holds his sword back unless you are confident in your reflexes
    • Get up close and personal if he reaches in his pocket, the bombs wont detonate on contact
    • Run and jump imediately if you strike him with his sword aloft, but just jump over him if you are very close to a wall
  • Abharghus
    • Enemies will spawn from his chest, even named ones, stay far away
    • Avoiding the bombs becomes sheer luck towards the end, their numbers increase exponentialy as his health lowers
    • He will most likely smash the portion of the floor you are standing on as he is roaring, not where you are when he starts moving his arm
    • Short-range weapons will be of little use to you as jumping over the lake of acid is a bad idea
    • The spear is not usefull here as it can get stuck somewhere you cant get it and only hits once
    • His weak point will take 3 points of damage then retract, 4 if you use a high damage weapon


  • 3 Damage
  • 2 block reach


  • Instant swing speed
  • Very fast animation, highly spamable
  • Can be used while crouching and hanging
  • Hits just above you as well
  • Vaporizes enemies!
    – Prevents dead bodies like spiked ninjas from harming you and looks cool too


  • No cons!

Of note:

  • Applies a lightsaber sound and green glow to The Katana animations
  • Still has a chance to behead enemies and will always behead them in RAGE mode
  • The combination of solid stats, power, and safety this weapon provides makes this my favorite melee weapon.

The Baseball Splatbat

Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Defeat Horror to get it. A nice piece of kit, this.

Venture into the twisted tower leaking forth from a parallel dimension and slay the awaiting evil!

  • Horror
    • Horror teleports around the room and will even very close to the floor, don’t constantly run around, be calm and dodge only when needed
    • He has only one attack
    • The axe is your best friend here


  • 3 Damage
  • 2 block reach


  • Fast animation
  • The satisfying CRACK of solid wood on skull
  • Sends bodies flying!
    – Tons of knock-back, boddies and bombs go sailing across the room like… well, baseballs
  • Also destroys traps!


  • Slow wind-up similar to The Kusarigama
  • Forced to stand when swinging

The Early Morning Star

Let’s get medieval.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Defeat Disgust for it. This won’t end well.

Venture into the twisted tower leaking forth from a parallel dimension and slay the awaiting evil beyond the two awaiting evils you will meet first!

  • Disgust
    • Similar to Torment in movement, super jump over him
    • The bubbles will not hit you if you are right under his chin
    • You can only hit him while he is attacking like the One-Armed Ninja, but you can get multiple hits in for each volley of bubbles he blows, use a fast weapon


  • 1 Damage
  • 4.5 block reach


  • Instant swing
  • Longest reach of any melee weapon!
  • Strikes below and just behind you, great for scorpions!
  • Can easily strike through thick walls
  • Can crouch and attack


  • Slow animation makes this the least spamable melee weapon
  • Can not attack above you at all

Death’s Gleaming Scythe

A quick, painful, death.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

I’m afraid you’ll need the DLC pack for these, my dear. Still, it’s rather better value for money than you’ve been.

Very simple to unlock, BUY IT.
But if you have no way of doing that, well, that kinda sucks…


    • 1 Damage
    • 1.5 block reach
    • 8.5 block dash
      – Ground and Air


    • Technically longest range of any melee weapon!
    • No cool-down on swing
    • Can strike through single-block walls if enemy is touching wall on opposite side
    • Can move very quickly by spamming the attack button
    • Also strikes at your feet
      – No need to crouch to hit low enemies
    • Decapitates enemies
      – 1-hit-kill on any non-boss enemy possessing a distinct head


    • Slight start-up time on swing
      – You can not hit enemies standing directly in front of you, you will take damage instead
      – Bosses will hurt you if you dash into them
      – Not a good combo with Scorpion’s Hookshot since the enemies are drawn directly in front of you
    • Actual range of weapon is nothing special
    • Can not dash over 1-block gaps
    • Attack can not be interrupted by jumping, throwing projectiles, or throwing bombs
    • Can not hit above you
    • Can not crouch and attack


Now for the Projectile weapons!

Here we have The Pyro from TF2 happily helping us demonstrate the proper placement of projectile weapons on foes.
I’m sure he… she…… it……… The Pyro will be fine.

The Pyro from TF2 wearing the Halloween Hat know as the Horrifying Headsplitter.

The Shuriken

Like making CD’s into throwing stars, but with actual metal.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Nothing much to be said about this, my dear.

Unlocked by Default.


  • 1 Damage
  • Forward, Linear path


  • Instant throw
  • Infinite range
  • High rate of fire
  • Can be picked back up if reached quickly enough
  • Can strike over 1 block high walls
  • Can crouch and attack


  • No penetration
  • No ability to attack above or below you

The Shuriken of The Headless Brotherhood

Now with sharper cutting edges and more blades than normal shurikens! BUY NOW!
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Get into RAGE mode by being a right angry little madam. Get going dear.

The easiest weapon to unlock in the game, just kill and fill your rage bar.
You’ll probably get it in your first run!


  • 1 Damage
  • Forward, Linear path


  • Instant throw
  • Infinite range
  • High rate of fire
  • Can be picked back up if reached quickly enough
  • Can strike over 1 block high walls
  • Can crouch and attack
  • Beheads enemies!
    – Kills enemies which are able to be beheaded in one shot


  • No penetration
  • No ability to attack above or below you

The Boomerang

The number one rule of boomerangs: Don’t let it hit you on the way back.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Score 150,000 points to get this. You might manage it, dear. Maybe.

Fairly straightforward objective, just survive long enough to reach 150k points.


  • 1 damage + 1 damage on the way back
  • Forward, Looping path about 1.5 blocks tall
  • Takes higher path when thrown and lower on the way back


  • Instant throw
  • “Infinite” ammo
  • Can be thrown as soon as it returns
  • Can never be lost so other drops take it’s place
    – Bosses will end up never dropping projectile ammo so you have a slightly better chance for health drops
  • Can strike through walls and enemies
  • Can crouch and attack


  • Fairly long but still limited range
  • Only one boomerang can be on screen at a time since only one is carried
    – Unless you get an infinite ammo drop

The Battle Bash Boomerang

Felix’s Pick!

Gas powered stick! Never runs out of Gas!
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Cut down four enemies in one go with the Boomerang. Work on your throwing arm, my love.

Just keep looking for four enemies to spawn close together and take them out in one go.
A good spot to do this is the double-high room with two tall breakable walls and fodder ninjas mulling about behind them with a bomber in the middle.
There are only 3 purple ninjas in the top room but always 4 green ninjas in both of the lower rooms, so you have two chances.
But the best place place is the long room with a breakable upper path above a long line of fodder ninjas. Just wait for an opening to drop to the floor and let the heads fly.


  • 1 damage + 1 damage on the way back
  • Forward, Looping path about 1.5 blocks tall
  • Takes higher path when thrown and lower on the way back


  • Instant throw
  • “Infinite” ammo
  • Can be thrown as soon as it returns
  • Can never be lost so other drops take it’s place
    – Bosses will end up never dropping projectile ammo so you have a slightly better chance for health drops
  • Can strike through walls and enemies
  • Can crouch and attack
  • Increased Range!
    – Doubled range over the normal boomerang


  • Range is still not infinite, but much better
  • Only one boomerang can be on screen at a time since only one is carried
    – Unless you get an infinite ammo drop

Of note

  • The combination of making health slightly more abundant, never having to worry about ammo, the long range, and ability to hit for up to 2 damage makes this an awesome ranged weapon.

The Axe

Brutal by design. And equally brutal to master.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Kill Doom to unlock this. I won’t hold my breath.

Doom can be quite tricky if you don’t position yourself correctly, but defeating him at all nets you this sweet weapon.

  • Doom
    • He has a VERY large hitbox, so let fly with the projectiles!
    • His large hitbox is also his greatest weapon…
    • His only direct attack is landing on you, so don’t stand in the middle or corners
    • A 1/3 distance from the walls will keep you just on the edge of his three drop zones.
    • He spawns flame statues when he lands so be sure to jump a split second later if one pops up next to you.
    • The statues only stick around for one shot and then disintegrate, unless you make them turn around.
    • He doesn’t look much like and Ox…


  • 1 damage
  • Forward, Arcing path which reaches about 2 blocks above your head


  • Instant throw
  • High rate of fire
  • Makes quick work of large and flying enemies.
  • Can strike through walls and enemies
  • Can crouch and attack (but why would you?)


  • Limited range
  • Arcing path can be very difficult to time when trying to hit fast enemies
  • Not recoverable

The Axe of The Hefty Hefters

Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Chop up 100 foes with the axe. You probably wont last that long but why not try…

Gotta get 100 kills with this derpy thing…
Save your axes for one-hit enemies to be efficient.
Remember that loosing a life gives you some more ammo, bombs, and 1 magic.
Fairly sure this doesn’t have to be done in one go but I can’t remember.


  • 2 damage
  • Forward, Arcing path which reaches about 2 blocks above your head


  • Instant throw
  • High rate of fire
  • Makes quick work of large and flying enemies.
  • Can strike through walls
  • Can crouch and attack (but why would you?)
  • Double Damage!
  • Bouncing Blades!
    – An unlisted benefit of this improved weapon is the ability to bounce blades off of enemies instead of having them pass directly through them.
    – This allows for the axe to pogo from one enemy to another if lucky.


  • Limited range
  • Arcing path can be very difficult to time when trying to hit fast enemies
  • Not recoverable

The Ha-hadouken

↓ ↘ → P
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Get 250,000 points for the fireball. I think I’ll just say nothing, dear.

Woo that’s a big number!
To survive long enough to get 250k points you will have to play smart and defensively.
Except when you activate rage, kill’em all!
Use instant, reliable weapons and be sure to keep an eye out for blocks which might contain fairies!
Fairies increase your score from killing things by 10%


  • 1-3 damage depending on charge
  • Forward, Linear path
  • Same size as shuriken uncharged
  • Ninja-sized blast when fully charged


  • Instant shot when uncharged
  • Infinite range
  • Good rate of fire when uncharged
  • Makes quick work of some bosses
  • Can strike through walls


  • Charge takes 1 second
  • Can not move while charging
  • Not recoverable
  • Projectile speed is slightly slower than a shuriken

The Token Gun

Who needs honor?
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Keep RAGE mode going for 30 seconds to get the gun. Oh dear me, no!

No really, don’t pull a gun on a guy in a fight, that’s just being a ♥♥♥♥ right there.
Getting the gun is best done by making sure that the gauge will not max out when you kill the next enemy, ensuring that the no meter is wasted for killing that foe.
You might run into a dry-spot without enemies to kill or a obstacle that takes too much time to get through.
If this happens, just keep trying!


  • 1 damage
  • Forward, Linear path
  • Bullet sized projectiles, duh


  • Instant shot
  • Infinite range
  • Very high rate of fire
  • Instantly hits enemy or wall in your line-of-fire regardless of distance
  • Can shoot over blocks 1 high


  • No penetration
  • Not recoverable
  • Small projectile size can sometimes cause it to miss if the enemy is moving very fast vertically

The Ricochet of Litigious Possibilities

Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Kill a fiend with a launched bomb. Just don’t blow yourself up, dear. Such a mess.

Pop a bomb down.
Swing your weapon at it.
Get and idea of the timing needed.
Kill something in the tutorial area.

I honestly don’t like this weapon very much…


  • 1 damage
  • Forward, Diagonal path
  • Small projectile size


  • Instant shot
  • Infinite range
  • High rate of fire
  • Bounces off walls until it hits an enemy
  • Will not kill you


  • No penetration
  • Not recoverable
  • Hard to aim
  • Will time-out after several seconds and disappear

The Laser Sandwich?

Om nom nom pew?
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Bump off 30 monsters in a row with the Gun. Is that a shooting arm, dear? I’m not so sure.

So ya gotta kill 30 enemies using the gun exclusively, shouldn’t be too hard.
Well it kinda is, you start with much less ammo than you need to accomplish this feat.
Better hope you run into some ammo pickups.
Or, use the death-restock trick to get some ammo.
You can also ninja right past enemies until you find more ammo if you prefer.


  • 1 damage
  • Forward, Linear path
  • Small projectile size
  • Very high projectile speed


  • Instant shot
  • Infinite range
  • High rate of fire
  • Vaporizes foes, so you too can be Marvin Martian!


  • No penetration
  • Not recoverable
  • No Earth-shattering kaboom, how disappointing…


Rest in Pieces

Felix’s Pick!

Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Not sure you can handle this. Rescue 50 fairies in total.

This can definitely be done over several games.
Just keep an eye out for blocks with blue cracks and hope it has a bottle inside.


  • 3 damage
  • Forward, Linear path
  • Average projectile size
  • Very high projectile speed


  • Instant shot
  • Infinite range
  • Good rate of fire
  • Explosion on impact
    – Can destroy blocks just like bombs
  • It’s a turbo-charged warhead, what more could you want?


  • No penetration
  • Not recoverable
  • Has kickback
    – Nearly useless against Abharghus due to the lake of acid
  • Dangerous, be careful!

Of note

  • This weapon is the only explosive projectile, this allows for you to destroy oddly placed special blocks and dangerous statues from far away, and is also very powerful. A favorite of mine.

The Dusty Spear of Destiny

I want his head on a pike! NOW!
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Kill five enemies with one Molotov. Ha!

Similar to unlocking the improved boomerang, just keep looking for a good opportunity to take out 5 chumps at once.
The improved Molotov is HIGHLY recommended for this.


  • 1 damage
  • Forward, Linear path
  • Average projectile size
  • Average projectile speed


  • Instant shot
  • Infinite range
  • Not affected by gravity
  • Can penetrate enemies
  • Can behead enemies when thrown from a standing position
  • Recoverable


  • No wall penetration
  • Can only carry one at a time
  • If you lose it you will have to find another or get one from losing a life

The Thrower of Flamey Stuff

W + M1 …… Oh wait, wrong game
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Use 1,000 projectiles in a single game. Forget it, dear.

Disregard the Hag’s condescending remarks about your ninja skills
and procure yourself a F****** awesome flamethrower!!!
You can keep spamming projectiles all you please, but you don’t have the lives to pull this one off legitimately unless you head into the endless towers and have truly ninja-worthy gaming skills.
So get it the cheap way!
Equip the Shuriken / Improved Shuriken / Spear and stand against a wall in the tutorial rooms.
Now mash that projectile button until your fingers bleed!
The ability to recover these projectiles immediately coupled with their instantaneous fire-rate allows you to finish this challenge in just a minute! (or several if you are bad at button mashing)


  • 3 damage
  • Forward, Linear path
  • Constant rate of fire


  • Instant shot
  • Highest damage of any projectile
  • Can penetrate enemies and walls
  • Can burn the bodies
  • Fires as long as you hold down the projectile button!


  • Shortest range of any projectile
    – This can make it hard to win Boss fights where you practically need a ranged weapon.

Scorpion’s Hookshot

Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

I’m afraid you’ll need the DLC pack for these, my dear. Still, it’s rather better value for money than you’ve been.

Very simple to unlock, BUY IT.
But if you have no way of doing that, well, that kinda sucks…


    • 1 Damage
    • Infinite Range
    • Pauses momentum if used in the air
    • Will not cause you to fall down 1-block holes next to walls


    • Infinite range
    • Does not use ammo
    • Can pull you across large gaps and spike tunnels
    • Can pull enemies in front of you
    • Enemies drawn to you will be stunned for half a second upon arrival
    • Will automatically uppercut enemies drawn to you
      – You can strike with your melee weapon instead of punching them, if you prefer
    • Punch decapitates enemies
      – 1-hit-kill on any non-boss enemy possessing a distinct head


    • You are not invincible while throwing the hookshot or while moving on it
      – Your hookshot will pass through spikes, you will not
    • Attack can not be interrupted by jumping, throwing projectiles, or throwing bombs
    • Attack can be blocked by bombs
    • Can not hit above you
    • Can not crouch and attack
    • Can not kill multiple enemies


Now for the portion of the guide I love the most.

*Mr. Torgue and the Torgue Corporation have not officially condoned the use of Mr. Torgue’s imagery in this guide nor the use of a quote. If requested, the content in question will be removed from the guide with great haste. Until such a request is received by the author of this guide, the content will remain in place as a homage to the living embodiment of sheer awesomeness that is the magnificent and awe-inspiring manliness of Mr. Torgue and his rippling muscles.

Mr. Torgue from Borderlands 2

The Bomb

Your standard, everyday, ordinary, mundane, normal, average explosive.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Nothing much to be said about this, my dear.

Unlocked by default.


  • 3 damage
  • Arcing toss, chargable
  • 5 x 5 block blast
  • Launchable (hit it with your melee weapon)
  • Timed fuse


  • Can be thrown very far or not far at all
  • Can break open special walls
  • Can pass through enemies
  • Can destroy statues


  • Dangerous
    – This can be said of almost EVERY bomb, don’t be near them when they detonate

The Bomb Boomathon

Ohh… Looks like they’ll have to glue you back together…
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Finish a Minion off with a bomb. Don’t mind me, dearie, but I wouldn’t even try.

Spite and Rage are your best bet for this unlock.
You can even hit Spite’s own bombs back at him with the right timing.
But having him land on a bomb or launching your own is far easier.


  • 3 damage
  • Arcing toss, chargable
  • 5 x 5 block blast
  • Launchable (hit it with your melee weapon)
  • Timed fuse


  • Can be thrown very far or not far at all
  • Can break open special walls
  • Can pass through enemies
  • Can destroy statues
  • Remote Detonation!
    – This bomb is still on a timed fuse, but it is much longer and can be detonated on command by pressing the bomb button a second time after throwing the bomb


  • Dangerous

The Molotov

Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Oh, talk to Smither three times. He bores me, to be honest.

Must be done in one game, no continues.
Just stand in front of Smither the skeleton in treasure rooms three different times.
Running past him doesn’t count, wait for his message to fully appear.


  • 3 damage
  • Arcing toss, chargeable
  • 5 x 7 horizontal blast
  • Launchable (hit it with your melee weapon)
  • Breaks on contact with hard surface


  • Can be thrown very far or not far at all
  • Can break open special walls
  • Can pass through enemies
  • Can destroy statues
  • Can be dropped on the ground without shattering and remain there until launched or damaged by another explosion


    – Decreased throwing range and increased horizontal blast radius makes this very dangerous to use properly, but very powerful when used right

The Molotov Mazel Tov

~I don’t want to set the world on fire…~
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Burn yourself to death! A lot of your kind are good at that. So gung-ho.

Well, that’s easy enough.
Just make sure the last hit to kill you is your molotov.
And make sure to leave the tutorial rooms first since you are invincible in there.


  • 3 damage
  • Arcing toss, chargeable
  • 5 x 11 horizontal blast
  • Launchable (hit it with your melee weapon)
  • Breaks on contact with hard surface


  • Can be thrown very far or not far at all
  • Can break open special walls
  • Can pass through enemies
  • Can destroy statues
  • Can be dropped on the ground without shattering and remain there until launched or damaged by another explosion
  • Longer Flames!
    – The description says the flames last longer, but they don’t, they just spread much farther


  • Will not spew flames if it brakes too high on a vertical wall (which can be good sometimes)
    – Decreased throwing range and increased horizontal blast radius makes this very dangerous to use properly, but very powerful when used right

The Shrapnel Bomb

You’re just one step away from becoming Tony Stark!
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Reach the first minion without killing any monsters. I’d turn back now, hmm?

This is harder than it sounds considering you do a multi-hit attack after getting knocked down.
Avoid every enemy like the plague and use the dynamite to get past some areas if you need to.

  • Green Ninjas – Mull about on the platform they spawn on, just time your movements around them. Only a problem if they spawn in large numbers.
  • Purple Ninjas – Will “follow” you down the tower.
  • Birds – Don’t jump under them, crouch-run under them
  • Fat Ninjas – If the spiral staircase full of fat ninjas is generated, then you will need good jumping skills to get by them. This is because a single hit will drop you next to one of them and kill them when you get up. Otherwise they should not pose a problem.
  • Monkeys – Do I really need to explain this one? Pray to the God of Items for Monkey Bane.
  • Skeletons – Same problem as monkeys, but unaffected by Monkey Bane.
  • Pigs – Not as fast or smart as monkeys or skeletons, but bigger.
  • Fox Thieves – Usually wont get in your way, but the knives may inadvertently cause you to kill something as you get back up.
  • Frogs – You probably wont encounter them before the first Minion, but keep an eye out for them.
  • Cultists – Same deal as frogs, just be careful in case they do spawn.


  • 3 damage
  • Arcing toss, chargeable
  • 5 x 5 blast
  • Launchable (hit it with your melee weapon)
  • Timed Fuse


  • Can be thrown very far or not far at all
  • Can break open special walls
  • Can pass through enemies
  • Can destroy statues
  • Launches many shards in a random pattern, each will kill one enemy.


  • Dangerous

Of note

  • Shards will destroy the spiked blue “Thwomp” enemies which drop from the ceiling.
  • This bomb is a direct upgrade from the regular bomb without any downsides!

The Shrapnel Bomb of Mass Inconvenience

Felix’s Pick!

Because a bomb full of shrapnel isn’t complete without being able to stick it to stuff.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Kill three enemies in one go with the Shrapnel Bomb. Grow a pair, my love.

Not much to explain here. Just find 3 enemies close together and let the flack fly.
Remember, the “Thwomps” count too.


  • 3 damage
  • Arcing toss, chargeable
  • 5 x 5 blast
  • Launchable (hit it with your melee weapon)
  • Timed Fuse


  • Can be thrown very far or not far at all
  • Can break open special walls
  • Can pass through enemies
  • Can destroy statues
  • Launches many shards in a random pattern, each will kill one enemy.
  • Sticky ‘nade!
    – Throwing or Launching these bombs will attach them to the first thing they touch instead of bouncing. So be careful when trying to drop them down a small hole as they will stick to the sides of the hole if you miss.


  • Dangerous
  • Can stick to unintended targets if not careful

Of note

  • Shards will destroy the spiked blue “Thwomp” enemies which drop from the ceiling and spikes.
  • The fact that this sticks to walls makes this a great weapon for opening special blocks which are at odd places that normal bombs can’t open, and thus it is one of my favorite bombs.

The Annoying Grenade

Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Play the game 10 times to get this explosive thingy. Danger on danger. So daft.

Play through the normal game to death or completion 10 times.
You will unlock this just by playing so keep working towards other items or finishing the tower and you will get this soon enough.


  • 3 damage
  • Arcing toss, chargeable
  • 5 x 5 block blast
  • Launchable (hit it with your melee weapon)
  • Conditional Fuse


  • Can be thrown very far or not far at all
  • Can break open special walls
  • Can pass through enemies
  • Can destroy statues
  • Will continue to bounce around until it comes to a full rest, so you can keep launching it until you want it to explode.


  • Dangerous
  • May bounce farther than intended but usually doesn’t pose a threat to you if it does so.

The Jelly Bomb of Wobbly Destruction

Oh cool. Well let’s see what it doesOH DEAR GOD WHY???
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Play the game 50 times to get this. You’ll have no trouble there, I suspect.

Just handle unlocking this the same way you handled unlocking the previous bomb.
Keep going for other stuff and you will get this one in time.


  • 3 damage per bounce
  • Arcing toss, chargeable
  • Multiple 5 x 5 blasts
  • Launchable (hit it with your melee weapon)
  • Timed & Conditional Fuse
    – Will last untill it runs out of explosive power or after a short amount of time has passed
    – Will explode in the air if its time expires


  • Can be thrown very far or not far at all
  • Can break open special walls
  • Can pass through enemies
  • Can destroy statues
  • Causes an explosion with every bounce
  • Excellent room clearer


    – This bomb must be charged before throwing or the first blast will hit you easily.
    – Or, drop the bomb and in the same split second strike it with your melee weapon to send it flying.
    – Can bounce back to you if it is moving too fast and/or the room is too small.

The Sticky Bomb

“Is it a spider?” “It looks like a fuzzy blue thing…” “A fuzzy blue spider? GET IT OFF!”
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

You can’t have this until you best an EX Minion first. And make it snappy! Ho ho.

Ex minions are only found in The Trans-Dimensional Leakage.
The first one you encounter will most likely be the in the second Minion room and be EX Rage.
He’s faster than the normal Rage but still uses the same attack patterns.


  • 3 damage
  • Arcing toss, chargeable
  • 5 x 5 blast
  • Launchable (hit it with your melee weapon)
  • Timed Fuse
    – Regardless of when it attaches to an enemy, it will always explode a set amount of time after attaching. Otherwise it behaves like an normal bomb.


  • Can be thrown very far or not far at all
  • Can break open special walls
  • Can pass through enemies
  • Can destroy statues
  • Sticks to first enemy it hits
  • Sticky ‘nade!
    – Throwing or Launching these bombs will attach them to the first enemy they touch instead of bouncing. So be careful when trying to attach them to fast moving enemies, they may explode right next to you.


  • Dangerous
  • Can stick to unintended enemies if not careful

Of note

  • Will not stick to statues for some reason, but will attach to Thwomps

The Calamity Caltrops

I hope you step on a Lego.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Spend 5 minutes underwater. Can you swim, my love?

The only explosive which doesn’t explode, but also has no timer!
Unlock it by spending several seconds underwater whenever you can.
Cumulative through multiple plays.


  • 1 damage per caltrop, 3 thrown
  • Arcing toss, chargeable
  • No blast
  • Launchable (hit it with your melee weapon)
  • No fuse


  • Can be thrown very far or not far at all
  • Launches 3 shards which can be knocked around or left in place until touched by an enemy.
  • No limit to how many can be out at once!
  • Don’t time out, so they can be brought with you across rooms and down multiple floors
  • Not dangerous at all!


  • Can not break walls
  • Can not break statues
  • Can not be brought through floor doors like at Smither rooms or Minion rooms

Of note

  • Spite will only be hit if the caltrops are in the air
  • Torment will only be hit as he is slowing down

The Dynamite Death Dealer

Felix’s Pick!

“I cast Detect Secret Door! ZAP Success!” “There sure are a lot of secret doors around here.”
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Ah… collect 3 tickets for Transdimensional Leakage.

TL Tickets are gained by collecting all the colored letter drops throughout the tower which spell out “WHERE AM I?” without spaces.
Only one ticket can be gained per play and letters are lost upon getting a Game Over.
Once you get a ticket a Game Over will not cause it to be lost.
Just keep playing until you have 3 tickets at once.
Will not unlock if you keep spending tickets and never have three in hand at once.
Stated in comments by Kungasi that you do not need to have 3 at once.
You only need to earn 3 in total!


  • 3 damage
  • Arcing toss, chargable
  • 5 x 5 block blast
  • Launchable (hit it with your melee weapon)
  • Timed fuse


  • Can be thrown very far or not far at all
  • Can destroy anything!
    – Exceptions are outer walls of the tower and red spikes. Everything else is fair game.


  • Dangerous

Of note

  • The ability to destroy just about anything can save you time and/or keep you out of harm’s way is invaluable when trying to get some of the harder unlocks and makes this my favorite explosive to use. My second favorite is the Improved Shrapnel Bomb.

Tricky Tripwire Bomb

“Ahhhwwhat the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥? Nobody told me there were bombs there!” [Codec Ring] “Yeeeaaah, Snake, there are bombs there.” “OHHTHANKSB1TCH.”
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

I’m afraid you’ll need the DLC pack for these, my dear. Still, it’s rather better value for money than you’ve been.

Very simple to unlock, BUY IT.
But if you have no way of doing that, well, that kinda sucks…


  • 3 damage
  • Short toss, chargeable
  • Very large horizontal blast
    – Blocked by walls
  • Launchable (hit it with your melee weapon)
  • Timed fuse


  • Can be thrown very far or not far at all
  • Huge blast range
  • Hit-scan explosion
    – No animation for explosion, all enemies touching the line during detonation are hit


  • Dangerous
  • Can not strike through walls



Time for the MAGICAL section of the items!

A red wizard shows us what happens when one plays with magic, quite devastating.
If only he had used it on a foe instead of a friend…

Red Wizard from Magicka using the Lightning Bolt spell on another Magicka Wizard.

Lightning Magic from The Heavens

“Ed, what are you doing?” “Ahhahaha… Zappity zap zap!”
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Nothing much to be said about this, my dear.

Unlocked by default.


  • 3 damage
  • Wide, Vertical pillar of lightning centered on you
  • Covers about 1/3 of the screen in a Minion room
  • Grants small moment of invulnerability after use


  • Will destroy anything it touches including traps and breakable walls
    – Special walls are unaffected


  • Will not strike off-screen like Wind magic

Flame Magic from The Pits

Felix’s Pick

“Huh? Seriously? Because. They can’t grab me if I’m on fire.”
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Reduce 3 enemies to ashe in one go with the Lightning Magic. Good luck, my love…

Super simple, just find 3 poor saps to fry like a drunk dumbass taking a leak on an electric fence on a dare. (Hold my beer?)


  • 3 damage
  • Tall, Horizonal tsunami of fire centered on you
  • Covers about 1/3 of the screen in a Minion room
  • Grants small moment of invulnerability after use


  • Will destroy anything it touches including traps and breakable walls
    – Special walls are unaffected


  • Will not strike off-screen like Wind magic

Of note

  • Usualy you are trying to clear a whole floor, not a tall room, so this magic is near perfect in most situations and can hit most bosses regardless of where they are on screen due to it bing horizontal instead of vertical. +Fav.

Wind Magic from The Bowels

Not very silent, still super deadly.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Get 25,000 points in one life. Sneeheehee, I can’t see it happening, my sweet!

A difficult task for a beginner but this shouldn’t bee too difficult to unlock with some practice.
Remember, smashing / juggling the heads of decapitated enemies gets points too!


  • 3 damage per tornado
  • 3 damage to bosses
  • 3-4 tornadoes which seek out the nearest enemies
  • Grants small moment of invulnerability after use


  • Will destroy anything it touches including traps and breakable walls
    – Special walls are unaffected
  • Seeks out enemies on and off-screen!


  • Will only hit 4 enemies max, instead of any enemies caught in the blast

Kamikaze Magic

“The rivers will run red.”
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Rescue two of those fairy folk. They need rescuing, I can tell you. All the time.

May have to be done in one game.
Just hope for there to be fairy bottles hidden in special walls you find.


  • 3 damage
  • Hits everything on screen
  • Grants small moment of invulnerability after use
  • Knocks you down, you attack as you get up


  • Will destroy anything on screen including traps and breakable walls
    – Special walls are unaffected
  • Always available since you gain 1 magic back upon losing a life


  • Takes one life

Of note

  • Can be used on your last life and will give you a Game Over
  • Using during RAGE causes RAGE to end and still takes 1 life


Now that the weapons are done with, lets look at how to improve yourself!

Ahh upgrades, the sweet sweet joy of making yourself even deadlier than you already are.

Upgrade Shop from the map mvm_Coaltown in TF2


If you could die and come back stronger than before, then why would you eat your greens?
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

+1: Die 50 times. No problems, I should wager.
+2: Die 100 times. Comes easy to you lot.
+3: Die 200 times. A bit tedious now, dearie…
+4: Die 300 times. Maybe you’ll give up after this, hmm?

Oh shut it you old hag.
Each life lost counts as a death.
Just playing the game will grant you these upgrades soon enough.

Of note

  • Each upgrade overwrites the previous one, so your max life will be 9 in the end, not 15.


“A great big ball of wibbly wobbly timey whimey… stuff.”
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

+5: Reach floor 200. Nice floor, that. You’ll not likely see it, though.
+10: Reach floor 50. Not been there. Got a bad hip.
+15: Reach floor 150 of the basement. I’d have gotten bored by this point, dear…

Reaching floor 200 and 50 isn’t that terribly hard.
But reaching floor 150 B requires you to beat Abharghus on Hard, and then enter Hell.
Once you have entered hell once you can always go back there from the lodge as long as Hard is enabled.

Of note

  • Each upgrade overwrites the previous one, so your max time will be 45 seconds, not 60.
  • Mcfly’s Time Extender CAN put you up to 60 seconds, so keep an eye out for it!


“You don’t need to be more accurate, you just need to shoot more bullets!”
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

+10: Survive for 5 minutes. Cowering in a corner might just work for you…
+20: Survive for 10 minutes. Swing the sword blindly around and it might happen.
+30: Survive for 15 minutes. No, no, no. Turn back now, my sweet.

Oh man, this isn’t tricky, but it takes a while.
Stand near time pickups until time runs out to maximize the time spent between each.
Getting the time upgrades helps a lot here.
Time is also reset when you lose a life.

Of note

  • Each upgrade overwrites the previous one, so your max ammo will be 50 in the end, not 80.
  • Will not affect projectiles which you can only have 1 of.


More bang for your buck!
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

+5: Destroy 25 of those fiends with bombs. Don’t singe your fingers, my dear.
+10: Destroy 50 of those fiends with bombs. I don’t fancy your chances.
+15: Destroy 75 of those fiends with bombs. Give up, dear. It’s not worth it..

One simple bit of info can help you unlock these much faster:
Traps and tentacles also count!

Of note

  • Each upgrade overwrites the previous one, so your max bombs will be 25 in the end, not 40.


Lightning can totally hit the same place twice now.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

+1: Kill 100 monsters. Dangerous work.
+2: Kill 200 monsters. Even more dangerous work.
+3: Kill 300 monsters. Yet more danger. Why do it?

One of the easiest upgrade sets to get.
All kills with anything count towards this.
So just keep swinging!

Of note

  • Each upgrade overwrites the previous one, so your max magic will be 4 in the end, not 7.


This section is all about the new things you can make appear in the game!
Like triple health drops!


Made by Inyuo[] on
*I don’t have a deviantart account, so I couldn’t ask if I could use this. If the creator of this fine piece of art requests that it be removed, then I will remove it with great haste.

The Lucky Unlucky Rabbit’s Foot

Lucky for you. Unlucky for the rabbit it used to belong to.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Kill 10 name enemies in one game. No chance, my love.

This one is fairly luck-based since the named enemies randomly appear throughout the towers.
Just keep going until you find and kill 10.
Can be unlocked in Normal and Hard, confirmed in comments by Sensei Le Roof.


  • Will cause more drops to appear.
  • Will cause less cursed drops to appear.

The Parachute of Tidy Landings

Falling with style
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Well, kill Torment and I’ll let you have it. We shall see, I suppose.

  • Torment
    • You: Super Jump, attack, Super Jump, attack, Super Jump, attack, and… oh, Super Jump.
    • His only attack is running, so that’s good…
    • But the only place you can damage him is his back.
    • Try to lead him so he hits the wall every time, this gives you enough time to projectile his backside while he slows down.
    • Make sure you move around enough to keep him from just turning back and forth under you.
    • Caltrops make short work of him.
    • High damage / speed projectiles are also good.


  • Pops out when you fall more than 1 floor in height
  • Fall at half speed once out

The Aquavita Flippers

Flippy Floppy
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Kill ten of those fish fiends. Tastiest thing in this tower, dearie. With chips.

Fish are pretty rare, but never appear alone.
Just keep playing until you find 10 and kill them all.


  • Doubled movement speed in water.

The Accursed Familiar

Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Complete the game to get a little helper. You sort need a lot of help, if you ask me.

Beat da game.
Can be unlocked in Normal and Hard, confirmed in comments by Sensei Le Roof.


  • A fairy with a pickaxe will follow you and break any special walls at knee height and above.
  • Breaks blocks directly around the block being swung at, 2 blocks high and 3 blocks wide max.

Darabont’s Magnet

Little Miracles
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Collect 50 pickups in one game? A tall order, missy.

This is another endurance challenge.
Survive long enough to pick up 50 total pickups in any of the 3 main towers.
Play it safe and slow if you can, the Main Tower is your best bet.
TDL is your second option, with the Basement being your third, and worst, option due to the distance between time pickups being so long.


  • Shuriken within a small area around you will be pulled towards you.
  • Tossing shuriken everywhere is a much more viable battle plan with this since it makes it much easier to get them back if they bounce off to odd places like ceilings.
  • Will only appear if you have shuriken as your projectile.

The Crystal Ball of Dubious Phantasmagoria

“I have approximate knowledge of many things. For instance, I know that I am possibly going to slay you, and munch on your eyeballs.”
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Take out two enemies with a single piledrive. I don’t think it’ll happen, dear.

Piledrives are a directly downward areal attack, not the spinning attack.
Look for a purple ninja wandering around and falling down floors and wait until it lines up with another enemy.


  • A grey [?] popup will appear around the edge of your screen, pointing out off-screen items.
  • Good for pointing out time pickups or other things down a long hall when time is running short.

The Devil’s Personal X-ray Glasses

What do your ninja eyes see?
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Read the comic to get this. You can read, can’t you, my love?

(Glasses may or may not be cursed by Lucifer, Satan {Sah TEEN}, The Dark One, The Fallen, The Devil, Hades, Pluto, and/or Him.)


  • A ghostly image of hidden items will be shown above enemies and containers.
  • Good for pointing out which enemies and crates are worth your time and which aren’t.

Shield of The Clumsily Fallen Knight

“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” (TM)
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Oh ho ho! Deflect a dragon or wizard’s fireball with the Nunchuks! Never happens.

Be a true ninja and knock some projectiles out of the air!
Leave your foes stunned by your awesomeness!
Or leave them in ashes, your choice.


  • Become protected from one hit by a whole-body shield.
  • Is shattered when you would receive a hit, not when the shield itself looks like it would be hit.
  • Breaks into shards like a shrapnel bomb, extremely deadly to foes.

The Magic Duck

“~What are they doing at night in the park? DUCKS, DUCKS, QUACK QUACK, QUACK QUACK”
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Make like the night shadows, dear. Only 9,000 kills needed. Ha!

You’ll unlock the duck with enough time; just keep at it and eventually this sweet rubbery fowl will be yours.


  • All enemies in a huge area will become harmless rubber ducks.
  • Beware the squeakening… It comes for thee…

The Foe Randomiser

Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Get 20 cash pickups in one game. No chance, dearie!

A luck based unlock, great.
This will most likely be one of the last unlocks you will get.
Playing through on normal or hard until you get 20 cash pickups is quite a feat.
Trans Dimensional Leakage may be a good idea, if you can handle it.


  • All enemies in a huge area will become some other enemy.
  • This can be very good (mostly become ninjas)
  • Or very bad (Hellhounds, Monkeys, Cult Members)


Just one spray, and it’s gone! The spike through your heart? Sorry, only works on feet.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Crush 50 enemies’ skulls.

You might unlock this one without even trying if you crush every head you come across.
This unlock’s requirements are cumulative between plays.


  • All spikes you come in contact with instantly disintegrate.
  • Huge time saver!

McFly’s Time Extender

Bringing you the extra few seconds you need to find that incredibly awesome orange jacket/vest to pull your look together.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Get a time pickup in the last second. Chance would be a fine thing, dearie.

Very easy to get, and fairly helpful when you find it.
I would recommend going for this as soon as possible.
Which is right away, as soon as you start playing.
Do it.


  • Time is increased from 45 seconds to 60.
  • Is the only Golden colored unlockable pickup, not sure why.
  • For those of you who don’t know, or don’t remember, this is a Back to The Future reference. If you didn’t get it, or still don’t get it, you are too young. That is all. Go away.

The flyest.

3 Extra Lives From On High

Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Defeat Abarghus without losing a life. Sneeheeheh! Need I say more?

This is horrifyingly difficult.
Anyone who has made it to Abarghus knows how hard it is to not get hit by those bouncing bombs.
And the random enemies? WHY?
This is a by all means a trophy to put up on your wall and brag about.

If you get hit, might as well start from the nearest door and try again.
Only Abarghus counts, getting hit by any boss before him doesn’t matter.


  • Regain 3 hearts in one pickup
  • Can be found anywhere in any tower once unlocked

Instant Rage – Just Add Anger

“That’s my secret, I’m always angry.”
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Behead 20 enemies in a single game…my sympathies, dear.

It doesn’t matter what weapon you do it with,
just decapitate 20 enemies in a single run to unlock this pickup.


  • Instantly sends you into rage-mode.

Slowpoke’s Genuine Flash Bomb

Please note: Flash Bombs do not actually slow time, they just overload your retinas with stimulus to the point of causing pain. Like looking into The Sun.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Open 20 crates in a single game for this. I say you might get …5.

1.Run around like a madman
2.Smash crates
5.Die a clumsy death


  • Slows enemy speed by half for several seconds

Slowpoke’s Amazing Freeze Time

Time has not actually stopped,
you are just moving so fast that your mind sees everything else as standing still.
It’s all relative.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Talks to 10 ghosts for this pickup. They’re miserable buggers, you mark my words.

Somewhat difficult considering ghosts are uncommon.
As long as you don’t get a GAME OVER screen or win the game you can keep looking for ghosts.


  • Pauses all enemies for several seconds.
    – Beware environmental hazards, some of them can still hurt you.

Slowpoke’s Smartest Smart Bomb

Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Complete the game in under 20 minutes. It’s been nice knowing you, my sweet …

Start from the top of the tower.
Ignore everything not directly in your path.
Use weapons you are comfortable with.
Dynamite is highly recommended to bypass some parts and save several seconds.


  • Destroys everything you see that can be considered an enemy

Le Sac Magique (The Magic Bag)

Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Survive Horror for 60 seconds without getting hit. Haha!

Horror is the chameleon boss in the trans-dimensional leakage tower.
He warps, fires a projectile, then repeats.
Getting hit during the fight does not reset the timer,
you will have to try again if you get hit.
Just look out for him warping in at the floor and you should be able to dodge his attacks.
Hit him all you want, just as long as you don’t kill him before the 60 seconds is up.


  • Replenishes a fair amount of projectile AND bomb ammo.

Ammo Forever

Spray and pray!
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Get into a rage for 60 seconds or more…

Just keep your rage-mode going for 1 whole minute.
Try not to kill enemies too quickly and overfill your meter, make every kill count in full.


  • Allows you to throw infinite ammo-based projectiles for several seconds
    – Works with weapons like boomerangs too

The Third Leap

I’ma Force ah Nature!
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Juggle a duck for 3 seconds in the air. Hmm.

This unlock requires The Magic Duck or The Foe Randomizer be unlocked first.
Once you have turned an enemy into a rubber duck,
just practice juggling it in the air untill you get this unlock.
If you can move a duck into one of the chest rooms or a corridor leading to a boss then you can have all the time you need to juggle it.


  • Grants a third jump for the duration for your current game.

Monkey Bane

Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

60 seconds total in the air. better get jumping, dear!

This should be easy to unlock as you only need to accumulate 60 seconds of airtime.


  • Causes monkeys to run from you instead of towards you

The OST Of Purebred Ninjinity

Not a pickup, but a great album to pick up.
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

Cut three Kinnes in half …a tall order for you!

I believe Kinnes are the dragons which pop out of the ground and shoot a fireball at you.
If you can get to them before they disappear, you will earn the game’s soundtrack!


  • Contains great music to listen to, outside of the game!


Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

I’m afraid you’ll need the DLC pack for these, my dear. Still, it’s rather better value for money than you’ve been.

Very simple to unlock, BUY IT.
But if you have no way of doing that, well, that kinda sucks…


  • Prevents the loss of a life
    – Similar in to shield, but does not cause a shrapnel explosion upon being used
  • Moves you to the save spot

Dave The Sword Familiar

It sure feels STRIDER in here…
Originally posted by Lodge Lady:

I’m afraid you’ll need the DLC pack for these, my dear. Still, it’s rather better value for money than you’ve been.

Very simple to unlock, BUY IT.
But if you have no way of doing that, well, that kinda sucks…


  • Seeks out and kills small enemies on screen
    – Frogs, tentacle patches, etc…

Guide Creator’s Comments

I even added the DLC items to it and a quick comparison of the ninjas!

I might add sections on the bosses at some point.

If anyone has anything they would like to add to any finished sections, then please tell me in the comments.
If it is something I simply forgot to add, then I will just add it in.
But if it is something new I didn’t know about, then you will be credited next to the addition!
Remember that this future sections may be added, so don’t go writing future additions and expect them to be added with credit, I just haven’t gotten to them myself yet.

BUT IF YOU ARE STUCK ON SOMETHING OR WOULD LIKE SOMETHING CLARIFIED, please make a request in the comments and I will answer it as best I can!
But hopefully what I have already added helps you in your endeavors!

Farewell, friends!

PS: If anyone knows how to use a picture as a link to a section within the guide without the big banner showing up and is willing to share the secret with me, then I would be exceedingly grateful and credit you somewhere in the guide.