Strife: Veteran Edition Guide

List of recommended custom maps/mods to play on Strife for Strife: Veteran Edition

List of recommended custom maps/mods to play on Strife


This is a list containing a bunch of unique or fun maps and mods to play with Strife. These mods or maps usually require another source port, and may possibly contain spoilers too.


Over the years, Strife has been slowly getting mods made for it. The game was originally released right when Duke Nukem 3D and Quake was just released. Strife was pretty much just buried under those two games. While Strife wasn’t (And still isn’t sadly) a very popular game, there is still some amazing mods or map sets made for it regardless.

Most of the maps will probably require an advanced source port or engine, meaning you’ll have to download them to play some of the maps or mods you’ll see on this list. Configuration is easy, as most up-to-date source ports can be easily installed without any hassle.

If you already happen to have a source port of choice, or know how to install them, just you can just skip the next section and continue to the list.

I will update this guide over time. Whether it will be new maps or mods, or maybe even an update for a mod or map.

DISCLAIMER: I did not create, modify, or have any involvement at all with these user created mods and maps. All the credits go to their original creators of the maps and mods. I only provided this list to show users where they can find amazing mods and maps created by the community. If a mod or map creator wishes me to take down one of their maps or mods from this guide, then I will do so.

Installing/Configuring a Strife Source Port


Map List

Below this section you will find a small, but nice collection of levels to play with Strife. These are usually the easiest to install on a source port since it can just be dragged and dropped onto the source port executable. I provided screenshots as well.

Map – A World in Strife: Raiding the Dam

Source Ports Required:



Originally posted by Adam “Khorus” Woodmansey:

A large single player level for Strife. … No real story or npc interaction other than some vendors, just a new part of the strife world to explore.

Additonal Downloads:

There was a download to the map’s custom soundtrack, but the links appear to be dead. I will leave them here for archival purposes.


Map – A World in Strife: Absolute Order

Source Ports Required:



Originally posted by author:

You wanted it, now you’ve got it, a 6 map hub for Strife. Requires a Zdoom compatible source port.

A rough story? Well ok. Despite the main threat of the order being defeated, there are many other towns still under their fragmented rule. The front now has the resources to send agents to these outward places and attempt to destroy what’s left of the tyranny. You have arrived in the small town of Sweetwater, where what few people survive live a near meaningless life that is under constant threat.


Map – Day of the Acolyte

Source Ports Required:



Originally posted by Samuel Villarreal:

You wondered though the wilderness, searching for food until you were spotted by an acolyte. The remains of the Order lurks within a small complex, planning their war with Blackbird and the rebels. Suspected as a spy, you remain in their detention center. A group of acolytes and a officer inter your cell, preparing for your torture. You will not give up without a fight…. This is a single map wad for Strife map02. Its pretty long too with lots of places to explore. In this map you will need to rely on shops and stealth in order to beat this map.


Map – Return of The Order

Source Ports Required:

ZDoom[], Vavoom[], or SVSTRIFE[].


Originally posted by Samuel ‘Kaiser’ Villarreal:

This is something new, a Strife wad! The Order has returned and has taken over your headquaters. Its up to you to stop them agian.


Mod List

Below this section will be a list of game changing mods. They will change the feel or style of Strife. I have included videos, screenshots, or logos for each mod. Some mods are a bit more harder to install than others.

Mod – Samsara v0.3

Source Ports Required:

ZDoom[] or Zandronum[]


Originally posted by TerminusEst13:

Welcome to Samsara.
This is a multiplayer project inspired by crossover fighting games, designed to bring these games that people love so much and give them a second life on the multiplayer front, taking the heroes and the weapons and pitting them all aside (and sometimes against) each other. When you play Samsara, you pick a hero from a classic FPS game, spawn in the battlefield with abilities and weapons from their original game, and then proceed to lay waste among all those that stand in your way in whatever iwad or levelset of your choice. Each of the heroes are strictly limited to their own weapons, so you won’t have a nonsensical random mash-up of people wielding weapons just not suited for them.
Want to play in Heretic? No problem. Give Chex Quest a whirl? Go right ahead. Wanted to like HeXen but didn’t like the low amount of weapons? Go on, enjoy it. Want to go strictly vanilla and play Doom II? Be my guest. Current iwads supported are Doom, Doom II/TNT/Plutonia, Heretic, HeXen, Chex Quest, Strife, and Harmony, and more are to come.

The goal of Samsara is threefold:
1: To provide an interesting competitive mod that will enhance, rather than break, deathmatch/capture the flag/etc play. While obviously nothing will match pure vanilla for srs tourney play, if desired one can have a match full of Doomguys and have little to no differences from vanilla play–and someone joining in as Corvus should not dramatically change things.
2: To stay true to the spirit of classic FPSes by presenting these characters with as close to their original abilities and weapons as reasonably possible. Playing with them should be very much like playing their original game.
3: To provide a fun experience complimentary with many other levelsets, be they cooperative or competitive, so that people can live as their favorite heroes once again and put them through wringers so many other inventive people have designed. Other heroes should not differ so drastically from Doom II that other mods would now be unplayable.

Whether you play in co-op and tear through endless hordes of monsters or play in deathmatch and tear through whatever friends or enemies challenge you, Samsara offers you the ability to live through your favorite games again on new battlefields or new iwads entirely.

What it changes in Strife:

Allows you to play as different characters such as Doomguy, Chex Warrior, Corvus, “B.J.” Blazkowicz, and others in Strife and completely changes the gameplay uniquely with the character you select in the game, allowing a whole other style of play for Strife.


ZDoom: [link]
Zandronum: [link]

Additonal Downloads:

There are extra add-ons you can load with the mod to change the sprites or sounds included with the mod, you can take a look at those add-ons here: [link]

Mod – Strife Uncut 1.5

Source Ports Required:



Originally posted by Zaero:

The main idea behind this mod was to bring back all the features that did not make it to the final version of the game.

To further improve it, I also added some new weapons, fixed some dead-ends and made the world more interactive so you may enjoy it more.

Many objects can be destroyed, used or taken to be used later. Since it took some of my time to make, I hope you’ll love the mod.

NEW ITEMS – Restored much of the content hidden in Strife1.wad:
* Loot – almost any small item in the game can be stolen and it’s value is added to players gold count.
* Food – found in containers, can be consumed anytime by selecting food bag from inventory. The more “meaty” the food is, the more health it boosts.
* Interrogator Raport – item found in the first mission, will explain you a part of the story which was not so obvious before.
* Acid Grenades (Max 20) – can be carried in inventory and used at will. They’re thrown and break into clouds of gas which is harmful both for humans and robots.
* Rat Helper (Max 5) – when you’ll find the place full of rats, they may come to you and stare. You can then pick them up, and use from the inventory.
When you do, they get thrown at the enemy and start to bite him. They cannot be killed, but deal very little damage, also the enemy attacked will still try to hunt you instead of rodent. When they dont have a target for some time, they can be picked up again.
* TIP = Totems of Incredible Power – during the game you can find 3 of them, when all are collected your dagger deals incredible damage. They’re made from scratch, not ported from VE.
* Blue Chalice – acts as portable health regenerator, very useful as sort of “ammo” holder for the Sigil. Uses gold to do so. Entirely made from scratch, not ported from VE.
* Sigil Piece – during the fight with the first boss, it used to be obtained automatically on victory, preventing the player from backtracking to refill supplies etc. Now, it is spawned on boss’s death but must be picked up by the player, so you may actually decide when you want to finish the level.

* Most of vanilla weapons have smoother animations, made both by offsetting the original frames, as well as adding new.
* All weapons except for Sigil, have altfires. They can activate stronger attacks, weapon reload functions of fire secondary ammo.
* There are 4 new weapons, most of which, make use of accuracy/stamina stats:
* Pistol (Ammo: Bullets) – the firearm given by Macil, the first time talked to. Granted so early in the game, it is useful for taking down acolytes and some other weaker enemies. It’s clip holds 10 rounds, but the reload is fast. It’s a great tool, especially considering Assault Gun is found later than before (but you can still buy it from Irale).
* Boltcaster (Ammo: Electric Bolts) – shots fast moving energy bolts at cost of 2 ammo. Secondary fire is sniper mode, which fires stronger bolts at cost of 3 ammo. Can be found in weapon stashes (for the first time in the Prison).
* Thrasher (Ammo: Energy Pods) – shotgun type weapon, uses energy pods to fire green sparks of plasma which disintergrates human enemies. Primary uses 10, secondary 20 ammo. Must be ♥♥♥♥♥♥ after each 10 ammo shot. It can only be found in the Town.
* Land mines – can rarely be found, but is very strong. Primary fire sets it on the ground, secondary throws it. The blast can usually insta-kill most enemies.
* The weapons with limited “clip”, which needs to be reloaded, display the counter to indicate how much ammo you can fire before the next reload. This is not the actual “clip capacity” per se – you can reload the clip anytime, even without ammo and this counter will reset.

* Some enemies drop different items they used to (Crusader, first Boss).
* Stalkers now can fire their cannons when on ground.
* Templars have 5 different dead states for more variety.
* Sentinels have new death animation and play their dead sound fully.

* The key persons are protected until they are no longer needed for progression. They are: Harris, Mourel, Weran, Keymaster, Richter, Oracle.
* Rowan can be killed in the very beginning and the game can still progess, but you’ll not get his gold reward and the alarms will sound. You can then run to the base, get the pistol and continue your fight from there (with the help from Medic and Weapons Trainer) but it’ll be much harder as you’ll have to clean the whole town to progress.
* There is another way to get to the prison: You can take Harris’s quest, get the Chalice (you wont find it before) and bring to him. Whey you do so, the door to prison will open, but you’ll not have the authorization to pass the guard there. You’ll need to kill him to get to the Warden.
As you can see, the Chalice quest is no longer a dead end, if you complete it you will even be rewarded later in the game.
* The degnin ore respawns after 10 minutes of picking it up, so you’ll never run out of them. They cannot be destroyed until picked up and used first. This fixes another possible dead-end.

INTERACTION – Objects which can be used or destroyed:
* Ammo Refiller – if you’re low on ammo, actually restores it to some level.
* Surgery Crab – if you’re low on health, it heals you some.
* Ancient columns, monuments and vases – can be destroyed.
* Explosive Barrels – now are really useful as traps, since they spawn flames which can deal huge amount of damage.
* Wooden Barrels – they always contain some food or a coin.
* Every barrel and vase can be moved if pushed.

* The mod requires Strife1.wad, Voices.wad (recommended) and latest version of GZDoom (may work on ZDoom, untested).
* The mod is compatible with Strife1.wad but is not with Sve.wad.
* The mod is not compatible with Strife teaser demo.
* No feature of this mod was taken from VE, every feature is made entirely from scratch.
* The mod is compatible with Ketchup mod – I highly recommend it: [link]
* Yes, the pk3 file is really that small 🙂

What it changes in Strife:

Changes a major amount of the game, adding new quests, rewards, weapons, and much much more. Recommended if you’re looking to play Strife again.


Mod – Brutal Strife (BETA 1)

Source Ports Required:

Zandronum[] or GZDoom[]


Originally posted by Sergeant_Mark_IV:

Brutal Strife is a revamp of Strife’s gameplay. It adds unique gibs for every enemy, particle effects, smoother weapons, weapons can use their alternative ammo with alt fire instead having to switch to a sister weapon, almost everything in the scenario is destructible (trees, bushes, tanks with experiments) and many other new things like a feature that allows you to take some characters as hostages, or use arrows to climb walls.

What it changes in Strife:

Gives Strife that “Brutal” feel. You know the one. This mod is not complete, so be expected for something to act strange, or have something missing. Not sure if he’ll ever touch up on it again.



Mod – Strife Overhaul (ALPHA version 0.1)

Source Ports Required:



Originally posted by IngChuck:

Total overhaul mod for Strife: The Quest For Sigil. This mod aims to improve every aspect of the original game: combat, economics, story and levels. It also adds new features to the game.

What it changes in Strife:

I haven’t gotten around to playing this one yet, but it looks pretty cool. It seems to add a ton of new weaponry and ways to kill enemies. The inventory system appears to be revamped as well.

Additonal Downloads:

A multiplayer patch was made for Zandronum 3.0[] so that players can use the new weaponry in what appears to be Deathmatch.



As I stated in the beginning, I will add or update this guide over time. Thanks for reading through my guide! Please leave comments, ratings or suggestions if you wish to support this guide.