The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd Guide

Zemurian Ore Weapons List for The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd

Zemurian Ore Weapons List


After finishing every boss of the abyss, what else is there to choose from? You decide!

List of weapons as screenshotted

After finished the abyss and getting all zemurian ores, you can Ask Celeste to forge a Weapon according to what you wish for.


For Anelace, it’s not really recommended you get a Katana for her, instead leave one for Richard.
Jinu can be upgraded for Completing the Nightmare arena (Sun Door 3),and it’s a way better weapon than Houkibushi do note that i think you need to have her in the party with Jinu equipped, however i’m not sure if it’s necessary,

Weapons with their users

And remember…