Starbound Guide

Troubleshooting Starbound Crashes for Starbound

Troubleshooting Starbound Crashes


Scary at first, but not as hard as you may think.

What is troubleshooting?

Troubleshooting is the systematic approach to solving/correcting an issue you have.

This involves reproducing the error and eliminating what the issue isn’t, until you figure out what it is.

What is my first step?

After reproducing the error, you should exit Starbound immediately.

Go to your Starbound main folder (this will differ from person to person) and venture into your storage folder. In there you will find several files with log in the name.

In my image, I have file extensions on, however if you do not, you will see a file simply called ‘starbound’ that sits above the other log files.

Open this file up in your text editor (I like to use notepad ++)

Do a word search for the word ‘error’. If you come up with nothing, try the word ‘warn’. If still nothing search to the bottom of the log to see if anything stands out.

I have error(s) what is my next step?

This will depend on the error.

If you are feeling uneasy about removing mods, back up your player and universe folder. They are located in your storage folder.

I like to deal with errors from the bottom of the log, up. As the last error in your log will most likely be the reason why your game is crashing.

Here are some common errors you may find:

[Error] Application: exception thrown, shutting down: – That line is usually found at the bottom of the log, and it tends to be the culprit that’s causing your game to crash. If you see this error, then it is the one to focus your efforts on.

[Error] Could not load recipe /recipes/anvil1/armor/tier1/myfancyclothing: (ItemException) No such item ‘wovenfabric’ – Oops, looks like a mod you have has a recipe that requires an item that doesn’t exist.

[Error] Object myfancybed defined twice, second time from /objects/beds/myfancybed .object – Oh dear, looks like you have an object conflict. This may be caused by one poor mod, or two different mods that share the same object name. You may need to unsub from one.

[Error] Exception caught loading asset: /recipes/yummyfood/yumbikkie.recipe, (AssetException) Could not read JSON asset /recipes/yummyfood/yumbikkie.recipe
Caused by: (JsonParsingException) Error parsing json: bad array, should be ‘,’ or ‘]’ at 9:50
– This says in a mod’s recipe, at line 9, character 50 that there is a mistake and it should be a comma or bracket. You should contact the mod’s author so they can fix it.

NexusTheBrony reminds us:
Discord overlay can cause Starbound issues, so disable it for peak performance.

I’m really stuck! Help!

WELP. I would test without mods, to see if what your issue is, is a mod issue. If your game works I would then add mods back 1 by 1, testing in between, til you find the culprit.

Should you require further assistance, I would advise making a post on






[link] can be used to share your log with others.
Copy and paste the contents of your log, into box. Then down the bottom click ‘create new paste’ then after that send the link of your paste.

Most people will not help you if you do not submit your log. Give a copy of your log in your post, as well as what exactly the problem you are having (crashing after trying to do something, game wont start, assets missing).

If your error is related to a custom race you are working on, please do not hesitate to message me directly.

What I’ve missed

This guide will be altered and refined as needed.

Please let me know of anything I need to add/remove to this guide.