Starbound Guide

How to Get the Left Translation Wheel With No Tech for Starbound

How to Get the Left Translation Wheel With No Tech


A quick little guide on how to get the left translation wheel in the erchius mining facility without tech, using only ropes.

First Lever

First things first, be sure you have quite a good amount of ropes or plant fibre. Once you have a your ropes it’s time to grab the first lever. Usually the levers require the morphball tech to get, but we’re going to crouch and reel in ropes to achieve the same effect. Simply crouch, put the rope in front of you, and then press the button you use to reel the rope, by default it’s W. Once you get to the end just toss a rope up and pull the lever, to get back just do the same.

Second Lever

For this one it’s just some simple rope climbing, once you get to the cavern with the hammer moontants just rope the ceiling and continue roping to the right. The ceiling will slowly become more and more steep, the steeper it is the closer you are. Getting there should only take 4 or 5 ropes, so it isn’t very far. After you’ve gotten the lever you can just rope above you and slowly descend.

Getting the Wheel

Now all that’s left is to get through the tunnel before the wheel. You’ll find this to the left of the big hole leading to the boss. to get through you simply have to hold crouch and reel and then throw your rope down the tunnel, once you’ve fully realed in the rope throw another. At certain points in the tunnel the breath meter may appear, that just means your head is slightly in a block, it doesn’t go down even slightly fast enough to be a threat, so just continue. Once you get out of the tunnel, head left and there you go, the Left Translation Wheel.

Extra Info

There you have it! One half of the key to decoding the ancient language of beings lost in time. The other half is found in another dungeon later on, but lets not get into that now, that’s for another guide. I hope this has helped you, I love finding things that allow me to be lazier in the long run, and not having to run through all this again later on was something I felt like sharing. Thanks for reading, and happy travels!