DC Universe™ Online Guide

How to purchase All Access with Steam funds! (CREDIT CARD REQUIRED) for DC Universe Online

How to purchase All Access with Steam funds! (CREDIT CARD REQUIRED)


A lot of people are having trouble purchasing All Access in DCUO (with steam funds) and hopefully, this should clear some things up. Regardless of how you pay for it, you do need to give Daybreak credit card info for some bs reason.If you live in Ecuador, then you’re hopeless and should move give up immediatly.

Step 1. Go to www.daybreakgames.com

Step one on purchasing all access with steam funds is going to www.daybreakgames.com. Daybreak was previously known as Sony Online Entertainment and they like to make the game less fun.

(Optional) Step 2. Create a Daybreak account if you don’t already have one.

If you already play DCUO than that means you already have a Daybreak account. DO NOT create an account if you already have one.

Step 3. Press the ‘Get all access’ button

Step. 4 Press the other ‘Get all access’ button

Step 5. Select your payment

Step 6. Press the ‘Pay with Steam’ button

Assuming you’re someone who’s been looking to buy All Access with Steam funds for a while, this may be a big moment for you.

Step 7. Log into your Steam account

This should be safe as long as you’re on the right website.

You can take the reigns from there!

Just a few side notes:
I do not reccomend you buy All Access if you’re not very interested in this game. If you’re new, getting to lvl 30 can take a long time and you don’t really start noticing all your perks of being a member until then. And please, don’t let All Access get to your head.I do not claim ownership of this youtube video.
