Hunt: Showdown Guide

Gangsta Life: Redneck Hunting edition for Hunt: Showdown

Gangsta Life: Redneck Hunting edition


ATTENTION: This isn’t a serious guide, it’s just jokes with my tips/advice. So please don’t get butthurt over this. If any of my tips/advice are wrong, feel free to correct me in the comments. With that aside, please enjoy!


Hunt: Showdown is game set in the 1800’s, Louisiana (I think) and the place is riddled with monsters that want to eat your face off and want to steal your mortgage money. The way how the game works is you buy a hunter, deck them out in some LIT gear, find clues, find a boss, kill it (and maybe t-bag it), grabbing the bounty, and getting the hell out of there while fighting (and t-bagging) players and monsters that are randomly generated across the map. You might be saying “That sounds easy enough!”, but let me tell you it ain’t easy. You’ll have to deal with annoying monsters (like meatheads) on the clue, (possibly) campers, being overwhelmed and chased by large groups of monsters, that one prestige 30 level 69 player streamsniping everyone he sees, and losing your hunter that had god-tier gear. But fear not! With this guide, you’ll be a gangsta at the game instantly with the knowledge I’ve gathered over the 100 hours I’ve played and you’ll be the next prestige 30 level 69 player that streamsnipes everyone!


This game does have lore to it, but I don’t know it. I could look it up, but I won’t. So I’ll make up the lore! Once upon a time in Louisiana, 1800’s everyone was chilling out and doing whatever they did in the 1800’s when all of a sudden some crackhead decided to make some drugs. He was making drugs when all of a sudden the crackhead made a big oopsie, and by a big oopsie I’m talking about the type of oopsie where you accidentally cause the drug fumes to spread over the entire state and causing everyone to become high type of oopsie. This caused everyone to see each other as monsters and demons, so everyone ran to get their weapons to fight off the “evil”. As everyone is killing each other, meanwhile the crackhead that started this all is crying in his cellar because everyone is high off of drugs except for him.

The Spooky Monsters

There are many monsters that plaque the lands of Hunt: Showdown, but there’s a solution on how to get rid of each monster.

Simp (grunt)

Easiest monster in the game so please don’t die to it, also aim for the head

Buffed Simp (Armored)

This simp is more stronger than the regular simp, but melee and fire will get the job done.

Buffed Simp’s weird cousin (Concertina Armored)

This is the one person in the family that is into some freaky deaky stuff and isn’t talked about at family events. The wires around his body gives damage and bleeding to anyone that tries to melee him. It also scares anyone away that he tries to simp for. Though fire and throwing knifes will end this man’s career.

Grandma (Hive)

Now this ain’t your average kind-hearted grandma that whips up a batch of cookies instantly, instead this a cranky old lady that whips up a batch of bees to poison you if you get too close to her. Though just like the simp, aiming for head will put an end to her and her bees.

Fire Boi (Immolator)

NEVER shoot or stab these things, use blunt weapons like dusters or the stock of your gun. Though it’s most likely you’re gonna get that one jimrod on your team (if you play duos or trios) that will shoot it and Fire Boi will get mad and will try to burn y’all alive.

Old Yeller (Hellhound)

Y’all know what happened to Old Yeller at the end of the book, so same thing must happen to these mutts if they attack you. Also these things travel in packs to be careful not to aggro them.

Wet Boi (Water Devil)

These guys only stay in the water, so you better get through the water quickly so they don’t get you. But you can shoot them and they’re easy to kill that way.

The Gym Teacher (Meathead)

Avoid at all cost or you’ll have to run 10 laps around the gym (I’ve rarely killed these things so I have no clue on how to effectively kill them)

Teacher’s Pet (Meathead Leeches)

Since the gym teacher can’t see, the teacher’s pet can spot you and the gym teacher will come running toward you. Even killing these things can alert the teacher so avoid these as well.


If you ever see Nellie, stop what you’re doing and go kill her right away because she is the destroyer of worlds and universes. Luckily she injured at the moment so she can’t use any of her world ending spells, but she’ll make a lot of noise if you get close to her. The best way to getting rid of Nellie is doing it in the most stupidest way possible (like bomb lance or concertina bomb for example). Never leave any Nellie left alive for the sake of the world!


You shoot really slow with the pistols (except the bornheim no. 3), but with fanning you shoot fast as f*ck boi! Though there are only two pistols that are worth fanning with, the caldwell conversion uppercut and caldwell conversion chain pistol. Why just these two? Well, with the chain pistol it’s non-stop 17 shots of fun you unload on someone in like .23 seconds. Meanwhile with the uppercut, it uses long bullets and rifles like mosin-nagant uses long bullets. So you can see why the uppercut would be fun to fan with.


From my experience with shotguns, they’re complete donkey. Most of the time I’m in gun fights it’s at a range where shotguns become useless, but when I was in range some of the times I still got destroyed. Overall, I didn’t have that many good times with shotguns. Although you aren’t me, so you’ll probably have a better time with shotguns than me. So use shotguns to your heart’s content! Btw, the king and crown auto 5 straight up melts the bosses.


There are three bosses in the game Pig-Man (Butcher), Bug-Dude (Assassin), and Spaider-Man (Spider). The pig will chase after you and he shoot fire everywhere, Bug-Dude will form into a dude sometimes and will chase after you and can create duplicates that can cover your screen in bugs when it hits you, and Spaider-Man is fast like Usain Bolt and poisons you. So, how do you deal with them? Well, there’s the option of shooting them, you could use lanterns to burn, or you could do the pro strat of grabbing a melee weapon around the boss building and melee the boss to death. But why melee? It’s more quieter and it’s pretty effective, so you can basically stealth kill the boss. Just prepare yourself when banishing the boss cuz mal hambres can see where the boss is being banished and will storm you like the SWAT team, but downgraded with bolt-action rifles instead of automatic assault rifles.

Burn That Swanson Out!

When downing someone, you have the option of yeeting fire on body to burn them out. What does this do? When burning someone out, the fire will burn out the player’s health bars and can kill off the player’s hunter. From what I heard this is frowned upon in the community, but I still do it because it’s one less person to deal with. If you want to be a d*ck about it, say something along the lines of “Have fun getting them up!” into the mic for the enemy team to hear!

Cavalry Saber

(I don’t care if the “Change my mind” thing is old)

Ending Notes

There are many more topics to go over like “What a good rifle to use?” or “How can I get a good trickshot for my trickshot montage?” but I wanted to go over a few important topics in this guide. There are other guides you can read that go more in-depth about game. Anyways, I hope that with this information you’ll become an U L T I M A T E G A N S T A at the game in no time!