Kerbal Space Program Guide

Duna 1, Universal Landing System Mk II Duna Mission for Kerbal Space Program

Duna 1, Universal Landing System Mk II Duna Mission


This guide is a chronicle of the the Universal Landing System Mk II Duna mission, Duna 1. This is the first full length interplanetary mission of the ULS Mk II flight system. The mission objective for Duna 1 is to land Kerbals on Duna and return them to Kerbin via the interplanetary shuttle included in the ULS Mk II flight system. A backup crew and the science team will remain in Duna orbit for continuing operations.Flight systems used in this guide are not stock. They were engineered and operated using multiple mods. These mods include Mechjeb, Kerbal Engineer Redux, DMagic Orbital Science, KAS, KIS, Lithobrake Exploration Technologies, SpaceY Lifters, SpaceY Expanded, Modular Rocket Systems, and Tarsier Space Technology. Supported by SCANsat imaging, Kerbal Alarmclock scheduling, Mechjeb navigation and control systems, Kerbal Engineer statistical analysis, Experiment Tracker science administration, and Final Frontier personnel records. Thank you to all mod developers that were unwittingly included in this project. You all rock and make Kerbal Space Program a very interesting game.The ships for the Universal Landing System Mk II and ScanSat Multi can be downloaded from KerbalX. Download ScanSat Launchers spacecraft from KerbalX Hanger[]Download ScanSat Launchers mods from KerbalX Mod Pack[]Download Universal Landing System Mk II spacecraft from KerbalX Hanger[]Download Universal Landing System Mk II mods from KerbalX Mod Pack[]

Duna 1 Launch and Interplanetary Transfer

This section chronicles the launch, docking, and interplanetary transfer of the Duna 1 mission. This section will serve at the template mission profile for Phase 1 of future Universal Landing System Mk II missions to Duna, as well as other interplanetary missions.

Part 1: Launch and Docking

The launch operations of Duna 1 are standard Universal Landing System Mk II launches, as documented in the guide Universal Landing System Mk II Operational Test Flight to Minmus.

Docking operations were slightly different than what was documented in the afore mentioned guide. It has been discovered that docking of the Science Module with the Main Vehicle Module of the Universal Landing System Mk II is best accomplished by lining up the Science module for a final docking approach, turning off the autopilot, turn on the SAS, set the SAS to face target, switch to the Main Vehicle Module, and then use the autopilot to dock with the Science Module. This maneuver is now referred to as Duplex Docking.

This became necassary when the two interplanetary shuttles were added to the Science Module. This extra weight aft of the center of gravity causes a destabilization wobble of the docking collar in the final few meters of docking, which takes the docking collar away from from its target docking collar. The above change to docking operations fixes this issue.

Duna 1 mission Lander and Main Vehicle launch from Kerbin Space Center.

Duna 1 mission Science module launch from Kerbin Space Center.

Duna 1 Science Module docking with Main Vehicle in Kerbin Orbit. This is the point at which Duplex Docking should be employed.

Duna 1 post docking fuel redistribution.

Part 2: Interplanetary Tranfer

The interplanetary transfer phase of Duna 1 uses MechJeb to plot an advanced transfer to another planet in the Maneuver Planner. Once this is accomplished, an adjustment burn node is created with MechJeb in the Maneuver Planner with fine tune closest approach to target. The final step in this phase is to create a manual node at the Duna Periapsis, firing retrograde, to create a circular orbit around Duna. This final step is then entered into Kerbal Alarm Clock so that other mission objectives can be attended to without fear of missing this mission critical node.

Duna 1 in Kerbin orbit rotating into position for burn to Duna. RCS is no longer used for rotation in this configuration. RCS creates aft instability with the Science Module. SAS is slow, but will rotate the flight system into posistion.

Duna 1 in orbit around Kerbin performing Duna encounter burn.

Duna 1 in vicinity of Kerbin after achieving escape velocity enroute to Duna.

Duna 1 enroute to Duna performing fuel redistribution prior to adjustment burn.

Duna 1 performing adjustment burn enroute to Duna.

Duna 1 current trajectory post adjustment burn. Next node laid in for Duna orbit deceleration burn.

Duna 1 deceleration burn for Duna orbit laid in and alarm set in Kerbal Alarm Clock.

Duna 1 ScanSat Deployment

Prior to the launch of the Duna 1 mission, a ScanSat Double mission was launched and sent to Duna. This mission is the support mission to Duna 1 and the ScanSat satellites are to map both Duna and Ike prior to Duna 1 arriving.

ScanSat Double launches two Scansat Multi mapping satellites. This satellite can split into several parts. The first is the ScanSat High. ScanSat High (top stage) contains mapping modules that function at 500km on most all bodies. The second part is ScanSat Low (lower stage). This part contains mapping and resource modules and function at 250km on most all bodies. The last part is the Interplanetary Vehicle (the vehicle that both ScanSat Multis are attached to). This part has a two stage fuel tank and is capable of interplanetary transfer. All parts have relay communication antenna and a communication network exists upon full deployment.

This section of the guide documents the Duna ScanSat mission in support of Duna 1.

Duna ScanSat Double enroute to Duna orbit in support of Duna 1 mission.

Duna ScanSat Double inbound trajectory and predicted post orbit burn trajectory. Inclination is high for ScanSat High and Low deployment into polar orbits. Duna ScanSat Double will then deploy Ike ScanSat High and Low and change inclination for a flat orbit.

Duna ScanSat Double performing orbit deceleration burn near Duna.

Duna ScanSat Double, in Duna orbit, jettisons top fuel tank to reduce weight.

Duna ScanSat Multi decouples from Duna ScanSat Double for polar orbit injection while in orbit around Duna.

Duna ScanSat Multi inclination change note set to 90 degrees by Mechjeb and modified manually for a periapsis of 500km.

Duna ScanSat Multi in orbit around Duna performing an inclination change burn.

Duna Scansat Multi apoapsis change node laid in by MechJeb to circularize orbit at 500km.

Duna ScanSat Multi performs a circularization burn while in orbit around Duna.

Duna ScanSat High decouples from Duna ScanSat Low while in orbit around Duna.

Duna ScanSat High Deploys mapping equipment and deploys solar arrays. It then turns radial by SAS to face the planet and shuts down the main engine.

Duna ScanSat Low lays in node to change longitude of polar orbit and set periapsis to 250km while in Duna orbit.

Duna ScanSat Low performs orbital burn over the North Pole of Duna.

Duna ScanSat Low lays in node to circularize orbit by changing the apoapsis to 250km.

Duna ScanSat Low performs circularization burn while over the South Pole of Duna. Ike can be seen in the background.

Duna ScanSat Low deploys science and mapping equipment while in polar orbit of Duna. Solar arrays are deployed and Duna ScanSat Low turns radial in using SAS.

Duna ScanSat Double lays in node to change inclination while in orbit around Duna.

Duna Scansat Double deploys second ScanSat Multi into orbit around Duna prior to inclination change burn. The second satillite will inject into polar orbits around Ike.

Duna ScanSat Double is redesignated Duna Relay and performs inclination change burn.

Duna Relay lays in node to change periapsis to 718km for a circular orbit.

Duna Relay performs circularization burn in orbit around Duna.

The second ScanSat Multi was sent to Ike where the polar orbit process was repeated. Both Duna and Ike have ScanSat and Relay Satellite coverage.

Duna 1 Orbit Establishment and Landing

On mission day 299, Duna 1 achieved orbit around Duna. This section documents the establishment of orbit and landing of the Duna 1 mission. All mission tasks performed in this section were within mission parameters.

Part 1: Orbit Establisment

Duna 1 achieved Duna orbit by burning retrograde at encounter periapsis to circularize its trajectory. Two subsequent burns, one at the apoapsis and one at the periapsis, were made to drop the orbit to 200km and maintain circularization. A third burn was made at the Duna orbit decending node to bring inclination to 0 degrees and place Duna 1 in its final SAS maintained normal facing.

Duna 1 on approach to Duna.

Duna 1 in the vicinity of Duna performing orbital deceleration burn.

Duna 1 performs final circularization burn while in orbit around Duna.

Duna 1 performs a minor inclination change while in orbit around Duna. This is the final burn of the transfer to Duna and places the flight system in a circular orbit, oriented normal by SAS, at 200km.

Part 2: Landing

Once Duna 1 achieved its final orbit, Duna Lander 1 decoupled from Duna Refuel/Science Station and performed a deceleration burn to land on the surface of Duna. Subsequent small burns were made as course adjustments before Duna Lander 1 entered Duna atmosphere. Duna Lander 1 then performed a long final decent burn to the landing zone, which was selected using ScanSat satellite mapping data.

Duna 1 performs fuel redistribution prior to Duna Lander 1 decouple while in orbit around Duna. During this task, the upper tanks of Duna Lander 1 were emptied into Duna Refuel/Science Station tanks. All Duna Lander 1 tanks will be filled by resource gathering and refinement on the surface of Duna before return to Duna orbit.

Duna Lander 1 decouples from Duna Refuel/Science Station while in orbit around Duna during the Duna 1 mission.

While Duna Lander 1 moves away, Duna Refuel/Science Station performs all onboard science in Duna Orbit

Duna Refuel/Science Station begins research using data gathered while in Duna orbit during Duna 1 mission.

Duna Lander 1 selecting a landing zone from ScanSat mapping while in Duna orbit during Duna 1 mission. Landing coordinates were entered into MechJeb for a computer assisted landing. Landing accuracy turned out to be very precise.

Duna Lander 1 performs landing deceleration burn over Duna during Duna 1 mission.

The map shows the projected landing zone, with aerobraking node, of Duna Lander 1.

Duna Lander 1 just prior to atmospheric entry over Duna. Duna Lander 1 has retracted solar panels and is making a deceleration burn.

Duna Lander 1 on final ascent to Duna surface.

Duna Lander 1 just prior to touchdown on Duna.

Duna Lander 1 on the surface of Duna. Flight operations were very stable and smooth during landing with no wobble or adverse effects from atmospheric entry.

Duna 1 Surface Operations

Surface operations on Duna constist of mining and refining resources to fill fuel and resource tanks, gather science with both Duna Lander 1 and Duna Rover 1, EVA to gather science and reset science experiments on Duna Rover 1, EVA to plant mission flag and take a cool picture of the crew, recover Duna Rover 1 by docking with Duna Lander 1, and securing Duna Lander 1 for launch and ascent into Duna orbit.

The above mission objectives were all met within expected parameters and no issue was encountered at any phase of surface operations. Total time spent on the surface was 2 days, 3 hours, and three minutes. All Kerbals were able to EVA effectively and were returned safely to Duna Lander 1 for ascent.

Duna Lander 1 starting surface operations. The first step is always to fill the fuel and resource tanks for liftoff. After this is completed, the science portion of the mission begins.

Duna Rover 1 decouples from Duna Lander 1.

Duna Lander 1 conducts all onboard science.

Duna Lander 1 moves experiments to the science storage container.

Duna Rover 1 conducts all onboard science.

Jebidiah Kermin becomes first Kerbal to step foot on another planet. He also collects a surface sample and gives an EVA report.

Jebidiah Kermin, Bill Kermin, and Lemkin Kermin pose with Duna 1 mission flag in front of Duna Rover 1 and Duna Lander 1 on the surface of Duna.

Lemkin Kermin collects science and resets experiments on Duna Rover 1.

Duna Rover 1 moves into position for docking with Duna Lander 1.

Duna Rover 1 preparing for RCS hop to dock with Duna Lander 1.

Duna Rover 1 docked with Duna Lander 1 by using RCS to hop up to the docking collar. Engines will now be activated and orbital data entered into MechJeb in preperation for liftoff.

Duna 1 Lander Ascent and Docking

Objectives for this phase of the Duna 1 mission are to ascend to Duna orbit, return to the Duna Refuel/Science Station and dock, determine what surplus of fuel exists from the landing of Duna Lander 1, and transfer science to Duna Refuel/Science Station. As a secondary objective, an Interplanetary Shuttle will be decoupled from the Science module of the Duna Refuel/Science Station and docked with the Main Vehicle module.

All objectives of this phase were met with little difficulty. A very small fuel surplus was realized from the first Duna landing of Duna Lander 1. During the Ongoing Operations phase of the Duna 1 mission, a feasability mission to Ike is planned to test refueling operations there using Duna Lander 1 and the Science module.

Also, the docking test operation of the Interplanetary Shuttle was very successful and proved the stability of this flight subsystem.

Duna Lander 1 has retracted all solar arrays and turned of rover RCS. Data has been entered into MechJeb for an orbit at 100km and Duna Lander 1 is go for ascent.

Duna Lander 1 lifts off from the surface of Duna.

Duna Lander 1 burning through the middle atomosphere of Duna.

Duna Lander 1 burns to an orbit of 100km in preperation for docking with Duna Refuel/Science Station.

Once Duna orbit is achieved, Duna Lander 1 processes ore mined on the surface of Duna to determine fuel consumption versus fuel surplus numbers before returning to Duna Refuel/Science Station.

Duna Lander 1 just prior to docking inclination adjustment burn. Ike and Duna both can be seen in the background.

“Duna Lander 1 perrforming Hohmann transfer burn to dock with Duna Refuel/Science Station durning orbital sunrise over Duna.

Duna Lander 1 performing velocity match burn with Duna Refuel/Science Station in Duna orbit.

Duna Lander 1 performs RCS adjustments while moving into postion for docking with Duna Refuel/Science Station while in orbit around Duna.

Duna Lander 1 on final approach with Duna Refuel/Science Station in Duna orbit.

Duna Lander 1 docked with Duna Refuel/Science Station while in orbit around Duna on Duna 1 Mission. Only a very slight fuel surplus was realized from landing on Duna. During the Ongoing Operations phase of the Duna 1 mission, a feasability mission is planned for refuel operations in Ike orbit involving the Science Module and Duna Lander 1.

Science from the first Duna landing is transferred from science containers on Duna Lander 1 to science container on Duna Refuel/Science Station.

Fuel redistribution is conducted on the Duna Refuel/Science Station, while in Duna orbit, as a post docking procedure after the first Duna landing.

Duna Interplanetary Shuttle performing docking test by decoupling from Science Module and docking with Main Vehicle Module on Duna 1.

Interplanetary Shuttle on final approach during docking test with Duna 1 while in Duna orbit.

Interplanetary Shuttle successfully docked with Duna 1 during docking test while in Duna orbit.

Duna 1 Primary Crew and Science Return to Kerbin via Interplanetary Shuttle

Objectives for this phase of the Duna 1 mission are to upload science to one of the Interplanetary Shuttles and return both science and the primary Duna 1 mission crew to Kerbin.

All objectives of this phase were met with no unexpected results. Duna 1 primary crew and first landing science were returned to Kerbin via Interplanetary Shuttle and a single orbit re-entry water landing. Free return trajectory landing was an option during the return phase, but enough Delta V was available for the safer orbital capture re-entry.

Science moved into Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle prior to decouple from Duna Refuel/Science Station.

Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle leaves Duna Refuel/Science Station.

Using MechJeb advanced transfer to another planet, a node is created to return Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle to Kerbin.

Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle leaving Duna orbit on a trajectory for Kerbin intercept. Duna Refuel/Science Station can be seen in the background.

Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle burns for home while in Duna orbit. Ike can be seen in the background.

The burn calculated by MechJeb put Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle on a free return trajectory. In order to make it easier to select a landing location, an adjustment node was entered using MechJeb fine tune closest approach to target and modified manually. This will allow an orbit to be established and give a better opportunity to select a preferred landing site.

Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle makes a very small adjustment burn while on return trajectory to Kerbin.

A manual node was entered to bring Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle into a circular orbit around Kerbin. Kerbal Alarm Clock was then set to notify of node four hours prior to execution.

Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle decelerates to orbit Kerbin prior to re-entry.

Using MechJeb Landing Guidance, a water landing site on Kerbin is selected for Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle.”

Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle burns to deorbit just prior to Kerbin re-entry.

Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle decouples from engine module and prepares to enter Kerbin atmosphere.

Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle engulfed in superheated plasma during re-entry of Kerbin’s atmosphere. The engine module can be seen beginning re-entry in the background.

Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle deploys main parachutes during Kerbin re-entry. Full deployment of chutes will occur at a lower altitude.

Full parachute deployment achieved just prior to Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle water landing on Kerbin.

Duna 1 Interplanetary Shuttle sucessfully lands in water on Kerbin at a velocity of 3.7 m/s. Crew and spacecraft are recovered successfully with a full science load from the Duna landing.

Duna 1 Ongoing Operations

This section is for the documentation of ongoing operations for the Duna 1 Mission. Several landings subsequent to the first Duna 1 landing, as documented above, are planned. Several feasability missions are also planned for such things as Ike refuel operations, Ike landings, and potential addition of Duna 1 spacecraft resources from followon arrivals originating at Kerbal Space Center.