Trool Fair - Cupe 'Em All - Strategy for WAKFU

Trool Fair – Cupe ‘Em All – Strategy


A guide to getting Give A Kiss from the Cupe ‘Em All minigame in the Trool Fair.

10% Luck, 90% Concentration of Skill

Well, first thing is your character’s level doesn’t matter, because you will be using Soldier Of Love during the game, which is it’s own character.

When you enter the room, you’ll want to interact with the NPC Cupiddlypants. However it’s not her you’ll be fighting in this minigame.

I made an oops here, and faced the nearest wall. You ideally want to face toward the more open space, and the enemies are more likely to spawn there, not a guarantee, just more likely, and sometime attack first. Facing the area more likely to spawn enemies makes it less likely they’ll hit you from behind. Being hit in the back does a bit more damage, which you want to ultimately avoid taking.

Once you can attack, use the first skill to take out one or two of the love gobballs, depending how many MP you have left, and how many you need to get to the home point and to cast the third spell.

NEVER USE THE SECOND SKILL! It isn’t worth the MP.

The location you start in, and enemy spawn points, is random, and the love gobballs can sap your MP, so it may be a few games before you get 8,000 points.

Once you’ve taken out up to two gobballs, go to the tile shown above and cast the third skill directly to the west, as shown, then face north. This is the first stage completed. Two turns later and you’ll have your fortress. You’ll want another beacon east of you. This will make it so that enemies will only be able to attack from one side, and not be able to ram you.

During some of the waves, you’ll have one turn to restore HP. Move only to the ones that won’t leave you in the open, and will allow you to get back to your fortress after killing a few gobballs. It’s important to note that since spawn points are random, these screenshots are examples only.

Take out anything that blocks where the beacons go, and anything that is attacking the beacons.
As you can see from these screenshots, RNG wasn’t nice to me and I got owned, but this method has worked for me, and others, on multiple occurrences.
