ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition Guide

Enslaved Improvment Guide for ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition

Enslaved Improvment Guide


A Simple Guide to Greatly Improve Your Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Gaming Experiance Including Graphics Improvments, Costume Fixes, and More…



Enslaved is a good game but it suffers (like most console ports) from bad graphics options and the “soap” on the screen. luckily some of the Master Race’s best and brightest have figured out a few key workarounds to better enjoy this wonderful game.

Removing Startup Logos

First off, like most games, lets kill those startup videos and quickly jump right to the main menu.
to do this put “-nostartupmovies” in the Launch options field in your steam enslaved properties. Done.
Guide i Used/Source:


If you want to improve Enslaveds graphics, the best route would be a SweetFX (The DirectX Injector) Preset.
AND if you have a Nvidia GPU, tweek your presets in your Nvidia Graphics Settings to match the image to the right (Per Game Not Global).

Dark Side of Gaming did an article on Enslaved and shared thier SweetFX preset used, personally its my favorite preset for enslaved. so check it out. (the image below is from my playthrough with that preset). Just unzip into your Enslaved/Binaries/win32 folder in the steam common folder. Done.
Preset Download[www.dropbox.com]


you can get other presets here:
SweetFX Settings Database for Enslaved[sfx.thelazy.net]

Also check out this guide if you wanna mess with the ini engine files:

Shadow Fix

Have those banded shadows on Trip and Monkey?? Fix it.
1. Find the baseengine.ini in the steam commonenslavedengineconfig
2. Edit baseengine.ini and set light enviroment shadows to false.
3. Set to Read Only.



Costume Fix/Unlock

Want the DLC costumes right off the bat? and on both characters simultaneously? Unlock them by simply editing your DLC .cfg files!!

For whatever reason the developer put the DLC costumes behind a “complete game” wall, i guess not to ruin peoples first playthroughs but that dosnt matter and on top of that you can only wear one costume at a time, which for the monkey costumes is fine, but not being able to use Trips one costume with Monkeys is a huge oversight. you can easily solve both issues.

1. in the steam common/ enslaved/ monkeygame/ cookedpc/ DLC folder
there are 3 dlc folders named after the three respective costumes; Classic, Ninja and Sexy Robot.
open the .cfg files in notepad and change the “unlockcondition=1” to “0” for all unlock conditions in all the lines for all three costume dlc folders. save and set to read only. OR just download the ones i made for monkey and place in the same folder as above. replace. done. on to the next.
Download Link[www.dropbox.com]


2. Then while you still have the Robot Trip dlc pack .cfg open, you also need to change the “UniqueItemkey=1” to equal “0” so you can then use Trip and Monkey costumes at the same time (shown below). do this for every line in the file. done.

***NOTICE*** Once In-Game, Please make sure to press accept (“a” button on controller) in the extras menu (right off the main menu) once you have chosen your costumes to save them. Backing out (with “b” button on controller) will reset them to “off” everytime ( i had this problem and thought i was a bug ) so choose then accept. it will do the save icon in the bottom right cornor and you can reenter the extras menu to view if it your settings stuck.

Dragon Monkey Skin

I made a “new” skin by merging the Classic Monkey skin with a file from the Dev Test Stuff and was able to give classic chinesse monkey unlimited ammo thus Dragon Monkey was born, able to spit fire and be classic at the same time. follow the 3 steps below to install.

  • Download Link[www.dropbox.com]

    ***please make a back up of the basic skins before you do anything***

  • at this location: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonEnslavedMonkeyGameCookedPCDLC
  • Remove Ninja Monkey Folder then replace classic monkey.ini with new one and start game, Enable Frontend Monkey and Classic Monkey and load up a save, it should be classic monkey with unlimited ammo…

not “game breaking” but there are black pieces/bands on left hand and waist of monkey, its becuase of the merger of the ninja monkey stuff to unlock unlimited ammo, i couldnt find a work around to fix it 🙁

Dev Test Staff and “Skin”

I found a Dev Test staff and “skin” in the engine files while i was looking around, the skin is just monkey’s original skin with unlimited ammo (like the ninja monkey skin’s bonus) so i made a replacer so you can use these if you like. it comes with a yellow test staff which is from development. to remove the yellow dev staff just open the ClassicMonkeyPak__MonkeyGame.cfg file and delete the line with “combatstaff” in it, now its just original monkey skin with unlimited ammo. you can do the oposite and remove the line with “pawn” in it and you can use the yellow staff with both skins (shown with ninja skin in the screenshots below). follow the steps below to install.

  • Download Link[www.dropbox.com]

    ***please make a back up of the basic skins before you do anything***

  • Replace .ini file witht eh downloaded one at this location: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonEnslavedMonkeyGameCookedPCDLCclassicmonkey
  • Enable Dev Test “Frontend” Monkey in the Extras Menu and load up a game, it should have worked 🙂

This shows the Dev Test staff in all its yellow strange textured glory.


Gotta Get Those Dragonballs:
Subtitle Localization:
Bug Fixes If Needed:

Save File Location:
if you are looking for the saved data for enslaved and you have Steam Cloud enabled, this is the location: Steam userdata ######## (some number) 245280 remote

If Not: Steam steamapps common Enslaved MonkeyGame SaveData
Or C: Users Username Documents my games UnrealEngine3 MonkeyGame


Lastly if you have lost your saved data or you played Enslaved before on a console and want to start a new journey maxed out or anywhere in the story (chapter select can only choose Easy) just drop this file into the location specified above.
Save File Download[www.savemygame.fr]


MarurabaATX – Guide Creator/Organizer
WOOKA THE GREAT – his guide on skipping startup vids
CeeJay.dk – for SweetFX
Darkside of Gaming – for there great SweetFX preset
ArsNG – his guide on editting ini files
[TF] Fallen – for his post on how to fix shadow banding
cryohellinc – for his extinsive guide on shadow and graphic improvments
KZarr – for his post on editting dlc.ini to unlock them (Very Useful Thank You!)
Rickyel and YouTuber JeffDawes1984 – thier guide on teck orbs and mask loactions
JimSifu – for his guide on subtitle localization
billtheRobodog – for his guide on in-game bugs
Blazor26 – for his post on save file locations
