This is one method of beating Skull Island. There are others. The island is (I think?) somewhat randomized so you may or may not get the same layout as I did, but I’ll do my best to describe the general strategy to make it adaptable.
Skull Island (DLC) is a 6th Island, separate from the main 5 islands.
It differs in a few significant ways:
- It is more difficult: it’s much harder and the player is more disadvantaged from day I
- It is less accessible: the player cannot access the island directly, they must defeat another island first (this is a good thing though)
- Different victory condition: there is no boat. You win by defeating the Black Cliffs on both sides, within 3 days of one another (before they re-form)
- It is term-limited: you have 50 days to win, hard limit (there is an hourglass monument to extend this, somewhat)
Before you attempt this, you should be able to defeat islands 1 through 5 without losing once, and you should have already unlocked all the unlockable features (all the empty island spots). The latter point is mainly because you’ll need all the advantages you can get.
I was able to defeat Skull Island on my third attempt, on Day XXVII. I was fortunate enough to capture the whole thing on Twitch, and I’ve moved it over to Youtube for archiving. It took nearly 2 hours.
This guide will be a discussion of the strategy I used during this round, and I will try to explain as clearly as possible the decisions I made. When you attempt Skull Island, the layout of the island will likely be different, so I don’t believe there is a single, repeatable, path to victory — you will have to play well and be somewhat lucky to defeat it.
The game requires you to defeat another island prior to attempting Skull Island. To give yourself the best possible chance, plan on doing one or more islands to ensure you get all the resources you can get.
When you arrive on Skull Island you are not given any starting money, only the 2 vagrants and campfire. The first night will have about 5 Greed coming in from both sides, some of them with masks. Attacking the Black Cliffs in one attempt really requires 3 Knights unless you are extraordinarily lucky, so you will need to bring Knights with you as well. You will also need a mount that is capable of consistently generating money for you to accelerate your start — either the Bear or the Unicorn can do this, but I prefer the Bear because you can recruit more aggressively in the beginning.
Lastly, you will need to bring a Hermit with you. I’ve attempted this with both the Baker and the Ballista hermits, and I was surprised how effective the Baker hermit was (that was the one that helped me beat the island). I don’t think the Bonus-Knight hermit would be particularly helpful here, assuming you brought your own Knights.
- money (bring an overflowing bag of gold)
- Archers and Knights (at least 2 knights with a full set of archers each)
- a better mount capable of generating money (this guide will discuss the Bear)
- a hermit (either Ballista or Baker — this guide will discuss the Baker Strategy)
You can do any island and then immediately go straight to Skull Island, so it doesn’t matter which you start with, but Island 1 will not give you Knights, so I suggest starting on Island 2 or 3 to begin.
Island Layout
If you played Kingdom: Classic then Skull Island will feel familiar: the Island features Black Cliffs on both sides, and there is no Ship to build.
In between the camp and the Cliffs, there are 3 portals on each side. The spacing seems to be somewhat randomized. In the video capture, my left side had the first 2 portals very close to the town, and the right side first portal was much farther away, by comparison.
Each side also features 1 “island feature”. On the attempt when I won, I had the Masonry monument and the Archery monument (IMHO, this is the best possible combination). You may get something different, and if so you’ll need to adapt your strategy to play to that strength.
In addition to the 2 Island Features there is one other feature, unique to Skull Island: The Hourglass monument. This monument features a statue of a man holding a very large hourglass that pours some kind of liquid (water?) out of the lower end. For 8 coins you can “freeze” the monument for one day. As the days ago by, the remaining liquid in the Hourglass drains out. On Day L (50), the monument is empty, and you lose. Each day you freeze the monument will extend that deadline by 1 day.
If you are aggressive early on, you shouldn’t need all 50 days.
The width of the island is comparable to that of Island 4 or 5 — long enough it will take you nearly a full day to traverse it to one side or the other.
General Strategies
I have found these approaches to be the most successful.
Grassland populates with rabbits, and a group of archers can generate very much money in a single day, on each side. Have the builders clear out a cluster of trees each day, on one side or the other, so that the grassland extends as far as possible. (UNLESS: there is a vagrant camp on one-side — leave that there).
Farmers are too slow and require both money (4 coins for each scythe, 12 coins for each level 2 farm) and are doubly costly if you get raided (likely). Archers can hunt rabbits more efficiently.
Once the archers go up, they never come down. Archers in towers are vulnerable to Grabber attacks. If you have a huge surplus of Archers and money, put a few in triple-towers that are set back slightly so they can hit Giants and Grabbers from a distance, but never put them in forward positions — always defensive.
The Bear has a periodic attack while charging, at the cost of not being able to run for very long. This attack can kill a deer with 2 hits, and has the power equivalent to a single arrow (it will kill a level-1 Greed in one hit).
Greed sometimes shows up unexpectedly. You can pretty easily kill 1 or 2 Greed, but if there are many more, you may not be able to fend them off before the Bear tires out. Unless it is a Blood Moon, you can drop coins and the Greed will be satisfied with that.
When you find grass patches, if you are able, let the Bear graze. It takes about 3-4 secs and will let the Bear run at full speed for significantly longer.
After day 4 or 5, try to light up the monuments (Archery first, if possible) to max and keep them lit. Light them up to max immediately before (or during) the Knights attacking a portal. The aftermath sometimes takes a day or two, and you don’t want the Monuments to expire before the Greed have finished responded.
The Greed response can be overwhelming at times (in the video, I had 4 or 5 Greed Giants attack my left side in one night). The process should look like:
- attack portal
- wait for counter attack
- wait for blood moon
- resume
Do not attack another portal until after “resuming” and recovering. It’s better to be patient than to rush it and get overwhelmed.
Sometimes you get overwhelmed by Greed and your whole Keep can get wiped out before you kill the last Greed. Unless the Grabbers (the flying Greed) snatched all your people, you should be able to recover. The Banker always hides at night and during attacks (I believe they’re immune to attacks, like the Merchant). Once your walls are well fortified, give all of your surplus cash to the Banker until the reserves are full — if you survive your Keep being destroyed, you can cash out with the Banker by standing near them and then using that to hire new Builders to rebuild your walls, and new Archers to defend.
You want as many people as possible. The Baker is really excellent for this. The added benefit is that the Baker also attracts back any Peasants that don’t quite make it to the base before getting hit by Greed. Keep some Peasants unemployed so that you can adapt better — this is especially important when attacking the Cliffs (you can hire new Knights & Archers as soon as the banner goes ragged)
Always send 2 Knight groups. Be sure you pay the knights to buff their defenses.
Use a portal, find a spot near your Keep that has no buildable features (open grassland) and teleport there, then immediately pay 5 to build a second portal at that location — the two places are now permanently connected. You can only travel one-way before the portal will need to re-charge. Don’t use the portal at night or immediately after an attack. Never use the portal with an empty bag.
Day 1
When Day 1 begins, you should have a bag full of gold and all your people (2-3 knights, 10-14 archers, 3 builders, 1 hermit) should be walking towards camp. Immediately run in the opposite direction.
The goal for day 1 is to do reconnaissance on one side of the island, all the way to the cliffs.
(consider literally writing down what you see)
- what monument / feature you see
- how far away the first portal is
- how far away the second portal is
- how far away the vagrant camp is (and where it is in relation to the first and second portals)
If you see the Masonry Obelisk, activate it immediately.
When you find the vagrant camp, recruit both vagrants. Go all the way to where you start seeing the black rocks (no need to go all the way to the cliffs), and turn around. Escort the Peasants back towards base until Sunrise. The Greed will attack you during the night. You will probably encounter 5 of them. Attack or pay them off.
Hunt Deer on your way back until your bag is full / overflowing again. You should be approaching camp early on Day 2.
Day 2
When Day 2 begins, you should have a bag full of gold, 2 peasants walking towards camp, and be almost near camp.
The goal for day 2 is to do clear trees around the camp, start the camp, and explore the opposite side of the island
When you reach camp, mark all the trees you are able to on the near side of camp (should be 3-5 trees, I think?). Build the campfire, do NOT build your walls (you’ll get free walls later). Run to the other side and mark the trees in that cluster as well (another 3-5 trees), and then continue in that direction.
This is basically the same thing as Day 1, note the locations of the portals, monuments, and vagrant camp. Recruit the vagrants and escort them back.
If you have not already activated the Masonry Obelisk, be sure to do it on this side.
You’ll get attacked again, just fight or pay off the Greed. Hunt Deer to keep your bag full. You’ll probably be about halfway back by the time Day 3 starts. Once the sunrises, just let the peasants walk.
Day 3
When Day 3 begins, you should have a bag with some gold (maybe not full), 2 peasants walking towards camp, and be about halfway(ish) back to camp.
The goal for day 3 is to establish camp and basic fortifications.
By now, your archers probably have a ton of money. Be sure to run by your archers so that they don’t dispense their money — if they do, by mistake, don’t pick it up if your bag is full; you don’t want to waste it.
Immediately upgrade your campfire to the tents (Level 2). Build the outermost Walls (the ones on the outside of the Catapults & Scythe vendor) up to level 2 walls (wooden posts) on both sides. Recruit the vagrants in the camp and put 2 or 3 bows in the Bow vendor.
Collect money from your Archers, upgrade your Tent to level 3 (free inner walls), and upgrade your outer walls to level 3 walls, if possible.
Day 4
When Day 4 begins, you should have inner and outer walls built, the Tent at level 3 (wooden walls).
The goal for day 4 is to do clear more trees around the camp, upgrade the camp to the Great Hall (level 5), and attack the nearest portal
Choose one side, mark as many trees as you can. If there is enough daylight left (use your judgement), mark another cluster. Collect all the money and head back. Upgrade your Keep to the Great Hall (level 4, the big wooden building). Build catapults on both sides, if you can, and get the outer walls up to Level 3 (stone). Upgrade the Keep to Level 5 (free stone walls) and start upgrading one of the inner towers (this one needs to be made level 3 so you can use the Baker hermit on it)
After the Greed attacks, activate your knights on the side that has the nearest portal, and then run into the woods towards one of your monuments (Archery would be best). The sun should be rising around then.
Day 5
When Day 5 begins, you should have your knights assaulting the nearest portal, you should be heading towards one of your monuments.
The goal for day 5 is to activate your monuments and then fortify and weather the Greed counter-attack + subsequent blood moon
Hunt enough Deer to have more than 12 coins, activate the Archery monument three times. Immediately head back. If the monument is on the same side as the portal that was being attacked, you will have several Greed heading your way, so be sure you have coins on hand. Attack & pay them off.
Get back to the keep immediately. Upgrade your inner tower to level 3 and then activate the Baker hermit on it (6 coins) to turn it into a Bakery. Upgrade all of your inner and outer walls (outer first) to level 4 (better stone, max).
The counter attack from the Greed should have be a blood moon. There should be no Grabbers or Giants, just multi-leveled Greed (a dozen or so on each side). Immediately after the attack head towards the side with the nearer vagrant camp.
Day 6
When Day 6 begins, you should have max inner and outer walls, your keep should be nearly max (one step below stone castle), and the first portal should be destroyed.
The goal for day 6 is to recruit more vagrants, get more money, upgrade to the max Keep (stone castle), and chop down more trees so the archers can hunt more.
Recruit the vagrants (it should be near dawn, so they should have enough time to make it back), hunt deer on the way back, and then mark down the next cluster of trees, as far out as you can. Get back to the keep and do the final upgrade on the Keep, if you haven’t already. Set up the Baker tower, if you haven’t already, and add breads to start attracting Vagrants.
This is where the Baker tower really shines — the vagrant camps are really far away and even thought you can probably get out there and back, safely, the peasants likely can’t make it the whole way without being attacked. The Baker Tower attracts them as vagrants, which are impervious to Greed, and also attracts any Builders who were caught out after dark.
As much as I like the Ballista towers, I have to say that the Baker Towers are more useful, in conjunction with the Archery Monument.
Day 7
When Day 7 begins, you should have your keep completed, maximum inner and outer walls, catapults on both sides, a completed Baker tower, and on the last day of your Archery monument.
The goal for day 7 is to clear more trees (other side) and refresh the Archery monument, and to start recruiting Knights and expand the walls out further.
Whichever side you cleared off trees from last time, do the opposite side — same thing, push far out as you can, then head into the woods and reactive the Archery monument to max.
Head back to the Keep and purchase one shield on each side. You may or may not have the peasants to activate it, but that’s ok. Keep adding more bows and hammers. I had to also give a lot of money to the Banker. If you drop it in clusters of 10 before daybreak, when the Banker comes out, they’ll pick up the clusters and deposit them for you.
Find which side has the next-nearest wall spot. As early in the day as possible (you’ll need basically the whole day and a whole bag of coins) build a wall on that spot. Remember the builders will move the catapult out to it — if it’s too late in the day don’t start it prematurely, just wait til the next day. Upgrade the wall all the way to maximum — you’ll need to babysit the construction so that you don’t waste any time.
The goal here is to build as many layers of walls, at maximum, as possible. Hopefully you too have access to the Masonry Monument to fortify the walls further. This is a good time to plan on maximizing that.
Day 8 and onwards
At this point, the Keep is well established and your Baker tower will keep vagrants coming in so that your population increases. The Archery monument will ensure that your Archers are effective (this is really helpful when the Floaters and Giants start coming in), and the Masonry monument will keep your walls up through some of the bigger onslaughts.
All the trees you’ve cleared away should make for a very large field that the archers can hunt in, and they should be pulling you 20+ coins daily. If they have a short day, cash in on the banker if you need to.
Plan your next portal, whichever one is nearest *or* whichever one is blocking you from your monuments / vagrant camps. (it really doesn’t matter). Each portal you destroy will escalate the response from the Greed. Here is the process I use when planning a portal attack:
- Maximize both Archery and Masonry Monuments
- Immediately after the Greed attacks at night, send 2 knights in to attack (same-side)
- Maintain the base and defend
The counter attack will not begin until after your knights return, and I’ve been able to pretty consistently run out the side where the knights had attacked and hunt or do other things without worrying about Greed — just don’t pass your knights.
While the attack is going on, you can facilitate your defenders by Bear attacking a cluster of Greed on the immediate opposite side of the wall — one attack will apply to all Greed on that hitbox, so hit and run. This will let them focus their arrows more on the bigger targets.
Remember to never go far from the keep when there is a Blood Moon active or when the black fog comes in (this happens immediately after the portal is destroyed — it’s effectively a Blood Moon during the day).
Start planning out where you want your portals to go. Expect that the Builders you send out to the portal are probably going to get attacked on their way back — run out to pay the coins on the portal spot immediately after the Greed attack at night. Set up the wormhole on a later night, same way (wait till the attack, then immediately run out afterwards).
You’ll see Grabbers (1 to 3?) and 2 Giants in the counter-attack. Stay away from the wall when the Giants are punching it — the shockwave can knock coins out of you! Your archers and catapults should have no problem taking them down.
After Portal 3, you’ll want to be patient. Portal 4 counter-attack is ROUGH. Add more walls, hire more Archers, ensure you have 3 knights on each side. Do everything you can in advance. I attacked portal 4 on day 20, I think. I finished the island on day 27, if that gives you an idea of how long I waited.
I missed what the attack was here, so I’m not sure. It’s possible that what I thought was the Portal 3 counter attack was actually Portal 4.
Several Grabbers, 3 Giants. Be sure you have a LOT of Archers on the side you’re defending, and that you have the Archery monument activated.
5 Giants, ~10 Grabbers. Even with the Masonry Monument, my first wall was destroyed — I was able to hold them off at the next wall, though.
Attacking the Black Cliffs
You’ve now defeated all three portals on each side.
You should have 3 knights ready to go. Have at least 6 peasants unassigned in your Keep. The Archery monument should be at max.
The moment after the Greed attack finishes at night, activate all three knights on one side (all at once) and then immediately run to the other side and activate all three knights on that side. You want to start this as early as possible because the Greed spawns really early (well before Sundown) because it has so far to traverse before it gets to your keep.
Stand near your Keep and watch your flags — if any of the flags becomes torn, immediately repair it so a new Knight is assigned. Don’t send them out right away. Just have them wait.
If everything goes well, both Cliffs will be destroyed at the same time and you’ll just win! If you only get one side, then wait until the Greed attacks that evening (it should be a normal night) and then repeat — send them Knights (all of them) out immediately — you might only have 2 this time, because your third knight immigrated with you initially — that’s OK because the Cliffs have already taken damage and you’ll likely get them this time.