How to Load/Unload mods from the in-game interface. No need to use command line hacks.
How to Load Mods in Crysis (Steam version, 32bit)
Quick guide on how to make Load/Unload Mod work with Crysis, Steam version.
1. Put mods into “..steamappscommonCrysismods” (create this dir if not present)
2. Install the mod (e.g. a mod “MYMODNAME”)
3. locate the “…CrysismodsMYMODNAMEinfo.xml”
4. open “info.xml” with NotePad and edit the Name=”” field: it MUST BE the same name of the dir (e.g. Name=”MYMODNAME”)
Done. Now Crysis 32bit on Steam will Load/Unload the mods correctly. No need to force them through command line hack “-mod MYMODNAME” anymore.
BlackFire’s Mod Ultimate:
Edit the info.xml file as follows:
<?xml version=”0.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
Description=”BlackFire’s Mod Ultimate. It is basically a Lighting Mod, wich means, it changes only the Time of Day (TOD) of each singleplayer map, which was carefully adjusted to obtain a thrilling visual.”