For Honor Guide

A helpful guide on Kensei for For Honor

A helpful guide on Kensei


This is just a helpful guide on how to play Kensei containing:# Who is Kensei?# How does he play?# How do i use and what are his moves?# What are his flaws?

Who is Kensei

Basic info

If you have just picked up the standard game your first options for character classes will be the Vanguards. The Vanguards are arguable the best characters to play.

What are Vangaurds

“The vanguard is the leading part of an advancing military formation. It has a number of functions, including seeking out the enemy and securing ground in advance of the main force.”
This basically means the vangaurd is an all rounder which has been designed to put there foot on the throat of the enemies.


Kensei is the Vanguard of the samurai He is a fakout Samurai who will shake your hand while litterally killing your entire family. when hes not mediting in his garden of ♥♥♥♥♥♥-ZEN! zen, he is rekkin the vunerable newbie.

Kensei’s abilities


His combos are as follow:

  • Dawn of the steel sun – M1 + M1 + M1
  • Spirit of inevitability – M1 + M1 + M2
  • Form of the dragon – M1 + M2 + M2
  • Doom of the kensei – M2 + M2 + M2
  • Rising sun – M2 + M2+ M1
  • River’s flow – M2 + M1 + M1
  • Crashing plates – M2 + M1 +M2
  • Shifting ground – M1 + M2 + M1
  • Rushing sweep – Sprint towards enemy + M2
  • Helm splitter – W + Spacebar + M1
  • Natures wrath – W + Spacebar + M2
  • Swift strike – A or D + Spacebar + M2
  • Grasping pounce – W + Spacebar + M3 (Middle mouse button)

Hero specific attributes

Each hero has there own unique attributes. the warden has 5 hero specific moves.

  • Renown
  • Revenge Mode
  • Top heavy fnisher unblockable
  • Top heavy opener cancels
  • Second top heavy cancels
  • Top heavy finisher cancels
  • Uninterruptable finishers
  • Superior block dodge
  • Dodge attack chain starters
  • Guardbreak and throw
  • Zone attack cancel

They have there own definitions

Renown – Earn more enown in outnumbered fights, by controlling
objectives, and by killing enemy soldiers to unlock your feats
in a match.

Revenge Mode – Boosts damage and health, All attacks are uninterruptible.
Parry and throws knock enemies down.
Attacks are auto-parried on activation.

Top heavy finisher unblockable – Finish and chain with a top heavy for an unblockable

Top heavy opener cancels – Top heavy opener startup can be cancelled by a side light opener, a side heavy opener, a dodge, or an unblockable pommel s trike with M3 (Middle mouse button).

Second top heavy cancels – second top heavy startup can be cancelled by a side light, a side heavy, a dodge or a guardbreak. The side light or side heavy will be the second hit in the chain.

Top heavy finisher cancels – Top heavy finisher startup can be cancelled by a side light finisher, a side heavy finisher, a dodge or a guardbreak.

Uninterruptable finishers – Side heavy finishers and all light finisher have
uninterruptable stance.

Superior block dodge – Forward, Left and right dodges have superior block property in the direction of the dodge.

Dodge attack chain starters – Swift strike, helm splitter and nature’s wrath can initiate chains. these attacks count as the second hit in the chain.

Guardbreak can be followed – Up by the second hit in any
Any throw can be followed-up by any chain finisher.
any throw cuases stun.

Zone attack cancel – Zone attack can be cancelled with E.

Complex combo guide

No complicated combos. just alot of them


Feats are Abilities that your hero gets in Tribute, dominion, skirmish and elimination you get them by getting renown in a game and they all do different things.

Tier one

  • Fast Recovery – Passive Feat – Stamina regenerates at a faster rate.
  • Body Count – Passive Feat – Killing a soldier grants you some health and stamina.
  • Iron Lungs – Passive Feat – You can still sprint when out of stamina.

Tier two

  • Inspire – Allies deal more Damage, soldiers fight faster.
  • Smoke Bomb – Throw a smoke bomb on the ground that breaks the lock.
  • Chilling Stare – Nearby enemies have lower attack and defense.

Tier three

  • Second Wind – Recover some of your health Points.
  • Long Bow – Fire/Shoot a long bow for heavy damage.
  • Steadfast – Gain immunity from throw attempts for a short duration.

Tier four

  • Arrow Storm – Aerial attack that deals medium damage in multiple areas.
  • Stalwart Banner – Allies continuously regain health while near you.
  • Unblockable – Your attacks cannot be blocked for a short duration.

Strengths and weaknesses

Kensei counters

Weak against

  • Raider
  • Warden

Strong against

  • Warlord
  • Peacekeeper
  • Orochi

Pros and cons


  • With enough skill he can deal high damage pretty easily
  • Long to medium rang attacks
  • High skill cap


  • Slow attack speed
  • Must use combos for effectiveness
  • Pretty bad close range