RimWorld Guide

Five steps on managing the 'work' tab for Beginners for RimWorld

Five steps on managing the ‘work’ tab for Beginners


The following screenshots will display how I would use the work tab from now on to manage my colonist’s activities. I use this method religiously now and, aside from when recruiting new colonists, I practically never have to open the work tab or have any issues with work management again.. I want to thank RustyTheRed for this post I found on Imgur (.com) that was posted by him for a simple guide — posted Aug 30 2015 by Rusty.

Step 1 – Unskilled Work

Some work has no relevant skill meaning none of your
supposed colonist’s is better or worse at carrying out said work.

But putting out fires and reciving medical care is top priority. Flicking switches can be especially important for turretting heavy colonies. Plant cutting and hauling however is generally less important, but still more so than cleaning.

Step 2 – Passions

Colonists can have an array of passions which dictate how quickly
they would learn a certain skill relevant to the work they carry out.

Skills with no passion: Learn at 30% Speed.
Skills with an interest: Learn at 100% Speed.
Skills with a burning passion: Learn at 150% Speed.

To capitalize on these skill learning bonuses, give work with a relevant interest medium priority would be (3) and work with a relevant burning passion high priority would be (2).

Step 3 – Bulk Work

Construction, repairing, growing and mining are work which can be carried out by colonists of low relevant skill level, although slowly, without the risk of meaningful failure.

As this work is commonplace, all colonists who do no possess a passion can be given low priority (4) and lend a helping hand when not busy with more pressing matters.

Step 4 – Hunting

In most situations hunting wild animals is preferable over starting work on new blueprints such as the construction skill. When this is not the case however, colonists can be manually ordered to begin.

To prioritize hunting over construction, raise each colonists hunt priority a level higher than their respective construct priority.

Step 5 – Incompetencies

Finally, some colonists are likely to have passions for work in which they are lacking skill. For some work this might not raise an issue. For others however, low skill levels can cause drastic failures; failed operations, food poisoning, badly crafted goods ect.. Here I’ve highlighted, at least the ones with 1-2 skill points which is a no go.

Sometimes it may also be the case that other colonists happen to have higher relevant skills for the work in question, in a “too many cooks spoil the broth” situation. In either case, prevent the ‘imcompetent’ colonists from carrying out the work.

Big Thanks to Rusty

I am not plagiarizing nor am I crediting this work as mine, I am simply bringing this guide out to a wider audience; the audience that are in one ways or another new to RimWorld.
