Head Shot Guide

How to Install and Enjoy Head Shot for Head Shot

How to Install and Enjoy Head Shot


This is a tale of an unsuspecting customer that had no idea what he was getting himself into…

The Discovery

One day a young gamer decided that it would be a great idea to do a letsplay of a game that he had never played! Upon purchase, he realized that he was in for a treat. Upon install, it dawned on him that his life would never be the same. Upon playing his first RaNkEd CoMpEtEtIvE mAtCh AgAiNsT MLG pr0s, he realized that his sole purpose in life was always, and always would be, to play Head Shot and create content until the entirety of Earth understood it’s supremecy.
This is… Head Shot… THE DISCOVERY.

The Experience

Click Buy, Click Install, Click play… Now what!?

Well.. This next video is my first real game with 4 players. Lets see how it goes!


The Conclusion

After evaluating my experience… I would have to say that this game is actually pretty fun and will be even more fun once it has developed a little more!

Please invite all of your friends to come help this game flourish!!!

Feel free to add me and get some HEAD SHOTS!!!
