SimAirport Guide

How To Create Airlines for SimAirport

How To Create Airlines


How to create your own airlines

Getting Templates

Start with right clicking SimAirport in your libary and clicking properties

Click “Local Files” Then “Browse Local Files”

After That Go To


This is a full list of all airplanes shown in the main game

DO NOT Add, Remove, Or Copy And Paste Anything Into This Folder!

Now copy and paste this in a diffrent folder that you can eaisly grab

Artwork For Your Planes

Desgining your planes are very simple.

First get some artwork you can use on your planes. Here are some simple examples of logos that would work on any plane

You’re going to need an art program to edit your images. If you have photoshop this would probaly be best. But if your a little short on cash I recomend pixlr [link] It’s free and requires no download

Designing Time!

In this section I’m going to show this as if you knew how to edit images in the first place.

I’ll be using Pixlr Editor in this example

Now time to design your plane however you’d like

This plane is baldy designed, but this is just an example.

The Creation Of The Plane.

Now it’s time to design the airline itself.


Open up SimAirport and open up the menu (Located in the top left-hand cornner.)

Now click ‘Custom Airline Mods’ Then click ‘Create Airline’

Congrats! You’ve now made an airline in the game! But we’re not finished yet.

Hopefully you’ve downloaded Notepad++ Becuase here is where it comes into play.

Go over to the right and click ‘Open Folder’ And to much suprise. A folder opens up!

Now click on the file (Don’t open it!) Then right click and hit ‘Edit with Notepad++

Now you’ll see all the code for the airline. Edit as you please then save.

Now go back into the game and import the airline
(Everything else is self-explained.)