Goat Simulator Guide

How to complete all missions in Goat Simulator PAYDAY DLC [ENG] for Goat Simulator

How to complete all missions in Goat Simulator PAYDAY DLC [ENG]


In this guide, I would like to show you how to complete all missions in Goat Simulator PAYDAY DLC.

Before you start reading

Hello, goat fans!

In this guide, I would like to show you how to complete all missions in Goat Simulator PAYDAY DLC. You will find there screenshots with descriptions, but don’t worry – there are also videos!

Chocolate Factory

What you have to do?

In this mission, you have to set a “chocolate bag” on fire and put it on the dooor step.

How can I do this?

  • Firstly, you have to go to the pirate ship.
  • Near the ship, you can see the road. Near this road 2 girls are selling chocolate. Take one bag and put it on fire, that is on the barrel in the front of the stall.
  • Now, put the burnig chocolate bag on the door step.
  • After that, wait for the householder.
  • Still funny.

Drill for Cheese

What you have to do?

In this mission, you have to steal a cheese sandwich form the safe.

How can I do this?

  • Go to the bank, or what the hell that building is.
  • The door is closed. You need a drill!
  • The drill is behind the buinding. Take it to the bank.
  • Use it!
  • It takes only 10 seconds to open the door.
  • The drill brokes sometimes. Just use it again.
  • It’s working!
  • The door has been opened, but there is the second one.
  • You can find the second drill behind Cowie’s restaurant.

  • Take it to the bank and drill the door.
  • Fix it!
  • I’t working (again)!
  • What? The third door? Let’s take the third drill!
  • Go to The Drill store (it’s near the hot air baloon).
  • Break the glass and take a drill.
  • Go back to the bank and open the third door.
  • Finally, you can take the sandwich.
  • Expiration dates are just tricks.

Mess with the police

What you have to do?

In this mission, you have to mess with the huge police donut sign.

How can I do this?

  • Find the police station.
  • Go to the roof.
  • Lick the huge police donut sign.
  • Fly away with the sign.

Cops and Robbers

What you have to do?

In this mission, you have to make a PayDay nerd end up in jail.

How can I do this?

  • Go to the bank.
  • Find a PayDay nerd.
  • Lick him.
  • Take him to the custody.
  • Mission completed.

Flippin Burgs

What you have to do?

In this mission, you have make a burg using authentic trash and feed i to somebody.

How can I do this?

  • Go to Cowie’s restaurant.
  • Behind the building, you can find the trashbag.
  • Lick it.
  • Go to the roof and put the trashbag into the hole.
  • Burgers!

  • Deliver them.
  • Go to the building.
  • Go to the kitchen.
  • Lick a burger and feed it to somebody.

Make pigs fly

What you have to do?

In this mission, you have to tie a cop to the how air balloon and let it fly away.

How can I do this?

  • Find the hot air balloon.
  • Find a cop.
  • Lick the cop.
  • Take the cop to the hot air balloon.
  • The cop has been tied to the hot air balloon.
  • To find the gas bottle – go to the petrol station.
  • Here it is!
  • Lick it, but be careful, it can explode!
  • Take it to the hot air balloon.
  • Done, now let the cop fly.


What you have to do?

In this mission, you have to bring three cats to the Kittyland Love Center.

How can I do this?

  • Find the Kittyland Love Center.
  • Bring cats – they are everywhere!
  • Two cats to go.
  • Only one cat left.
  • What the hell?
  • A Hidden Cat Temple!
  • Mission completed!

Exploding Cake!

What you have to do?

In this mission, you have to blow up the cake.

How can I do this?

  • Go to the party.
  • Destroy the party.
  • Take the dynamite.

  • Go back to the party.
  • Put the dynamite into the cake.

  • Use the detonator (lick it).
  • Mission completed.

Drive in Saturday

What you have to do?

In this mission, you have ruin Cinema-Saturday at the drive-in.

How can I do this?

  • Find the cinema.
  • Go to the projector.
  • Hit it.

Buried Games

What you have to do?

In this mission, you have to find and upload Sanctum 3 to the Internet library.

How can I do this?

  • Find the safe door.
  • To get a drill – go to The Drill store.
  • Break the window.
  • Take a drill.
  • Go back to the safe door.
  • Use the drill.
  • The door has been opened.
  • There is a huge hole.
  • Jump into the hole.
  • Sanctum 3 copies are right here!
  • Lick one of them.
  • Respawn.
  • Go to the pirate ship.
  • Go to the board.
  • Go to this room.
  • Upload the game.
  • Done.
There is also a faster and easier way to complete this mission!

  • Go to the Vault using Dolph.
  • Descend down into the Vault.
  • Lick one of Sanctum 3 copies.
  • Ascend up.
  • Now, just go to the pirate ship and upload the game.

Prison Break: The Dev

I haven’t finished this section yet because something bugged and I can’t even find the dev guy in the prison. I will finish this section as fast as possible. I promise.

Space Cow

What you have to do?

In this mission, send a cow to Space.

How can I do this?

  • Find the farm.
  • Go to a cow.
  • Lick the cow.
  • Fly away with the cow.
  • Take the cow to this building.
  • Wait for the UFO.

The Godmother

What you have to do?

In this mission, you have to break the Godmother out of the casino.

How can I do this?

  • Go to The Drill.
  • Break the window.
  • Take a drill.
  • Go to the casino.
  • Enter the casino.
  • Go ahead.

  • Damn.
  • Go to the safe, that is in this room.
  • Use the drill.
  • Fix it.
  • It’s working!
  • The door has been opened.
  • Mission completed!

The end

This is the end of this guide. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did and I helped you, don’t forget to click the like button, add this guide to your favourites and share it. You can also follow me on Steam!

If you have any suggestions, just write them in the comments section.

At the end I have to say, my English isn’t very good and I do some mistakes. If you see any mistake, just write it in the comments section or contact with me.

If you want to translate this guide to another language – contact with me.
