RUSSIA BATTLEGROUNDS is an awful addition to the overexploited battle-royale genre that features pixel graphics and 32 Steam achievements. While multiplayer is the main game focus, single-player with bots is also supported for solo gaming.
Enable “Ultra Bots” to start single-player games.
Hold SPACEBAR to simulate bunny hopping and move faster (holding SHIFT will make you run, but
jumping is ultimately the fastest way of travelling).
Quit and start a new match after picking up a collectible (unless they’re close to each other). This is
just a recommendation due to the insane enemy spawn rate, which makes finding collectibles an
extremely tedious task.
Leninhenge – B3 1
Big achievement trigger, unlocks all around area B3.
Anime#5 – B11 1
Base of the tower.
Green Elephant Castle – B11 1
Top of the tower.
Greatest Prophet Sunboy – C1 2
Achievement trigger is huge, can be also triggered from other places around this area.
Poster#9 – C11 2
Almost at the top level of satellite: climb up to the highest level, then drop down once.
Typical Russian Satanist – D4 2
Get closer if the achievement won’t pop.
Anime#2 – D4 4
Use the ladder at D4 3, then find the poster at D4 4.
Poster#4 – D8 2
Foot of the mountain.
He is a witness – E3 1
Approach the car.
Anime#1 – E3 2
Climb up both ladders at D3 4, then cross to the other building.
Poster#6 – E4 3
On top of building, inside fenced area.
Anime#3 – F5 1
Climb up to the top of the building, then drop down twice to the smallest roof.
Typical Russian Hobo – F9 4
Big achievement trigger, can be obtained all around this area.