AdVenture Communist Guide

A communist guide to Adventure Communist for AdVenture Communist

A communist guide to Adventure Communist


(date 6/27/2017) How to create wealth…in a communist game? What?!


This game is apparantly a parody of communism. Or at least it doesnt know what Communism is about and instead it is just mirroring the previous game – Adventure Capitalist.

Comrade “Marxist Media” made a good video on YT, why this game is not very communist. (check it out)

But all these things aside, I nearly finished it (date 6/27/2017) [I have around 140 unlocked goals per product].

Now I want to help YOU to build up glorious Communism yourself!

Getting started

Well, this game explains its mechanics very easy – so my only duty is to give you some hints on what you should focus first.

  • The first thing you should to unlock is the “Run all industries” button. It is on every industry page on the left side, under the smaller menu (medals, achievements, shop, etc.), and above the box where you can see the prices of every item you click on (picture 1).
  • Instead of clicking on “Run xxxxxxx” where xxxxxxx is just the current industry (potatoes, land, mines, weapons, medicine), you should use the “Run all industries” button. HINT: dont just click a thousand times on it, but click and hold. This way its not as fast, but waaaaay more relaxed.
  • With this “Run all industries” button your chances of finding a capsule is higher, since you click on every industry at once.
  • In the beginning of the game, you need to find all the capsules per day to get as many scientists as possible (you can see how many you already found that day by clicking on the lightning symbol in the upper right corner of the game) in order to unlock all industries and develop your economy. Later, this small amount of scientists is not worth your time clicking on that button.
  • If you first started, you dont need to spare your scientists. Spend them on some smaller experiments, like the auto-clicker (actually this can be a powerful tool in the beginning, but since you can’t see how many time the auto-clicker is activated per second, it is not as useful as you may think) or some industry output multiplier (of course buying many output multiplier only add up, dont multiply each other)
  • And the most important thing: If you have enough things in your industry unlocked to buy a new scientist-creator (on the bottom in the right), make sure that you don’t spend all of your last industry part! For example in the Potatoe industry, if you would buy a new scientist-creator, dont ever let your Hives drop to 0! If you would do this, you would have to start again in this industry. Therefore, be careful! (in the late game it is not that important anymore, but better let always be E+01 difference!)

picture 1 – the “Run all industries” button

Time Jumps

Time jumps are the best thing in mid- and late-game.

Make sure, that you have enough scientists (I show you how many later on) before you start buying the temporary output multiplier of every industry, the temporarily comrades multiplier and finally the time jump [to be worth it, take the 750 scientist – one]). The time jump will calculate with all these temporary buffs, therefore you get way more than without the buffs!

You need 5+(15*5)+750=830 scientists

buy these 5

and also this temporary comrade multiplier

and in the end the time jump

Beware, after buying the first experiment, you only have 20 seconds to buy everything else! I can do this in 5-7 seconds, so you should also be able to do this.