Stormworks: Build and Rescue Guide

Creating a stable jet engine (for propulsion or electricity generation) for Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Creating a stable jet engine (for propulsion or electricity generation)


Learn how to build a working (and stable) jet engine for use in your creations here!

Building the infrastructure

To start, build the following parts:

1. Create a Jet Combustion chamber.
2. Create a Jet Medium Turbine and connect to the Jet Combustion chamber appropriately.
3. From the Jet Combustion chamber, connect a fuel tank by using pipes.
4. From the Jet Medium Turbine, create a T pipe connection on the power port and on one side of the T junction, build a clutch followed by a small electric motor.
5. On the other side of the T junction, create 4 gearboxes so that input B is connected to the T junction and input A is going into the next gearbox after it.
6. Set each gearbox to have ratio 1 set to 1:3. Leave ratio 2 at 1:1. Having this arrangement allows our gearbox to take 1 spin of the turbine and convert it to 3 spins at the output end (which in turn allows very fast generation of power or overdriven propulsion).
7. Connect a medium generator via a T junction pipe after the gearboxes. On the remaining side of the T junction pipe you can add whatever you want to be powered (can be more generators or can go to a propellor if you want).
8. Create a medium battery.
9. Enter electricity edit mode and provide power to everything from the battery.

Adding the logic

You will need the below logic gates to make this jet engine function:

  • Numerical junction
  • Less Than
  • And
  • PID controller
  • Divide
  • Function (3 inputs)
  • ‘On’ logic block
  • Number logic block (set to value 1)
  • Number logic block (set to value 0.9)
  • Digital display – “Starter battery charge”
  • Digital display – “RPS”
  • Digital display – “Fuel usage”
  • Digital display – “Time until fuel depletion”
  • Digital display – “Fuel remaining”
  • Toggle button – “Toggle generator”
  • Throttle – “Generator throttle” – leave all other values as default

Connect the logic blocks together using the below guide:

Numerical junction:
* ON PATH – connect to “Clutch pressure” & “small electric motor throttle”
* VALUE TO PASS THROUGH – connect to number block with value “1”
* SWITCH SIGNAL – connect to And “A&B”
* OFF – this is not connected to anything

Less than:
* A – connect to combustion chamber RPS
* B – connect to number block with value 0.9
* A less than B – connect to And “B”

* A – connect to Start toggle button
* B – connect to Less Than gate output “A less than B”
* And A and B – connect to Numerical junction “switch signal”

PID controller:
* Process variable – connect to your fuel tank’s “Tank content” OR if you have multiple fuel tanks it may be an idea to add the contents all together using ADD gates and then wiring Process Variable to the result of the ADD gates.
* Setpoint – this is not connected to anything.
* Control output – connect to Divide “B” and also connect to Fuel Usage digital display (recommend 2 decimal places)
* Active – connect to “On” logic block’s ‘on’ output

* A – connect to your fuel tank’s “Tank content”
* B – should already be connected to the PID’s “Control”
* Error – this is not connected to anything.
* Divide A/B – connect to a “Time until end of fuel” display (recommend 1 decimal place or none)

Function (3 inputs):
* X – connect to combustion chamber “RPS” output
* Y – connect to throttle lever “throttle” value
* Z – this is not connected to anything.
* XYZ – connect to combustion chamber “throttle” value
* Function – clamp(-((x/19.2)-10),0,1)*y

Display (RPS):
* Value – connect to combustion chamber “RPS”

Display (Fuel level):
* Value – connect to fuel tank “Tank content”

Using the engine

What you should now be able to do is press the Start button, put the throttle lever to maximum and then the jet engine should stabilise somewhere between 180 RPS and 200 RPS depending on the kind of load you are applying to the output end of the engine.


Credit to Eryk500 for the function logic gate formula.
Please check out a Eryk500’s compact jet engine design here: [link]