Planet Coaster Guide

Complete guide to park scenery for Planet Coaster

Complete guide to park scenery


Complete and detailed guide to de-mystify scenery ratings. *updated for facilities*

How Queue Scenery works

  • Any scenery / building object within a certain distance of a point on the queue line counts
  • The game will take a sample from each point on the queue path and average them out
  • There are no penalties for repeats, theming, or placement

The benefit of each types of objects are as follows:

  • Most static objects are 1%
  • Small objects are 0.5%
  • Special effects are between 3% and 8%
  • Animatronics are up to 8%
  • Speakers are 6%

So if you have a bunch of items that are within range of every point on the queue path, and they add up to 100%, then your rating will be 100%. If you have portions of the path out of range, then your average will be reduced. So when you build paths you need to keep this in mind and build them in such a way that the entire path is in range to minimize scenery spending.

100% queue scenery can give you somewhere around ~300 ride prestige. This seems to be relative to some hidden factors about the ride.

Remember scenery items can be shared as well, so if you have two rides next to each other, you can also build their queue path next to each other, and only build one cube to satisfy both rides.


How Track Scenery works

Unlike the queue path rating, this does not average the entire track, it is simply the sum of everything within the radius of any portion of the track. So you can stack everything at one single location and it will get full benefit.

Notice how a single collection of speakers gives both rides the maximum rating, even though both rides have no other scenery:

Track rating are as follows:

  • Very Low: 0-299%
  • Low: 300-599%
  • Average: 600-799%
  • High: 800-999%
  • Very High: 1000%+ at least TWO triggered item

Some track rides like the cat cart have different thresholds, they can reach VERY HIGH at 750%

The trigger item condition is weird, the effect being triggered doesn’t have to be in range of the track, it can be anywhere. The two triggers can both trigger the same effect. Also once the effect is set up, the ride is tested for one lap and you get the Very High rating, the rating remains even if you delete the effect scenery. So it is possible to just have one effect for every ride in the park, or even none, because you can delete it after every ride has the highest rating.

Every track scenery point gives your ride some (about 15) Prestige capped at HIGH rating. If you get the VERY HIGH rating you get another 10 prestige.

Speaker board used in the SS, it gives you exactly VERY HIGH rating without any waste
Same function but no speakers:

Another trick you can use is share the track scenery with the queue path scenery. Because the track scenery so strong (1000% instead of 100%), even if it doesn’t cover your entire queue path it will still average things out to a max rating.
You can even share the same scenery between multiple rides, and between all of their queue paths. Notice here I have three rides, and their queue, but only one scenery building.

How effective is track scenery?
Well it seems to be extremely important. A Crazy Katz ride that normally can only sell at $2.5 can sell at $30 if it has a “VERY HIGH” track scenery rating.

How Facility Scenery Works

Facility scenery rating is again, just the sum of all scenery objects in range. The staff room requires an equivalent of 200% queue scenery points to max out, where as the hotel requires 250%.
These values are unaffected by the internal settings like perks, connected rooms etc. A hotel’s scenery is detected from the entrance only.

However, the devs threw a curve ball here, but it’s a simple one, scenery objects from a single theme can only contribute a mximum of 128% queue scenery points.
As you can see here, each of these three stacks of pickles are worth 100% but I can’t go any higher than 64%.

So all you need to do is combine objects from two different theme categories. All objects that have no theme count as a single category, so the pickes won’t stack with cubes, but they will stack with spaceship engines.

Here’s a simple blueprint to max out hotel scenery:

How park Scenery works

Park scenery is the simplest, it is just the sum of all scenery / building objects in the park, regardless of where they are placed. Park rating is 50x the normal scenery score of these objects. For example this park scenery rising blurprint increases park rating by 50 points (it is rounded up, those rocks at the entrance are making it 51). So it will be worth 2,500% in queue scenery rating.


You can easily get a huge amount of scenery rating with this blueprint without a significant performance impact.