If you’re as sick of the ASZX controls as I am, here is an ideal setup for gamepad support, since the game’s premade config sucks.
Shantae: Risky’s Revenge – Director’s Cut is a great platforming game, but is sadly butchered by poor porting, shoddy UI and a difficult control scheme. Since the former two can be ignored for the most part, the single latter can be what can ruin the experience for everyone.
Risky’s Revenge requires high-precision platforming and split-second decision making that can be difficult to achieve through the clunky keyboard controls. Having the jump button and “accept” toggles mapped to two different buttons can create more frustration than it sounds. Playing with a Gamepad (or, in my place, a wireless PS3 controller with the left analog stick and control pad switched to resemble more of a Gamepad) can ease your frustrations.
Screenshot of the Config Menu
Let’s begin and end with what your config menu should look like. Ignore the keyboard config.
Xbox Gamepad Mapping
Excuse the formatting, por favor.
Jump – A
Attack – B or X (Your preference)
Dance – Y
Backdash – Left Trigger or Bumper (Your preference)
Open/Toggle Inventory – Right Trigger
Use/Toggle Item – Right Bumper
Open Main Menu – Back/Select
At first, this can be a clunky control scheme, but it can be the quickest to adapt to.
Reminder that A CANNOT be used as both a jump AND confirm button. I’ve moved the confirmation button to Start.
Remember: A is to cancel, and Start is to confirm. Start is your A, and A is your B.
If you’ve conifgured your Gamepad to these settings, you’re Ret-2-Go!
If you have any suggestions to improve this guide or have a better control scheme of your own, please post yours in the comments.