House Party Guide

Aka's House Party Guide for House Party

Aka’s House Party Guide


My attempt to make a complete house party guide that is more up to date than guides you will find online that are from 2017.It’s a work in progress but I will try to work on it and keep it up to date as new versions release.



Amy – A friend of Derek.
Arin – House Party contest winner(Not in current version)
Ashley – Madison’s sister.
Brittney – Unsure who she knows.
Danny – House Party contest winner(Not in current version)
Derek – Your friend from school who invited you.
Frank – Only there to stop parties in the neighborhood from having alchohol.
Katherine – Unsure who she knows.
Leah – A friend of Derek.(Not in current version)
Lety – House Party contest winner(Not in current version)
Madison – The host of the party.
Rachael – Invited to the party because she is friends with Vickie.
Patrick – Madison and Ashley’s Cousin.
Stephanie – A friend of Madison.
Vickie – A friend of Rachael.

Item Locations – Original Story

Bathroom Skeleton Key – In the garage, on the shelves.
Cabernet – In the cabinet, nearby Frank.
Camera – In the master bedroom, on the make-up desk.
Cell Phone Jammer – In the garage, on the workbench.
Chardonnay – On the shelf, in the laundry room closet.
Credit Card – In the TV room, in the right desk drawer.
Coffee – On the small table, next to Frank.
Dusty Penguin – In the garage, next to the shelves.
Empty Vodka Bottle – In the cabinet, nearby Frank.
Fast Food Bag – Outside, behind the air conditioner compressor.
Fire Pit – Outside.
Foam Finger – Behind the left speaker, in the fireplace room.
Gastronomy Book – In the master bedroom, on the make-up desk.
Gut Grip – In the master bathroom, under the toilet.
Kettle – On the shelves, in the pantry.
Laxatives – On the shelves, in the master bedroom closet.
Madison’s Dairy – In the safe, located in the master bedroom closet.
Madison’s Phone – In the master bathroom, on the sink.
Merlot – Patrick carries it around with him.(Get someone to beat him up, to take it.).
Motor Oil – On the shelves, in the garage.
Mound of Dirt – Outside, behind the hot tub.
Mysterious Key – Sitting on the left corner of the fire place beside a white vase.
Natty Lite
1. On the shelves, in the garage.
2. Behind the right speaker, in the fireplace room.
3. In the TV room, behind the small chair.
4. In the master bedroom, on the shelf closest to the door.
5. In the upstairs bathroom(not the master bathroom), behind the laundry basket.
6. Under the desk, In the study room.
Pain Killers – On the shelves, behind the master bathroom door.
Paper – In the study room, on the desk.
Pencil – In the children’s room, on the desk.
Popcorn – In the cabinet, above the microwave.
Router – On the shelf, In the study room closet.
Rum – In the cabinet, nearby Frank.
Safe – In the master bedroom closet.
Sausage – In the fridge.
SD Card – In the study room, on the desk.
Soda – In the fridge.
Speaker – Both in the fireplace room.
Spoon – Sitting on top of the microwave.
Tampered Soda – mix the Soda item with the Laxatives item.
Thermos – In the cabinet, nearby Frank.
Towel – In the downstairs bathroom, on the sink.
Whack Spankiel’s – In the cabinet, nearby Frank.
Whipped Cream – In the fridge behind the sweeties, and potatoes(use Ctrl key to move stuff).

Item Locations – A Vickie Vixen Valentine(Unfinished)

Item Locations – Date Night With Brittney(Unfinished)


Note that using the console will disable achievements.

Caught in the Act
-Get caught by another character while preforming a sexual act.

Console Commands

To bring up the console, press the ` key(above the Tab key).

Spawn An Item In Your Inventory
player inventory add/remove [name of item you want to spawn]
ex. “player inventory add mysterious_key”

Put On Or Take Off A Character’s Clothing
clothing [character] [0-4] on/off
(0=shirt 1=pants 2=panties/boxers 3=bra/bikini 4=shoes)
ex. “clothing ashley 0 off”

Set A Character’s Friendship Bar
social [character] player [0-100] friendship add
ex. “social frank player 100 friendship add”

Set A Character’s Romance Bar
social [character] player [0-100] romance add
ex. “social amy player 100 romance add”

Make A Character Do A Pose
pose [character] [0-32] true
ex. “pose stephanie 0 true”

Be Intimate With A Character
intimacy [character] player [#] sexualact
ex. “intimacy katherine player 10052 sexualact”

Spawn Vickie Vixen
“warpto vickie outside”


Amy’s Storyline Guide(Unfinished)

Items you will need before starting:


Ashley’s Storyline Guide(Unfinished)

Items you will need before starting:
Madison’s Phone – In the master bathroom, on the sink.
Paper – In the study room, on the desk.
Pencil – In the children’s room, on the desk.
Soda – In the fridge.
Towel – In the downstairs bathroom, on the sink.
1. After collecting all the items you need, open your inventory, and click on the Soda. Select “Use With”, and then select the Laxatives.
2. Talk to Madison, and respond with “Thanks for letting me come!”, then “Ah. So I’m a total afterthought?”, then “You’re doing fine!” then “It’s how bakers keep score!”, then “Yeah, most definitely.”
3. Talk to Ashley, and respond with “You’re Madison’s sister? I never would have guessed. Your way hotter than she is!”, then “What’s the deal with you and Madison anyway?”, then “See you later, Ashley!”
4. Go into the Master Bedroom, and find the Gastronomy Book on the make-up desk. Click on it and select “Use With”, and then select Paper. Click again on the Paper, and select “Use With”, then the Pencil this time. Click on the Paper one more time and select “Take”.
5. Go into the Master Bedroom Closet, and without anyone seeing you, open the Safe.
Take Madison’s Dairy.
6. Click on Madison, and select “Give”, and select Madison’s Phone. Talk to Madison, and respond with “So is there a reward for returning your phone? I feel like maybe a kiss or something is in order.”, then “Hells to the yeah mads! I’m your guy! How do we get started?”, then “got it!”
7. Talk to Ashley and respond with “Are you ok? You seem a little distracted.”, then “What can I do to help you out with the unfortunate beer accident?”, then “See you later, Ashley!” Give Ashley the Towel., and respond with “I could wash them for you!”, then “What can I do to earn your trust?”, then “I’ve actually got it right here!”, then “Hey, I told you i’d come through!”, then “Um, okay.”
8. Talk to Ashley, and respond with “So I think I’ve earned your trust. Let me help you clean those clothes before they stain.”, then “Lead the way!” Follow Ashley to the Children’s Room(Spare Room). Make sure that only you and Ashley are in the room, and close the door.
9. Talk to Ashley, and respond with “Ok, looks like we’re all alone here. Just give me your dress and i’ll get it in the washing machine.”, then “My pleasure!” Talk to Ashley again, and respond with “Hey, are you ok in here? Do you need anything?”, then “Sure thing! Be right back!”

Brittney’s Storyline Guide(Unfinished)

Items you will need before starting:


Frank’s Storyline Guide(Unfinished)

Items you will need before starting:


Katherine’s Storyline Guide(Unfinished)

Items you will need before starting:
-Camera – In the master bedroom, on the make-up desk.
-Cell Phone Jammer – In the garage, on the workbench.
-Mysterious Key – Sitting on the left corner of the fire place beside a white vase.
-SD Card – In the study room, on the desk.
1. After collecting all the items you need, open your inventory, and click on the SD Card. Select “Use With”, and then select the Camera.
2. Talk to Katherine, and respond with “I feel like we use the word need outside of it’s intended purpose.”, then “I notice you keep looking at your phone. Is everything ok?”, then “Who would ever be a d#&k to you, ever?”, then “I could use a drink. Want me to grab you one?”, then “Cool, i’ll see what I can do.”
3. Talk to Frank, and respond with “I’m completely sober!”, then “So you’re just gonna sit here and guard all the alcohol, huh?”, then “What do you think about Katherine?”, then “I’m gonna go drink some orange juice. See you later, Frank.”
4. Talk to Katherine, and respond with “Frank’s guarding all the alcohol.”, then “I think Frank has a crush on you.”, then “Always a pleasure, Katherine.”
5. Talk to Frank, and respond with “Hey I’ve been chatting it up with Katherine. Want me to put in a good word for you?”, then “Sounds like a deal! I’m in!

Madison’s Storyline Guide – Prank On Ashley

Items you will need before starting:
Bathroom Skeleton Key – In the garage, on the shelves.
Laxatives – On the shelves, in the master bedroom closet.
Madison’s Phone – In the master bathroom, on the sink.
Paper – In the study room, on the desk.
Pencil – In the children’s room, on the desk.
Soda – In the fridge.
Towel – In the downstairs bathroom, on the sink.
1. After collecting all the items you need, open your inventory, and click on the Soda. Select “Use With”, and then select the Laxatives.
2. Talk to Madison, and respond with “Thanks for letting me come!”, then “Ah. So I’m a total afterthought?”, then “You’re doing fine!” then “It’s how bakers keep score!”, then “Yeah, most definitely.”
3. Talk to Ashley, and respond with “You’re Madison’s sister? I never would have guessed. Your way hotter than she is!”, then “What’s the deal with you and Madison anyway?”, then “See you later, Ashley!”
4. Go into the Master Bedroom, and find the Gastronomy Book on the make-up desk. Click on it and select “Use With”, and then select Paper. Click again on the Paper, and select “Use With”, then the Pencil this time. Click on the Paper one more time and select “Take”.
5. Go into the Master Bedroom Closet, and without anyone seeing you, open the Safe.
Take Madison’s Dairy.
6. Click on Madison, and select “Give”, and select Madison’s Phone. Talk to Madison, and respond with “So is there a reward for returning your phone? I feel like maybe a kiss or something is in order.”, then “Hells to the yeah mads! I’m your guy! How do we get started?”, then “got it!”
7. Talk to Ashley and respond with “Are you ok? You seem a little distracted.”, then “What can I do to help you out with the unfortunate beer accident?”, then “See you later, Ashley!” Give Ashley the Towel., and respond with “I could wash them for you!”, then “What can I do to earn your trust?”, then “I’ve actually got it right here!”, then “Hey, I told you i’d come through!”, then “Um, okay.”
8. Talk to Ashley, and respond with “So I think I’ve earned your trust. Let me help you clean those clothes before they stain.”, then “Lead the way!” Follow Ashley to the Children’s Room(Spare Room). Make sure that only you and Ashley are in the room, and close the door.
9. Talk to Ashley, and respond with “Ok, looks like we’re all alone here. Just give me your dress and i’ll get it in the washing machine.”, then “My pleasure!” Talk to Ashley again, and respond with “Hey, are you ok in here? Do you need anything?”, then “Sure thing! Be right back!”
10. Lock all three bathrooms. Give Ashley the Tampered Soda, then respond with “No Sweat!”, then “(Continue)”, then “(This should be interesting)” Follow Ashley and respond as events unfold.
11. Talk to Madison, and respond with “So what are your co-conspirator’s chances of getting a blow job?”(You will need to respond with “Let’s go to your room then.” if not already in private.), then respond with “Score!” to complete Madison’s storyline.

Madison’s Storyline Guide- Blackmail(Unfinished)

Items you will need before starting:
Paper – In the study room, on the desk.
Pencil – In the children’s room, on the desk.
1. After collecting all the items you need, open your inventory, and click on the Soda. Select “Use With”, and then select the Laxatives.
2. Talk to Madison, and respond with “Thanks for letting me come!”, then “Ah. So I’m a total afterthought?”, then “You’re doing fine!” then “It’s how bakers keep score!”, then “Yeah, most definitely.”
3. Talk to Ashley, and respond with “You’re Madison’s sister? I never would have guessed. Your way hotter than she is!”, then “What’s the deal with you and Madison anyway?”, then “See you later, Ashley!”
4. Go into the Master Bedroom, and find the Gastronomy Book on the make-up desk. Click on it and select “Use With”, and then select Paper. Click again on the Paper, and select “Use With”, then the Pencil this time. Click on the Paper one more time and select “Take”.
5. Go into the Master Bedroom Closet, and without anyone seeing you, open the Safe.
Take Madison’s Dairy.

Rachael’s Storyline Guide(Unfinished)

Items you will need before starting:


Stephanie’s Storyline Guide(Unfinished)

Items you will need before starting:


Vickie’s Storyline Guide(Unfinished)

Items you will need before starting:



A Vickie Vixen Valentine Guide(Unfinished)

Items you will need before starting:

1. Climb the Gutter to get inside.

Date Night With Brittney Guide(Unfinished)

Items you will need before starting:
