This walkthrough will guide you through the house in order to see the ending.Combinations for locked things
Front of your house
Katie is coming home. You have arrived at the front of your house. If you try to enter the house, you will notice the door is locked.
Open the little cabinet on the left side of the porch and find the key underneath the duck.
Use the key to open the door.
Now you are in the foyer. Go up the stairs to the second floor and go right. Keep following it until you find the attic.
You can not go in yet, but there is a room to the right of it, connected with another room, which is the “Sewing Room”. There you will find a folder on the table with a map.
If you look at it, a secret passage will be added on your map.
Combination to the locker
Go back towards the stairs, there is the bedroom of your parents.
In the closet you will find the secret passage. Enter it and look around for another map.
Read it for three more hidden compartments inside the house.
You need to access two of them to get a code to a locker in “Sam’s Room”. Either follow the hidden passage to get to the “Library” and “Dad’s Office” to end up back in the “Foyer”, or walk back down. In the west hall is one of the hidden compartments. Inside you will find a scrap. This is the first part of the locker code.
Head back upstairs towards the “Attic”. Take the first hallway to the right to find the other hidden compartment. Take the other scrap to get the combination to the locker 0501.
Sam’s Room
Enter “Sam’s Room” (it has two doors, one is with the caution sign).
Use the combination 0501 on the locker and grab the key for the “Basement”.
Head back downstairs, follow the western hallway to find the door leading to it.
Keep going, until you find a staircase going back up to the first floor.
Follow the hallway until there is a dead end. Enter the door to the left and keep going to end up in
the “Greenhouse”.
There is a note on the table at the end that shows another secret passage, in the foyer.
The End
Go back to the foyer and open the secret passage to find the key for the attic.
Head back to the second floor and enter the “Attic”.
Find the letters to finish the gane.
Combinations for locked things
Terrance’s Filing Cabinet: 0451
- Found written on the folder in the corner of the library where you find a note from his editor.
Safe: 1963
- Found written on the wall right near the safe.
- Also on a piece of paper under the hidden door into the spare bedroom
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