The Hunting God Guide

The Hunting God Full Walkthrough + 100% Achievements for The Hunting God

The Hunting God Full Walkthrough + 100% Achievements


This guide provides a full walkthrough of the game, together with an explanation on how to obtain the achievements.Note that it contains images that could spoil your experience!The Hunting God is a pretty short (45 minutes – 1h) and straight forward game with 6 achievements that are rewarded for interacting with some statues.Considering that these statues are quite visible if you follow the natural path of the game and that the guide contains heavy spoilers, I would advise you to check it only if you happen to miss something.Remember that you can always go back and replay a specific section (each takes around 15 – 20 minutes) in case you missed one achievement.


You will encounter your first statue around 10 minutes into the game. Just walk past the castle-like building on your right, and you’ll eventually find the statue. It’s quite visible and it’s located a few steps before the white horse.


Read the first poem in Earth

Continue your journey until you find a wall with 4 stones that can be pressed. In order to open the stone gate, press the 3rd stone:

For getting past the dragon, you will need to carefully choose your steps in such a way that you don’t walk on any branches. This can be accomplished by starting at the right extremity of the map, facing the right side of the dragon. When you are close to it, move forwards one step at a time until you are close enough to basically touch it.

A bit before the end of the first part of the game, you’ll see a tree log horizontally placed on top of some stones, marking the entrance of the second mountain path that you encounter in this chapter. The statue is hidden nearby, somewhere on the left wall.


Read the second poem in Earth


The third statue is very visible, you can’t miss it.

A Young Girl

Read the first poem in Moon

When you reach the bridge, you’ll find out that you need a crank. The item can be found on the left of the area (while looking at the bridge), a few steps before reaching the bridge, behind some stones.

The fourth statue is also very visible and located on your path.


Read the second poem in Moon

In order to progress with the story, you will need to lit all the candles.


The fifth statue is located on your path, therefore it’s not missable.


Read the first poem in Sun

In order to get past the demon, you’ll need to gather the twelve flowers that grow in the area (just step over them), they are rather easy to spot. Make sure to explore the whole plateu, since some of the flowers are located around the edge.
After you have all 12 flowers gathered, put them in the urn.

The sixth statue is also very visible from afar and it’s also located on your path.


Read the second poem in Sun

The game has two endings, none of them awarding an achievement. There are no consequences for choosing either of them. However, if you want to see both, you’ll need to replay the last chapter.
What ending you get depends on the direction you choose to go, starting from this tree (left for the deer ending or right for the wolf ending: