The very basics of creating a hover vehicle
A simple introduction to hover vehicles.
a guide on making a simple hover vehicle
Placing Hover pads / RCS thrusters
Hover Pads
should be placed on the underside of your vehicle and cover enough of the surface to keep your ship stable, if your ship is spinning out while cornering it may be down to hover pad placement not being close enough to the edges.
RCS thrusters
rcs thrusters will be the main way of turning / redirecting the nose of your ship and should be placed close to the front. there input being d/a on keyboard and make sure you wire it to rcs thrusters left/right in there drop down menu.
Hover Pads
Placing hover pads angled outwards will increase handling greatly.
Main thrusters / Forward momentum
Main Thrusters can be placed almost anything and placed anywhere but i like to keep them at the back i like using boosters for there smaller size and weight.
Boosters are set to boost on W
Hoverpads are set to break on S ( to many set to break will insta stop you)
Hoverpads are set to drift on space (all hoverpads need to have this or wont drift)
RCS thrusters are set to left/right on d/a presses
RCS thrusters/ Boosters
remember to change the strength of your rcs modules/boosters to match how much turning and acceleration you want .