This guide is made to help you find all 35 symbols (depending on the difficulty, you need 25 or all of them to unlock the secret room) in the game and chapter bonus. Because you need to play that latter to have at least 25. You will also unlock the in-game trophy related to them.
Dr Patterson’s House
The first one is inside the mailbox on the street. You need to open it first.
You’ll also find a symbol in one of the shelves of the bookcase in the library. You need to repair the ladder with wheels first.
The next symbol is easy to spot in the observatory room.
Once you have the sun figure, you can unlock the drawer on the desk, in the office. It can be done with the detective inside.
Outside the Hospital
In the park, the symbol can be seen on the tree.
In the last part of the sewers, the symbol is stuck between two bars.
Once you’ve thrown your torch down the pit and tied the chain to the hook, you will reach Adam Smith’s skeleton. The symbol is on a beam.
You’ll find the next symbol on the wall in the alley.
The next one is on the roof.
You’ll find the next symbol in the stockage room.
Once you can access the red room (you need to smoke the bees out first), you’ll find a picture of the symbol.
Finally, in Owens’s office, once you have found the book with the horloge puzzle solution, you’ll find the symbol on the same page.
Inside the Hospital
The first symbol you’ll find is in the kitchen.
The second symbol is on a drawer in the projection room.
The third symbol is in the Professor’s cell.
The next symbol is in a grave, opened by solving a puzzle, in the secret exit.
The last symbol is on a newspaper, in the boat control room. You need to click on the furtinure then on the newspaper. I almost missed it.
Horloge Tower
It’s on the statue you can access after cutting the fallen branchs.
It’s on the window when you’re at the entrance of the tower.
The Other World
The first symbol in on the beach, near the broken barrel.
The second symbol is in the cabin, on the wall.
The last symbol is in the lava room and unless it’s glowing, it can be missed easily.
Bonus Chapter
You’ll find the first symbol outside the club.
The next symbol is carved on the stairs, when you’re looking closer under them.
The next one is on at the bottom of the closed room.
In the medium room, you’ll find the symbol inside the cupboard, once it’s opened.
In the room with the three doors, you will find a symbol.
In the hallway behind the first door you can open, the symbol will be above the hidden object scene.
In the well room, you’ll also find a symbol.
While this symbol is inside the garage outside the mansion, I opened that room at that point of the game. It is possible that it can be accessed at an earlier moment. The symbol is on the locker’s door.
In the crypt, you’ll find a symbol next to a tomb.
The next symbol can be found on the tree in the cemetery.
While the room upstairs is available since the beginning, you couldn’t open the bench outside earlier in the game (you need the machete to free the fleur-de-lys symbol).
The next symbol is inside the elevator.
The last symbol is on the poker table.
Vinciane Amorini – January 2015