this is how become thaosn from amazing fortnite geemu
– has apocalypse mod
– be capable of performing fortify restoration potion glitch
step wan
perform normal steps for becoming invincible (fortify restoration potion glitch); health will be key here and also make op potions of fortify restoration
stepp tu
acquire blood boil spell from the apocalypse mod; this is an expert level restoration spell
step last
Using op fortify restoration potions, blood boil’s range and damage increases drastically, allowing the player to one shot any enemies in the area. When done with a character that has practically infinite health, it has no downsides and only has to be cast for a second.
additional tips
Since the game is already modded and this is not the intended way of playing the game, adding a mod that extends the duration of potions in some way, either by enchantment or by reworking the alchemy perks, would make being thanos last longer.
the creators of skyrim
the creators of Apocalypse: Magic of Skyrim