This is a short guide to inform all you scrubs of the best LIGHT fire resistant armor, as the DLC is coming out in a few days, and well, its fire based.*Also-Bad Spelling and Grammar will be featured in this guide, so em…*
The Armors
Black Set
269 Fire Resist
270 Physical Resist
270 light,dark, and petrify resist
150 other elements resist
6.5 weight
Get this set by talking to the boss soul trader in lost bastile after trading him 4 boss souls
Necro Set
327 Fire resist
270 physical resist
270 Dark,Light, and Petrify resist
170 other elements resist
6.5 weight
Get This set by talking with the dude right before the 1st bonfire in huntsmans copse with a 20-20 mage build
Chaos Set
328 Fire Resist
150 other elements
6.5 weight
Get it by killing Navlan and buying his set from the hag, or by completing his quest
Black Dragon Set
381 Fire Resist
470 Physical Resist
250 All other elements resist
11.5 weight
Get it by getting to rank 2 in the Dragon Bros(20 PvP wins)
Sorry, no image, I kinda forgot…
Just as a referance
Smelter Demon Set
318 Fire Resist
800 Physical Resist
220 Light, Dark, Petrify Resist
120 other elements resist
47.6 weight
Get it by killing the smelter demon and buy his set from the armor dude in Majula
Git Gud
Because you all know that the flower skirt is the best armor 2014